Just got banned from 4chan because I had a thread

Titled "only the jew would". They claim it was off topic but it was very political and was deleted in less than 2 minutes.
It discussed our foreign policy, it discussed our media, it discussed the talmud, it discussed Jazz Jennings. To say it wasn't political is horse manure.


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Only a jew would believe that the Talmud is the word of God

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Only a jewish rabbi would approve of killing toddlers

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Only a jew would get the jew call

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Only Jews can claim they want peace while stealing land

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You get the picture. Does truth just hurt too much or what? What is it? I don't honestly understand why I was banned. No debate. Instant ban. I see homosexual porn threads stay up for like hours

Only the jew is able to control the narrative and MSM.

(maybe it was this one)

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Only a jew would try to convince people that freewill is an illusion

(I don't hate any group of people in particular. I hate all groups equally. Not sure why I'm being singled out)

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Only the jew could mastermind and disguise itself with the illuminati

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Only a jew would want to overwhelm it’s host nation with third worlders


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Oy vey, this one has had too much to think.

There is no freewill, only prophesy.

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Only a jew is allowed to use identity politics

Hopefully this thread can stay here but it won't get the attention it would from halfchan

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Only a jew would use and drive an alcoholic drawf to suicide and then laugh about it on air for four hours while the dwarf's mother was crying on the phone

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Only a jew would rape and sacrifice children to the devil

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Only the jew would call facts antisemetic

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Nobody cares.

They cared enough to immediately delete and censor my thread and ban me. So someone did actually care

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Ignore him. Carry on redpilling.

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I see n** hate threads stay up all night but all of a sudden if there's a jewish truth bomb, "oy vey shut it down"

Only the jew could tame Alex Jones

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And now you can enjoy being banned from here for making a shit thread too. Fuck off and die.

Why the hostility schlomo???

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