I have a serious question about Yang's Version of UBI.
He seems to include 'Every Single American' in his plan for 1000 each per month.
Does this mean a household of 4 will not 48k per year, kids included?
Also, would that make a Gamerlife Viable? Not Gamers alone, but in groups.
Gameplan: Get you and 5 other Gamer Friends together and move into a 4 bedroom house. Get your ubi, put together = 72k a year. Pay rent buy food in bulk pay for t3 internet. Game together forever no job necessary.
Thanks in advance for any responses. Sorry if it's been touched upon.
Any kind of UBI is going to have some kind of strings attached that will make it unattractive to anyone who cares about any sort of liberty. UBI = deal with the devil.
Easton Roberts
>muh liberty jesus christ. Have you looked around lately?
It's not about the message. It's about sending the money.
What part of 'universal' do you not understand? Even billionaires get a check from this retarded system.
William Foster
I just wanted to be sure. Some people seem to think it's a per adult or per household plan, but his pricetag indicates otherwise
Liam Morgan
There's no way that the government will give anyone 1000 dollars a month without some sort of catch.
Never pretend that things cannot get worse.
Aiden Smith
Not only can things get worse, they will get worse. $1000 a month buys a fair amount of guns and ammunition before it does. Nignogs will spend their UBI on Escalades and X-Boxes - do you really think you can't do better?
Justin Walker
Jackson Powell
Take the money and use it to fund and carry out terrorism against non-Whites and jews.
Gabriel Hughes
What I wan to know is where do they plan on getting money to pay for this? Are they going to make a national sales tax? Are they going to raise the income tax on any income beyond 1000 to 90% or some shit? This doesn't work out.
Levi Powell
They'll just take money that is being printed anyway and give it to people instead of banks.
Jeremiah Ortiz
How many dogs has he eaten?
Jonathan Sanchez
If that's true then that must know the collapse is coming fast and hard and they are arranging bread and circuses to keep the paroles distracted while they head to their bunkers. And so you paint the gates with pretty pictures?
Asher Thomas
Ok so, he discusses how welfare recipients will receive a prorated amount. So if they get 400 in foodstamps they only get 600 a month. That means that the pricetag 3.2 trillion gets cut in half to 1.4-1.6 trillion. Then you remove loopholes that allowed big tech companies like Amazon, apple and google to pay 0 dollars in taxes and now you've paid a couple of hundred billion dollars, bringing the price down below 1 trillion. Consider the stimulus it creates. People, some poor and irresponsible with money spend even more on these big companies who in turn then have to pay more in taxes and you've all but eliminated the cost.
So basically everything jumps in price due to hyperinflation and nothing changes. Got it.
Jack Gonzalez
Probably not.
Levi Russell
From the only people who pay the taxes of course, white goyim cattle slaving away at their 9 to 5 jobs in rural and suburban America. Can't wait for that five thousand dollar check for Laqueesha and her 4 kids.
For sure, minimum rent will be 1000 dollars per month
Lincoln Ward
That's actually a question that I have about this. Is the 12k per year taxable income? If so, then technically 100% of people become tax payers. If not, then perhaps taxpayers should sit on the money till tax season, pay what ever extra they have added to their burden and keep the rest. The current projections indicate at most a 5000 per year tax burden. That leaves tax payers with 7000 dollars to spend how they wish.
Charles Diaz
His plan is for everyone over 18 to get $1000 a month. Children are NOT included, as that would create a huge perverse incentive for people to have more and more kids. The appeal of his ubi plan is that it is an opt-in alternative to the current welfare schemes. So you can choose one or the other but not both. This will have a massive cannibalizing effect on the current welfare bureaucracy as anyone with two brain cells prefers untethered cash over restricted vouchers.
We already have unemployment gibs and food stamps, what do you think this would even change?
Cannibalizing existing welfare programs, part of the military research budget, and "value added tax" which taxes 10% of money made from automation and anything else which adds value to the economy.
If every landlord is charging $1000 a month whats to stop one of them from just undercutting everyone else to get all the NEETbux? And once one of them starts to undercut the rest follow until they're just as profitable as they are now. That's how capitalism works, retard. They'd only be able to keep rents higher than what demand dictates if they're engaging in price-fixing (which is probably a thing in shitholes like New York but if you live there that's your fault).
Austin Rodriguez
Why would they keep going to work? If I got $1000 a week with no strings attached I sure as hell wouldn't work just to subsidize other people. Everyone that I know works only out of necessity not out or enjoyment, duty, or because they are getting rich from it.
Sebastian Lewis
Then why the 3.8 trillion pricetag?
If it were 18 and over, the pricetag would be 1.2 trillion.
That indicates 320 million Americans
Jose Gutierrez
When half of the people in a country work and the other half doesn't, the working half pays for the unburdened people to live free. When the burdened half decides they want a free ride too… that's the end of the country.
John Allen
From what I've seen Yang says it would cost around 1.8 trillion. Where did you get the 3.8 trillion number from?
nigger the establishment sold us out already- may as well get royalties out of it. The base of the technocratic revolution is data mining, given we are the product, we are due receipt.
Jason Diaz
UBI only works if people continue to be obsessed with consumerism. You can't buy the new iphone every year if you only make $12K so as long as retards continue to buy buy buy the system will work.
Gabriel Perry
The idea is that the $12k is a base. If you want more, you can keep your job or get a new one. Very few people in the country want to live on $12K a year, but it might be enough where they aren't forced to work 50 hours a week night stocking at the grocery store for $8 an hour. Employers will have to offer better terms because people won't be in a starvation situation if they don't accept them.
Smart thing to do is if you are a tax payer is to take your FreeBucks and buy guns, ammo, storable foods, reinforced doors and windows, security systems, back up generators, water wells, and solar power and prepare for the collapse of society.
I'm Literally not. I started this post as a sort of meme about the absurdity.
Then I just tried to post whatever yang's defenses are for his policy.
Julian Hill
Not a single one of you faggots will ever be offered UBI by those who want you dead. The future for the white man in North America is the same as it is in South Africa. You are completely on your own. No one is coming to save you. Not Jews, Chinks, niggers, or spics. They all hate you, want you dead, and to fuck your women. They have no compassion for you and they far out number you. You’re never getting UBI from them no matter what the yellow man says. Your only rational path is to be as tribal and nepotistic as you can with other whites to survive the hellscape of this world and seize any opportunity to advance yourself and your people. Collapse may or may not happen in your life time, but whenever it does whoever is most ready to seize the most power will have the advantage in the next round of civilization.
Yang is giving some of you false hope like Trump did all over again. Wake the fuck up. You’re never getting UBI.
Lincoln Brown
do you even look at your tax return? you only pay inn higher brackets the money you make in that braket. even billionairs pay the under 25,000 rate on their first 25,000 dollars.
Evan Howard
How would someone go about falsifying your assertion? Is it even falsifiable or just sophistry meant to smear someone?
Connor Watson
Christopher Harris
Yang Gang are not economic illiterates; they understand that his promises will destroy the economy.
That's the point.
With the economy broken, and the White House occupied by an autistic chinaman, the conditions are finally right for the return of Kalki.