Let's focus on what matters and what makes a difference.
A) Harvard university will begin gene-editing sperms
B) CRISPR trials are about to begin in people
Pic related is the legendary Scottish soccer manager Alex Fergunson.
Let's focus on what matters and what makes a difference.
A) Harvard university will begin gene-editing sperms
B) CRISPR trials are about to begin in people
Pic related is the legendary Scottish soccer manager Alex Fergunson.
Other urls found in this thread:
Was Alex Fergunny gene edited??
But it's already been shown that CRISPR was a farce not being able to edit genes as precisely as originally advertised. It's like one of those annoying puzzles where you have 4 switches and 4 lights, flicking one switch turns on/off lights in a non-intuitive pattern, and the end goal is to turn all the lights on.
They're finding the same thing with the genetic code; if you flick a genetic "switch" at one place, "lights" a hundreds of places down flicks on. This is going to be a disaster, but (((they))) are going to keep it memory holed, just like with GMOs.
That is because most DNA is run and done, not something you can 'turn on' or 'turn off' like a $20 whore.
Oy vey GMOs are 100% proven safe. It doesn't mattah anyway you already eat them every day stupid goy. We own you now
He is (not "was") a pure Aryan. As expected, Ferguson is the best manager ever to manage the Man Utd.
That's how everything starts.
yes, but what was the best man utd that was managed by alex fergunny? also, source that alexbro was gene edited?
Imagine loving a game even more retarded and gay than nigger ball.
Yesssss finally
Beige genocide can truly begin!
We will have proper skin colors!
We need to do more research, not give up.
Asians really love white skin and European phenotypes in general. There is a chance that loads of white people will be born from Chinese mothers. I'm not sure how Europeans raised by bugpeople will turn out though.
Mmm Crispr Eating
Can't unsee
wait, i could have sworn that fergunny is the former head of the CIA.
This is great, designer babies will be 100% white no matter what country they are designed in. Whiteness is a beauty standard in every continent.
Mayby this can reverse all the tragic classical genetic population analysis, where whites don't reproduce enough? If every career woman in Brazil has nordic white babies, it will lead to an increase in the percentage of European DNA in the world
Why do you think that? China has already begun making genetically engineered catgirls. I don't think they want them white.
Check your premises, even Chinese people want Caucausian looks, just look at plastic surgery in China today.
China is going to something retarded again.
It won't be the first time the Chinese have done something idiotic with top-down state-enforced reproduction strategies, and it won't be the last.
Laymen glow in the dark.
I read his latest book after the BO of /his/ recommended it. He's Jewish and a leftist but his methods leave little to criticize as far as the science goes. His personal opinion, which he gave in the book, is that even if biological differences between ethnic groups exist, the world should accept it yet carry on as it always has.
No because they will be "white" in skin only. Was MJ white to you after his surgery? I'd rather have a nigger body with a white brain than a white body with a nigger brain.
What, waging war against those who look different than you? Are you sure this guy is intelligent enough to write a book?
This line of research really puts a bee in my bonnet. Doesn't it kind of kill the white nationalist dogma? We may be the best now, but in a few decades anyone with money will be able to become more attractive/smarter than even the best "natural" whites.
China is going to create Super Geniuses no matter how monstrous they turn out. They could require 26 surrogate human heart-slaves hooked up to a common circulatory system in order to feed the one Super Brain and China will do that.
They give absolutely no fucks at all about ethics and are full-speed ahead.
They have spies in every single laboratory in the West now.
Han Chinamen cannot invent anything but they for sure are going to steal the ability to genetically engineer creativity.
The future is Han Chinese.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
This will bring on the Global War we've all dreamed of for so long.
As if China is going to not put Chimpanzee nerves into human arms so that kps goes to 250 keys per second superhuman cyber-hackers.
As if China is going to not create 6'6" illiterate Han super-soldiers who will mow down 10,000 of their own people without hesitation, and pick up Chris Kyle and throw him down like a ragdoll bitch.
As if China is going to not morph a cyber-jack into the human spine so that purposefully-bred child-pilots gain air superiority with 9th Generation drone fighters.
We're fucking fucked. This is it.
We will lose this fight due to muh ethics, muh identity, muh justice.
There is no reason to live. Might as well learn Mandarin now, and learn how to kowtow.
China is not capable of doing these things, because to do real advancement in science and technology requires honesty. Fraud is absolutely rampant in Chinese industry and academia, it's a way of life for them.
Yeah I'm wrapping it up.
I've got to go now, user, I have mandatory Criminal Background check/drug test for the Diversity hire I got for my disabled NEETbux ass down at the local Tech Incubator.
We're going to make an app that simulates Fly Fishing!!!!
White races have been doing this for over 7000 years.
Don't worry, (((they))) will try to Gene edit their children to be white Aryan geniuses and start wondering why there is a massive pushback against Gene editing. There's also a chance those very genie babies will get redpilled and end up being the ones to start a national socialist revolution.
Creating beings much smarter than you who live in suffering all their lives is just a Rube Goldberg suicide method. They're going to figure out who created them, they're going to be able to conceal their hatred from their creators until they can act, and they're going to figure out a way to kill everyone even remotely involved in the experiment, and possibly all of humanity.
They have been researching how to contain a general purpose AI for a while now, you think they won't be able to handle a bunch of brainbags?
nigger you think the chinks wont put fentanyl in whatever prison they put these super brains in?
Which is irrelevant, because all you can do is theorize. You can't run controlled experiments about how to deal with a superintelligence because you can't accurately simulate a superintelligence.
Right, all you can do is your best and hope it doesn't escape. You are fucked anyway when the chinks develop their AI first without any safeguards because safety slow and unprofitable.
Zig Forums should troll jews with a fake article about infusing jew DNA into goyim to pass the DNA test required for Israeli citizenship. Aryan scientists offer free jewification for African immigrants sso hhey can make aliyah.
I wholeheartedly support this diversity.
Leftypol disapproves.
You're implying humans, especially subhumans like the Chinese, have the foresight to understand that.
China loves whites.
So the ""hanging"" of the Chinese scientific was all for nothing? Hmmm…
Citation needed you nigger
I don't think there's enough crisp to fix pictured.
regex excellence
I'm a biochemist. Operons have so much feedback inhibition, side group modification altering expression and forward activation that you simply can't just 'turn one gene on'
The user who used the example of the light switch puzzle is correct. If you can recall when stem cell research first started, it was advertised to be a miracle cure. Now it is known that most stem cell injections can lead to massive partially differentiated tumors, and most stem cell applications are in simple areas, like at the knees. This will be the same, pharma is trying to sell a drug and making wild promises since they are never held accountable for anything that they say.
God bless clown world.
Jewish Reich
Bio student here, we need to actually do this.
He was a self-proclaimed socialist, and not the good king…
It might not be so bad. Natural white people don't seem to be willing to be racist anymore. In contrast, bugpeople know that racism is vital to the survival of the species. Genetic europeans raised by bugpeople will likely have the will to exterminate the inferior subhumans with no regrets.
This is going to end in a world wide super black death and nothing else.
It's a billion times easier to find out what exploits would let a microbe evade the handful of ways the immune system has to identify threats and put those into a synthetic bacterium than it is to refine a multi organ, trillion cell organism with an insanely complex hormonal system in any meaningful way. Add to this that DNA isn't fucking computer code. You can't just change one part of code an predict what's it's going to do since it is going to be directly involved in numerous feedback loops.
You would need to be able to predict every single thing that can activate the new gene and then everything that gene activation will do and trigger within the body, and then in turn know all of those secondary effects (which are now different than before thanks to new gene effecting them differently than the old) to see if they are going to be something the body can tolerate without pain or mental disruptions. Then the same for tertiary effects and so on until all the effects on every downstream feedback loop (which will at this point effect essentially involve the entire genome and hormonal system) is known and can be determined to not have adverse effects.
New gene A' will have an effect on hormones a and b. Hormones a and b will effect receptors 1 and 2 while promoting or inhibiting activating of genes B, C and D. B, C and D, now at different levels of activation than what was natural, will now activate …
Five steps down the line gene Z is inhibited and this gives you cancer.
On the other hand when you fuck around with the bacterium there's just the once cell to think about and there are no considerations about the general health of the organism. If it can survive when all human hosts are gone is completely irrelevant.
Let's compare it to this. Say you have a room full of the most complex and refined machines that exist on the planet, millions of years in the making, and one bomb. One guy is tasked with finding a redesign of some part that will bring a significant improvement to the machines, while still working properly with the hundreds of other parts that interact with it, while the other guy is tasked with redesigning the bomb so that instead of destroying just a third of the machines it destroys all of them. Who do you think is going to finish first?
Now add in the fact that the bomb wasn't actually meant to be a bomb. It was actually meant to fit inside the machines so it could use them to replicate itself without disrupting their function all to much, but it got SLIGHTLY mis-designed so instead it fucking obliterated a third of them. How much more harm do you think it when you are actually TRYING to make it as destructive as possible?
Add to this the general fact that destroying things is nearly infinitely easier than creating them and there is just no way. You are never going to get anywhere before maniacs have already figured out fifty ways to kill all life.
This is completely insane. Even if you could somehow keep this only in the hands of those whites who are sane and responsible, with kikes and chinks there's just no way this isn't ending in biological Armageddon.
Hey user! Can we ask you for a favour? Come join this Zig Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server we promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did… so join using this link right now: