This is happening every single day across the US and it's only being reported on in local news.
This is happening every single day across the US and it's only being reported on in local news.
This is Hell and we can't leave!
well shit
Even the guys that trumptards still held hope on are doing this shit.
This is fucking amazing, we've gone from Clownworld to straight up, full-blown Circusworld. Enjoy it while there's still bread. Once one of those run out, there's gonna be chaos.
I can't wait til Texas is a blue state and this country is finished
Donald is that you?
Trump should have run on a plataform of:
"Vote me, I'm the best hope for the Democratic party for the next 20 years!".
Not only he managed to oust the "old corrupt" Democrats (replacing them with 'new' complete nutjobs), he also manage to ensure they'll win for the next two decades.
I know some republicans are RINO, but Trump took it a step further by being the first Democrat RINO.
This convenience needs to stop. It's bad enough that theyre allowed to come in.
He only helps his oligarch class, and was never anything else than an oligach that needs people to suppress wages.
True. I was honestly very surprised that during the election, democrats weren't supporting him. But I'm pretty sure that all of this was planned so that dissidents would be marked to eventually be 'eliminated'. Either way, it's about time something was actually done to stop the madness, because the 'gov' is not going to collapse itself.
when the democrats get power again, they will import so many shitskins that ensure they never lose again. They air dropped Somali Muslims into Minnesota to get a house seat, no where is safe. They will not slow roll us anymore, it's going to be zombie Apocalypse style horde invasion. The business lobby will never allow the republicans to actually stop them to keep wages suppressed, even when we elect them, like Trump, we lose.
There is no voting solution.
Rise up or die in silent.
inb4 muh fed
You've seen nothing yet. It's all about the economical crash that follows the debt usury. This is why the nations are flooded with shitskins…fodder for the uprising of hate and revenge against the jews. All out war on civil scale, so that the survivors can then have a final face off with the jewish defense forces from Russia and China. So much fun ahead of us.
As terrible as this is, I'm surprised to be the first to point out
Never, ever forget this.
Christcucks betray their host nation. Again.
Why are there still some people who think there is anything different between the Democrats and the kike Republicans? We have a jewish recucklican president right now and the highest shitskin immigration in history. They don't give a fuck about winning all these fucks are hand picked to give some illusion anything you do actually matters when the country has gotten progressively worse since these tapeworms infested out government
And why did it get so bad so fast? Donald Trump.
Donald got the political left & businesses & churches and every other group that craves immigrants riled up. The left thought he was Hitler 2.0, businesses thought he would take away their cheap labor and churches their future congregants. So they threw caution to the wind and went all out against him. Conservative churches had to fly under the radar in doing so, but you bet the Southern Baptist are thrilled to be getting in more people who still care about religion at a higher rate than whites do.
And Donald never fought back. It was the worst possible combination. Mitt Romney was also against immigration, but he kept mostly quiet about it. He sucked in most respects, but at least he would have been way better on this front, because he wouldn't have given them this fake bogeyman.
Anyone else will be voting for Trump to hide their real power level from the ZOG?
The Jews will never suspect that I know about them then.
Mitt Romney is the same fucking cuckservative as everyone on the right.
All the opposition to Trumpstein was completely manufactured, if he was truly what he claimed to be they would never have given him so much attention.
One of the women arrived right at time to release her anchor baby.
Based Trump.
This, for this same reason, beware the now manufactured zionist muslim bitch as well.
Quick give that little nigger some tortillas.
Mitt Romney is a piece of shit, I'm not defending him overall, but on this one issue, he was good. One reason is probably that his family had problems with the Mexican cartels.
There have always been a few Republicans who felt strongly on this issue, like Jeff Sessions. Again, all the usual cuckservative bullshit, but they were good on immigration.
No, they weren't.
What drug are you smoking?
Notice how many of these people (Sessions, Rohracher, Kobach etc) got fucked over by Trump too.
We had two years of Sessions.
He slept through it.
inb4 it's because of Trump
Imagine if Charlton Heston ran for President, and he had been really provocative on this issue, and got the political left going crazy against guns. He rode a wave of popular support that this would be the guy who would finally strike down bad gun laws in all states, do away with stamp tax on silencers, and allow open and concealed carry everywhere.
And then when he has the entire political left, the churches, the concerned mother's groups, every shitty fucking organization against him with billions of dollars flowing into them, he doesn't do shit. He lets himself be vilified and squanders the 2 years where he might have done something because he was busy doing things like moving the American embassy to Jerusalem.
Sessions had limited authority in the Trump presidency the moment he recused himself. That was really early on, like 6 weeks into the administration. Trump never forgave him for that. My understanding is that what he did legally was appropriate.
This. It's been Trump's mission this entire time to destroy Nationalism in this country.
Yeah, it partly is.
You really think Trump would've given Sessions the necessary support to clean out the DoJ and FBI, disregarding the fact that Sessions doesn't have the right psychology for a task like this?
Charlton Heston and the NRA are bigger jew puppets than Trumplestein
If Sessions had been willing, he would done more.
No one in the Trump admin tried anything.
I attend Church with Jeff Sessions in Mobile.
I've said this time after time. Jeff is a good man with strong moral values who consistently criticizes Israel's tyrannical behavior towards Palestine and over-influence in America.
That's why Trump booted him.
Kill yourself faggot. The buttfag boyscout harped on muh weed while doing NOTHING against outright traitors.
Hell for Sessions. Hell for shills like you.
You might be shocked to discover that Charlton Heston has been dead for over a decade. Charlton Heston is also not president.
Afraid, jews and leftists? You should. You will all be killed soon.
Looks like Jose brought his get out of jail free unaccompanied minor just in case the gringos change their minds and try to deport him. Good thinking Jose, this the bright forwarding thinking type of immigrants we need in this country. MAGA
They were doing that shit before Trump.
If there are no patriots on the border shooting invaders then you might as well have Nerf guns - because they're doing fuck all for you anyway.
Your nation has already been taken over, and you are doing fuck all about it.
Did you remember to tell him he's a faggot?
…gives a pass to TREASON and MURDER while going after natural pain killers for people in suffering.
I don't know much about Sessions, and I don't know why there is a lot of focus on him as a personality. He was stupid about marijuana, yes, but he did attempt to do something about immigration. He was one of the few in the administration who was good on this. Here's a whole article on everything he attempted to do.
Sessions was unpopular here and among Trump supporters in part because he recused himself, which legally was the right thing to do. Trump has always been a petty personality when it came to issues like this.
Also, I think it's fucking ridiculous when you have such a shit president who tweets against his AG and then complain that the AG didn't do enough when there is a long list of things he attempted to do. Trump is a fucking faggot who was never committed to this, stop trying to rescue him by blaming it on Sessions, who at least attempted to do stuff.
Fuck off. Muller or Rosenstien didn't recuse themselves and they're balls deep up to their neck in the swamp.
Someone has mentioned this before but what this boils down to is that you can't depend on the (((media))) to tell you who you should support - in both extremes. If the (((media))) tells you to like someone, don't. If the (((media))) tells you that person is Hitler 2.0, they're not.
You can't depend on the media to give you honest information, even if it's to play contrarian to them. The 2016 election was where they were playing that card the hardest, with 100% of the media going anti-Trump. That was convincing enough for everyone.
There's been hundreds if not thousands of posts that started and ended with, "Well, the media is completely against so that's good enough for me." They will play that card again. And people will still fall for it.
Not legally, but as a buttfag boyscout it was the """""right""""" thing to do.
Where did I support Zion Don niggerbrain?
We already had Obama
Just like they've betrayed their own religion for decades. I may be a Christian, but Varg was right to be burning down those degenerate "churches."
This is hell and we can't leave.
This is hell and we can't leave.
This is hell and we can't leave.
Death is coming. You cannot avoid it. Prepare to sacrifice your life. We will be hunted.
Agreed. Then you also become like a Mark Dice, laughing at the SJWs while Rome fucking burns.
Rope yourself Hillary
Spoken like true faggot prey. If you're the hunted you're on the wrong board nigger.
Why would this not work?
Get over yourself. In 10 years things will be even worse, after 5G rolls out in a year the majority of people will start dying off. Us included. Unless you flee to the wilderness, and even then they still might neutralize you.
5G will turn most people into prematurely aged vegetables barely capable of breathing or walking.
Hi, jew.
This is a Trump shill.
All those people helping the “migrants” need to exiled to Mexico for their crimes in suppporting the Mexinigger invasion, when we come to power.
Nigger, the real families are separated and protected after they verify them. Stop rage-baiting.
Is it possible that Russia will be on our side considering they are mostly white
Fuck no. They aren't white in the traditional sense. They are albino bugs.
The amnesty legislation in the budget is the direct cause of this, they're all lieing about being family so they can cross the border with zero effort or consequence. It's a repeat of Reagan's Amnesty causing a flood of migrants all over again.
There's hope in the trees, we tear it down. Everything fucking down. A total reset, that's the only hope… even if that means balkanization in the short run.
The short run will likely be a period of several centuries but that's ultimately probably for the best.
They're being genetically tested.
So far, only 6% of those coming in with children are related to the children.
I haven't seen a known, legitimate source for any of these claims yet.
Anyone want to provide one?
Looks like a lot of workers we sorely need!
This is True i work next to a Greyhound bus station my brother works there i have seen them coming in Full heading north from Gainesville tx to okc to Kansas city Missouri and it's a invasion they are opening up gates and sending them North to a town near you this is not some humanitarianism play this is a game to build and continue the the money debt scheme and will set advancement of the nation back hundreds of years
Christianity is an anti White theology to its core. Anyone who follows a religion started by a literal Rabbi in which the main premise is that every mammal that can stand on two legs for longer than 10 seconds has an eternal soul of powerful value made in the image of God. This is what happens when one follows the main message of Christianity to its logical conclusion.
I said this in another post, but I'll point it out again.
Weaponized anthrax can be widely distributed in any neighborhood…black, Hispanic, Jewish, Wealthy, political bureaucratic…by simply driving around the streets and spraying it from the exhaust system of the vehicle.
You could, if you were organized, kill hundreds of millions in no time at all.
If voting stops working, and a group decided that war was the only answer, the victory would not lie in guns alone. They would have to consider mass-extermination procedures.
And all the redtext so everyone knows the truth as you preach it right? Fuck off nigger.
will Russia Help Help why would they help someone that can't help themselves Help sure by help air drop you supplies in exchange for a piece of your home land thats Rightfully yours you can't fight a war by letting someone fight it for you its???? I don't know were im going with this basically Something in the end it isn't yours you will always be somebody's slave that way
Red text nigger Yes it helps with posting in 20 breads an hour i can Find muh post and reply to things such as your
Post (((boy)))
Now come at me with Bantz or Fillter like a good boy so i can ignore you
Oh wow, a thread that has nothing to do with Christianity has already attracted the jidf larpagan faggots.
My dad works for nintendo, too
Jews really fucked up American minds didn't they?
my brother works for sega
I'm not sure we can handle much more winning, our anuses are pretty raw.
Worth mentioning from the article.
Maybe you should wake up and stop being a jesusnigger.
This is beyond cringe.
Arizona-user here. This has been going on for years. Constantly. All day, every day, for years and years. It's noticeably changed the demographic makeup of Arizona. The shear numbers of uneducated foreigners coming in is actually amazing.
Happens daily at the McDonalds near the border.
The whole point of getting Trump in was to get Whites to see that though. Whites I talk to on the street get this. Perhaps some of you have been redpilled too long.
Skip to 2:00
You seem like a big guy
in other words, we'd have less of a Wetback problem if we disbanded the BP and ICE, since they are now only Gibs and magnet programs.
No, actually that was King Nigger's ICE OP. At least they are making some kind of stand against the Beaner American flood under Drumpf.
what would happen if churches were taxed?
It's the law you fucking degenerates. Catch and Release INTO the country with a court date. Laws says we can't kick them out without a court date. By then, they've had an anchor baby.
This board is going to shit. How the fuck is it even possible that you don't know this by now??