Identity Evropa disbands, becomes 1950s LARP

Patrick Casey, the leader of Identity Evropa, disbanded the group entirely because of it's apparent 'baggage' and is now creating an organization called the "American Identity Movement". The new organization embraces a generic boomer 20th century "Americanism" aesthetic in the hopes it will help them in their neverending chase for 'good optics'.
I find this somewhat comedic considering that IE was originally an offshoot off of the American Freedom Party but now they're coming back full circle to the overused 'Patriot' image and even ripping off Patriotfront while they're at it.

When will they realize that every time this branding has been tried it utterly failed? Council of Conservative Citizens, American Freedom Party, Liberty Lobby, all defunct without leaving any significant historical impact.

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any pro-white group operating in america that doesn't include the word "white" in it is faggots

alt-X, european, western, and american/national/whatever civcuck descriptor are all cop outs. White is the only threatening word. White has bite.

Attached: optics.png (577x157, 13.91K)

And even if they don't have white in the name they should at LEAST have it on their flyers. This vague pussyfooting is ineffective and unnecessary.

So this includes based niggers, spics and kikes and unwavering support for our first jewish president Zognald Trumpstein I assume

The real question is can based minorities join? I would rather have a godly Filipino helping me stop the commies because Jews are unfairly scapegoated and our only ally in the Middle East than a racist White person.

I don't think they've gone that far but I believe patrick casey got shit before for saying that their goal is a "90% white america"

Someone ask Casey for me if they're racist or not. I have two African-American friends with White girlfriends who can really help our optics by showing the world we're very inclusive in our politics.


Prepare for the culling of 2020, 5G is coming.

Judgement day will be here soon.

Our movement won't last if we discriminate against everyone whose skin is not White. We must diversify our ranks in order to beat the Communists. Wouldn't you rather have 1 million Mexican and African immigrants who respected the Constitution instead of 1 million White Communists? I know I would.

Nice one, shekelburg.

EMF from wifi and cell phone towers already kill brain cells, especially if you live in a crowded area, mind you 5g will make it worse

This is hard-right white men in shirts stuff rather than boomer normiecon r/TheDonald bullshit. The rebranding is designed to open up the white normiecon base to volkish ideas. IE had their own style which was probably too ‘esoteric right’ branded.

White has bite
I like it

Patrick Casey browses Zig Forums. Found proof.

that’s a pretty good tagline actually

And you all wonder why the Communists are winning. We must be like the Don if we are to win. I bet you African Americans will line up in droves come 2020 to vote for the man who single handedly destroyed systematic racial oppression in the for profit prison industry.

The only thing they'll be lining up for it to rape your ass.
Niggers will never vote for a White racist republican.

Casey is a federal informant
He’s a rat and that’s a honeypot

there are no golden niggers, they do whatever gets them gibbies, if being a patriot nigger gets them gibbies they will do that, but they have no principles and will flip the second they get better gibs somewhere else

White nationalist groups often seem to forget about the phrase "useful idiot" and seem to have no capablily of political manveuring or simply thinking ahead. The only way to win is to hold powerful postions in places where propaganda can dispersed with real effect rather than on fringe websites that get blacklisted from the get go.
Think of the non-whites as tools. They are tools to bolster the white race, whether they know it or not, that is the mindset I have chosen. That is the way to win, truly.

Everybody knows they aren't full on cuckservatives

But adopting the normiecon patriot aesthetic is painfully retarded. You're playing into the knee-jerk spooks and taboos instead of challenging them and breaking them down.
It has lost and failed every time.

Great idea.

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So it’s Proud Boys 2.0 except they let thots in and don’t bash commie skulls. AIM sounds like something generic a committee of fat dyke special ed teachers came up with. Oh well. Good luck to them I guess.

What if I told you it's engineered to fail. Create an overtly white nationalist organization, suck up all the bads eggs like a sponge and destroy the movement.

You're projecting. The Don isn't a stupid racist. He's wildly successful because he's incisive of everyone as long as it means victory.

Be positive man.

I wouldn't dehumanize minorities but everything else in your post is correct. Remember, America is a mixing pot of immigrants from Europe, Africa, Asia and even the Middle East. Muslims were in America during Jefferson's times.

This but unironically. We should all get on our knees and suck BASED big black cock, America is a diverse nation. Jews have been in America since the 1600s, we must embrace our fellow humans!
We will never succeed without decent optics!

1776 NOT 1488!

Oh my god. It's actually happening. Codekike now allows blatant boomer conservatism on Zig Forums. We've been subverted.
Yep, civil war is the only thing left.


Of course he's not politically incorrect. But he appears to be and that's all that matters to niggers.
They hate America and associate America with Whiteness.
Fuck off you dumb civic nationalist. You are the reason why America has open borders and why faggots openly brainwash children.

That makes sense.
Since identity evropa sounds a bit like identity europa which would be something to do with islam.

Yes fellow organic user, Europe is wayyyyy WAYYYYYYYYYY more pozzed than the glorious patriotic America, especially with our free markets and democracy!


Race war is coming user. Civil war is the breakout point

Im not sure about pozzed or what you mean by that.
I just think they are smart to avoid using European symbolism since Europe is losing its culture and heritage.

Boomer scum fuck off

FELLOW user, America is standing strong under Donald Trump. You're absolutely right. Europe lost its heritage when the evil Adolf Hitler illegally seized power. Our boys went over and restored freedom, but it was too late….. The Evil Nazis destroyed European culture.

By the way, i'm 78 years old.

The word "optics" needs to die. If you disagree with them in any way, they'll call you a racist until the end of time no matter what you do. Playing defense is a losing strategy.

If you care about how they frame you, become the media and frame yourself. The media controls the optics. If you're not the media, the word isn't yours to use.

Our country is under 50% White(actual White) has a jewish president and now literal non-citizens can vote. No European country is anywhere near as fucked up and lost as this one, we're a fucking festering tumor that should no longer exist because we're going to end up Brazil with nuclear weapons run by kikes.

There's nothing wrong with open borders provided immigrants are vetted carefully and they are a net benefit to American society. I still stand by my statement I would rather have Sung Lee Chan than hillbilly Cletus if Mr. Chan is educated and working hard to assimilate into American society.

Also African-Americans have a reason to hate America. Try being enslaved for hundreds of years, freed then openly kept separate from society until some old White men made a law proclaiming your equality. They weren't equal before Civil Rights. And somehow they're supposed to forget all that, put a smile on their face and move on?

They have a right to be mad!

No we lost our heritage starting in the 90s. When governments started to irnogre the public opinion and increase immigration to the hundreds of thousands.


They are the reason Whites can no longer be tribal and network anymore. Nothing but endless misery.

They dox Whites as "Nazis", "Racists", etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense.
Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these low brow misfits than survival of Whites.

I agree, by the way you fought with me in Viet-Nam, isn't that right? Your name was George Clement. Those Evil Nazis ruined it all, we must protect our beautiful democracy. America is a nation of immigrants! Peace out, man!

If you want to be gay that's fine. That's your right as an American citizen. We're not in commie Russia where they persecute your kind. Make sure you thank a soldier for your freedom!

It was incredibly foolish of the US to import all those slaves and not castrate them. Like the Arabs did.
But you at least have a constitution and freedom of speech. Which has been strengthened recently by two new supreme court justices.

Right now in my country people are in prison for hurting someones feelings on twitter. Just think about that for a moment.

Yeah man we need 2 stop the oppressive system the fascists never gave up. Come home with me brother wake up with LSD, need 2 restore our peace and love for the next Generations.

Come Home Brothers, No More Nazis

Tell that to IsraHell, kike.
America belongs to the people who built it and not to the subhumans who hate us. Fuck off back to IsraHell.

Nazis begone, freedom is the way!


Are you calling me a hippie for being logical? Haha, those were some crazy times. Mary Jane wasn't as strong as what you kids smoke these days. It was way more mellow and we didn't use condoms but that was before AIDs :( we all still had sex though hahaha

I see this thread, I look at 8/pol/

Attached: back_then_magaCYFix.jpg (750x926, 110.5K)

Where is all this antisemitism taking you? Nowhere. Shape up and know your enemy is an ideology not a religion of persecuted people.

This. Nazis are just bad for business. It's ok for Whites to associate but they don't need to discriminate. My neighbor is Puerto Rican and he seems like a good fella. His daughter is smoking. How could you want to deport that? Haha, I should've "racemixed" instead of getting divorced. It would've saved me a lot of money and pain.

Remember 1968
Peace and Love for all
No More Wars

American nationalism will always be a joke

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But thats only because America is a continent. Rather than a country.

Attached: buymurrican.jpg (850x592, 148.14K)

Cool I could use faster mobile internet


5g will be so fast that your dick will fall off from all the porn.

America/The Americas
Countries 35
Languages Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, Haitian Creole, Quechua, Guaraní, Aymara, Nahuatl, Dutch and
Time zones UTC−10:00 to UTC
America (also collectively called the Americas; French: Amérique, Spanish/Portuguese: América) comprise the totality of the North and South America.[5][6][7] Together, they make up most of the land in Earth's western hemisphere and comprise the New World.
Along with their associated islands, they cover 8% of Earth's total surface area and 28.4% of its land area.

Yeah i'm 78 years old and need the extra speed so I can watch videos on Facebook faster, this computer is the best I was able to find. The salesman said it was best on the market for the price, huh. Gotta trust the experts

Oh you are insane never mind

With 5g I can have full speed online psychological care for my condition.

It has taken me to the same place you are with the exception that I don't blindly trust a kike controlled political party while it betrays me at every turn.
You are the reason why faggots roam the streets brainwashing children openly and why niggers riot for more gibs. They know that you are a racially confused coward who deserves to have your face smashed in by people willing to take from you.

tor pedo post

Because Nadzees are working so well schlomo for YOU.

See you at the Bingo center tomorrow. What's your name again? Bill? Gotta remember it………… yes, Bill Adams! We fought in 'Nam.

B b b b bait

Autism? Autism

They don't persecute faggots in Russia. Detesting unatural things like homosexuality is natural and humane. Russians want faggots to saty away from children because faggots destroy things.
If you think that's persecution you're clearly not aware of what the Jews went through and go through everyday. Imagine what those poor innocent Jews went through during the Holocaust.
Now, even as a privileged class, they face constant persecution.
If you want to be a Nazi, that's fine. That's your right as an American citizen.

Stormtards ruin another organization.

What's the name of your nursery? I'm looking to move, need a better nursery home. Millennials hate us baby boomers because they have to support us, well we supported them in times of need!

So now they're like even gayer AmRen?



He's also a homosexual.

Which reminds me, at 5:06 in that video:

Everybody should have seen this coming.


LOL AIM stands for American Indian Movement, a Marxist organization. Are they trolling?

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Enough with the homo/kike leadership; they are just as bad as the muslim niggers or the kikes.

What is UP with the constant fucking faggot leadership? Nobody like faggots or wants them around, especially not in a 'leadership', aka child raping, position of authority.

They aren't capable of understanding any of the Aryan ideals. Not religion, nothing…

Reminder that the mods allow this jewish shill to post here.

Pilpul somewhere else. No one is falling for this.

How come racists can never use logic to argue back? That's right! They're ignorant. That's why they're racists.

What are you implying with that picture? For all we know he has the proper documentation to wield those weapons. Is it because the color of his skin you think he's a criminal? This is why White people are hated so much. Show some compassion and reserve your judgment until you know all the facts kid.

But user, that is why based Donald Trump wants legal immigrants. He'll make sure that each one is given a copy of the Constitution, and they will become proud Republicans who will work to #MakeAmericaGreatAgain.


Not Jewish not that there's anything wrong with that but I'm White if that matters and a particularly wise one because of my years. It's in your benefit to listen to me youngster.

reminder that the mods are kikes who let ALL of the CIVNAT leftypol kikes and other subhumans post as often as they like


Still no argument… At some point you'll grow out of your teenage angst and become a productive member of society.

Reported. No one is falling for you. No one believes you. Everything you have said is a lie.

Suicide now.

I see you're struggling to understand. This is Zig Forums, you are looking for Zig Forums
Here, let me help >>>Zig Forums

Reporting a White man for having different opinions in this neo Nazi circle jerk? Don't make me laugh kid and you call the Communists snowflakes. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You are not white.

You havent explained why after over 100 years of integration blacks are as much a failure as a people as when they got hauled off the boats.

I genuinely didnt know what pilpul meant im just naturally nit picky and autsitic but Ive looked up the definition because of your post. Thanks.

In before "white racism."

The demonym of the United States of America is American. The country exists regardless of your pedantry.

No thank you. The children need adults to help guide them. Your anger does nothing but destroy son. Let go of that chip on your shoulder.

Thanks to retards like you we are in a worse position than we were in 2015.

I saw this faggot's initial announcement and it sounded more like a he was talking about a product or corporation than a political movement.

Why are you still posting?

Rebranding only seems to work with establishment/institutional mu$cle behind it, and even then it often fails.