"I'm born this way"

No you are not FAGGOT.
You are DEGENERATE, have had a weak or absent father, have had a poor or non-existent social life and you have fapped and watch porn too much.
You can't be born to have same-sex sexual attraction, it's impossible.

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Trump is done
America is over

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Yeah, we know. And?

There are crazy people who think that homosexual are born "this way", either biologically or by mutation. That's absurd and we have to end this absurdity.

So what are you going to do about it?

More funny face Trump pics from retard incel stormfags.

Low quality bait thread.

Unborn them?

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of course you can be born to have tendencies towards homo behaviour, just like you can be born with predisposition towards murder, gluttony, theft.


Doesn't mean that faggotry should be celebrated by the public, but to deny the genetic determinant of sexual behaviour is just wrong.

Spread the conscienceness and heal their disorder. Homosexuals are Pederastes and they are thus child fucker and they are thus evil. We have to purify their soul so that this evil won't reproduce itself.

trymp0 is a kdikjek

Nah, we just have to kill them. They're disease riddled child rapists. They're a public health threat. Bullets to the brain and we get rid of 70% of all STDs in the world.

How do you propose we 'purify' them? Since they are pederast child fuckers and parasites?

Just think what a good parasites purge would really get us…in the USA a purge of the subhumans would garner 90% reduction in crime. Along with that a purge of the parasitic poor and rich would get us a reduction in 6% more crime. We would be left with just the homopedos; purging them would reduce crime another 3%…leaving us

By pointing out to them that their behavior is evil and harmful, and by forcing them to undergo father deprivation therapy or sexual molestation therapy. But we can't let them propagate any further.

We can't do that, because it is evil. Furthermore, the homosexual problem isn't biological. The homosexual reproduce by sodomy, sexual molestation and immoral behaviors.

I am never more surprised that people hate the idea of heaven on Earth more than they hate any other idea…

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Reported for spam. Your thread has no purpose.


Ahem, bills go through the house then the senate then to the president. The bills must pass each step. The demoCUCKS haven't a chance of passing that bill through the senate or the president.

Is for women and fags. The gay love socializing. Men solve problems with each other, they don't vapidly "socialize."

Biblically, homosexuality got the death penalty. And if the government is abdicating its responsibility to God, well, you can follow the reasoning from there.

Younger boys with older male siblings are more likely to be gay because after having several boys a woman's immune system attacks the male fetus. Homosexuality is a birth defect.

It's fucked up that the fraternal bonds between men have been so fragmented by (((media))) and sullied by (((homos))) that this seems like a reasonable position.

Op is right.

You're going in the oven Mordecai

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Well, so long as we don't allow them to breed normally, they won't propogate and further.

This. I thought I was a bifag until I learned what no nut was.