This little jew boy is so mad his little coaster hat is about to catch fire. His ideology of tribalism is only good for Israel but not for the goy and everyone of any race can be a American as long as they follow the law is exactly how you get a raghead mudslime in the senate. Well guess what Ben muslims hate kikes and always will. In case you don't know a shitskin mudslime whore representing the good white vikings of Minnesota named the jew multiple times and jew boy is having a shitfit about it for the last week with no end in sight. Of course all the dems are running defense for her and absolutely nothing will happen to her.
So anyway I have a question about kikes. We all know they are behind filling up our white countries with shitskins a large % of which are muslims and will eventually get into positions of power and who all hate jews. So why would the jews do this? If non whites take power jews will be directly targeted,so why would jews do this?
Kikes have always been willing to sacrifice a few of their own in order to reinforce the narrative that everyone is out to get them. It leads to billions/trillions in foreign aid for them, as well as untold military resources, and converting foreign governments into ZOGBots like what we've seen in our own congress this week. Sacrifice a few bagel shops for all those benefits? Fuck yeah, my man.
Adam Campbell
Ben Shapiro is anti-Islam, anti-moslem. What made you believe that he wanted moslem migration? He is totally against it btw.
Jaxson Collins
I have to admit that he is very handsome, I guess I am biased. Thank God, I can write this as an user.
Lincoln Perez
That's pretty sick. So how do we get the jews out of America and Europe be they ruin both.
I mean I'm American and untill like 10 years ago I always thought "well if America sinks at leas whites will always have Europe" But now both are being destroyed at the same time faster than I thought was possible,it's horrific. I keep asking myself why the average normie doesn't see the same thing I do.
We need practical solutions user but not that practical lol
Jeremiah Morris
Yeah I used to think the same thing about Europe. I also used to think I had plenty of time to plan my tourism trips there. Now, I have zero desire to go anywhere in there except perhaps a few cities in Eastern Europe.
Why doesn't the average normie see it? Three reasons:
They do, but they don't want to lose social points by admitting it, so they convince themselves of comforting lies.
They don't see it because because they're informed by the talmudvision which has been 100% infiltrated, controlled, and subverted by nation-wrecking jews.
They don't see anything important because they are selfish, lazy, and unintelligent.
How do we get them out? It's like asking how to rid your house of termites or how to rid your gut of tapeworms. One thing is for certain - they aren't going to leave willingly. They aren't going to pack up and abandon their parasitic schemes simply because we ask them nicely. So, do the math.
Elijah Young
why do you give any of these (((e-celeb))) faggots attention, I have never understood this
Cooper Ward
Calm down Shlomo, atleast change IPs first.
Only good thing about Shapiro is his sisters milkers, everything else falls apart once Israel is bought up.
Sounds to me like we're all waiting for the civil war that isn't coming and amish style white ethnic enclaves is the best we can hope for if we're even"allowed" that. Paints a dark picture of the future for our not very long ago great race.
They can hide themselves better in multicultural societies and (usually) it fractures their opposition. The exception is with Muslims, which is why Trump bans Muslims but gives lip service to curtailing all other immigration.
Zachary Clark
What? That is as practical as it gets. There is literally nothing more practical that 'kill them all'.
Luke Rivera
Don't be so sure. This place is a pressure cooker and the economy is held together with baling wire and chewing gum. The impending collapse of the petrodollar. The national debt crisis. The commercial and residential real estate bubbles. Labor surplus and automation. Not to mention all the foreign actors who wish to do us harm. The Russo-Sino alliance. Punished Iran. Israeli false flag micronukes. Biological terrorism. EMP attacks. Solar flares. Yellowstone eruption. Virus outbreak. There are a thousand different ways this thing could be set off and it's statistically unlikely that things will go on as normal for another decade. There are millions of people just waiting for any disruption in the control matrix so they can pounce. Get fit and get ammo.
Jacob Barnes
Yes the boobs of Ben Shapiro's sister are huge. Are they real though?
Jonathan Adams
Kek. Saved. But then Pepe did help a little . Hey, what's wrong with Pepe in the right context?
I think the most condemning bit about Ben Shapiro is his hypocrisy about nationalism. If you read his blog he talks about peaceful separation of non-Jews in Israel but doesn't condemns nationalism for Americans.
looks like a lower class version of Sophie Shevardnadze
Gavin Butler
This needs to go in the smash or gas thread.
Noah Flores
Omgzz thanks 4 tha update Perez Hilton
Angel Morales
Also it's important to remember that like any cult, say Scientology or early Christianity, it's important to rule over the faithful, teh "flock" as it were, by removing them from the masses and isolating them. Christ himself called for this; withdraw from teh wicked world and found a new Jerusalem where you'll create a utopia. The ordinary jew wants to live in Vienna. The rabbis want to herd them back into tiny little Israel, a shitty little country, a hidey hole for the worst drug dealing child fucking criminals, where they can keep a tight surveillance upon them, make sure they walk to the synagogue on Friday afternoon and follow that strand of fishing line strung from pole to pole in an undeviating line.
He goes apeshit about the whole Omar issue, a resolution is passed, and yet he doesn't once mention that the one group to get punished had nothing to do with the issue. In fact I would bet that Shapiro has never once attacked the anti white barrage going on across the board in the media, social media and education system.
He claims to be some pro America Conservative and yet he has not one single time defended the majority of the base of said party and country. So he can claim whatever he wants as far as his loyalty but actions and track record tell the story and he has never once defended the one group that is attacked constantly… fucking constantly.
Andrew Evans
Plus he's got an insufferable nasal neurotic jewy voice…he's such a prissy little insufferable twit.
Eli Sanchez
How fucking new do you have to be to think a Jew has any ideology beyond being a Jew? Lurk, faggot.
Seriously though there should be a campaign to get on his ass about not calling out anti white attacks. In fact there should be a campaign to go after every "journalist" who claims to be Conservative who doesn't do it.
If they ignore it, they are outed. If they try to get around it, they are outed. It's simple, effective and a very good way to weed out the frauds.
Evan Fisher
Those titties are writing checks that booty can't cash
Isaiah Perry
Ben can't help being short and ugly. His kikeness is all he has.
Robert Gray
Hebrew Overload Warning Vid related is easily the most Jewish thing in the entire world.
Mason Davis
Like Milo, I have never considered him whatsoever in all the time he's been out in public doing his posturing. If it's a jew it's not conservative.
Judaism = jacobinism, bolshevism.
They can LARP all they want. They're jews.
Thomas Mitchell
The insanity pouring from the talking heads and puppets of propaganda can't keep a hold of there own world if the slightest bit of reality is entered into the mind so they screech to ban it to try and keep people from being on a higher level of spirituality then them where they can't figuratively defile them with there extrement. most things can be made a joke to us its a expression in independent thought and a look into other peoples minds. Id rather have some one just get out what they want to say then if its fucked up maybe ask if they are ok. What got you in a downward spiral…. I don't care for this mental masturbation that determination of will needs to be removed and all there new cuck fundamentals. growen heave spit drool get the task down and move on with life. You know smart people have often keep pictures of the enemies in there room hope to see them die and flip it to the wall. They dwell in insanity not trying to figure out who to outsmart someone. Let Shapiro ramble on heck get to know him and his moves and issues then debate him. So you might get stuck in the human element on who is concepts are flawd and the he is willing to learn if some one can show him a better way that does not effect him detrimentally. He is a mass debater does he need to where a sign for dumbasses.