Because Michael Jackson called out the jews, vid related. Also the lyrics from one of his songs "They Don't Care About Us" -
>Jew me, sue me
>Kick me, kike me
Yup. Subhuman kikes cannot stand being named for what they are so they offed him, censored him and destroyed his legacy. Pathetic.
Character assassination hasn't even completely destroyed Hitler's legacy and he is the man slandered by the kikes most thoroughly.
well connected ex-commiefornian here, family has some second hand stories from friends about jackson not being the best dude, and I know for sure he was fucked up enough (from childhood experience) to fiddle some kiddies, but I definitely think they are going above and beyond to smear him YEARS after his death all of the sudden? why? (((Someone))) had him on a list, and finally checked off everything above him perhaps.
It's interesting seeing all the excuses being peddled to cover up for mj by the same people who want to ruin the career of any other person accused of similar crimes with adults.
I aint got no time fo dat
Maybe (((someone))) is after MJ's ranch or is trying to buy out his royalties from his family?
(((Who))) could gain something from this?
This year at least it's because it's the 10th anniversary of his death and it's also because of Harvey Weinstein, Brian Singer, Kevin Spacey etc. It's a smokescreen. Did you know there was also a Harvey Weinstein documentary called Untouchable at Sundance this year? No? Well Leaving Neverland did its job then. Michael Jackson is 100% innocent. If you look at all the evidence (for his innocence, as there is ZERO evidence against him other than debunkable stories) and still think he's guilty then you're utterly retarded.
You're brainwashed. It's not inappropriate for people to have platonic relationships regardless of age. If you look at a man and a teenage boy or child interacting with each other and you have sexual thoughts then maybe Michael Jackson isn't the "Man In The Mirror" who is the faggot.
Kewl gossip post thanks Perez Hilton I came here to discuss celebrity gossip that has so much to do with my life
It's rumored that MJ's dad had him chemically castrated before he reached puberty to keep his voice from changing. Seems plausible.
Not really. The coroner wrote a thorough report about his body and debunked that.
Is that pic even real? I'm not suspicious because you posted a pic of Michael Jackson with boys, but because the guy in the front only looks about 3ft tall, like it's a badly positioned photoshop.
We all know mj was setup by the heebs but this is really a thread for /tv/
By contemporary standards, yeah. When Michael was young, it wouldn't have seemed strange for adults to take an interest in helping kids who weren't their own. A lot of men used to volunteer for boy scouts and stuff like that.
Looking at it, we are the ones who are fucking weird tbh.
Than maybe you are perverted and have such characterless mind
It has been going on for so long there is no telling who else was destroyed by them.
I highly suspect that the establishment used the Michael Jackson accusations to further separate older adults from teenagers and children. Also to further misuse the word paedophile. If Michael Jackson had been guilty of the previous accusations (not these new ones as Wade Robsons claims he was abused since he was 7) then he would "only" be a molesting fag, not a paedophile. He firt dated Brooke Shields when she was 14 or 15 and he was 22, but nobody cared because that was heterosexual and she was a smoking hot 14/15 year old that everybody wanted to fuck. Although he never got to fuck her anyway as according to her she was a virgin until she was 22 and fucked Dean Cain at University. (Although I seem to remember she originally claimed that she was a virgin until her marriage to Andre Agassi.) Michael Jackson was also possibly a virgin until he married Lisa Marie Presley as he seemed to be against sex before marriage, because he was quite a devout Christian, and secretly recorded conversations implied this. That would explain why kept asking Brooke Shields to marry him, lol! (Other than the fact he was deeply in love with her.)
His own sister rightfully called him a faggot for being a fucking pop star and chose to surround himself with little boys instead of attractive gold digging whores
Michael Jackson raped kids AND this is a limited hangout by David Geffen. Remember Oprah's All Girls child rape school in South Africa?
This is not a leftypol nigger memorial thread at all Zig Forums. I was doing some thinking about Zig Forums this morning and thinking about ‘recent trends’ and IDK I guess it is the kikes board BUT it occurred to me that if you ‘reject’ the kikes, they spend all their time, effort and money flooding the one space that they ALLOW YOU TO TALK with niggers, spics and muslims IN REVENGE. So right now we are in the ‘subhuman’ memorialization stage of the demoralization of the board for rejecting HOMOS and the ALT-KIKES. It is interesting isn’t it that we have had maybe 13-14 threads on the muslim nigger cunt since we rejected Patrick Little the Globalist CIVNAT? I mean, it is ALL CIVIC NATIONALISM at some point but at least now we are forcing them to fuck us over using their subhuman TRASH rather than using someone who ‘resembles’ on the surface, our own people. Like this was EVER ‘OUR IDEA’ or something we wanted.
Basically this. why doesn't anyone ever question the fact that the jew doctor who was charged with his death got out after only TWO years in jail? The coroner determined that the death was a homicide but somehow the charge got (((reduced))) to involuntary manslaughter.
If someone with as big of a voice as Jackson slights the industry kikes, you'd better believe there will be retribution. The tabloid slander about him being a pedophile wasn't enough to make everyone hate him, so they had to kill him.
LaToya was forced to read a statement written by her gangster husband who had just beaten the shit out of her and told her that if she didn't read it he would have her and Michael killed. The family had to literally rescue her from him after that. Do some research retard.
You know Oprah is involved with this, right? Michael is innocent. Even the FBI couldn't find any evidence against him.
Nigger no one gives a fuck about pedo jackson
A lot of people care about him and a lot of people care about the truth. So even if you don't give a shit about him you should give a shit about the truth.
user, jews only care about shekels and obfuscating anything that makes them look less than perfect, hence the constant dismissal of any attempts to shed light on the slander campaign against MJ.
Bump for the truth.
Show me one shred of evidence that he's guilty? And, no, "these guys said he is" isn't evidence, otherwise you're guilty of molesting me because I just said you did.
Fuck off niggerlover.
the soundproof sex dungeon under Neverland
Kill yourself shitskin, you will never understand it because you will never be white.
I said show me one shred of evidence. Not make a claim with no evidence at all.
Why are you so retarded and why you are easily brainwashed . I bet you all your accusations comes after watching that baseless documentary .
Imagine being this retarded and influenced by mainstream media
Why are you so invested in defending a black child rapist? A strange one for Zig Forums. Not to mention he's dead. Geffen isn't.
I care and all his fan base care which you have destroyed by spreading that shitty propaganda documentary and I bet you have never ever doubted or raised any questions about the documentary
Tell me how talking about MJ talking about jews AND fucking young white boys, will save white people?
How do you know he is a child rapist ? People like you are the reason society is so retarded . Just jumping straight to conclusions without any thoughts about it where today it is so hard to find a documentary /film/TV series without any kind of propaganda and biasness
? Isn’t that an oxymoron nigger lover?
So this supports my point that he was falsely accused because he called out Jews still have no idea than why you are believing that documentary
M.J was a tool, just another piece of the system. While I'm unaware of why would they want to draw attention to him having the 'pop king' in the headlines is surely, well, 'controversial', what can I say.
Since he was a kid he was forced to perform and to live as a celebrity. It's not hard to guess what happens behind the scenes and not to mention his jew-like father.
Hollywood circus. A tool.
I always thought MJ had a shit childhood and just wanted little boys to have a not so shit childhood by having a fun memory. I mean it made sense to me because I do the same but with girls because it's easier to relate to them just like it was easier to relate to boys for MJ.
Again you have never answered why you are straight away calling him a child rapist and never provided any reason or proof
People believing the truth, not lies like the accusations against Michael Jackson, will save White people. Here is Michael Jackson secretly recorded having a conversation about his past girlfriends Tatum O'Neal and Brooke Shields. This isn't how a faggot who is attracted to teenage boys (let alone 7 year old boys) talks. I recognise the feelings for these girls in his voice. This piece of evidence alone crushes anything anybody has ever posted.
MJ may have not been aryan, but he sure wanted to be.
This is just another attempt by the establishment to divide us. I can see it is working from the comments in this thread. MJ is guilty! Oh no he isn't!
Who cares really. He's dead. If he's guilty, then enforcement didn't do their due diligence. Also, don't one of the two accusers testified on behalf of MJ back in 2005.
Bottom line is just ignore this crap and focus on what's important and alive.
Don't forget – fixed
By any standards, it's never been acceptable for a child to spend the night in the bed of an unrelated adult. Unless you're talking about Ghandi the pedophile or Mohammed the rapist.
Jesus christ you fucking idiot
Yes. And now he's changed his story about 4 times including saying that he only just realised he was abused a few years ago. Another story is that he didn't know what happened was wrong at the time. That one obviously makes no sense since when he testified at the trial he was in his 20s and obviously knew what sex abuse was and that it was wrong, even if he didn't know when he was 7 and right up until his 20s. (LMAO!)
Wade Robson (and his co-accuser James Safechuck) are total scam artists. His career wasn't as successful as he wanted then it hit the rocks and he had a breakdown and wanted to extort the Michael Jackson Estate for money. He tried doing it secretly at first but they told him to fuck off so then he went to court with James Safechuck and their case was thrown out so they met up with this director and HBO and someone to do with Harvey Weinstein I read somewhere.
you are a jew
Has a friend of the same sex ever crashed out on your bed? If the answer is yes does that mean you're a faggot who sexually abused your friend?
You ever consider that just because he calls out kikes, doesn't mean he wasn't a sick fuck? We all know what these celebs and politicians are into and the lengths they go to protect each other. So when one steps out of line, they throw him to the lions den.
This is now a (((David Geffen))) is a pedophile thread
No, I consider the lack of evidence of his guilt and overwhelming evidence of his innocence as meaning he wasn't a sick fuck.
So a race mixing nigger? Somehow Zig Forums is supposed to appreciate this nigger pedo faggot?
Okay this is retarded beyond point and goes above that you are solely relying on this article .
So a non-paedo heterosexual who is being lied about. Zig Forums should appreciate the truth. Just because someone isn't White doesn't mean it's OK for the MSM to lie about them. The truth is the truth.
On which basis you are calling him a pedo ? What's your reason ?
Tom Barrack owns the ranch
What the fuck are you talking about
I do and his fan base do which people like you have destroyed by watching a propaganda documentary and not even asking or questioning anything
This is just retarded and if this is so than why you are even alive just kill yourself already if nothing matters to you
Michael Jackson didn't want to become part of the Illuminati and similar groups as he was a devout Christian, and he knew what they did to kids.
This is the origin of this pedo scandal about him.
>Defaming the Dead: The Michael Jackson Rebuttal (Part 2)
Michael Jackson gives clues in his lyrics about the deep state and the way they tried to recruit him for their agenda.
Read the lyrics of Black or White. It is there.
Michael was not a peep, he just liked to be around kids and imagine that he is one of them. He wanted to compensate for his bad childhood.
Look, pedoes don't hang around children publicly. They want to avoid suspicion.
No rapes have been proved.
They are after the compensation money. The same persons stated under oath that he was innocent in a previous rape case. Now they say he raped them, after the Michael Jackson estate grew from 150million in dept to 1 billion after his death.
The media campaign is run to influence the public opinion. No evidence has ever been found about Michael being a pedo.
The satanist cults wanted him, but he rejected the dark side.
Read the lyrics of They Don't Really Care About Us.
Could that uniform be inspired by Blues and Royals?
This thread is full of (1) and typical kike crap posting, with 09d003 being the biggest of them all, talking meaningless monologues.
Previous MJ threads weren't as shitty and this thread is worthy of /tv/ quality which is incredibly low for Zig Forums. I guess we should thank this (((documentary))) because kikes need to fresh up their "Michael Jackson is a pedo" narrative since everyone forgot about it. But hey, at least these parasites get the same treatment when they also die which isn't artificial because people are legitimately happy when they case to exist.
And yet here you are, spewing bullshit to show how much you apparently don't care, just like the rest of your buddies.
Anyway, I asked on /tv/ and I want to ask again, how comes no one noticed that "They Don't Care About Us" was corrupted when they censored it? The noises they added to censor kike and jew are so obvious even the most retarded person would fucking notice something as obvious. I mean, Jackson isn't some nobody, he was huge, surely people would notice that something is wrong with this exact song because those changes are the laziest you can get, not to mention they re-released it on various albums later in the exact same quality. Or there was a backlash after all?
yes a lot of MJ's fashion is based on Imperial pre 1917 Russia or WW2 Germany.
look for:
double headed eagle belt buckle.
Romanov style (single headed) eagle on back of jacket
NSDAP eagles and uniform hints
Lol, Zig Forumsniggers and MJ fans are united in their pathetic worship of this obviously mentally deranged pedophilic freak.
MJ fans:
Holy shit, use your eyes. There he is, pictured with little boys in public. There he is, turning from a little black boy into a emaciated white woman. There he is, being weird as fuck in every public interview from the mid-1980s onwards. There he is, with a treasure trove of child porn being hauled from his mansion (the very suspiciously named Neverland Ranch, arguably designed with raping children in mind).
The guy may have been a music genius who got semi-redpilled because of all the kikes he interacted with in the business, but there is no doubt that he wasn't a vile child rapist and professional pedophile as well.
Just because someone calls a kike a kike doesn't mean he's a saint. Sad!
He may have been about to expose Hollywood before #MeToo in what would have been his "This Is It" album. After he died Sony bought the rights to release more albums (which must have him rolling in his grave) and some of the songs on the first album they released were fakes sung by an impersonator. (They've actually admitted that now.) These could have replaced songs that might have been part of a Hollywood-sex-abuse-exposing concept album. Listen to and read the lyrics of "Do You Know Where Your Children Are" and "Hollywood Tonight", t he latter song lyrically just sounds like it follows on from the former one:
Do You Know Where Your Children Are
Father comes home from work, and he's scared to death
Mother cries for the kid, and the note she read
Father runs to the table, he says "What's going on?"
Mother cries desperately, "Our little baby's gone!"
Do you know where your children are?
Because it's now twelve o'clock
If they're somewhere out on the street
Just imagine how scared they are
Do you know where your children are?
Because it's now twelve o'clock
If they're somewhere out on the street
Just imagine how scared they are
She wrote that she is tired of step daddy using her
Saying that he'll buy her things, while sexually abusing her
Just think that she's all alone somewhere out on the street
How will this girl survive?
She ain't got nothing to eat!
Do you know where your children are?
Because it's now twelve o'clock
If they're somewhere out on the street
Just imagine how scared they are
Do you know where your children are?
Because it's now twelve o'clock
If they're somewhere out on the street
Just imagine how scared they are
Save me (from this living hell)
Save me (cause I don't wanna know)
Save me
Now she's on the move, she's off to Hollywood
She says she wanna be a star, she heard the money's good
She gets off from the train station, the man is waiting there
"I'll show you where the money is, girl just let down your hair"
He's taking her on the streets, of Sunset Boulevard
She's selling her body hard, girl that will take you far
The police come 'round the corner, somebody there they told
He's arresting this little girl, that's only twelve years old!
Do you know where your children are?
Because it's now twelve o'clock
If they're somewhere out on the street
Just imagine how scared they are (X6)
Hollywood Tonight
Lipstick in hand
Tahitian tan
In her painted on jeans
She dreams of fame
She changed her name
To one that fits the movie screen
She's headed for the big time that means
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
It's true, that you,
May never ever have that chance again
That chance again babe
West bound Greyhound
To tinsel town
Just to pursue her movie star dreams
She's giving hot tricks to men
Just to get in
When she was taught that that's not clean
She's headed for the big time that means
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
It's true, that you,
May never ever have that chance again
That chance again babe
Lipstick in hand
Tahitian tan
In her painted on jeans
She dreams of fame
She changed her name
To one that fits the movie screen
She's headed for the big time, that means
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
She's going Hollywood
She's going Hollywood tonight
It's true, that you,
May never ever have that chance again
That chance again babe
You know it baby
(West bound Greyhound)
(To tinsel town)
(Just to pursue her movie star dreams)
You know it baby
(West bound Greyhound)
(To tinsel town)
(Just to pursue her movie star dreams)
West bound Greyhound
To tinsel town
Just to pursue her movie star dreams
And this Leaving Neverland movie was created by a producer who is friends with Harvey Weintein, the rapist.
I mean Satan must really hate the devout Christian Michael Jackson if he sends this many evil and bad persons against his legacy.
You are beyond the level of retardation of that propaganda documentary that have brainwashed your mind to the extent that LOGICAL reasoning doesn't fit your mind well and anything I would say you would dumb down it to the lowest level and not to forget you have not provided any real proof .
Shock horror. He's pictured with children in public? What more evidence does anyone need?!
You mean he had universal vitiligo, discoid lupus and got very thin.
He wasn't snorting cocaine and gang banging prostitutes like my favourite degenerate rock star. He preferred to have exotic pets, go to Disneyland and build his own mini one in his garden and also climb trees instead. How awful!
Total lie, never happened. Not only would that have been evidence at the trial but it would also have been included in the charges.
There was enough doubt to convince a jury to find him not guilty of all charges and for the FBI to declare him innocent after over a decade of secret investigation which resulted in them not finding any evidence against him.
So Sony changed the lyrics. Interesting.
The elite law enforcement organization?
MJ named the jew so the gods rewarded him by bleaching his skin white.
Bro, why do this? Why is this the hill that you want to die on? Do your own eyes deceive you when you look at a picture of him later in life? His children's names? The guy was a grade A freak.
Fucking LOL. He was pictured carrying children who *weren't his own* everywhere with him, flying them on private jets, writing them love faxes, calling them pet names, not to mention he admitted under oath that he routinely slept with them in the same bed. Just totally normal behavior, says tragic Zig Forumsnigger!
Yeah, that's a hard pass from me, dawg. Have you ever seen anyone with vitiligo? It doesn't work that way. You don't turn completely white. Your nose doesn't fall off. You don't suddenly become a completely different race. Lupus? Come on, man. Get real. An autoimmune disease absolutely does not explain Jackson's transformation.
Plenty of musicians live relatively normal lives. Few build a fantasyland playground in private to enjoy with a harem of specially procured boys. The Disneyland comparison is apt, as he wanted to make the kids feel as comfortable as possible.
Oh, really? sbscpublicaccess.org
Sure, when you're worth $500 million - $1 billion you can get people to lie on the stand for you/use your star power to extract a non-guilty verdict, which is exactly what happened. Was OJ innocent too?.
Also, you conveniently skip over the fact that he settled out of court for the first accusation of child rape in the 1990s.
The evidence, of course, is overwhelming, if only you had the eyes to see it, and has been for a long, long time.
Look, I get it. You like MJ. You like his music. You like that he criticized the Jews. You want to believe that he was some misunderstood, child-like hero. But the truth is much simpler: he was a flawed, very weird person. He wrote Thriller, he donated millions to charity, he said "kike me" (and then spent years apologizing for it, but w/e). But he also raped those kids, man.
Leftists allied with their traditional enemies in the surveillance state - but that traditional opposition was correct! The federal enforcement bureaus are lawless networks of organized crime whose expansion is a testament to their capacity to keep Republicans intimidated and compliant. The inability of federal agents to correctly prioritize threats and their unwillingness to extend post-tribal protections to their nation is one part of the complex reason why conservative cultures have tended to die slowly. Attempting to ally the left with that didn’t work at all.
Am I doing good at leaving lies? Hmm, maybe I misread the OP. For that matter, I don’t technically know that I’m lying. American federal policy towards the middle east at least has been pretty hardcore self-destructive sociopathy, and federal agencies aren’t known to expose their errors like honest people with nothing to hide. They’ve got a ton to hide - they’re faithful unto God, the lying bearers of the plan of omniscience, and dead in paradise for their unwillingness to live a reciprocal ethic.
Ah, yes, the pure LOGICAL REASONING (lol) of defending this proud black man.
Having a harem of non-familial children is completely normal, non-aberrant behavior according to MJ defenders.
I won't argue that he wasn't an odd man, but as someone mentioned, if he really had this thing where he didn't believe in sex before marriage, and he set his standards very high before he would even get married so he was single most of his life, then you have the strange situation of the most famous singer in the world having all of these adulatory fans, but Michael himself had limited human contact.
You would expect somebody like that to act kind of weird. For those who don't know, at the time when the Jackson 5 got their start, there was a singing group called The Osmonds. The most famous one was Donny, about Michael's age, and as Mormons they also didn't believe in sex before marriage. It drove Donny so insane that he knowingly tanked his career and that of the band when he finally got married, and he lost the adulation of all these young girls. that seems weird today, but that was part of the appeal I guess. Could you be the girl that Donny would marry? Nobody wanted him to do it, but he wanted to be honest.
When they were young, Donny was probably more famous than Michael. After that, the one sister Marie was the only one who had much of a career, though Donny was able to piggyback on that for a while when they did a show together.
MJ defenders see nothing wrong with having rooms full of "tasteful" child pornography/homosexual pornography in your $100 million dollar Disneyland mansion.
Wasn't that all shown to be bullshit?
I used to think that MJ was 100% guilty, then I saw a good Youtube video debunking it. Also, he seemed to be universally acknowledged as a very kind and gentle man, which probably related to how much he wanted to be seen as white.
As another user said this is just a smoke screen for the real systematic pedophilia and sexual abuse rampant in Hollywood.
MJ's own daughter knew her father had been framed and she made a bunch of tweets about it years back. Shortly thereafter, they sent her to the notorious Ronald Reagan UCLA medical center for mkultra reprogramming.
So I guess nobody gave any shit about "They Don't Care About Us" terrible attempt at censorship?
Is there a demo in lossless format? Can't seems to find it unlike "Do You Know Where Your Children Are".
See proves my point (lol)
A guy lets you party at his house with roller coasters and a zoo and then he sucks your dick and this is how you repay him?