Trump Rips ‘Wacky Nut Job’ Ann Coulter: ‘I Am Winning on the Border'

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This, 75k illegal crossings last month

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How do you know those "illegals" aren't traditional Christians who love the Constitution and Qanon?

Oh he's winning all right, he wants the highest number of immigrants ever and that's what we got coming in from the border.

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reverse the fucking damage before crowing about it.

This is good, it's gonna actually redpill people on how Trump betrays them.

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The boomers and others did try to stop the mass immigration with many groups across the country. Then the White Nationalist and Alt-Right larpering parasites show up.

They infiltrated the groups or started fake ones to push their larping nadzee agenda. With

-muh negros
-muh jews
-muh hitler
-muh spics

Then the media in a frothing frenzy screamed "racists, nazis, anti-semites".

White Nationalists and alt. Right are the ones that ruined the attempt by Americans to stop mass immigration.

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Because they're not white.

Its funny how no one ever talks about TRAINING and helping the people who are already here. People used to get internships and apprenticeships (hint: Trump was host of a show called THE APPRENTICE) and that would help them in the Job market.

Instead companies just go "lol fuck whites and niggers we need more poo's with fake educations" and beg.

I'd kill for 100k a year tech job, but I'd have to go back to school for another 100k (because the first 100k was not good enough).

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The current people running the country can't allow anyone here who has been fucked over to ever get stable access to resources because they will come looking for revenge.

thats actually what's kinda funny about UBI. I'm very wary of it on principal, but if they don't implement that thing pitch perfect I can forsee some funny outcomes

I'm amazed people didn't get that about 6 months into his term

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Definition of a hug box, where all dissenting opinions are deleted and only accepted opinions are regurgitated into mantra. Good thing Kampfy got the boot.

Because back then there was a chance that he was fighting an uphill battle to get the ball rolling and that he was going to try to fix our problems without declaring martial law. Now he has had enough time to show us what he values and we know he only wants to build a wall in Israel.

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I had promised that I would give him two years to arrest people before I would talk negatively about him. It's been two years and not even the Awan brothers got punished, so I can now scream "fuck this jew-loving traitor!"

Like Q says "patriots come in all colors". I don't see why BASED Latinos can't also trust the plan.

We did. imkikey banned us for posting it.

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We werent even counting before. Could be less, could be more. But the caravan is a soros funded attack against us for daring to speak against it. Would you prefer us be good goys so the jews dont hurt us? Placating is a cowards action.


if 60k was in one month then 1.2 million illegals crossed the border under his watch so far.

She must have really wounded him to the core of his shit filled soul when she mocked him for his utter vulgarity.

She has called for death squads if Amnesty were to be passed, and she mocked the idea that Latinos were going to pay for dying boomer's retirement. She basically said the latinos are going to give them the finger.

Trump's veneer was shed when he told her to get back onto the reservation, after years of him cucking about how the dems want to "keep the blacks on the voting plantations"

What I don't get is why nobody brings it up or even notice that he told her that.

He could unironically allow post-birth abortions, truly abolish ICE, destroy the military, legalize all drugs and approve a UBI of $10k a month for everybody and libfags would still not vote for him

That's one of the reasons why we need to remove party affiliation off the ballots.
Liberals are so fucking stupid thinking that breaking up the democrat party into 5 different ones will achieve a thing.

The court system ruled that parties are corporations. So why would we allow a corporation advertise on a ballot?

Can't kill the two party system, but you would really harm it by confusing the straight to ticket voters.

I thought maybe they are wising up, but god they are so fucking retarded. Those are the best of the best, and not typical.

No screen grabs, but some retardation from that thread.

These fucking morons really think that the situation with illegals is getting better under Trump.

and if you ask "how?" then your post will get deleted. that "board" (or sub-leddit or whatever) is something else. like it's one thing for them to ban wacism and all that because it's leddit but the deleting any post that is anything other than blind 100% Trump worship no matter what he does is just disgusting, they really need to migrate to another "board" or better yet Voat

This is way beyond party bullshit, for libtards this old fart is the antichrist, he could run as a demofag and they would not vote for him even if that means letting republicans win with some generic neocon

They're NPCs. they're now saying Bush was a good president.

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Half of the faggots saying that were little kids back then and dont remember shit, and if they do is just out of spite and they wouldn't vote for dubya either

how fucking stupid are you? they've been pushing 3rd world migration since 1965. muh nazis didn't derail it.
stay on the /patriotsfight/ and keep your cancer there

I think he's one of those psychopaths that so narcissistic that he think's he's charismatic to the masses or something. I'm pretty sure he thinks he's going to bequeath the white house to Ivanka or Jared or something like that. Remember when he said that Ivanka and Chelsea were close friends and that Chelsea was a dear dear soul? I wanted to throw up.

I was just fighting this with some retarded boomers over on You Tube. It's disgusting. Nobody can be this stupid. Well apparently they are.

McCain was a such a Phyco that he hated his base so much that he would rather take his seat to his grave, and his wife said that she feels that she's entitled to his seat.

McCain's daughter is now crying about those poor jews, as if she wants to run for office.

wtf now I love Ann Coulter

Of course they trust the plan. Why else would they take such risks to come here?

< RAPE!!


Please Someone Find This.

Q talks about think BIG
Posted “Podesta 11.3”

Notice dates:

Credit to EntertheStars Reloaded’s work on YouTube

We have more than we know.
Symbolism will be their downfall.

Could Monday 3.11 [think mirror] be the day indictments come out for Skippy to Save The Children? Is that why [he] skipped off to Australia.

This is my first time on Zig Forums so I may have posted this in a dark corner somewhere. kek

There’s a bit more out there.
Go find EntertheStars on YT!

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uhhhhhh. so what now?

you go back to reddit

Vote Trump 2020, but be as loud as possible that he's losing because we never got the deportation force he promised. Start in on the Republican Party in your county and stack every inch of it with every NatSoc you can find. Remember you are conquering the party, not working with Sam Brownback-style boomercuck traitors. The party is a vehicle to conquer and rule as we should, not a holy sepulchre to respect.

Trump was never going to be anything but breathing space. Stop relaxing and work like you've been given a temporary stay of execution.

Remember we have no argument if Based Shit Immigrants are admitted to be good Americans. They are contaminating our land, and the argument must proceed from there.

let me "redpill" you on something about minorities. they hate white people. you might be wondering why? I mean how could this be we're all the same right??

we'll they been educated their entire fucking lives from kindergarten to university that white people are the oppressor and that they are the oppressed in an institutionally racist country. every single educational program in the United States is based off a worked called Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire. Freire's work was heavily influenced by Gramsci and the Marxism of the Frankfurt school. it's probably the most influentially work in (((modern))) education. all modern education is influence by it's poison, all educators either study it or study works influenced by it.

now imagine being a non white and being told that they are a permanent underclass because evil white people steal what's rightfully theirs.
now do you understand why they behave the way they do? it isn't because muh republicans are raciss,it's because they have been indoctrinated to do so since birth. Q can say whatever kind of civnat cuckoldry he likes but the majority of these people are completely subverted with Marxist brainwashing and will always hate white people.

see how they are taking over the democrat party?? notice how AOC, Omar and the rest of the new libs are pushing the party so far left? it's because they're true believers in the propaganda they were raised in. any failures or resistance they meet will be further evidence of white people trying to oppress them. not republican ever can win them over with personal responsibility or patriotism. sorry but that will never beat white people are the cause of all of my problems and taking back what they stole from me. one choice is difficult and the is easy. the democrats will be devoured by these people and when they're done taking them over we're next.

Niggers act the way they do because they have African DNA. They would act like they act no matter where they grew up. They get away with it because of the narrative, but they are never going to be civilized.

Also, you're responding to satire, fucking autist.

The American Merkel.

I wasn't talking only about negro americanus. they've been bred to follow the house negro. with them you keep the pastors happy and get a few in office for show, the rest will follow. the negro follows the leader and votes based on the promise of gibs.
what I'm talking about is far worse. the Latam indios, Asians and whatever shitskin they import. the African model doesn't work with them. they understand where they stand in the racial caste system and know how to exploit it to further their Marxist agenda. quckservative pandering to them will never work and lead to complete disaster.

Ensure Trump gets destroyed in the primaries. If we could get Rand or almost anyone else it'd be an improvement at this point.

The Iron Cunt herself might even be able to threaten Trump in primaries.

This is literally why there's no such thing as a political solution because there's no compromise that exists. The pooskins want to turn our countries into colonies of their civilizations and we're happily letting them - so they'll never side with us. The corporations want to enslave the pooskins and think they're too stupid to ever pose a threat (they're wrong.) And the politicians only exist to facilitate the wealth distribution (destruction of the middle class) that's required for this to happen.

This is the guy Ann Coulter wanted for Trump's VP. He defeated a leading neocon of great power. He's the best we've got.

But Trump chose a shit ball like Pence. And Pence hates Trump…go figure

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Yep. My vote for him was far, far, far more a vote against the Clintons.
When kikes started wigging out over Trump, I thought okay maybe, just maybe, this clown might potentially do something useful for White people. Because if the rats don't like him, how bad can he be, right?
Nothing has changed; sadly, it's still (((business as usual))) in America, and increasingly bad.
I remained indifferent to Trump for a while, thinking he was just another useless politician, until the 2019 State of the Union Holohoax Spectacular, featuring the Holohoax dancers, etc. After that I began to be flat-out disgusted by him.
There is no political solution.
Every day we fail to organize as a race necessarily bent on survival rather than a fringe political party in a rigged system, the hole gets deeper and harder to climb out of.


Brat's victory over Cantor was so shocking to the Republican establishment that it basically created the whole push on the part of some Republicans to have tougher immigration laws. Before that, the Republicans wanted immigration reform because they imagined a fantasy world of Hispanic Republicans.

Brat also beat Cantor on next to nothing. It was something like

Brat - $20,000
Canto - $5,000,000

Why do they think Trump making fun of Coulter or vice versa is going to sway the party in any way? From what I've gathered normalfags trump faithfuls hasn't liked Coulter for a very long time and long believed she was a turncoat and opportunistic. There's no major political shape up here that's going to change anyone's minds.

You gathered wrong.

the incredible shrinking (((Trump)))

long before Trump got into politics my accounting professor explained how he has NEGATIVE net worth.

(thus, us starving students were actually richer than Trump)

Queen Ann is the real Con Base in USA.

The Donald was created by someone from the Opie and Anthony subreddit, but he either quit or got banned at some point


Burgers are hitting banana republic levels of nepotism

That's a funny way of saying jews

it's more her mocking of Ivanka and Jared.

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Isn't it true that he hasn't profited off any of the money his father initially gave to him? Then he lost a ton of it. Guy seems like a meme business man.

i don't give a fuck i can't bring myself to vote for this in 2020.
accelerationism is the only answer.

The funny thing is the more America becomes non-white, more the chances of a non-white getting elected (not pet nigger Obongo). And they are more likely to be not a kike.

don't forget the 2 million LEGAL non-whites who I'm sure are all going to be 1A and 2A loving patriots voting republican for the freedumbs.

Lets hope they do not like jews.

So he turned out to be worthless.

This. Shill thread is shilling. There's so much shilling already, in fact, that it tells me they must be scared as fuck about 2020. Interesting.

They made this exact same thread at cuckchan.

hows the wall coming MAGAnigger?

D*n*ld Tr**p, big words but all talk.

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If anyone thinks UBI won't just raise inflation, I'm not sure what to tell you.

Just remember, they can't let your savings hold their value or increase, and the more debt they can make you take on, the more they own you.

Except Cantor would've lost too.
Virginia is now a blue state thanks to demographic change and Cantor getting ousted was the last hurray of the local Legacy-Americans.

Fixed that for you.

They're not just scared about 2020, they spend billions on shilling yet the mindset of the entire western sphere is steadily slipping out of their hands.

Ice is basing those figures on arrests, which means arrests are up.
What Trump needs to do is push for more vindictive punishments for those that hire illegals, and I'm disappointed I haven't seen this from him.
And that Jew whose sentence he commuted was a travesty, unless he got something pretty juicy in return for it.
But at least the wall is being built, and the democrats have been frustrated. All the court cases in the world simply end at the Supremes verifying Trump's emergency powers, do more salt to mine in the future.

Another action he could take is to start prosecuting the councils and mayors of "sanctuary cities," as they are violating federal law by encouraging illegals to stay in the country. I hope he doesn't still have it in his head that he can make deals with these traitors, they hate him, and nothing will change that.

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weird way of saying all white countries are being flooded with shitskins

So when does Ann call up the Death Squads…are you ready?
Trump wasn't only a containment pin, or a relief valve, he also bought a little time and exposed the shitskin loving Cuckservatives-RINO-DNC fuckers for who they were. Time that whites should have been using to buy guns and train for what is about to come. Instead they have used that time to wack off, turn their children into tranny nightmares, and basically bury their head in the sand.

Look at who she's married to.

If boomers weren't completely retarded then we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

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Kinda sad that one one's read Moldbug.
The Republicans are the Outer Party. Once you understand this, you understand everything. You understand Trump's behavior.

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Good Goy thread. Shekels for all of you, for still standing with Zogna- I mean Donald 'G-d Emporah' Trump!

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hMm, yes.. le based black and brown people will be our greatest allies against le ebil jews, praise trump, praise kek!

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I was really happy to have the TPP shelved, it's all I was really hoping for so I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a while

That is true, the huge wave of popularism back in 2016 really drowned out a lot of people, the left was the worst offender though and only made people more in support of trump

The world is more complicated then your black, white analogy. Even amongst enemies you can find SOME common ground, even if it's just the slightest issue. Taking such an absolutist stand on things is how you lose. She may be a shit person but she's right about this

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