Democrats Vote To Give Illegal Immigrants The Right To Vote
Is America the next Roman Empire? How long do we have?
Democrats Vote To Give Illegal Immigrants The Right To Vote
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Illegals know better what's good for white people
Yes and about 15 years give or take a couple
I'm not waiting 15 more years, you fucking cowardly children.
We do this yesterday, or you're already extinct.
Make your fucking choice, because it's already being made for you.
You are being incredibly optimistic.
If you the exact date, would you change your behavior in some way? Would you simply convince yourself that everything will be ok? Would you push it to the back of your mind and continue on as you always have?
*knew the exact date*
Nobody cares about legality anymore. The only option left is to start killing people OR DIE.
Quit fooling yourself, the race war's hot now. Tomorrow we'll be dead. We keep putting this off, we'll never do it. We need to get out of this rapture mentality.
For the People Act of 2019
This country is done. We're heading for Balkanization.
“Race war, its so hot right now.”
I have never been there, is there much in the way of tourist attractions?
Some of the new regions might, like New Auschwitz.
It's a feature of the right wing. Hoping some magical outside event will save them. "God/jesus/ collapse will save us! Any time now" There is a very good reason Commander Rockwell said "to hell with the right wing"
Sounds like a fucking plan to me chief.
As opposed to cold, like your permafrost IQ.
HAHAHAHAH, just give PR statehood
just that statement could be formed into a potent counter argument
apparently the laws we have to follow dont fucking matter anymore
Good point.
Laws are the only thing that defines a Republic. No laws, no Republic, no country. This push towards "democracy" is really a push towards a globalist oligarchy.
There are no heroes left in man.
I never said about any event saving us, I legitimately think the country will hold itself together until the boomers are dead, but by then we will be too overrun by LEGAL immigration to keep a national cohesion necessary to remain a nation
I was referring to your statement on rapture mentality. I agree, it needs to stop.
Not if you are waiting for them.
I got ya.
I don't disagree, but the question was about the American Empire, not whites. White people will survive the collapse of the American Empire and we are indeed in a 'race war' right now, just fought with immigration and who can steal the most resources from each other through the government.
Nah it will just be Brazil 2 Electric Burgerloo all the way down to the bottom. Cope and Rope will keep things churning along downhill.
I would base all my family, location, and logistics planning around it
Giving rights to criminal invaders is treason. You are legally and morally free to resist this treasonous conspiracy by whatever means required to get them to stop, up to and including lethal force.
This is not a winning issue. Name and shame
Do you think an 'American Brazil' would be able to sustain a global hegemony?
Very well. April, 2029.
Whites lost in 1913. The last nation without a jewish bank was taken over and no one did anything at all.
You clearly wouldn't. You're doing nothing now, and you'll do nothing in the future.
Move to your ethnic enclave if you aren't already.
Winning for THEM, not US. Read more carefully
Nah uncertainly is what is paralyzing everyone. Everyone's self-improving and preparing for some unknown feature to cope in the meantime. But also playing the chicken and egg game of, if nothing will ever get better do I dedicate my life to a lost cause? Others are just laying down to rot with videogames, alcohol, tv, etc.
No but there's enough momentum to support subsistence level consumerism for quite a while. Latin America is doing it right now.
Well that's just you saying a date, you can't predict the future and it's all theoretical anyways. Although to make it more tangible, we do already have certain projected dates. White births became a minority a year or two ago I believe. And whites will be an absolute minority in Burgerstand sometime around your date, or possibly closer to 2050 I forget. So those are already knowns, but for me the dates I'd like to know are when economy would fully explode, or some other major happening. Not 2008 level economic recession/depression but one that would trigger enough discomfort to cause a shooting war, or remove enough comfort that people are fully shocked out of breads and circuses.
Already there.
I would like to find out who the 1 Republican is and ruin his career.
I would like to find out who the 6 Democrats are and entice them to switch parties.
Anyone have names?
it really is the future either way
They have a very generous definition of white there unfortunately, you probably know that but a lot of other anons know 0 about LatAm
If only Americans had a tenth of the determination to rid them from their enemies as the settlers did emancipating themselves from
the Crown.
What else can you expect from liberal democracy? Facts or morality does not matter, only votes.
haha yeah, just illustrating the point that people go to their group enclave in these muttricultural hells
The Three Percenters
As long as women can vote it's over anyways. Need a reset.
this,women have done this
or men have let women do this
kinda paradoxical
The big government shitshow started in the end of 19th century when all men no matter if they are poor, rich, white, black, educated or uneducated,… received a right to vote.
Don't blame just women for idiocratic system, where a half of population with a right to vote does not even have IQ higher than 100 and nearly 2/3 are economical illiterates. Nineteenth Amendment was passed in 1920, that was seven years after the FED was created.
Yes, the system back in the day was fucked, but when only rich white males could vote, you were sure, that they will at least understand basic economics and value their freedom.
senators also stopped being selected by their state parties and started getting in by popular vote, crushing states rights in 1913. 1913 was a bad, bad fucking year
At least something we have better here in Europe. Not even talking about a two-party system.
Remember that if you allow yourself to get penned down, 'burn the mother fucker' is the go to response of security forces. So never fight defensively guys. Always use slow and planned offense and over board balls to the wall offense. Anything else is just suicide.
There are more options than that, consider how the hispanics ethnically cleansed blacks in the Los Angeles area. They got what they wanted and all of it more or less deniably.
That and other antics of the shitskinns in the west are willfully ignored. Any white whom does what shitskinns do gets hunted down mercilessly and utterly destroyed as an example to all other whites. They clamor in glee when something that sounds like an white going off the reservation and start pushing anti white everything until it is invariably proven its an fucking shitskinn, upon which the whole episode is memoryholed post haste. If you for one moment think you can do anything in the same way sanctioned actions are done you are a fool.
Good luck whichever path you take. You are in the middle of an open war being waged against whites. It is live, it is happening as we speak, and it will continue until all of us are gone. Every white women you see will be raped mercilessly, every white male left alone to be attacked and eventually killed piecemeal, every valued family member cast into filth and despair until the grip of death finally finds them after years of torture and pain. None will be spared until such time as action is taken as if the gods themselves had descended upon you and imbued within you the fires of hell itself. Do half measures sneaking behind curtains and find yourself in the lair of the damned whom hunt you in places they themselves utterly control and master. None follow snakes and vermin willingly, great men of action and example whom prove their worth have the rabble fall eagerly upon them desperate to be led into the light, or hide in fear as one with solid conviction and sound purpose strides across the land placing vengeance upon the heads of those either too cowardly or beholden to vile criminals.
user must find within themselves the power and strength to be emperor. You are the man we are all looking for. And we need thousands of such men, but if only one rises, then only one is what will be needed. We should all stand ready and prepared for being called upon to be such an man. For no other will rise as we will, no others will have what is within themselves to have the personal fortitude to carry thru what must be done to see what is to be done completed to the bitter end. We are the sons of shit and piss, and we are the only ones great enough to do this. Stand proud, and let the anger that this is all the hope the world has left fuel you that it would be only us whom can do it.
Ten thousand years of civilization stands upon your shoulders. And your shoulders are all that are left. Look into the mirror of your own eyes, and see the creature that still burns within, the birthright heir whose ancestors CONQUERED the entire fucking world with less than what you have in your grasp already. You have much ahead of you to honor such legacy. In another ten thousand years let future user's wonder at the creation borne out of your will and supremacy. Do not let such mighty powers be squelched in back ally dealings with the degenerates and filth of our society, stand as the sons of the gods themselves would.
To know who rules over you, observe who you are not allowed to criticize.
Plenty of whites are leaving cities and coasts in droves. Me and my family sold our family buissness and started a chicken and turkey farm in the sticks about two years ago. Something we wouldn't have even considered under obama.
My closest neighbors are miles down the road and they're white. Feels good fam.
You're projecting cityfag or a kike attempting to demoralize.
Oh well, that was due yesterday
I kek'd.
Any place that becomes majority white will be injected with forced enrichment by the government. The white people of the Jewnited states need to wake up. You can't keep running away from the problem forever.
Do you have something against chickens?
I find it preferable to driving 30 minutes in traffic to an office 6 days a week. I also think it's smarter to move my family away from city and hoards of niggertrannies and diseased spics to a more rural white area where we can homeschool the young ones and get them involved in 4H and boy scouts and keep them as far away as possible from the social decay present in in those homo cess pools.
Sure I could plant a shit load of hops and build a flashy brewery and be a beer fag in the future, that would probably be easier even. But at this point in time I don't see a degenerate creature comfort like alcohol being something my family should be focused on in the long run. So I'll stick to my birds and my punkins and thank the gods I'm not some retard cityfag.
Yes, it's just me saying a date. If it inspired anons to act, then I will make one up. A decade is a good amount of time to make plans and act on them. Put it too far into the future and they will just rest easy. You made some good points, however many people won't act on the data. They only ask "when" to satisfy their emotions.
t. South African before being assassinated circa 1990's
My stretch goal is to start my own fine woodwork shop and never work a desk job in a liberal cesspool again. The problem is few are willing to pay what quality furniture costs. A barter system would be the only way it could work: I make a family a dinner table, they give me a share of their crop for a period of time.
Please stop, my sides are gone.
What the fuck are you doing spreading jew propaganda? Stop repeating jew indoctrination terms you retard, don't cut n' paste and spread "immigrants."
Not jews, women did this
Guide for the Mexican Migrant
Distributed by the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Relations
View the Spanish language original here (PDF).
Esteemed Countryman:
The purpose of this guide is to provide you with practical advice that may prove useful to you in case you have made the difficult decision to search for employment opportunities outside of your country.
The sure way to enter another country is by getting your passport from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the visa, which you may apply for at the embassy or consulate of the country you wish to travel to.
However, in practice we see many Mexicans who try to cross the Northern Border without the necessary documents, through high risk zones that involve grave dangers, particularly in desert areas or rivers with strong, and not always obvious, currents.
Reading this guide will make you aware of some basic questions about the legal consequences of your stay in the United States of America without the appropriate migratory documents, as well as about the rights you have in that country, once you are there, independent of your migratory status.
Keep in mind always that there exist legal mechanisms to enter the United States of America legally.
In any case, if you encounter problems or run into difficulties, remember that Mexico has 45 consulates in that country whose locations you can find listed in this publication.
Familiarize yourself with the closest consulate and make use of it.
To cross the river can be very risky, above all if you cross alone and at night.
Heavy clothing increases in weight when wet and this makes swimming and floating difficult.
If you cross by desert, try to walk at times when the heat will not be too intense.
Highways and population centers are far apart, which means you will spend several days looking for roads, and you will not be able to carry foodstuffs or water for long periods of time. Also, you can get lost.
Salt water helps keep liquids in your body. Although you may feel more thirst if you drink salt water, the risk of dehydration is much less.
The symptoms of dehydration are:
Little or no sweat.
Dryness in the eyes and in the mouth.
Tiredness and excessive exhaustion.
Difficulty in walking and thinking.
Hallucinations and visions.If you get lost, guide yourself by lightposts, train tracks, or dirt roads.
They can deceive you with assurances of crossing in a few hours through the mountains and deserts. This is simply not so!
They can risk your life taking you across rivers, drainage canals, desert areas, train tracks, or highways. This has caused the deaths of hundreds of persons.
If you decide to hire people traffickers to cross the border, consider the following precautions:
Do not let them out of your sight. Remember that they are the only ones who know the lay of the land, and therefore the only ones who can get you out of that place.
Do not trust those who offer to take you to “the other side” and ask you to drive a car or to take or carry a package for them. Normally, those packages contain drugs or other prohibited substances. For this reason, many people have ended up in jail.
If you transport other persons, you can be confused with a human trafficker, and they can accuse you of the crime of trafficking or auto theft.
Do not entrust your minor children to strangers who offer to take them across to the United States.
If you try to cross with false documents or those of another person, take into account the following:
To use false documents or those of another person is a federal crime in the United States, for which you can be tried in a criminal proceeding and end up in jail; likewise if you use a false name or say that you are a citizen of the United States when you are not one.
Do not lie to officials of the United States at ports and points of entry.
Do not resist arrest.
Do not assault or insult officials.
Do not throw rocks or objects at officials or at patrols since this is considered a provocation by those officials.
If they believe themselves to be under attack, it is likely that they will use force to arrest you.
Raise your hands slowly so that they see you are not armed.
Do not have in your hands any object that could be considered a weapon such as spotlights, screwdrivers, pocket knives, knives, or rocks.
Do not run or try to escape.
Do not hide in dangerous places.
Do not cross high-speed highways.
It is better to be arrested for a few hours and repatriated to Mexico than to get lost in the desert.
Give your real name.
If you are a minor accompanied by an adult, tell the authorities so they do not separate you.
Your rights are:
To know where you are.
To ask that they allow you to contact a representative of the closest Mexican consulate for assistance.
Not to make statements or to sign documents, above all if they are in English, without the advise of a defense lawyer or Mexican consular representative.
To receive medical attention if you are injured or in delicate health.
To be respected in your person and to receive dignified treatment without regard to your migratory status.
To have safe transport.
To have food and water whenever you need it.
You are not obligated to state your migratory status at the time of arrest.
You have the right not to be beaten or insulted.
Not to be held incommunicado.
In case they take away your things, ask for a receipt so that you can claim them upon release.
It is important that you inform your lawyer or Mexican consular representative who visits you of any infringement of these rights. Also inform the closest office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Mexico.
If you want more information and you live in Texas or the city of Acuña, Coahuila, tune in to “La Poderosa” (The Powerful) at 1570 AM.
If you are sentenced for a crime or you are jailed and facing a criminal proceeding, you have the following rights:
Not to be discriminated against by the police, the courts, or prison officials.
To receive visits by Mexican consular personnel and members of your family.
To receive legal representation without conditions and obstacles.
If you are facing a criminal proceeding and you have not yet been sentenced, ask your lawyer or consular representative about pleading guilty.
Do not declare yourself guilty without first consulting your lawyer about the chances of winning your case.
It is important that you know the laws of the state where you live and work since the laws in each one are different. Consider the following advice:
If you drink, do not drive, since if you do not have documents, you can be arrested and deported.
If a legal resident is convicted more than twice for drinking under the influence, he can be deported.
Do not drive without a drivers license.
Respect traffic laws and use your seatbelt.
Do not drive without insurance and do not agree to drive a stranger’s car.
Do not let strangers into your car.
If when driving, you commit a traffic infraction and you are stopped by the police, place your hands on the steering wheel and do not get out of the car until the officer requests that you do so.
Avoid calling attention to yourself while you normalize your stay or process your documents to live in the United States.
The best way is not to change your routine of going from your job to your home.
Avoid noisy parties. The neighbors can get annoyed and call the police, and you can be arrested.
Avoid getting involved in fights.
If you go to a bar or night club, and a fight starts, leave, since in the confusion you could be arrested even though you have done anything.
Avoid family or domestic violence. As in Mexico, it is a crime in the United States.
Domestic violence is not only physical, but it also includes threats, screaming, and ill-treatment.
If you are accused of domestic violence against your children, spouse, or some other person who lives with you, you could go to jail. In addition, the Child Protective Service could take away your children.
Do not carry firearms, knives, or other dangerous objects.
Keep in mind that many Mexicans are dead or in prison for that.
If the police enter your house or apartment, do not resist. However, ask for a proper warrant. It is better to cooperate and to seek to communicate with the closest Mexican consulate.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has 45 consular offices in the Interior and on the Southern Border of the United States of America whose function is to help you. Remember, if you have been arrested or are serving a prison term, you have the right to communicate with the closest Mexican Consulate.
Stay close to the Consulate.Always carry your Consular Protection Guide.
Stay close to Mexico.
It is your home, Countryman!
MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS General Directorate of Protection and Consular Affairs
I feel you're missing the point purposely
If you don't kill your enemies, they win.
Oh no, message received buddy. Message received.
This is like complaining because somebody got more free play slots money than you. Who cares about who votes in fake elections?
Go worship tv some more
Youre universe is disgusting
Because democracy is a soft variant of communism and globalism is global communism and globalism is merely the mask of Judaism.
I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever
Please blow up a holocaust museum if you're going to do anything ballsy
What do you suggest anons do? Let me guess it involves lone wolf violence.
Most of the people in OP's pic look white, I say we should let them in and vote.
Have you heard of etsy?
I know someone who makes pretty good money selling hand forged Thors hammer pendants and stuff like that for 20-40$. He makes some good side change.
Might be worth checking out for you.
What could possibly go wrong?
BTW that pic was in Yurop, but the number of illegal national invaders in it are far smaller than the number of illegal national invaders from Beaner America every day.
Only one response. Rs vote to only allow landowners the right to vote.
The people in that pic are white
I welcome my new rights…
Isn't it curious how "rights" become a meme the instant women vote? Go figure…
What about WHITE men giving WHITE women the "right" to vote?
By this logic, tourists can vote. In 2016, 75.9 million people visited the US; think that could affect an election?