Slavery returning in the 21st century

"Any labor which competes with slave labour must accept the economic consequences of slave labor"
- Norbert Weiner

Slavery is returning to the 21st century, but this time it will be digital/robotic slavery. It will take over the labor-intensive jobs of the common freeman just as slavery in Roman times left the common man poor. The negative affects of slavery will still be felt regardless of whether it's a machine or a human that is not paid. How do we fix this?

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The wealthy class won't be making any sales if nobody has any damn money to buy their products.

Simply by not giving consciousness to a machine.
I do appreciate the idea of self machine performing the most difficult/dangerous tasks that we do right now as human, but I do not approve the idea of having a robot making my meals or getting out my dog.
People don't seem to realize that all the electronics that we build, is just a new race of beings.

The Rothschilds still need the upper middle class Whites and bugmen to program their machines. These cars will be used by the upper 5%-10% to zip around the post apocalyptic wasteland while the rest of us starve.

Don't be a useless person.

A couple hundred years ago >90% of the population was engaged in farming. Today it's 2%.

That was a greater transition than the one we are now facing.

The best solution is to build small, self sufficient, communities that aren't reliant on big tech. Starve the jews of their money.

In socialism output of that robotic production would be given to you for free.

But i bet slavery is better than socialism, for you.

Yeah, right. Rainwater harvesting is illegal in a good half the US states, groundwater harvesting requires so much paperwork it might as well be considered illegal in most of the US, and there is work going on to make the entire country like Florida, where using solar panels unconnected to the grid puts you in prison. And even if you manage to dodge and weave through all that bullshit, there's nothing stopping the state from just busting in one day and torching your stuff for not complying with some bullshit fine-print regulation.
It's really hard to build your own self-sufficient community when some hooknosed bureaucrat can end it with a single stroke of a pen.

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You need to start by fixing yourself and adapting. If you're good a wheeling-and-dealing, try to identify niche markets you can service profitably.

Thanks to the global reach of the internet, the whole world can be a marketplace for the purveying of goods and skills. If you lack educational credentials or much startup capital, you could try looking at natural resources that can be freely collected in your area and sold throughout the world.

For example, I sell 10-15k worth/year of seeds and natural products collected for free in the woods and prairies. It's a minor component of my e-merchant income but the most satisfying and wholesome, so I'm saving up to buy a home on several acres where I can intensively farm rare herbs and heirloom vegetables/grains for seed to sell and of course good food for the family to eat. I have experience gardening on a large scale and know it will be honest hard work, but after a few years of getting things organized and tamed, the diversified product line would be very lucrative and dependent only on the internet and postal services to distribute. If the whole world went SHTF mode then the fields would be converted to food production with medicinal herbs sprinkled around.

Not really relevant but it's immensely amusing to me that I manage to make thousands a year selling products at high markups to kibbutz-dwelling Israelis. Feels like I'm out-Jewing the Jew.

That's one of my biggest concerns for the future.

Actually it just goes to the dear leader while the people starve. National Socialism on the otherhand puts the Peoples' interests first.

Slavery killed Rome, guess what automation is going to do for the west?

Im sure leader could eat hundreds of tons of food by himself, or use 1000 phones at once.

Since in NatSoc oligarchs exists, its no different than capitalism. Handouts, that can end at any moment.

No they just go to the exploitative oligarchs who run all socialist states.

Wtf why does this system I consent to keep growing stronger there's no way I could just stop giving consent to it I have to work to make the system stronger because by keeping something alive you destroy it?!

This is the future (((they))) have planned for you.
Self-driving vehicles only, no meat except for (((special occasions))), fixed living allowance, total enslavement.

You won't ever do a goddamn thing, so it doesn't matter to you.

Universal Basic Income. Think for five seconds before posting.

You've proven that he's right.

You are this fucking retarded.

"Money uber alles" is a false and anti-White ideology/mindset. Any policy that guarantees the destitution of millions of our own kinsmen is a bad policy.
This neo-con argument is the same one we've heard for decades

By killing all jews. Anything else will fail.

Basic income, shared ownership. Instead of redistributing gibs, redistribute passive income claims that come with minor but real responsibilities. Instead of creating a small mostly-idle ownership caste, create a ridiculously large mostly-idle ownership caste. Think aristocrats without peasants - we have unaware robots to be peasants. The modicum of real responsibility that comes with redistributing income sources instead of income alone will keep society functioning.

Basic income via shared ownership, I meant to say.

What jobs will replace all of the low skill ones we have now? Will 50 year old truckers just have to learn to code? Besides, machine automation replaced the need for human muscles but we were still useful afterwards because we had something the machines didn't: brains. But the future of AI is going to start encroaching on the last thing that makes us uniquely useful over machines. Sure it will take some time for a general AI to outperform us at high level tasks but I don't see how the economy will even generate enough demand for high-level thinking to replace the 90% of workers doing mentally tedious work.

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No such thing when you are not allowed to get private property.

Oligarchical contrpl of society in socialist states = feudal control of society in feudal states

See, the idiocy of socilaists is that if you call something "not-private" even when it is obviously controlled by an aristocratic elite of socialist apparatchiks, dumbass liberals like you just automatically believe them.

Education services should be at least double to triple.

Controlled doesnt mean ownership. You can be a CEO and not own a corporation. Exact thing here. Prime minister is not an owner, not an oligarch, just a manager, hired for few years with democracy.

Then apply rule .303, kinda hard for the bots to do anything with their brains outside of their skull.
Also if/when that happens don't hunker down waiting to be killed like at Waco, chase the bastards down and kill any of those "uniforms" you see since the optics won't matter.

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You can say the Jew's here

how is this thread up still?

Who are you quoting?

This is why liberals are morons.
All we'd need to do to get you to slavishly support capitalism is change words around like that.
You play the wordist game. I'm more interested in reality. Controllers = oligarchs and democracy is a childish lie.

please eloborate this sounds like a fun and profitable hobby to waste my free time on

Physical factor, inertia etc. concerns machines as well. Machines "feel" pain too.

We are already enslaved to the fluctuating nature of money and the stock manipulators/financial cartel internationalist jews don’t kid yourself OP you stupid faggot

They also require repair and maintenance, which will factor into expenses. And god forbid they acquire sentience, then it becomes a whole new ball game.


not a demand- many corporations take losses for PR propaganda gains, which is more necessary for their MO of domination. money is method not aim.

Slavery never left. Now it's just white people being enslaved by ZOG.

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the industrial revolution within iron curtain shows exactly how callous the delivery can be. millions random peasants starved for industry, no cause against its repetition.

Prime ministers get changed every few years, so democracy works, and it might be a lie in capitalism because actual oligarchs corrupt it - not in socialism where there are no oligarchs to corrupt democracy with money.

Your word games are stupid and only show you actually don't know anything, just try to bullshit.

Can't remember the name of the concept but Goldman Sachs actually commissioned a extensive report about the seperate economy of luxury and high-priced custom goods that really balooned after the 2007 crisis while the normal economy contracted.

The real meat for automation actually lies in the tons of bullshit office jobs. For example they outsourced tons of legal discovery work from paralegals to pajeets and now they disemploy the pajeets because OCR and big data bullshit allows to get that shit done even cheaper than the streetshitters.

You can with the right knowledge dig a shallow well for ground water collection you can build the hand drill out of $100 bucks of scrap bolt them to depth buy some pvc pipe a back flow prevention a hand pump for 50 at any feed store dig plumb prime pump free water it's hard work but any abled body person can twist and dig down 30ft in a day …most whites are raised to follow Law but remember Free ground water for life and what they don't know never happened So Pay Water bills for your poison they send you or pop a floor board in your house and start digging fucking Law abiding Empathy having cucks it's water if they take your right and sell it back to you and set up Laws for you to prevent you from the thing that keeps your life force alive you know Water why follow the law …in B4 You could fuck up the groung water if you did it wrong,,,,you could die if you drink that crap Filter it you fuck test it you fuck lazy bitches why pay them $$$$$$ for water that most of us are standing on ,,,,,
Seriously though look up shallow well videos it's a good thing to know if shit hits the fan ,,,you would be a valuable asset that nobody would Fuck with the post apocalypticWater boy

Look up the rare/endangered, medicinal, and edible plants/trees and fungus of your area, then search amazon and eBay to determine the price and the demand (look at how much sells during a given timeframe) for the different seeds/nuts/spores and dried herbs/fungus. Even invasive nasty weeds like poison ivy and hemlock can sell very well. Focus first on the high value and/or high demand products, and then go out looking for it while also keeping your eyes open for potentially good new products you hadn't thought of.

why would you want to tbh?
also, shit op.

So do CEOs

You have the understanding and nuance of a child. You actually think that switching political party heads every couple of years is real change. Democracy is designed to prevent meaningful change. Its entire foundation is a lie because most people (like you) are lemmings who mindlessly believe what they are told to believe by the mass media and their perceived peers and elites.
You for instance are a lemming because you lack the ability to think critically.
And socialist party leaders who CONTROL society are oligarchs. They are a parasitic class of well connected manipulators no different from the elites within the Republican and Democratic or Labour and Conservative parties.

Again, this is why you are a lemming. You lack the ability to think critically.

Again, you prove beyond a doubt that you are a lemming. Just because a socialist oligarch lies to you doesn't make his lies true.
God, I could literally be kicking you in your teeth as I lord my polutical power over you and so long as I claimed that I was not your owner, you'd just believe me.

You keep using that word, user.

I'm guessing you mean 'zogbots' user? Because actual robots can keep their control processors located literally anywhere within their hardened armatures/frameworks, including distributed clusters with fail-over in case some are off-lined. And then there's the whole notion of the cloud-as-CnC.

This subhuman can vote, ladies and gentlemen and guess what's even better??? His vote counts just as much as yours!

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Most retarded shit I've ever seen on here.

Blockchain is the first steps to AI

Actually, Psychology was.

>What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Did a retard toilet overflow somewhere?

Do I have to be the one that has to point out that slavery was never abolished, only rebranded? World poverty, human trafficking, slave labor, prostitution, religion, civilization…all slavery. And guess what? The slavers are still the same jews.

Most likely automation coupled with mass demographic shifts will be the final straws that cause the west to collapse.

Actually, that would be giving women the vote. White men could have managed automation to the world's benefit–as we did in the West's past–until that death blow was dealt. Sad.

Basically this. The establishment of fiat currency allows everything to be manipulated that plays within the rules and confines of the system by the people who control it. It’s not a hard concept to process unless you’ve brainwashed yourself with (((libertarian economics))). The national socialists addressed this economic contradiction quite rationally. Through the internationalist money system you can enslave whole nations and communities, sink real estate, incentivize crime, prostitution and manipulate the price of goods. This is the true redpill that vindicated Natsocs and condemns libertarians. The fiat money system is a slave credit system

Automate hard labor from start to finish, and provide for Men their desires. Free them to creative endeavours of creation and exploration.

To those without the desire to create or explore, let them wallow and self destruct.

Can you elaborate on what you collect ? Who are your customers ? Chefs ?

That's the thing with you retards. You absolutely refuse to acknowledge race realism. Those shit skins will kill you and your entire family.

We let natural selection kill off anyone too stupid to transition to the next major industry. Do you think white men still live off of picking cotton?

everyone is going to get drugged up once cause for sobriety is lifted. Idle hands of rust belt get continental.

Sorry, I'm used to my insular small communities of 2300-2500 people, where everyone is armed and there are no blacks/hispanics, so I have a more limited view/knowledge of communities in the 10K-25K+ range.

I do now all small cities of 25K+ are totally fucked, but the small towns I live in, everyone is armed, and has a really high level of "We know our neighbor." For the most part, a lot of our view on race is tainted but we all agree Blacks and Hispanics are SHIT. The vast majority of the opioid user in our communities are the "LMAO WEED" people who didn't believe that it was used as a gateway drug. They end up disregarding authority, and indulging in these pleasures, where they'll fall in with other people who use drugs, and then either get tricked [smoke this, I promise I didn't sprinkle any X into it] or just in an attempt to feel a part of an ingroup, see their friends doing it, feel it's safe, and try it themselves. Generally they get ignored, because they're seen as just shitty people who don't contribute to the community and arn't worth investing time in. When I talk about using Automation to do hard larbor, start to finish and let people be creative, I'm really talking about people with actual drive, not the people who are borderline depressives already and would be the alcoholics of the past without the drug problems from our southern border. These are the people that are fidgety when they have nothing to do, that go for walks and tear apart lawn mowers and have shops. Those people would find success and happiness in a much more heavily automated society, and they're going to end up being the poster children for that next stage in societal change.

One thing you need to know is that Automation is coming. It is a ridiculously easy field, it's a simple system of measurement and actuation, it isn't coding in C++ or writing python scripts or knowing some coding language that takes years and years to master. It's literally a system of using computers to tell things to turn on and off, and that's it. The wave of automated functions coming in the future are going to replace the last of these hold out jobs, like stacking boxes, or placing parts in certain orientations. They'll labor save entire water plants to the point where a single engineer and two or three plant maintenance people will be able to operate a facility with ease. Fast Food will turn even faster. Order Kiosks, that control precision cooking machines, something that goes "How old is this food, what temperature was it stored at? It's safe i'll use it. It isn't safe, i'll throw it away. I'm out of that item, i'll order more. I'm cooking it, for exactly this long, because it is this size and my grills are this hot."

The tasks of automation are /simple/. They're all tasks that retards are doing anyway, and even the programming of them is simple. The hardest part is making the machine communicate, and that's not saying much. We're going to see an era where all these jobs are automatic, because it's just so simple. It will free people to do other tasks, and the problem is that our entire society is built around people NOT being free to pursue their desires. They're slaves of these companies. Working X hours every day. Don't spend time with your coworkers, you should be working. The modern factory might as well be automated, because human's are just acting as machines anyway.

The faster we get the people out of these factories, and force them to see the hard light of the world around them, to look at the people standing beside and ontop of them the better. No more placating the masses with meager wages and draining their energy with 'just be busy' tasks. Let them be freed from low-level work, and give them a chance to see where all their profit is going, and (((WHO))) is cracking the whip to break their communities.

TL;DR Hurr durr, I'm retarded, make robots do the work so whites can focus on being white.

Not just cheaper but also faster and more accurate (as was described in the video).

Welfare keeps them contained and pacified, they only bother to raid whites when there's no gibs money for crack and food. Of course that doesn't stop violence WITHIN communities over shit like sneakers, territory, and respect but welfare shitholes don't expand and create refugees as long as they keep getting their checks. This is why kikes like niggers so much, they can be controlled entirely with money.

Exactly, the difference is the owner in capitalism that changes them is an oligarch, when in socialism its people.

You are not an oligarch, you have no power. You only have power in socialism.

Says the cuck

You forgot to put his name in triple parentheses.

Yeah its ridiculous how many laws were created to prevent anybody from being self-sustaining and not completely reliant on the system.

Look at this entitled boomer middle class. He think his demand needed for economy. Fun fact: similar economy consent was in teh 17th century. When economists explained that aristocracy is crucial. They consume surplus production or otherwise economy collapses from overproduction.

Point is wealthy can produce and sell wealthy goods to each other: capital goods (factories, robots etc) and luxurious consumption goods. Muh middle class can be perfectly cut of from this process.

Inflation, Taxes, Automation, lack of above average paying jobs making lower standard of living and more Slaves.
Average Household Income; $50,000 (approx net $36,000)
Average cost of Automobile; $36,000
Average cost of a Big Mac; US $5.58
Average CPI; 2.33%? (what federal raise, pensions, SSI, etc. based on)
Average True Cost annual increase estimate; 5%-15% depending on source.
Average Sales Tax; what 8%?
Average Tax paid per state; New Jersey pays the highest on average at around $19,977 per year; Average amount of federal income taxes: $10,426.94, state income taxes: $2,850.82, property taxes: $7,163.33.
West Virginia falls on the other end of the spectrum, with residents forking over only $6,837 per year; Average amount of federal income taxes: $3,984.78, state income taxes: $1,734, property taxes: $544.44

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Don't count your eggs before they hatch. Think for five seconds before posting.

Slavery never really died, it was just outlawed in White ruled countries and now since Whites are losing their hold over the World its making a return.

Generic Journal Opinion Piece on Industrialisation
"Slavery is returning to the 17st century, but this time it will be Mechanical slavery. It will take over the labor-intensive jobs of the common freeman just as slavery in Roman times left the common man poor. The negative affects of slavery will still be felt regardless of whether it's a mechanical apparatus or a human that is not paid. How do we fix this?"

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Every first step to achive their "utopia" was always to disarm the people and the dismantlement of the family and every community, capable of internal decision-making, besides the all controlling one-party-government and its proxys.

Thanks a lot mate!

These fuckers are beyond money. Make of that what you will.

Everyman has his own slave robot to generate money for him.

Automation won’t handle exceptional circumstances. To be fair neither will underpaid, disinterested people. That’s why you have supervisors. Who’ll supervise the ai when things fall outside expected parameters?

>muh (((libertarian))) economics

Why are sales taxes in Louisiana so high? I would have thought that in the kiked up blue states they'd be higher, but no.

I wonder why? Gibs maybe?
GoP states flooded with Illegals, go on welfare and vote dem.

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You dont, robots are an endgame, and by the time autonomous personal security robots come out we're 100% fucked because now you can't even expect their henchmen to turn against them since robots can't betray their masters

See "plutonomy", they will sell shit to eachother

Their real endgame is shifting towards a data economy, where trading and speculating on data and models to predict future behaviors of populations is valued most. UBI would then be the scheme used to consolidate all data about every individual who conducts transactions with it. What's more, it'll likely be tied to a social credit system which defines who can make what transactions based on their score.

It makes sense when you consider how right now corporations are willing to invest a lot in AI R&D. Because the real payoff means exerting greater influence, better autonomy, improving predictive power, or generating/acquiring desired data to trade with others.