Amazon Banning anti-islamic Books

I couldn’t find this book on (U.S.) Amazon, either under “Mohammed's Koran” or “Mohammed's Koran Tommy Robinson Peter McLoughlin”, nor did it come up when searching either “Tommy Robinson” or “Peter McLoughlin” alone. I then signed in, thinking maybe that would make a difference but it still doesn’t show up. For what its worth, I sent Amazon a note via their feedback link asking why I couldn’t find this book.
MARCH 5, 2019
On January 7 of this year, I published an article at PJ Media about Amazon removing doormats featuring Qur’an verses from sale because the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) found them offensive. In that article, I asked:
“How long will it be before Hamas-linked CAIR starts demanding that books that criticize jihad terror and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others also be dropped by Amazon?”
The answer turned out to be 51 days.
It’s the British government and the BBC, rather than CAIR, that are likely behind this, but Amazon has just dropped the book Mohammed’s Koran by the renowned British activist Tommy Robinson and Peter McLoughlin – and apparently only because its censors dislike Robinson. In the last two weeks, Robinson spectacularly embarrassed the BBC by exposing the bias and dishonesty of its reporter John Sweeney. The retaliation has been swift and severe: Robinson has been banned from YouTube and Facebook, and now his book has been withdrawn from sale.
Mein Kampf is for sale on Amazon. As are books like the terrorist manual called The Anarchist Cookbook.”
McLoughlin is correct that Amazon’s behavior has been wildly inconsistent. He adds that Amazon officials are steadfastly mum on why the book was banned:

“They refuse to reinstate the book and refuse to explain why it has been banned. So they have banned the No.1 best-selling exegesis of the Koran.
If the motivating ideology of jihad terrorists cannot be criticized or even discussed openly, jihad terrorists will have an absolutely free hand. They will act with impunity, secure in the knowledge that any criticism of their activities will be shut down the same way Tommy Robinson was shut down.
Mohammed’s Koran is critical of Islam’s holy book. It endeavors to illustrate how violent jihadists justify their actions by referring to Islamic texts and teachings – and that’s all. Robinson and McLoughlin call for no violence. Their book is accurate.

Anyone who has written a book that is critical of anything should read the writing on the wall and realize that once this censorship begins, it won’t end with Tommy Robinson or Qur’an-critical books. But they won’t. PEN, the international organization that is supposedly dedicated to defending the freedom of speech, is made up of hard-Leftists who won’t utter a whisper in defense of Tommy Robinson’s book, or a murmur of protest that it is not allowed to be sold.
They don’t realize that what is being done to him can be done to them. But it will be.

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Other urls found in this thread:

(((Robert spencer)))

mazon has been banning books for a while. It started with holocaust revisionist books. Now they're just expanding the list.

First they came for the holocaust revisionists and I didn't say anything because I wasn't a holocaust revisionist etc. etc.

Roles reversed, if it were left-wingers being purged from amazon and social media,what's the left wing version of holocaust revision?

isn't this what they call curriculum in the midwest?

I'd suppose the easiest equivalent would be downplaying the horrors of the Soviet Union, you'll find tankies that'd claim anything from gulags not actually existing to the Katyn Massacre being staged. You could probably also point to TYT denying the Armenian Genocide as an example as well.

A website in the US is permitted to ban whatever it wants. Even the US itself has federally banned certain books.



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They also banned that pick up artists books too. What was his name again? Roosh or something

banning THIS book is great publicity..thanks Amazon

Where was Robert Spencer when they banned Holocaust revisionist titles two years ago (on the first day of Purim, no less), and a laundry list of "anti-Semitic" titles since then? This is just a case of Muzzies catching wind of what Amazon was already doing for the jews, and Amazon being forced to comply, lest they make the jewish control any more obvious.

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As a Scientologist, I want anti Scientology books banned

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As a pedo, I want books banned condemning my god given sexuality

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Objective Morality. Can't argue against it. Amazons does Gods work.

The only language power understands is violence. Lmao

From what I can see Roosh's books were removed last year.

Counter-currents had an article up recently listing a number of WN books they got taken down recently -
GLR, Jonathan Bowden, Jared Taylor, William L Pierce, Savitri Devi, Greg Johnson…

I always thought it was curious a lot of those books hadn't been removed from Amazon (in line with leftist censorship elsewhere), guess they're just now making up for lost time.

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And they go on about muh book burning, yet censor on a scale unimaginable during that age.
In the digital age these books reach hundreds of more people than physical ones ever could.



It's all a kike game there 000000 bud, just watch and laugh as the kike internet dies and new ones are born. Cause it is going to happen. New forms of internet by non kike faggots are being mad and worked on as you shit post to your hearts content.

Can't argue against such.

I can. You are not the 'litmus' of good and evil on this planet. You can and should keep certain information from those who are immature (age) but when people come of age they need to be the ones who decide if they will have Ethics or not. On the other hand, I do believe that the ones who don't have Ethics need to be killed.

Try Books-a-Million? I dug a little into the company it’s family owned in Alabama and doesn’t seem pozzed.

Ban tor permanently.

What did you expect from (((them)))?

Banning books at school didn't stop kids from reading and bringing harry potter.

I found of the books but it's a kindle

lurk two more years before posting
(((amazion​)​)) shutting down books of truth? What did you expect from them?

how much does it cost to print and bind your own books? is it cheaper or more expensive than amazon? does the ink run? has anyone got info on this?

Shalom my fellow white coder! the irony is kikes don't realize their killswitch 5g network makes it even easier for us to replace their botnet

Nacis and people arguing against religion are objectively wrong.

I don’t see his books listed anywhere besides Amazon and B&N. I also looked for Jared Taylor and Roosh. Book distributors distribute titles to all booksellers online and off. There are two major distributors that send all titles out to brick & mortar stores, Amazon and other online retailers like Alibris, BooksaMillion - all of them. Tommy and the others must have self-published and used their own company name. When you self-publish or use self-publishing platforms Amazon is the major seller that picks titles up through self-publishing platforms. If anons want to circumvent Amazon you need to sell through your own company & website - you won’t make as much unless you find good shipping or DIY.

That fucking Jew Tommy Shekelstein went directly to Amazon knowing they’d ban his shit. He never tried to distribute anywhere else. I’m not dying Amazon doesn’t ban but Roosh and Tommy Shekelstein are con artists. It’s all a publicity stunt.

You need a good printing & binding machine - you can get them based on hardcover and paperback functions ballpark $2000–5000 for decent quality. Major distributors are Ingram and Baker & Taylor, both will do shipping.

Jared Taylor belongs in the same category as Robinstein.

When jewtube started quarantining videos, he was the first target. Do you really think the ADL, an organization that exists to protect jews, which his "gentile" wife just happens to have a connection to, really cares so much about niggers that his video about them was main thing they wanted to shut down?

Satanic dubs of truth. AltJews are all the same. My point is they intentionally publish with Amazon in order to get banned. Oy veying follows and then the pity shekels flow. They all do it. Southern, Goldy, Jonestein all of the AltJew. It’s their professional victimhood deep in their DNA.

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*satanic trips I mean. Just aggravated from all this Jew bullshit anons. I’m barely containing it.