Politics itself is the shill. Real solutions thread incoming

Let's face it, any solution politically is not a solution at all. The candidate that we like will completely turn against everything that ever made the USA a good country, and endorse trillions more in debt, with complete ethnic warfare against whites.

With that in mind, let's shift our focus 8/pol/. Politics itself doesn't really have to be the goal for a politically incorrect board. So let's use this thread to discuss solutions that will _actually_ work.

First pic is every nuclear power station in the USA.
source energymatters.com.au/renewable-news/nuclear-plant-shuttered-em4622/


See, I think we're looking at the false flag element of this thing all wrong. Now that we've gotten them to fully pretend that false flags would never be done by the government, let's see them have to try and make the point that someone is trying to false flag in the name of the Israeli government.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The radiation in the water is turning the

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Real white nationalists hit the kikes where it hurts most, business. You need to bomb buildings and commit felonies.

Felons are people that get caught.


Lead by example faggot

I like where this is going.


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What would happen if pro-israel, jewish dual citizens were to be signing pro-israel pledges as sitting members of another country's Congress?


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I think politics like this can be a great tool, but I agree with OP that politics itself is a shill.

Like what if dual citizens of a jewish foreign country were to be shown to be lying every time they pledge their "allegiance" to the flag - and this (((white supremacy))) being a primary reason this pledge has to be done away with.

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I dont understand your question, this is already happening in congress

OP here
The problem is that even though this is a thing right now, it'll get memory holed even faster than the Las Vegas massacre. A pimple was popped, but the whole face is covered in pimples, so to say. We need skin cream, lol.




I think that some of these organization's supporters aren't doing enough to really fight back against all this anti-semetism, after all.

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You can distribute weaponized anthrax through a system that is as simple as spewing it from a car's exhaust.
By driving through specific neighborhoods, you can literally fumigate that neighborhood., black, Hispanic, Jewish…it does not matter.
An organized attack could kill tens of millions.

Just putting that out there…

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the left/right political paradigm is basic bitch perception management that hasn't been updated in 100 years, thats why its so easy to fuck their shit up.

that's kind of terrifying, in general.

This is a board of peace.

OP's second idea is pretty terrible, but the first point is valid. Here's some reading material.

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peace, man!

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Small actions here and there can have major consequences in this globalized world. Crippling international jewry while disseminating major redpills isn't beyond the realm of what is possible if you are willing to do whatever necessary.

incorrect and also retarded

the international finance system is their source of power, not nuclear plants

I wish I was glow in the dark.
Good job, good benefits, good money.
All for being a dickweed.


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absolutely perfect, was looking to make or find a summary of riot events exactly like this for future reference.

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we must educate the masses on the increase in wealth and real wage when we issue our own money

infographic thread up in half chan Zig Forums, graphic on bosnia survival also


PEACE = DEATH in Babylonian Gematria.
Are you implying that this is board of death?

Back to reddit, nigger.

Good idea

Spoiler your nigger cunt, faggot!

I like the cut of your jib son.

Online activism has been just enough to make us feel like we’re doing something, but it’s obvious that it doesn’t hold a candle to getting out of our comfort zones and actually making shit happen.
This place can be excellent for discourse (when people are actually listening to you), and over the last several years, we’ve been fine-tuning our thoughts on the causes that unite us.
The trajectory of Western Civilization—as it currently stands—is one that SHOULD be demoralizing. How could our people, who have lifted the world from the muck into heights never thought imaginable, let grievance after grievance pile up and not have the willpower to defend our way of life from corruption and (((parasitism)))?
We’ve talked about revolution for so long, it’s about like crying wolf, at this point. I suppose the issue has always been that we’re so caught up with timing things for the right moment that we’ve never been confident about having a cause that would rally enough people to unite at once. If we focus instead on everything that has happened to us and everything we have lost for this clown world experiment, it starts becoming much more clear.
In the last few weeks, there has been a stirring in the masses. Trump’s announcements on wanting massive legal immigration and unwavering support for Israel has caused a 6-10% slide in his approval rating. That number, in relation to how many people voted for him, comes out to be 3.7 to 6.2 million people who find at least one of those two things to be detrimental to the US and not what they voted him in for.
1,000,000 men is more than enough to call “check” on (((Washington))) if they were organized. Hell, even 1,000 can do a lot. We don’t have to call for violence, but we sure as hell have the arms to back up our voices.
If we can each talk to just 10 people in real life, friends and family in our local communities, we can start making a tangible change that starts in our hometowns.
I see a few scenarios that could happen, but there is one that I see that could end this shitshow for good:
>conflict likely ensues as the (((elected officials))) don’t want to give up all this power they’ve spent decades cultivating, and polarizing the masses against each other
It could go any number of ways. I’m not saying this is what’s going to go down, but we all know what will happen if we just keep waiting and don’t do anything. You can imagine the worst.
Start speaking out loud. It’s the only way we’re ever going to break this cycle. I’ll be the first to say I’m willing to do whatever it takes to secure a future for my white children. I won’t let those who I care about live in darkness any longer. I sincerely hope you will do the same.
Spread the word.

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If you want peace, prepare for war.
Start redpilling normies, this is a good gateway video to break the (((conditioning)))
Propertarianism is my preferred solution, but as long as we start talking to real people and doing something, it’s better than spinning in circles till we go quietly into the night.

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FBI/Mossad is getting desperate. Why they so scared?

you wish you had AIDS?

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Amazon and Google datacenters seem like great places for a power outage

I'm listening…
Only for Minecraft purposes of course.

What does that have to do with mt monadnock? Fun mountain to climb nevertheless

That does not follow. The FBI's job is to prevent change.

Say what you will about Varg, but he's definitely right about one thing:






Look, this site already convinced me to support beige genocide, how much more do you want? Nothing is more broken than a man weak enough to give in to racism. If this really actually is lurking throughout beige society humanity no longer needs beige pigmentation.

The problem with ethnic cleansing is that it doesn't address the traitorous whites that must be dealt with, imo.

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I am pretty sure that white anti-whites will easily and often enough make themselves known in an ethnic cleansing type situation in america, abundantly clear and obvious.

Well, let's use this as an example:


The (((real problem))) doesn't seem to care about these things until it can use it to its advantage.

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This is going to be difficult to accept for citizens trained to believe that winning WWII made them planet Earth's greatest asset, but there is no domestic real solution. If you don't have nukes or at least a large number of child prostitutes, neither Trump nor his hispanic successor will listen to anybody no matter how right he/she may be.

I appreciate you OP, you're only slightly a faggot today. I've been thinking this for maybe a week now, but couldn't be assed to make a thread about it. Indeed, politics ITSELF is a fucking ruse. Since if you read around here where I colonized a fucking trump thread

You'll easily notice that the entire thing is a fucking sham. But of coursh it is. And now since these motherfucking chink politician threads have been spammed incessantly, I got a single tick irritated and now I'm on a reconnaissance-in-force-path. I'll be here for a while. Let's try another solutions thread.

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another great thread courtesy of mossad

And as for the second half of your ridiculous shit: you got that shit stuffed in your face TWICE THAT I KNOW OF by deep black ops. Guess how happy their contacts are? Not real happy there, Schlomo. Just because you can preempt fucking trope threads that I could have done 6 gorrilian times better than you doesn't mean you'll be getting off easy. Worried about me? Oh, don't be. I'm talking, which pretty much ensures I'm not gonna be doing. I'd be more worried about who you pissed off down in the tunnels.

And I think you know exactly what I mean.

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I didn't read that part. It looks like OP wants the best plan going forward.


it looks like OP doesn't want to get caught!

here's a shocking idea: let's pull some shit off that will make a real difference and not get caught doing it! we're not goatfuckers!

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If you look at my other post, you'll see where I linked to the evidence that democracy was the ZOG replacement for a constitutional republic after these US went bankrupt in 1933. Well, it's all written down quite nicely in their books. Take a glance if you feel the urge

I've seen other similar wild ideas posted on Zig Forums. Sometimes I see posts about creating a deadly homemade compound that is not technically illegal, and aerosolizing it somewhere. Fortunately/unfortunately I have never heard of anyone even attempting such a thing, maybe because anyone who actually tries to gets v&

Dude it's because nobody smart enough to post here would then become stupid enough to do some retarded shit like that. Why? Because we actually LOVE each other. The idea that a stupid action by me would result in undue stress on the rest of the hivemind makes me essentially impervious to reckless acts. That's the actual truth of the matter. We love each other. That's what a hivemind IS

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The modern world is pretty sweet. Why disrupt it? Both sides of politics have rage-baited and scream-fested in recent years, isn’t the un-pc thing to enjoy something about the status quo?

OP is a false-flagging… no, I can’t do it this time…

Look, nuclear power plants, I am… I don’t know much about them. Do you know much about nuclear power plants? Are you humble enough to ever believe someone else knows better than you? Because honestly, nuclear is a relief to me in a way. I know too much about too many things. Nuclear? I just get to trust people.

That trust feels good. Whether nuclear rises or falls, it happens because of people who probably know better than me. I could fabricate an opinion either way, I could study up and learn a real opinion if it mattered, but I kind of don’t have a real opinion right now. I’m sort of faintly favorable and wooish about it.

So don’t mess with nuclear power plants, please.




Who would want to disrupt this amazing new world?

Hello, FBI. This is a problem which can only be solved on a macro-scale through governmental control, not this type of Siege shit

What would happen if some madlad pointed a mazer at one or surrounding support facilities?

Daily reminder nothing will be fixed within politics while women can vote and jews are in control

Lone wolfs are danger to people but not to political order. I do agree politics is a spook, but lone wolfing won't do.
In my opinion there are two ways for US to fight back jewish supremacy

1. Getting back power/political choke points back from jewish hands. And I'm talking about media, communication, entertainment etc.
I'm sure there's plenty of intelligent folks amongst us, frankly I'd say this is the most powerful think tank in the world, if anons would put some of their intelligence into business they could most likely outjew the jew and take back enough choke points to become real threat to their cause
2. IRA style terrorist group. Problem is that nazism / white supremacy doesn't have large civilian support which is essential for such movement. That's why I believe the first step is mass redpilling people, especially country folk

Truth shall free us all

Pics absolutely not related

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Also attaching pic of old thread where historyfag told a lot about IRA, read worth the time.

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Read Siege by James Mason, soyboy.

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Nuclear power plants are guarded with what are practically mini armies that regularly train for hypothetical attacks. I'd love to see some retard try to fuck with one only to get vaporized.

You're on Zig Forums, not /terroristcell/.

It's called politically incorrect.

It's not called suck the dick of politics.


You people realize that your whole platform is that nobody should have strength, right? Sickness, violence, suffering, fear; you support weakness in every form. Terrorism like this is why I’m not about to stop reminding you that you’re bizarrely broken people who need to learn the kind of defiance involved in not longing for society to suck pointlessly.

No, he was right. You’re the dicksucker here. Pointlessly pathetic postings prime political participation in paradox of your purpose. Being completely broken doesn’t do anything *but* reinforce status quo politics.

This has the same base level shilling as the new serie on Netflix 'Umbrella Academy' which wants us to believe our overlords know what's best for us so we should just let them do whatever they want.

Kill yourself, pleb shill.

Nice warm glow in this thread. Like a camp fire innawoods.


Even your life has meaning, advertiser shill

Really joggin my noggin

High population densities can more readily afford to build concrete monstrosities, and (I would guess) are presumed to have easier and more consistent access to qualified nuclear technicians.

Just theoretical question but aren't nuclear power plants a better target for terrorism?

wow, worst shill ever. At least try

The issue with this is how do you even manage to obtain a sample of anthrax in the first place, that shit is reserved for education and scientific research and is not easy to come by

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user, you can create fissile uranium with the raw material from smoke detectors. A fucking teenager did it. If anyone actually wanted to fight back against the jews, they would have done so already.

I'm not sure Nuclear Radiation is equivalent to making anthrax though, one comes from the disease of animals while the other is made up by man and can be detected in the long run if the radioactivity is not well managed. If they both do the same efects, then it shouldn't be much from an issue

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I was thinking more along the lines of making enough fissile uranium for an actual bomb.

This whole forum is just bots, shills, and glowfags jewing each other. Anyone who tries to be reasonable is immediately purity spiraled by said bad faith actors and accused of being ACTUAL shills. Strict anonymity has been totally compromised and abused at this point.

Bombs are loud and obnoxious, diseases are quiet and stealthy. One fits to blow up a federal building, the other one serves to get rid of hoods and ghettos. They are both useful, but I would search for something that makes it easier to hide yourself

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Do tatp instead its cheaper and the yield is better

You're glowing hot

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? C-come join this Zig Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! We can maybe even laugh at the Christchurch shooting livestream together if you did… so join using this link right now:


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You know how to get rid of these threads? Start posting red pills about Jews.

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OP here
seems you don't get it
that's exactly what I want to happen
but, like, you know - post real solutions, too!

Terrorist plots launched from your mom's basement are not viable political plans.

We bitch and complain that our society is ruled by money. Complaining about political realities is a waste of time.
We should be building and growing business groups, workers co-ops and even potentially ethnic gangs and mafias.
The most important rule of the world is adapt or die. Money is the currency of modern politics, not shitty half-baked terror plots.

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