This traitor deserve it 100%, he's gone in bed with the same (((globalists))) he pretended to fight, fucking traitor.
Let's have a Trump Hate thread
He was tense as fuck the weeks after he won the election. It's safe to say ((someone)) told him "something something JFK".
Trump is really a democrat. He was playing 4d chess with republicans
He wasn't nervous, he was shown the truth. Something you fags know nothing about
He never lied about anything. His promises and slogans are open enough for them to go in either direction and still be technically true.
This is how a con man works. Especially one with Jewish mentors.
Good luck with your thread, user.
Yeah, he gave money to the Clinton Foundation.
He actually lied about bunch of things.
However majority here didn't even listen to the ones who called him out for being a openly a Zionist and with relations to top kikes
t. Qoomer
Reported kike
Trump hate is anti-white. The alt-right doesn't need this attitude so GET lost. You are bad optics and make us look like retards. What's more, you fail to even provide a valid critique. Your position boils down to: Trump man bad. I guess you're anti-nationalist. When that wall is built, you should be exported to Mexico. I would happily trade you for a Mexican with Christian values and a high IQ, which you don't have. You're just a piece of Nazi shit. You are racist fucking scum. If I ever get my hands on you… watch out, Kike.
Remember this pic that the Never Trumpers posted during the primary?
(((Politifact))) claimed it was a pants-on-fire lie so that must mean it was true.
I no longer know if this is ironic or genuine.
He could be dead for all we know. What good does it do to hate the guy? He was probably just another boomer with a big ego who was in way over his head. Did you think you were going to be able to vote your way out of this?
Stop shitting up the report queue with fake reports.
Trumpniggers support Amnesty and Wars for Israel
That was kind of the hope, yeah.
Trump criticized Romney in 2012 for being too harsh on immigration. Yeah, 3 years difference, but he isn't 19, most Boomers are pretty set in their beliefs. Even Millennials are more flexible than Boomers.
He was always playing a role. For those who don't follow Washington politics in depth, back in 2014 House Majority Leader Eric Cantor actually lost his primary election to a candidate who was strongly anti-immigration. After that time, guys like Bannon, Conway et al came up with a plan to tap into the unhappiness of whites with immigration and build a motivated voter base. Before then, the push was to become the pro-immigration party under the delusion that Hispanics would be the next Republicans.
This is how significant Cantor's loss was:
Poe's law is one helluva drug.
About time we had some good threads on Zig Forums for a change
Guys. Guys. It will be time to vote soon. Remember. Any democrat is better than dumb ugly orange man. Right guys? Based pol! Don’t try to do anything to hurt the current democratic party line guys. Trump hate thread right? I am with her! Vote and give to Bernie so we can run Hilldog again please1
Kampfy is so triggered, I love it.
Go support Amnesty and War with Iran somewhere else you neocon piece of shit.
Nah fuck off.
He's not even that. He's whatever the kikes need him to be.
I can't find the exact quote but that's exactly what William Luther Pierce implied Trump was.
Keep coping magapede
All you anti-Trump faggots need to watch this speech that got almost 80% of the country approving of it! Two terms!
Weird how a ton of anti-President Trump stuff shows up right as the Democrats start campaigning.
Both parties are the two coins of the same Shekel.
Upon the zionist victory in the election his jewish masters kicked back and laughed at the dumbest goyim on the planet just electing the biggest jew hoax in living memory while claiming to be against ZOG
You just don't understand the GENIUS of his national globalist ideology.
They did, only Imkampfy and the isreali hasbara patrol bots on here would get every single user who could see through the Trumpstein scam banned
Dang those are some nice trophy bans.
In b4 we get banned for "ban evasion" even though all of imkampfy's bans were lifted because he literally banned the entire userbase of for not agreeing with his neoconservatism.
Hasbara-kun! Good to see you're still around, little buddy.
How's the weather in the UK?
how much?
Reddit tier downvote sage negated.
I only saged because I was talking to hasbara-kun, newfriend
apparently 100k $
Wow what an argument!
LoL your earlier post here
was precisely the kind of thing you and your isreali pals would swarm attack and mass report them until Kampfy banned them all.
Now you're posting here pretending you were always one of the legit anons who never promoted neocon jewry on here still.
at best we all thought he'd be useless, but atleast funny and possible redpill for babbies.
turned out that was all true.
worth it.
huh, not as much as i thought tbh.
Ah, okay. Sure, sure.
You were simply implying that a person you disagreed with was from Israel, and your sage was a polite sage and not a downvote at all.
I believe you.
Correct. Trump is an israeli asset and Manchurian candidate.
Looking at IDs now, that's an improvement to your style! Did you finally turn on colored IDs, or am I just that intriguing to you? I knew you'd remember me one day, I left my mark!
It's not even that anyone expected him to literally start a race war or anything. Looking objectively at the situation, it's clear he is just a lazy asshole who isn't even really trying to do much of anything he promised besides putting conservatives on the SCOTUS.
Remember that until recently, the GOP had control of ALL THREE MAIN BRANCHES OF GOVERNMENT, and yet
What the fuck is he doing? I laughed indulgently when we learned that the Golfer in Chief ate cheeseburgers in bed, but it's not so funny at this point.
Now you're thinking in four dimensions!
Sorry I only read the first line of your post. After further investigation it appears you really are a newfriend. Spoiler below!
hasbara-kun is not from Israel, he's from the UK, and has been our most prolific poster for years now.
You'd already know all that if you weren't new though!
why do people keep arguing this?
are you trying to sell the republicans as some kind of white nationalist organization?
they would never approve the wall, never approve the end of chinese fuckery, and never approve clinton going to jail.
most republicans are open borders gun grabbers.
and on top of that, many of them were "never trump" guys that opposed him on everything, including ending the fine portion of obamacare.
only (((someone))) that believes the CNN agenda about trump/republicans being white nationalist extremists would spew such bullshit.
fuck off with your disingenuous shilling.
You forgot to add that he did that after vigorously sucking Bibi off. He needed those calories after all that hard work.
Doing this won't win you 2020. If you think this shit will still fly on election night you're mistaken
I came here in the lamergate exodus and I have no clue what you're talking about. I only stopped posting here when imkampfy started banning all posts critical of orange man.
But protip: if you're naming someone after Israeli propagandists as a meme it's gonna cause confusion.
You are a hardcore Zig Forumsack in the truest sense of the word, user. You don't tip over and get blow away when the storm is in your face. Without indispensable posters like you Zig Forums would not even exist. I salute you.
Are you lost son? MOST AMERICANS even hyphenated "Americans" actually want immigration stopped or at least slowed down, want better trade deals with China (even if not especially Democrats!!!!), and everyone hates the Clintons which is why Hildog isn't president now.
Those aren't even "white nationalist extremist" positions.
Another nice trophy ban. Good job.
It wasn't me. Hasbara-kun named himself! Well, to most others he is hasbarafag, but I would never be so rude. His innately repetitious posting style and endless commitment to being here is an inspiration!
And now 8/pol/ is ONLY leftists astroturfing trump hate. Wow so much better now that this place is indistinguishable from Zig Forums
You’re not intelligent enough to be called human.
Precisely. The functional difference between Republicucks and Demoncrats is the former like to posture as if they have principles and ethics that hearken back to an earlier period, but it's only posturing and they never achieve anything. They do agree on most things. Where they don't is where you'll find their retarded posturing come into play. Eg, immigration. Legal is totally cool, but illegal is totally not. Why because reasons. At the end of the day it's ethic replacement so the whole thing is just retarded.
Trump is a 4D accelerationist. He knows that the worse things get, the closer we are to the bottom and Lord knows Trump kis the worst thing that happened to us in a long time. Rejoice! Rock bottom is at hand.
Case in point
Go worship Trump somewhere else. This isn’t a board for neocons.
Dude people here only wanted Trump because he said he would IMPLEMENT POLICIES we wanted. Not because we liked his boomer personality or his funny Twitter quotes.
He’s paid to post here. You can’t get through to him.
Based 8945035890348590328490D chess xD
Kampfy, Trump is bad for white interests. This board is a board for white interests. We don't care about muh Dems and muh GOPe. We were orgasmically overjoyed by the destruction of the GOP establishment in the Trump campaign, and you got confused and thought we were orgasmically overjoyed about muh mean old democrats losing an election which.
Now that the board is full of Trump hate, we can move on and start looking to the future.
Trump Support is Support for Amnesty and Wars for Israel
So now people are trying to get him to lose in 2020 because the democrats have better policies? Seriously help me understand the mentality of posters now
Lurk more. You’re a retard spreading the jewish narrative.
Fuck off, kike.
So when Trump loses 2020 how will democrats support whiteness again?
Get out. You were exposed. You are the only one saying any of these things.
Muh red team and blue team
Pathetic boomer mentality.
Both the democrats and republicans are owned by the same group of lobbyist kikes. This is common knowledge.
If you want to understand the mentality of Zig Forums though, you'll have to think a bit and lurk. Here's a hint though, it involves a third position in politics.
did you just start paying attention?
as tame as trump is, most republicans saw him as extreme and divisive and wouldnt even support him based on his milquetoast campaign promises.
meanwhile liberals saw him as "literally hitler"
i dont think theyre extremist positions. i think theyre tame. but i never said otherwise. however liberals do think that enforcing immigration law is basically 1488 race war now. for fucks sake liberals think whites having equal protection is an extremist view.
i just find the entire argument of "why didnt he do X while republicans were in power" is something only a crackpot liberal could believe, since its completely inconsistent with the nature of republicans unless you listen to and obey (((liberal pundits))).
Exactly. You have no answer. You have no candidate or plan. You are democrats pretending to be otherwise. You know if trump loses 2020 that it wont be done white nationalist in office,it will be a democrat
Good thing only Republicans have ever passed Amnesty. With Democrats back in office we'll be safe from amnesty for another 8 years.
Okay then which candidate are we supporting? We can scream 3rd party until the end of time but until there is a candidate it won't happen
Unless you think of politics like a football game then yes we need an actual good reason to positively vote FOR TRUMP. If he doesn't do anything in office besides waste taxpayer money then maybe the Democrats are right and he is just a big fat waste of space.
See back in 2016 and 2017, we chuckled indulgently at legitimate criticisms of his behavior BECAUSE WE DIDN"T GIVE A SHIT if he was actually going to at least really try to push policies we wanted and thought he really wanted. Getting a wall is more important than a few million here or there spent on getting Donny to Florida in style. Good deals with China are worth looking past a little corruption here and there.
But if he's basically no different from a Democrat except fatter, more wasteful, more corrupt and embarassing then why support him?
You don’t matter. You’re not us.
Care to tell me how playing within a controlled system gets one out of that system?
Exactly. No answer, no plan. See you in 2024
Very good post.
Never forget:
Trumpniggers are supporters of Amnesty and Wars for Israel
They Are the Enemy
No one cares, jew. This isn’t your website. We won’t be voting for your puppets.
So you think Trump supports whiteness? Name one thing he ever did for whites.
You're talking right past him and ignoring his post. Also, see this earlier post:
I'm registering as a Democrat and voting for Tulsi Gabbard. Others can do what they like. Electoral politics is a miniscule part of the playing field.
He didn't redpill anyone. "Triggering le sjws" isnt useful. What he did do was get everyone fervently absorbed in the electoral process again, while directing the right back into neoconservatism. He was a play by the kikes to placate revolutionary potential and he did his job wonderfully.
Also you don't need to defend the fact that you voted for him. The votes aren't even counted.
At least you're honest about your political leanings. Thanks for the only actual answer I've been able to get
Get out. You aren’t part of this place.
I think you're the guy who polluted Zig Forums for 3 years with variations of
Leave, amnestynigger.
Democrats are less anti-white than republicans at this point