I’ve tripped a few times and today i decided to do Tussin gel caps. Idk what’s happening but i’m reacting badly, super bad itch, bad dark trip, i feel way off and i only took 300mg. I feel really sick. Should I call 911 or should i wait this out? I can hear my heart pounding and my left ear squeaking
Should I call 911 or wait it out?
Call 911; better safe than sorry.
No, don't. Druggies deserve to die.
are you a burger?
which is better death or medical debt lmao
pics or didn't happen lol
Should have just done delsym like in the pic, gelcaps are for faggots. Death comes to us all.
Drink a few beers to chill out and go to sleep on your back. You should be fine.
This is the wrong forum - but it’s not like this festerpit has any dignity anyways. Yeah you should call for medical help. Get it on your records that you did a dumb, and don’t do it again.
Next time read Erowid.
This is probably a roleplaying exercise, but w/e, answers be answers.
If you're white, you should call 911. Otherwise, I'd just let nature take its course.
You would have to be on drugs to think Zig Forums is a good place to ask about recreational drug use, so your story checks out.
You'll be fine, but you're in for a bad time. I got sick and drank a whole bottle of that stuff so I could do my customer service job. You're going to be really paranoid (in fact you already are) but you arent going to die. You'll call 911, waste your money and feel like an idiot over nothing
LOL does calling 911 cost money in burger land?
idk if i drank alcohol before i can’t remember and i’m freaking out right now i had roboifch before but my body feels so messed up right now
Faggot, you shouldn't call the cops unless you want to end up in a psych ward.
Yes, those ambulance tires won't change themselves stupid goy that'll be a $1,000 flat fee plus $50/mile for each mile over 2 miles. Hope you're a good insured worker goy.
Ahhhh, (((American))) entertainment. The itchiness means you didn't dose enough. Go harder, pussy.
I’ve never freaked out on DXM but my heart is racing and i’m freaking out right now. I’ve used DXM several times any is such a light dose fucking with me so hard should i call 911 this is terrible
When I was a young moron like yourself, I took a bunch of dextromethorphan (like 300-400mg) from some cough medicine and ended up getting sick for the whole night and tripped my balls off. Just stick it out, drink some water, don't eat much food because it fucks your stomach up more. Just flush your system out. Don't be a faggot. Stop doing that shit unless you want to die and/or have your spleen removed.
Please i don’t know what to do
That is incredible. I thought emergency care was at least free. How do you people manage to fuck up absolutely everything? You've turned life/death decisions into a financial transaction.
Now what about nigger retards who get shot in the hood, who pays their bill? I bet you do, good goy
You should lie down. Elevate your legs. Take slow deep breaths—exhale longer than you inhale.
Kek! You fucking degenerate. Your heart is going to explode and you're gonna die and shit your pants. They'll find you huddled in a puddle of your own filth clutching a bottle of your nigger syrup.
You're going to permanently damage your brain and intelligence level (which doesn't seem to be very high) if you don't stop.
And yes, ambulance rides DO cost a good bit of money.
I have super bad anxiety and i’m super nauseous my body doesn’t feel right i only did 300mg but i’ve done 450mg and felt good this isn’t what it felt like i feel horrible right now
I just gave you an actual answer, you'll be fine. You're overthinking yourself into a panic.
99.99999% of us on this board had nothing to do with how the system was set up, you fucking moron.
i can’t remember if i drank some alcohol too
Might not be a bad idea to force yourself to go throw up.
I’ve taken higher doses but right now it doesn’t feel right i feel so sick and out of it i only tookc300 mg i think i hav e to go to the hospital iskcwhats wrong what should i do man
Who cares? Ride out your stupid mistake and dont do it again, people combine alcohol with worse shit than fucking cough syrup.
Yet greater than half of you lolbergs champion your system.
Drink as much alcohol as possible and go to sleep.
If you want him to die yeah then this is good advice
I can’t handle this feeling my body is shaking like crazy i have a headache and i’m super disoriented i only took 300mg i’ve taken over 450mg and had a good trip but that was liquid this is gel caps something is wrong
Seriously—just be cool, hunny-bunny. You’ll be fine. But word to the wise, you should always be at peace with dying when you take drugs.