Honolaly Alyan my ass
Many people think that Japan is very baste. This narrative is pushed especially hard by (((Richard Spencer))), (((false flaggers))) and the (((alt-kike))). In reality, however, Japan has been cucked into a ZOG protectorate since the Americans took over and indulging in Japanese pop culture will only hasten the demise of White civilization.
Only Aryans are Aryans
Japanese are not honorary Aryans. Only Aryans are Aryans. The Japanese are genetically very related to the Chinks, and they are not Aryans. Southern Japanese, particularly, are essentially part-Chink. A part-Aryan is not an Aryan, so a part-Chink is no honorary "Aryan" at all.
Thus, people like (((Richard Spencer))) who fuck sushi traps are cucking their own race and engaging in miscegnation. Genetics is genetics. It doesn't care about manufactured cultural (((honorary))) whiteness. If it aint white, it aint right.
(((Hitler))), who couldn't even kill any Jews because he was a cuck, sided with the Japanese only because it was convenient for him.
Japanese pop culture is turning White men into soyboys
Japanese anime promotes a very feminized version of masculinity. Men in anime often have coloured long hair and are dubbed in a very effeminate way. Anime loving anons become useless otaku who spend all day in their mothers' basements, ranting about Jews on the internet without doing anything substantive for the White race. Even worse, anime promotes (((homosexuality))) and (((transgenderism))). Japanese culture, just like all mass culture, is controlled by Jews.
Japan Hate Thread
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I didn't know ignorance at this level is possible
My point is that "part aryans" don't exist and Japanese are not aryans.
According to Adolf himself, the Chinese were also honorary; but how honorary are the Chinese, exactly? Goes to show that you shouldn't just buy into memes.
Aryan just means “white nigger”
Hebrew means gay piglet then
A white man would never actually draw out the Chinese characters properly, lmao
A kike made this thread.
A white man would not know if a Chinese character is properly written, lmao
The japs have keep shitskns off their island which more than you can say for europeans.
The chinks have kept shitskins out too, but we hate chinks. Thus, that reason should not stop us from hating Japs and condemning miscegnation with Japs.
You know how I know you're a kike?
Do you understand what "honorary" means, you dumb fuck?
Hitler and South Africa gave Honorary status to Chinks too… it's a slippery slope. Soon Jews could be "honorary aryans".
sure we hate'em.. but they are doing a better job of maintaining their bloodlines.
and we hate Israel.. which has a wall. sterilizes niggers, and maintains it's blood.
maybe we could learn from them. just saying.
Quit giving hacks to the goons Chinaman.
The primary argument against equality comes in the form of viral maximizers: people who are almost incapable of perceiving life in an enjoyable way, but who operate either as genetic replicants and/or as the maintainers of mathematically optimized extraction paradigms against the economy. The inferiority of these people is made more profound by their typical arrogance and, particularly in the case of extraction paradigm operators, vast surprise when they injure the economy or their position within it through their conduct. As though it were not predictable that greedy algorithms would destabilize a complex system! These least economicals typically believe themelves to be most economicals, to the recurrent misery of both modern economies and themselves.
“Lefty”pol banned me for pointing out that placidly cooperating in discussion of slavery is about as leftist as encouraging white people to throw away civilization in favor of racism is conservative, so I’ll just post this here.
Fuck off
Slavery advocacy is why “lefty”pol is such a shallow, uncreative fake. Learn truth, you miserable slagbags. Reality is the most persuasive thing of all - it’s powerful, beautiful, and kind.
There are so many problems with this concept that some fascist punt just tried to fake into leftist thought. Firstly, the unseen eye can’t be wielded by the proletariat. Secondly, sousveillance is so reliably opposed by surveillance that sousvellors oppose each other, even though the practices are of one ethical stature. Thirdly, panopticon societies always collapse. It’s physically impossible to pry limitlessly without hitting the limits of capability, processing, and/or understanding.
Give up the theocratic bullshit and come back to shared materialism.
Fuck off commie chin
That got me banned from “lefty”pol. Truth seriously isn’t supposed to leak into the chan envuronment - the owners are slaves themselves. People aren’t bigoted if they have functioning autonomy, so this shouldn’t come as a surprise. This place exists to keep niggers niggers and to try desperately to turn functioning white people into aryans - the operators of it are aghast at the existence of people happier than themselves.
Japan is w/e. It has tons of very smart people who work very hard, and good for them. They’re going to do well in the coming era of life extension, especially if their medical community can find opportunities to lead the way.
To be frank Chinese civilization has been in a dark age for hundreds of years, and japan is following the same trend of hyper collectivism/neo Confucianism. The Far East was home to very sophisticated and creative societies at one time. Aryan societies if you will. Japan, much like India and Europe celebrated their own knightly culture too, so its evidenced.
Did you seriously just call nigger societies sophisticated? This place needs to get over its primitivism fetish and stop trying to drag back successes achieved through post-racial society construction. White niggers and black niggers both suck.
hey shlomo, the oven is heating up!
How does opposing (((miscegnation))) with slants make one a shlomo?
Here's the reality. I have spent more time outdoors doing shit most of you could only dream of doing. I have driven fast than most of you. I have created more with my own hands than the majority of the male populace
If I want to sit down and admire some cartoons that remind me of the good times when I was a kid. I am not gay for doing that instead of falling into death traps you faggots setup because you have nothing better to do with your time.
These are the racist pocs that preach the seige garbage.
What? You don't want to keep your Nation pure? Alrighty then.
There's a difference between opposing miscegnation and hating on another race
Social justice is fine. I went from SJ to bitching about SJWs not because of bigotry but because I thought their tactics were a wall of misfiring suck. That set purged me twice for my disobedience even after I canned most of the twitch-verbiage. I still favor social justice.
You wouldn’t ask what race the genes came from if someone offered you a performance-enhancing gene therapy. Why would you? If you were sincerely concerned about the genetic superiority of your race, you’d be obligated to take it.
Racism is logically incoherent. If people race-mix, it literally only happens because they were powerful enough to find it advantageous in their lives. Go find YOUR advantage, slave. Break free of the obedient effort to make people into assholes.
Fuck off
Zig Forums is a NatSoc board and always will be
Favoring things is about truth values, not social influence. I can be kicked out of an intolerant group (though not this one - channers can’t kick people out), but I can’t be kicked out of an ideology save by a superior argument regarding truth values.
Boards are what the boreds make of them. Why would you want something as pathetic as a nationalist board?
National Socialism core idea is preservation of your own race, hating on other races is not the main idea here.
So you don't support hating niggers and Jews?
Super Ultimate Ancient Hidden Technique – Secret tiger hidden dragon punch!!!!!!!!!!!!
Niggers can go back to Africa while Jews should go back to Israel. If jews try to come back, they get shot.
go away china.
Fuck off Reddit chink
pack all the jews into Israel and let the Arabs push them into the sea.
Jew-free (I don't know what number post)!
Your posts reference some truth before making your own random prescriptions that aren't necessarily sequitur and otherwise attempting to pathologize people who disagree with you in a tangential way.
You make assertions with no actual evidence and proceed as though they were fact, a trait endemic to people who are completely removed from reality. The real game is that you probably know this on some level and want people to engage in this sophistry instead of forcing you into empirical conversations where your theorycrafting will have no effect.
The primary argument against equality is the ubiquity of the Bell curve. Attempting to draw a line anywhere in the distribution as the minimum standard doesn't satisfy people. Drawing more lines and creating more groups satisfies more people, but there also comes a limitation in how many groups and their interactions people intelligent enough to be leaders can deal with.
Lazy pathologizing.
Conflating selfish strategy with ethnocentric. Empirical demonstration this is untrue to follow.
Myth is materially an evolved way for many individuals to self-organize. It is no coincidence that the area of the brain associated with spirituality is also associated with in-group bias, and why anarchist/hippy/communist communes never exist at a level beyond chimpanzee troupes,>>12898034
who while sharing many similar abilities cannot organize and cooperate in very large groups.
Short term benefits by leveraging sheer numbers and frequencies of useful individuals in diverse populations leading to importation of gene pools that inevitably regressed to their racial mean and have led to outbreeding depression.
To place an argument in front of you that is based on reality and that you cannot simply talk around, we turn to theoretical ecology which models ecological systems from bacteria to human societies and fits the data to empirical evidence, and scientific history, with the prior that excellence should be favored socially and in evolution:
Objectively, ethnocentrism is the dominant evolutionary strategy, with humanitarianism losing out to selfish and treacherous agents. To prefer your own is ideal.
Subjectively, Europeans are superior to every other race due to their intelligence and their high-trust societies, which I naturally favor because I am European.
I reich my Toyota and Nissan, tank you very much.
Hard to believe the US Soldiers from WWII crafted the Japan we see today.
I think one of the things that I like about the Japanese is that by my estimate they’re going to be a good, honest, and efficient inclusion in the genetaker movement. The final post-racial shift where favorable genes become available to all people may find its beating heart in Tokyo.
No, kike fiat dollar and debt does that.
Japanese are God's chosen peoplle faggit
Jews are not honored in anything.
They simply have no honor.
I read this entire thread, post by post and found no reasons to hate japan.
((JIDF)): The resistance against our attempts to pollute Japan is going strong and they show no signs of stopping! What the fuck do we even do now?!
((ADL)): I know, post on an alaskan bull worm tamers' forum about how much we should hate them!
Sage for shit thread.
He only knew of Nationalist China. Communism does worse harm to a country than a millennia of inbreeding. Literally the only people who will never be able to create and evolve a civilization of their own are Sub-Saharan Africans.
Same. Chinese "hero prease" stereotypes arent exactly doing it. Its low effort kikes posting what they think racists would say/think.
You know what they say, global board = global report
Fuck off we need allies.
are you a gook
You are Retarded.
No, I just am tired of the games.
Muslims have proven they are willing to kill Jews. Japanese? Not so much.
Japan is very pozzed. They only lacked racemixing until now. They are the perfect jewbitch. Lately they are following the same trend as America.
kill yourself even if the thread is trash
The guy is obviously blasian…
And you are obviously nigger. Want me to expound on why Japan is pozzed?
t. Shariablue
Yeah go on then, I need a laugh and you whackjobs give the best keks
Yes. kike. Listen and listen well. Japan was not this glorious honorable nipponland it was. For most of its history it was a tribal land lead by shamans. Even the samurais that you worship were big egocentric dicks who would kill anyone they want without a shred of justice. You would not want to live as a common man in feudal Japan, disarmed and at the mercy of a prick. Your Molon Labe would not apply, because you Sword Control act prohibits you from carrying a sword.
The white European values of honor, justice, valor, truth etc. did not exist in Japan. Don't believe me. Read up honne and tatame. Saving face is a big thing there to the point of blatantly lying.
The white skin you see in Japan is due to ancient migration of Yaoyi people from Wu dynasty to Japan through Korean peninsula. They killed off and pushed most of the natives to north and began bossing around like the Chinese they were.
Their social dynamic is conformity and following order, which is the basis of socialism. You just put niggers and arabs and you will have a Sweden.
I could go on and on. But you get the point. Or maybe not because you are a kike, because you already got a central bank there and you own their land through the boots on the ground.
Its obvious that they aren't Aryan. Just good people )based on my experiences there).
shit thread, I'd rather be Japanese living in Japan, then white living in America, although I'l take white living in Europe over either
You can be white in Swedenistan. Nobody is stopping you.
I'm not Swedish
Thank you for the keks mate *laughing until crying emoji*. Now tell me, what has any of that got to do with your claim of Japan being HIV positive? a.k.a. POZ.
Your second sentence contradicts itself… I would rather be a Kyke than a white nigger that can't form a proper argument.
I rest my case.
forming a proper argument is pretty important. the less suspension of disbelief required the better
Behold chodemonkey's nu-"Pol",
Fuck off, Chink. The Japanese are the most based out of that shithole continent, they partially helped push us further into the future, they went to #3 within half a decade for inventing useful things with technology and no other shithole in that continent comes anywhere close to the postive output they've given the world. Besides anime, anime is generally shit to me personally and the whole anime girl posting is gay. They are buffeting against the attempted pozzing and I bet you'd wish that process was sped up. You could argue that their fiction is abhorrent, but unlike in other countries, they express the deepest and most digusting reccesses of the human mind in their fiction, not in reality like everywhere else and it shows in the crime rates. The Jap society is the ultimate yin and yang, if they don't get their outlet through fiction and if they were to be pushed out of balance the top would blow off with a tremendous force and we'll end up with another Nanking or Unit 731 (it's not like other countries don't do worse shit these days covertly).
Hurrr, and I bet you think everything is static and nothing changes or evolves throughout history. Imagine using that logic with an American (considering the time gap between colonization of America to the present day is astronomically shorter than the ancient migration), they'd burst a vessel in their head.
Nothing of what you mentioned discredits Japan though, Schlomo.
So were northern Europeans.
I can smell the soy in your breath as I read this.
The weak should fear the strong. This is the fundamental law of nature.
I would not want to live as a common man anywhere.
That's not how it works, you fucking retard. Do you even know what "Molon Labe" (gr: come and get them) refers to? YOUR FUCKING WEAPONS. If you willingly handed them over in the first place then you are entitled to nothing. Might makes right.
Stopped reading there. Sage
t. Oy vey.
Nothing wrong with being a shaman. But their lack of big civilizations like Rome will tell you they are not comparable to whites in capability.
and I can get the smell from your pussysniff through the screen.
It was more like the poor should fear the rich, i.e. Jewmerica or israhell. If you want to see weak fear strong thing look at Romans and Greek, not Japan.
Sure Scholomo. you destroyed most empires that protected common men. you should know that well.
Are you that much retarded? YOU WILL NOT HAVE ANY WEAPON TO BEGIN WITH IF YOU LIVED IN JAPAN IN FEUDAL TIMES. You cannot say Molon Labe and romanticize Japan in the same breath, you hypocrite nigger.
must really piss you jews of how the Honor Aryan squad foils all your tactics and hold on to their traditions and blood lines, serving as a constant reminder what europe could be
no mater how much you rats push they will not be infested by you or your golems
Aksually, you actually can own guns in Tokugawa Japan.
The sword ban is sword, guns are okay because it helps scare away animals.
Tokugawa is way later than the Samurai period though (after 1600). Before that it was mainly many samurai clans. And i doubt the people had that many guns even in Tokugawa.
The samurais could kill any man and leave their body on the street as they please. The complete lack of trial and judgement disgusts me.
Anyone rubbing one out on animegirls should look at this list first.
Actually before the Tokugawa period, there is an era of constant warfare, you are permitted to own any kind of weapons as long as you can get it.
This is how disgusting but the fact romans massacre slaves in arena fighting is okay confuses me.
Every civilization (the good one) is bloodthristy against the weak.
Niggerchink, that bug repellant has been the same for years. Tiananmen square incident, gook-coon.
The keywords here is 'slaves'. Sam the butcher down the road is not your slave or enemy, just because he forgot to say sama instead of san.
I am tired of arguing with weebs, so I will just leave this video here.
Slaves are the same as peasants in Japan world.
Also a fart fetish video? Really?
Samurai couldn't just kill commoners as they pleased, it was only if insulted or attacked.
Invoking kirisute gomen was taken very seriously because the samurai's wealth depended on the peasants.
If he wasn't found to have had a good reason for killing someone, a samurai would likely have to commit seppuku.
You're not tired of "arguing with weebs".
You're tired of saying things that aren't true and being corrected.
back to yiddit
False consensus
Shills replying to shills
Do you bots get paid per post or per hour?
Explains why (((your kin))) swarms around the jewdicial system.