IS baby dies


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Good riddance.

Shit thread
Go back to cuckchan.

who could be behind this post

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Dead shitskins and a nice cup of coffee are a great start to any day.

Tbh, the kid is probably better off dead than being her son. I hope she spend the rest of her life in the sandy shithole she chose


it's her 3rd one that died lmao

they probably boosted her story knowing the 3rd baby would die too


She killed the baby to get pity points from the gaijin libtards.


Now we just need the dead-eyed skank to follow suit and this whole thing will have wrapped up nicely.

How much stupider can you get

yeah, another dead baby they can use for persuasion

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And not a single tear was shed

me neither but the normies will hyperfocus on this specific issue while completely neglecting all the white babies that get aborted every single day

Thank you god.

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Nonwhites have a completely different attitude towards children and childhood. They are on a far more primitive level than we are. Children are expendable assets and you only really need to give a fuck about them when they are old enough to be of use to you, either for labor or for marriage.

Who the fuck is robert?

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Everybody in this entire fucking thread needs to go back. Faggotry galore


This is what happens when you allow the jew to dictate your public policies.

A lot of full on (((Molochean))) responses itt

Now if only she would die too it would be perfect

Sounds like a future bomb was defused.


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there is no race of creatures lower and more contemptible than the Pakistani beast. They are quite literally the colour of a shit stain, undoubtedly the ugliest breed on earth, and are incalculable of achieving civilization.

absolute cunts to a man, a race of living shits that should, and will , be exterminated with gods good grace before too long. If babies were some kind of blank slate then cheering for one's death would be reprehensible. However, babies are not blank slates. The have genetic potentials and inclinations, their intelligence and personality is heavily influenced by the genetics of their parents. In this particular case, even ignoring the race of the parents, it is clear that they were both were low IQ and had an inclination for violence. Their dumbshit baby would probably grow up as stupid and violent as them. Call this a very small victory for the human race.

You need to get out more.

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Now she has no leverage to return to the UK. Good.

He's going to get all the translucent virgins women and little boys.
This is a good day, for me.

Paki's are nasty inbred sub-human trash, but yeah, he's wrong. Arabs, Jews, Turks, and Niggers are the worst. But in the grand scheme of things, Paki's are a part of the same sludge at the bottom of the human gene pool that needs to be doused with bleach and killed.

I did. And now i stand with poo&loo.
I really do.

Zig Forums seemed to take the paki side during the India fracas a few weeks back.

Zig Forums isn't a person. Also both are sub-humans compared to Europeans.

bad mother on top of being an ugly shitskin devil worshipper.

And no one cares

Is that supposed to be revelatory? I hate retards who state the obvious.

This news is somehow bad for us and Trump's fault, as with every other thread on Zig Forums in current year.


Syrian commies taking care of ISIS bride, why am I not surprised?

The sins of the fathers will be visited upon the sons.
This is her fault, for being a traitor and putting her kid's life in danger.
You want sympathy?

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Not like there's much of a difference, more sand with IS maybe but that's it.

go join it OP

You post asking anons to apologize for a jihadi's baby dying, but not in remembrance of Ebba Akerlund who was ripped in two on the streets of Europe by a jihadi driving a truck? You sick fucker. Go burn in hell kike!