The Next Chapter of Western Civilizations

Westerners. Our forefathers achieved the heights of the First World by employing Truth, and defending her from Falsehoods. If we do nothing to uphold this, our fate is the worst you can imagine.

Those of you who are actually politically involved, or who want to be: Stop being beta males and do something (as simple as sharing some links and talking to people you know) or the way of life that is our duty to defend may be lost for generations… or forever.

Especially you other "Murricans." If you're a bone-deep American, you ought to agree with the opening to the Declaration of Independence:

"When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another[…] should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

All it takes is 1,000,000 of us: Conservative, Alt-Right, MAGApede, Libertarian, NatSoc, Boomer, Ancap, Grass Roots, whatever–even Leftists who are willing to speak reality–to gather behind a cause and topple our corrupt system. Get 1,000,000 people to just be willing to say they'll defend what America was built to stand for, and our numbers alone will allow us to do it without any bloodshed (unless those corrupt individuals in power refuse to relinquish the power they hold, in which case, look at who's armed: Red or Blue)

The problem has always been that we've never been able to find a cause common enough to all rally behind. The Truth should be the most absolutely polarizing term to negotiate because the only other side is Falsehood.

The cause to get behind is Propertarianism, an airtight system of government, based on the framework of the existing Constitution of the United States of America, that will undo the loopholes that have given a foothold to pseudosciences, sophisms, frauds, deceits of abrahamism, marxism, postmodernism, feminism and their attempt at global monopoly.

Learn the basics and SPREAD THE WORD.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The smoke and mirrors of democracy will rob American’s of their right to vote via demographic replacement. The longer we wait to act, the more difficult it’s going to be to solve this problem.

FORGET PICKING A CANDIDATE FOR 2020, we gave Trump the chance, but now it’s time for the people to act directly.

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You are not on cuckchan

This is meant for more than just those of us on any of the chans. If the cucks stand with us, maybe they can save themselves from being the first to go on the other side of the Wall.

I'm not fighting and dying for cuckolds that don't even want to be alive. Fuck them. What I will do is vote for any chinaman to fuck over the Jews in the long run. Yang 2020.

That makes you a cuckold, dipshit. Luckily there are people willing to stand for you—but if you encourage everyone to sit down you are going to fuck yourself over.

Your logic is flawed. The Truth is not subjective and leaves no room for debate. National Socialism is the Truth and destroys all other movements.

Curt Doolittle understands logical conclusions, and is going over how a fascist movement could gain traction after this first step moving the Overton Window back to the Right.

I want a system of National socialism, as well. We can find solutions later. I doubt that a NatSoc candidate would get very far in our current system. Support States’ Rights and maybe we can separate into smaller nations with varying ideologies, rooted in Propertarian Law (with shitlib enclaves, should we somehow avoid a Civil Conflict)

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John Mark and Devon Stack discussion

Curt Doolittle and Chris Cantwell discussion

Publicly lying (in the media, in court, in educational institutions, scientific journals, and in politics) is punishable by law through Propertarianism because the definition of Property is expanded to include anything that which someone is willing to defend.

A high trust society, higher IQ populations, certain demographics, etc are all part of the Commons for a nation. That which harms the commons is dysgenic and illegal.

its another lolberg LARP thread
this matty guy is alright though

That's what Accelerationism is for.

Define publicly.
Define lying.
Define, in order, media, court, educational, institutions, scientific, journals, and politics.
Oh I don't see how this could possibly be abused.

Who cares? The current system is dying even as we speak.


What some of you have to come to terms with is that there is no going back now. That's not an option anymore. You will not save the civic body through expression of autistic reshuffling of definitions and paradigms thereof.
This is all going to come tumbling down soon, straight-up Rome-style. Its going to be Biblical, and, despite not being a Christian, I don't use that term without intent.

This isn't some LARP shit or what have you, its simple arithmetic and critical thinking… If Whites are the only people who represent a net tax benefit, and the White people are being demographically displaced by the brown people who are a net tax deficit, and the nation is already exceedingly deep in debt (the debt really being nothing but a silly number at this point), and the money only has any value because the (((oil countries))) of the ME continue to back the petrodollar, while Africa is being kept afloat with nothing but money taken - much of it via taxes - from Western Whites, such that the nigger numbers are rising upwards while the flow of money keeping them alive is falling downwards… what do you think is going to happen here?

This whole thing is fucked, this entire system is fucked, this entire society is fucked, this entire civilization is fucked. Its all fucked m8.

US Balkanization within the lifetime of anyone viewing this under 30 years old is nigh-inevitable. The only question will be how much of the White demographic remains when things begin to go South, and if history is any guide, I'd say we've got another decade or so before things start to get especially spicy.

Accelerationism won’t work because (((they))) won’t let voters control the dial on the heat. As soon as we try to boil the frog too fast by giving them the elected institutional power, they’ll start implementing incrementalism again so that we don’t wake up to the free-fall.

If you want definitions, they definitely exist. But it does get autistic in complexity. Propertarianism comes a math-based language of law that makes all this shit very specific.You won’t have to speak in it 24/7, but when making new legislation or going through the court system, adhering to this language will be mandatory because the definitions of all these words and phrases will have been agreed upon in the Constitution.

If the explicitly stated goal of a NATION—not a country—‘s cooperation is to defend the continuation of our genetic property, arguing publicly (in the Commons) for things that studies have shown to have a harmful effect on that, like promoting trannies, fagot adoption, and abortions, especially for white kids through the (((public education system))) becomes something that you can sue the propagator of the lie for. If they are found guilty of lying, they have to pay your court fees, making it very risky for them to attempt it.

The simple explanation is meant to be an easy hook for a relatively complicated subject matter. There is more to digest from other sources. The Framers of the current United States Constitution did their best to keep us free from (((parasitism))), but the language as it stands has been taken advantage of. We’re more knowledgeable now. Maybe in a few hundred more years, we’ll have to revisit our new Constitution to fix some things again, but if you are opposed to this method, I am curious to hear your solution.

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They fundamental problem is that prosperity creates this situation and there is no example in recorded history of our situation reversing.

Venezuelans are eating their neighbor's dogs and they still haven't overthrown their government. We're fat and happy. Nobody's going to risk it all in that state. The (white) birthrates will continue to fall and we'll be out-bred. By 2040 half the country will be Latino.

Yea, you'll be pissed, but not so pissed that you'd risk those sweet social-security checks and medicare. It will be a slow, boring decline. They happening won't happen.

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The difference between the Venezuelans and the Teutonic peoples is that we have a history of standing up to tyranny and corruption like no other group has.
The same (((groups))) in control in the United States also have a hand in running the show in Venezuela.

I am pissed off enough to defend what my children and my children’s children deserve to inherit from my ancestors from a parasitic third party. I think that once you actually get the information, the raw data, out there past all the subversive bullshit, you’ll piss off enough other people to be willing to act.

Count the grievances. Compare what we have to what we once had, at the start of this American Experiment. The only kind of accelerationism that will work is outraging your kin with the Truth, and how it has been kept hidden from them.

Any guerrilla insurrection can collapse the grid and sew discord, if that’s what it takes. The (((cities))) will destroy themselves from the inside. This is the last attempt at solving these problems without violence. Even a slow and boring decline is heavily mediated violence—against us.

Plant Propertarian thought seeds, and if we can gather enough men behind the declaration, we cannot be shrugged off or turned bck on by an elected official. Be willing to put up a fucking fight for our rights, or the words we use to “defend” them are meaningless.

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This!! Times up. Accellerationism.

Go out and convert normies in person.

If each of us convert 10 normies, the far right will become the dominant political opinion.

No one can stop you from meeting friends. Go out and convert one by one.

Online activism is worthless.

In this way, we can take over the western world within a year.


The way to control the path of political/social discourse is to restrict the range of the debate, while still encouraging heavy debate to provide the illusion of free discussion going on.
Social media has been a double edged sword by allowing us to connect in greater ways, but also being a severely moderated platform to alter the trajectory of our discourse.
Turning away from solely acting online, and instead addressing these issues in person will ensure that the people you care about most will be the greatest affected by your efforts. It also fosters strength within your tangible, local community. Given enough interaction, your rural town could be an entire political body that speaks up against the bullshit we are being put through.

Take steps towards building your courage. Speak truth. Seek real change. Support each other. Be a model that your descendants will look to the way that we look to our forefathers with iron will.

This western civilization was a mistake. Whites have been doomed since the enlightenment

This is the appropriate tactic. Appeals to tradition, identity, and common interest are excellent ways of planting the seeds. No need to go full bore or what have you. Not right away. You must also cut your losses when certain men are not receptive to various ideas. Seek and probe the right people, and you'll get where you need to be. I think to some extent this is already happening organically, I've watched the topic be broached day to day with slow but steadily increasing frequency.

Do you really think that these soulless, evil, backstabbing monsters who are literally committing the largest genocide ever attempted will say "Oh well, we tried but we're outnumbered so we may as well just hand over power to these people that we hate from the depths of our black hearts. No matter the hundreds of years and millions of lives spent securing our control. Let's all just go back to Israel and take our snarling leftist dogs with us."
No, they'll fight until the bitter end. They'll slaughter our children, torture our wives, massacre entire towns just to kill one of us, poison our food, drop chemical bombs on our hospitals, sick their leftist and black dogs on us to mutilate our corpses or drag living POWs through the streets as a lesson against rebellion. They will lie about our victories and blame us for atrocities that they commit. And then as we're poised to strike the final blow, they'll hold up their hands and shriek "WAIT!!! I'M INNOCENT! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! IT WAS SOROS! HE IS THE ONE WHO MADE USE DO IT! IT'S THE WHITE LEFTISTS! WE WERE ONLY TRYING TO PLEASE THEM! LET US LIVE AND I'LL SHOW YOU WHERE EACH ANTIFA IIVES!!! IT'S YOUR WOMEN!!! THEY"RE THE ONES RESPONSIBLE!! PLEASE!! I'M JUST AN INNOCENT JEW WHO DID NOTHING!!! WHY DO YOU PERSECUTE US SO???"

1 million men would be wonderful. Frankly, I'd be ecstatic for just 1,000. 1,000 men could bring down the entire system and I am not exaggerating. My area of expertise is asymmetric warfare. 1,000 men could bring down the house.

America was founded by masons and built to stand for (((enlightenment))) values. Since its inception it's been used by Juden to destroy the ancient regime in Europe. No one should be proud to be an (((American))), only to be a racial European.

You mean the ancient regime in Europe that believe in prima nocta and that a 'lord' could murder his people whenever he wanted? Fuck THOSE 'VALUES' user…THEY WERE SHIT THEN AND THEY ARE SHIT NOW THAT THEY ARE THE NORM IN THE USA.

Primary necta wasn't widespread and a lord wouldn't go around murdering his own people. The ancient regime believe in genetically differitiated cats with the noble class absorbing the most responsibility. It was the nobles that went to war, it was the nobles that were drilled from birth and held to a higher standard. This genetic hierarchy is the natural configuration for society. You've absorbed a lot of post-enlightenment propaganda. The Jews main enemy was the ancient regime and they did all they could to dismantle it.

The first sentence of your little essay was so insanely wrong I can only assume that you are an abject idiot.

The first world war was an immense fraud foisted upon us by the banker jews to tear the guts out of European civilization and leave the survivors so weakened that millions died of the influenza. It reduced us to the level of murderous beasts, and took what was a rather high morale society and turned it into the "Lost Generation" of sexual depravity, drunkeness, drug addiction and insane financial speculations that led to utter ruin and total social bankruptcy.

during the ancient regime "genetics" wasn't a thing, user
I get what you are saying and I agree, that there were classes/castes based on heredity, but it was quite more nuanced than just "genetic". Such base materialism is also post-enlightenment prejudice, especially since as it's clear by talking with your average modern "white" for just 5 minutes, being "white" isn't enough to be noble, most "whites" are spiritual and literal plebs unworthy of their ancient elites who formed the west, before being overthrown also with the help of said plebs.

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Of course they didn't understand it as selecting for genetics, but through the movement of families in and out of the aristocracy, the nobility selected for certain traits. Morality, courage and intelligence were needed (for the most part) to be a noble and so over time the nobility became differentiated from the rest of society on a biological level.

That's not to say the nobility is the only class that mattered. Each class underwent this selection regarding their role in society. Farmers were big and durable, tradesmen had dexterity ect. Unfortunately the merchant class selected of immorality and guile, and the enlightenment was their overthrow of the aristocracy. The Jews are a merchant race and also extremely tribal.

This was just a rant I guess.

I don’t think that they’ll just hand it over to us and give up, no. I understand that those who desire peace must prepare for war. However, I also understand that given how our words can be used against us, we must advocate for a “peaceful” solution to attain more followers until we reach a breaking point and change happens.
I had ancestors who were captains in the American Revolution and soldiers for the Confederate States of America. This is as much my fight as anyone’s. I want to organize and act. But first we must spread awareness.

Are you implying that Jew bankers are our forefathers, or that our European forefathers are only those who were around for WWI?
I’m talking about the heights that the Roman Empire, the British Empire, and American Empire, and plenty of other Western nations were able to achieve before each of them was drilled into the ground by parasites.
You are able to recognize where we have strayed. That means the responsibility falls on you to do something. If you belittle those who are ready to act and re-secure those aspects of our society which made us great, you are no better than those who put us in this situation to begin with.

Join or die.

A fair point. And that is a logical perspective.
However, others believe that we must create a revolutionary atmosphere and break the spell that binds the lemmings to the System. We must help our people understand that not only can the System be overthrown, but that it should.

There has been a 6-10% slide downward in the approval rating for Trump since his recent comments on needing more legal immigrants and unconditional support for Israel.
If we apply these percentages to the number of popular votes for Trump in 2016, we have 3.7 million to 6.2 million people who can agree on one of these two issues being detrimental to the United States and not in line with what they elected this man to do. A Propertarian government is a very good solution to address these concerns. We have a solution for what comes after the chaos. So we need to wake people up.
Share the hell out of simple statistics. On immigration, on crime, on They are more redpilling than you think. Talk about all the bad shit going on, share appalling news stories. Show everyone you know that our current state of things is so much more nightmarish than they realize because they have gotten used to it.

This is a very well done gateway video that may help inspire how to reach the deeply sleeping people.

I've been waiting for one of you shitbirds to make this thread. About fucking time someone took the initiative. Thanks, OP!

If this subject is new to you, follow the "lurk for 3 years before posting" policy. You've got much reading and learning ahead of you. This is how we save the West.

Strap in. We're about to change the fucking world, brothers.

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you say "us" but all you list are a bunch of fucking cuckolded, shitskin-loving, luke-warm right wing movements. Not even any reference to Nazis and white nationalists and racial fascists or any other ideological group that actually represents "us" as users on Zig Forums

Nice try, altkike.

I wrote it to be a safe copypasta for sharing with normies.
I am a white nationalist, but I can stand waiting for an ethnostate till we shift the Overton window back to the right. This is going to be an arduous process, fighting against the tactics of the Feminine Left:

A Propertarian government would give us a white supermajority state because it is a cognostate—that is that the excessive procreation and immigration of low IQ individuals damages the Commons, and is illegal. Included within the upcoming constitution, so also non-negotiable.

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Glad to hear it! We are capable of doing this. We have to start locally.
Share the spark, fan the flames, spread the fire. I’m time, we’ll show them all that the resolved Aryan Spirit has not perished from this earth.

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I haven't interpreted Prop. as anything more than a new application of governance utilizing and building upon the pre-existing framework of Mises, Hayek, and Rothbard. We're not trying to explain the world (although many solid explanations have come out of the institute); we're trying to build a form of governance with a foundation rooted in a realistic and truthful observation of reality.

i went to that shitty site and all i see is a million 5 dollar words to express vague concepts about something that is supposed to come together and work one day.

if you have to interpret it yourself then its a pointless waste of time that will only attract the worst kind of faggots. it should be put forward in clear concise language that isnt easily twisted. every word and sentence added makes it easier to subvert to whatever they want it to mean.

from reading your site its clear you dont even understand the nature of the left

stop trying and build something. the dumb nigger cattle behind this whole thing hasnt even bothered to finish his book.

i havent seen this kind of longwinded pompousness since the nrx faggots. it took far too long for that shit to start falling apart when it was clear from the moment they called it the cathedral and not the synagogue that they had on blinders.

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There is none. Name one time in history a civilization has continued existing after being flood with subhumans of different races.

I fear the populous is too indoctrinated to break from their mental chains. We need a hero who has the type of credentials you could only find in a fiction story to catch people's eye and guide them from the darkness.

If you have questions, I will do my best to answer them. I’ve been following this for a while, and although it is slow-going, I have witnessed progress being made on the Propertarian method.
However, I’m not an expert, so I might not have an answer for everything, but I’ll do my best.

If that does not satisfy you, may I ask what your proposed solution is to deal with this bullshit system we have now?

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Evidence doesn't matter. Why are you pretending otherwise? You go to jail for three years in all of Europe if you question that statement or any individual aspect of the holocaust, including claims made by "survivors" which even official authorities have rejected.

its very clear you are not of this place. however i'll still ask you this. since the declaration of independence and the constitution were both previously mentioned where are your versions? even something as simple as the bill of rights what is your version or corrections of the first ten amendments?

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What separates the United States from Europe is freedom of speech, which used to be revered, but is slowly succumbing to the sickness, as well. The sooner we act, the better. The French Yellow Vest Movement generated a lot of interest in the states. Europe can follow by example, if the Revolution comes to the US first. Let our victories embolden each other.

You are right. I only ever occasionally lurked the chans around when Gamergate was happening. I usually kept to Facebook and shit, but made a New Year’s resolution to abandon my social media to cut degeneracy out of my life. I have been on here a little more frequently lately, and mostly just want to promote discussion that might get us somewhere. I intend to reactivate my social media next year and flood my feed with redpills, and try to build a response to every argument I can do that I’m prepared to BTFO 9 volt battery brain commenters. May it be a blaze of glory.

To answer your question, I point you to this:

Curt can be long-winded, and his mathematics-based language is intended for use in legislation and court of law (all of the terms used have pre-determined definitions that would be plugged into formulas/sentences in a way that weeds out falsehoods and dispels ambiguity and corruption), but once you understand the basic terms and ideas, it all starts to make more sense. It is unfinished, but he’s working on it constantly, from what I could tell of his Facebook activity when I was active, and he is asking for people to critique him and ask him questions so that he can make sure it’s foolproof when the time comes to present it.

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It makes him worse than a cuck it makes him a kike deep state globalist plant on this website.

When you expand the definitions of property to mean just about anything worth defending through violence your opening a can of worms that will allow any sort of parasite to clog your judicial system with bullshit that has somehow negatively acted on their lives in an unreciprocal fashion. You need a statute of limitations not only on your definitions but also your proposed governing body. The ideas on truth seem reasonable however fall flat even when applied by propertarians themselves in what appears to be any public argument criticising propertarianism or Curt Doolittle due to the propertarians meeting any criticism of their ideas with slander, lies, and blatant attacks on the criticisers personal character. Also, Curt Doolittle admittedly worked as a fed and is a sexual degenerate.

I think that frivolous lawsuits are definitely something to be avoided. However, property also has to be something that can withstand investigation of truthfulness, that is:
1)External Correspondence (we can observe the phenomenon)
2)Internal Consistency (logical)
2.1)Identity: The Logic of Naming
2.2)Mathematics: The Logic of Relations
2.3)Physics: The Logic of Causation
2.4)Logic: The Logic of Language
3)Operationally defined (existentially possible)
4)Falsified (parsimonious)
And having to pay court dues if you lose your case should dissuade people from making unnecessary lawsuits.

I do find it disappointing that many of those working in the Propertarian realm engage in feminine GSRRM arguments. Many of us following their work have noticed this, and I do my best to remain abject and emotionless when trying to be persuasive and informative.

So did Benjamin Franklin, and he was pretty cool.

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Gonna need to be a hero of deeds. Words and looks alone are too easy to slander.

Nice try Schlomo but no NatSoc nazi fags.