The Pentagon is planning to tap $1 billion in leftover funds from military pay and pension accounts to help President Donald Trump pay for his long-sought border wall, a top Senate Democrat said Thursday.
Cost of the Wall is Coming Out of Military Pay and Pensions
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Doubt it. 1 billion more to Israel, coming soon.
Let this be a good lesson to ZOGbots.
zogbots deserve nothing
I dont care where the money is coming from. Build the wall
Oh I don't mind. As long as it's actually constructed and keeps the fucking beaner invaders out I'm OK with it.
Good. Less wars for IsraHell, more walls for America.
Of course I doubt Trump can even deliver on this. Absolutely pathetic waste of flesh
Oy vey.
It will be almost as good a lesson as being a civilian casualnigger with no useful skills particularly in warfare. I wish I could have been a badass fucking keyboard commando and talk shit about those who actually went and got the fucking training and insult my fellow countrymen held down by the kikes like everyone else.
Yeah! Whip my fellow slaves! Yeah!
wtf I hate Trump now
do you think military training will help you in our situation? we’re by ourselves without a squad, without a platoon, without armored support, without air support. the weapons manipulation training that is compatible can be learned without joining the military. the tactics we will use are not taught in the military because that is not how the military fights. leave it to a lobotomized zogbot to think his training of “walk around in the open until we get ambushed” is useful except in dying for israel. we’ll use deception and staying hidden to be the ones initiating action and leaving before our opposition can respond. you dont need training designed for masses of soldiers operating in groups. you need a will of your own and a mind that can think freely. nobody is going to give you orders and if youre waiting on that youll just wither away.
Oh no! How will we fight our foreign wars for Israel if the money is going to building our home nation's infrastructure instead?! OV VEY!
military pay is static you fucking retard. if the military randomly dropped peoples pay for no reason it would cause massive legal/contractual issues. left over shit is ez to throw around and it usually ends up in the pockets of places like Lockheed and Martin.
It is genuinely amusing watching ZOGniggers – in this case almost assuredly a red state Randy who believed himself in good company – chimp when they don't thanked for their cervix. You would think that military discount on 24-packs of cola would pacify them, but apparently not.
Pretty much this. You also wouldn't believe how much of military funding is literally wasted on bullshit. Good example would be the military budget cuts under Onigger. Money got thrown at over-priced shit, but shops like mine were forced to pay for basic cleaning supplies out-of-pocket. But god help you if anyone found out. You would have gotten an L.O.R. for, "making the rest of the unit look bad."
OP you're talking about Israeli IDF military pensions..?
Israel Builds A Wall With US Tax Dollars
1) Bullshit
2) Fuck ZOGbots anyway. We shouldn't pay them or give them benefits in the first place. The only country they serve is Israel.
They need to be gassed.
Looks like being a jew lackey traitor in the jew foreign legion isn't such a great payoff afterall.
Oh no, not the poor innocent ZOGbots!!!
Fuck 'em, thugs for Israel don't deserve a single penny. Sadly, White ZOGbots tend to be the worst offenders since the jew uses our natural warrior prowess against us since most combat troops are Whites (((hypnotized))) by Carl of Doody and shitty Talmuddywood war movies.
The lowest level of hell is reserved for traitors. I hope they enjoy it after they die in dignity with friends & family around them while Vets freeze to death on the streets alone.
But user, vets are the biggest traitors.
The US military is Israel's Foreign Legion.
they deserve to freeze. theyll get extremely angry if you imply jews did 9/11 and chimp about how they got their buddies limbs blown all over them. dont even trust the ones that are out as they can still be called back for service (and theyll choose service every time if shtf).
They're more willing to use up the surplus pension money that could be used for a rainy day for those funds, than to end the flow & money to Qatar & Kuwait who has slavery or the Saudis who have a database used to control women's movement.
BTFO by:
Why are we supposed to feel bad for Israel's army?
Good. While we're at it we should ship em back from whatever semitic shithole we've got em posted at and send them down to help build the fucking thing too. Let them do something useful for their own fucking country for once.
I hope he suck the military funds dry so they wil not be able to fight in the another war.
These tough niggers are gonna destroy the ZOG without even being able to run a mile, find out how after this commercial break.
You're no different than the common retard who thinks he's tough and then gets rocked by a boxer or choked out by a grappler.
It would be amazing if he gave the entire military budget to Israel. Oh man, I can only dream!!! Hnnnnnnngggggggg.
Seethe harder, Randy.
Comprehensive list of wars ZOGbots have won without Europeans doing most of the fighting:
The Spanish-American War
The War of Northern Aggression
You niggers haven't won anything on your own in a hundred years. Fuck off welfare whore.
Good, the wall is more important.
You're still a Zogbot. And your training isn't anything mystical that civilians can't replicate. Not disagreeing that if you've had it, it won't be useful - but it's not as great as you think.
This. Unironically many criminals are far deadlier than most Zogbots, for those reasons mentioned. Gotta train just as hard if course.
Fuck off moshe.
You thought they were your friends, didn't you?
yeah this
Then you'll be gladly donating your entire net worth to help fund it, right?
FIFY in that case.
So the people most highly trained in boxing and grappling aren't normal civilians? What about running and endurance events, also not hobbyist and civilians?
Whatever point you think you were making here. Reconsider.
I hope UBI comes through and it is deducted from zogbot funds.
Fucking GOOD!
If Invaders are not repelled, the military has failed its prime objective.
You aren't even human anymore, faggot.
Daily reminder the Union of Sodomites Assfucking military's only combat skill so far is ducking for cover at every incoming bullet, dumping a month's pay worth of ammunition in a general direction, and waiting for a jet plane to arrive to blow up where they think the bad guys were shooting them from
You know what the saddest part is? Most of the people in the military aren't even ZOGbots. They're just selfish.
Yes it's nice to think that the average soldier has been brainwashed by ZOG and loves dying for Israel, but in reality 99% of the people there are just doing it for benefits after being discharged or free training while in. That doesn't make their decision to join better, I believe it makes it worse.
The great wall of China was built to keep the mongol hordes out, it didn't work.
You want tears come here and I will make your faggot face cry.
Build the wall, make them earn it.
Gobble dicks brownlet.
Still by myself you nigger
It's not. Selfishness can be positive or negative. For example the goal of a white ethnostate is an ultimately selfish goal, but would be an overall positive change with the correct decisions. The same decisions goes for the selfish act of joining the military solely for benefits. One could take those benefits and start a white family for example.
The point of making this distinction is that many of the so-called ZOGbots can still be reasoned with. They are not fervent defenders of Israel, or the eternal friends of jews, they are simply selfish individuals. And that selfish energy can be turned into a net positive for whites (after they exit the military, of course)
Good thing I don't believe in fighting fairly then lol. I don't think I'm tough. I think I'm a dirty little rat. Cry about me sounding like the ZOG all you want, but there is obviously great strength in some of (((their))) war doctrines. And you're like the Principled Lolbertarian if you refuse to adopt a few of those tactics just because your enemy uses them.
Of course it didn't work, it was made in China.
You cant be fucking serious
Why are you guys acting like a wall won't do anything? Every country that has a wall immigration has dropped. Right now everyone imagines people walking over the border when they just drive over it in off roaders. Building a wall forces the spics to walk across the desert instead of driving across it. Who cares if the military budget goes to the wall where else would it go? To fight Jewish wars in the middle east.
Trying to clean this shit up, lets try to keep it to one thread per topic please. The thread with the most posts by far about the wall is mosey on over their please.
We need people.
For Trump's businesses.
The wall is meant to make the defense of poor people look bad so employers can abuse isolated and powerless immigrants under new future “inclusive” leadership. Making “Joe Nationalist” hate foreigners is psychological abuse, no less and no more. It’s all a ploy by incompetent leaders who hate the public too much to tolerate being economical enough to defend the public’s prosperity.
Culture is the endeavor to take hateful people and liars out of power, but it must not be forgotten that modern America is intolerant of culture.
Yeah, wouldn't want those hundreds of billions of dollars going to Israel to go to waste would we?
M-muh Mexcio will p-pay for it
I'm not out of shape and I have more experience with shooting than the child soldiers who kill Navy SEALs, so unless I'm cornered at work (that's how they'll come at most of us, because they know we don't want non combatants killed) or something I should be ok.