Ethiopian Airlines flight to Nairobi crashes with 149 passengers and eight crew members aboard

An Ethiopian Airlines flight to Nairobi has crashed with 149 passengers and eight crew members aboard six minutes after taking off.

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Some (possibly jewish) faggot doing a livestream:

Look how we're winning! Wow, thank goodness the Jewish bankers and American niggers will now fuck off back to Israel.

… and Africa, respectively.

ITT loser whites feeling good about themselves because of a tragedy in Africa. I wonder if you're even smart enough to realize that successful African nations mean less migrant pressure on Europe.

Fuck off nigger lover. Militarized border and no aid would solve this instantly.



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And there's the shout out to the jew masons to run interference on anybody independently investigating this story.

Lmao jamalvol2 you will be lynched.

This board is being shilled to be nothing but the other side of the coin of evil, the equal and opposite reflection of libs. You're no better or deeper than anti-whites.

Bugger off, you bleeding heart faggot.

Another lesson in why you shouldn't give high technology to groups that pass a certain level of melanin.

You merely scratched the surface and got the obligatory tor posting israeli in its cubicle crying.
Antifa-Proud Generation Europa Defence League

All a puppet show.

This. Even pajeets should be barred from technology.


into the trash it goes

Anti-faggot bump.

How did this happen?

The short answer is: niggers. The slightly longer answer is: we really don't know yet. Ethiopian Airlines is run by the Ethiopian government, and like all nigger governments they're being sparing with the details. Ethiopia has been silent, but Kenya has given a short press conference, see vid related.

It's a new Boeing model that did something fucky to some of the safety mechanisms (stall prevention) without documenting it. It's the second time this has happened in a couple months. Ethiopian pilots wouldn't stand a chance.

Also there's no way a white man designed a new safety system and forgot to explain how to use it. This is some third world idiot engineer or some Jew product manager trying to cut corners.

Niggers in Africa dying in small numbers mean nothing, unless you start killing them in 1st world countries it's all over.

Monkey can't even keep a plane aloft for more than one year…that fucking thing is practically BRAND NEW (first flight in 2018) and the chimpanzees can't even keep it in the air that long. THIS IS WHO YOU WANT IN YOUR GOVERNMENT AND IN YOUR NATIONS…THESE CURSED FUCKING SUBHUMANS.

Based impact.

Fag talking q/ueer spotted. Go back to your containment kennel niggerbrain.

Wakandan airplanes.

Have flown Ethiopian many times, once in business class from Addis to Dulles, they're a very good airline. Either someone was targeted on that plane or the 737MAX really does have a design flaw. Now back to your hebraic shreiking about dead people.

They expect a nog to bounce?

Kill yourself yid, you don't control speech.

smells like samefag and the fact you are trying to shitpost this into some kind of meme is telling me there were some important passengers on that flight but you want to bury that information for a distraction

He didn't fly so good.

The problem is that even noble causes like Nationalism attract some of the worst people. Cheering the suffering of another who is not your enemy is very sick. It's as though many here have been trained on HollyJew propaganda to be "Nazi/KKK" caricatures.

The one thing the jews get right, everyone else IS your enemy. Most shitskins also know this. White people need to start realizing and accepting that truth to survive.

i see you are ID hopping now, what exactly are you trying to hide from this event?

You arent a national socialist.

Was there any important people on it? It could be an (((accident)))
If not, then it's just niggers doing nigger things.

I haven't changed IPs kike.

Why would you allow NASAniggers to live in your head?

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Have you learned to fall up yet or is it faith sticking you to the ground?

so the family of a probably nationalistic Slovak politician and a bunch of White people died, hmmm…
this smells like (((something)))

keep backpedalling and projecting

The fire rises.

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Ethiopians are Caucasians.


Will just leave this here. Someone over at halfchan posted this just now. Twatted 2 days ago. Checks out.

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Compare the crash site to the Pennsylvania 9/11 site.

Used to be. Not anymore.

Why do things fall?

You mean the missile debris field?



What if they were the ones who crashed it?

That would make things interesting. But the sentence beforehand says they were colleagues of the U.N. refugee agency and World Food Program, so they're likely just traitorous scum that make a living organizing nigger transfer to White nations and doling out aid.

Fair point + trips

Hmm, so which foreign diplomat was this a hit on?

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Too soon for pol

Those two Israelis were obviously up to no good, but I'd be more suspicious if no Israelis died. If it were Mossad, they'd have pulled them off the flight first.

How do you know they didn't?

Oy vey it was a miracle! We were about to board the flight, when my called. And she said, you gotta go see the docktah, you gotta get an appointment. And that day I listened! I survived, it's divine intervention.


How black were they?

GARA-BOKKA, Ethiopia (Reuters) - The Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed killing 157 people was making a strange rattling noise and trailed smoke and debris as it swerved above a field of panicked cows before hitting earth, according to witnesses.

Flight 302 took off from the Ethiopian capital on Sunday morning bound for Nairobi with passengers from more than 30 countries. All on board the Boeing 737 MAX 8 died.

The pilot had requested permission to return, saying he was having problems - but it was too late.

Half a dozen witnesses interviewed by Reuters in the farmland where the plane came down reported smoke billowing out behind, while four of them also described a loud sound.

“It was a loud rattling sound. Like straining and shaking metal,” said Turn Buzuna, a 26-year-old housewife and farmer who lives about 300 meters (328 yards) from the crash site.

“Everyone says they have never heard that kind of sound from a plane and they are under a flight path,” she added.

Malka Galato, 47, a barley and wheat farmer whose field the plane crashed in, also described smoke and sparks from the back. “The plane was very close to the ground and it made a turn… Cows that were grazing in the fields ran in panic,” he said.

Nigger ground crew probably filled it with diesel by mistake.

What would NASA/Kikes have to get out of portraying the world as a sphere? What shekels could they possibly get out of that?

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oh boy here we go




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The pilot of Ethiopian Airlines flight 302 has been identified as Yared Getachew, Ethiopian Airlines official Bamlaku Gete told CNN. He was a senior Ethiopian Airlines pilot who had flown more than 8,000 hours. He had an “excellent flying record”, according to CEO Tewolde GebreMariam.

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probably a NGO or a (((humanitarian))) ambassador

All of the above.
Tamirat Mulu Demessie

It's almost like you're desperate to prove you don't belong here.

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Ethiopian name

Jet fuel is basically diesel. In a warm climate it probably wouldn't even matter. Besides, diesel wouldn't be on the runway fuel trucks or in the underground tanks. But 100LL would be. If the groundnog's filled it with some 100LL now we got a real show.

Key theme is food and refugee involvements.
IIRC a Luke Potter did Agriculture work for a brittish NGO in Tanzania and Rawanda. He got killed in a attack on a hotel that got sieged by terrorists.

most likely, check img related out same NGO was targeted by terrorists in 2018.

Second pic is from the Luke Potter above. That Gatsby NGO had a profile on him, he was involved in food and forestry programs.

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Well they crashed almost 50km after they took off I wouldn't be surprised if someone shot it down.


wow its… fucking nothing!

damn fam u sure convinced me
wtf i love the un now

Wouldn't be surprising. Reports on the radio said the other crashes involving the same make of plane had all kinds of data right up to the crash whereas this one showed evidence of a catastrophic failure mid-flight.

So Zig Forums why the fuck are UN / NGO spooks involved in agriculture and food supplies in Africa dying?


So none of (((them))) were on board. Did anyone get a mysterious phone call saying not to get the flight or by sheer happenstance missed it

There is no reason to celebrate these peoples deaths. Ethiopia has a pretty cool history and every one I've ever met has been openly proud of their race without resenting whites. They also all went back to Ethiopia because they realized the US was just using them for their talent at the expense of their home country.

Other races can exist and have racial pride without diminishing our own. Blood and soil is a universal truth.

At the beginning of the 20th century, before we foolishly gave our technology away to the shitholes of the world and Whites were more populous relative to non-Whites, I might have agreed with you. But today there are BILLIONS of niggers, BILLIONS of pajeets, BILLIONS of chinks, etc. and only hundreds of millions of us. Their populations dwarf our own. So spare me your moralizing faggotry. Every dead nigger is one less nigger.

So are arabs and jews. Caucasian means nothing.

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This is probably just a coincidence…

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and nothing of value was lost

the 737 sure hit the stones, and it sure had some questionable people in it..

Don’t act like a Q-LARPer.

You are cringey fucking retards, jesus.
If you're going to dream up some 14 year old loli to fap to over some event like with ebola-chan, at least put the fucking brain cells together to make it relevant to the event.

I know where this is going.

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No Diversity.
High tech border wall.
Sign me up!

An act of god.

Because God made the Ethiopians who maintained the plane?