Let's become right-wing leftists

The left is a cult full of fanatics whose beliefs cannot be affected, nor can their attitudes towards anyone who does not align perfectly with their own cultist doctrines. They live in a fantasy world created by shared delusions, and anyone who is not one of them is either ignorant (normals) or the absolute embodiment of all evil in the world (us).

So we cannot try to change them, but we can make it difficult for them to be effective in any capacity, and the way to do this is simple, we should simply start doing to them what they do to us, we go full aggro and never show any sign of shame, remorse, or compassion.

the left has no intention of getting into any situation where any part of their worldview is challenged, they were taught to believe this is because honestly engaging with the enemy gives them legitimacy, but the real reason is that they are simply wrong in both the factual and moral sense, and therefore the moment they begin to actually interact with the enemy, they will have lost, their tactics of dealing with alternative perspectives are therefore built around shutting down the opposition, and doing whatever damage they can to them and their message.

They simply behave in a very similar way to how scientology did, and we must respond in the way chanology had if we want to deal with these guys effectively, it means acting like completely repulsive human beings, who simply have a campaign of pettiness, spite, contempt, schadenfraude, and shamelessness towards them, willing to do anything to make things as bad as possible for them while still staying outside of facing legal consequences, it's about getting in their heads, making them angry, humiliated, etc. any emotions that would impair their thinking and behavior, and if they feel scared, we mock them for it.

Here are just some of their tactics, phrased in the way you must think about your relation to them:


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Other urls found in this thread:


- everything they do is intentional, but you must prove anything that we do has intent behind it.
They never get things wrong - they lie, they never make mistakes - they did it intentionally, it's never a coincidence - it's a conspiracy. Feel free to give the wrong impression and then when forced to address it, claim it was a mistake made on what we considered to be an unimportant matter.

- their spaces are public, our spaces are private. They never get a space to themselves, we must enter and disrupt all their meetings, gatherings, etc., they can never meet eachother IRL and expect it to be in peace, we must go there and make it impossible for them to conduct their business, this might mean behaving like obnoxious fucking children in order to do so. Here is an example if you need one: "bitchute.com/video/jOJcClHokMWV/"

- Be aggressively offended and punish them as severely as possible forever, attack them viciously over any joke or statement, or even implication, that goes against our beliefs, whenever we are criticized, we do everything we can to punish them for it, make it so that it is dangerous to say or do anything that could possibly be construed as being any criticism of us, if they apologize or try to make amends, we don't let up, we never let up.

- never forgive, once an enemy, always an enemy, this makes us exclusive, prohibited, forbidden, it also protects us from anyone who would introduce heresy within our midst, the mark of sin is forever upon those who have sinned against us, we stop accepting anyone who has ever gone against us in the past, their hearts and minds can never change in our eyes, they have been infected with no hope of cure.

- on the other hand, there may be advantage in having some of us infiltrate the ranks of the leftists, we dress like them, pretend to like (and to hate) the things that they would, spout their inane ideology, and take any opportunity to advance ourselves into any position of importance, where we can do the most damage, ideally without blowing our cover in the process.

- if we do things like this, we cannot appear to be what we are, we must appear like them, wear their uniform, so to speak, this way, security will not pick us out when we barge into their meetings and begin disrupting their proceedings, if there are more than one of us at the same event, it would be best if we acted separately, and not at the same time, this means once one of us is kicked out, another of us can take their place.

- if you talk to them, act like the most hateable fucking twat that you can, this is because the goal is to annoy them, anger them, embarrass them, do not attempt to have a discussion, but pretend like that is your interest, avoid the mess that is a right-winger trying to engage in discourse with a left-winger who is only there to provoke and disrupt.

- protest, organize protests around everything left-wing, make up completely false charges against left-wing people and organizations and hold public demonstrations to make these charges seem credible, the goal is not a bunch of us at these events, but normies, and so make the charge something that would draw normies in, ironically, the best thing to do is accuse them of discrimination or prejudice, calling them nazis or fascists and making it seem believable in order to turn the left against their own, basically, taking control of their defense mechanisms and using it as a weapon against vital points in the host organism.

- lob accusations constantly, true or false, make the most believable and damaging charge you can and slander them, ideally, something normies and leftists would want to shut down, if you can convince people that a leftist or leftists institution is a nazi, the main body might be moved to attack them as a mans of self-preservation, while they may be wiling to overlook sins of members that are too vital to the movement as a whole, these parts often rely on smaller, less vital components to engage in action, even if that means the level of individual people, and these should be our prime targets for smearing, combined with the actions of actual infiltrators who expose themselves as having become nazis out of the blue, this can lead to a loss of trust and infighting as a result, since they go on a higher alert for thought-crime within their own ranks.

You're a kike

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

No I'm not

not a chink either

user, you might enjoy this series.
It will teach you how to handle the typical leftist screechings.
Scroll down and listen to the first few podcasts.

First it sounds insane. But then you think about it for a while, it begins to make sense (especially if you already have a firm grasp of psychology).
Then you try it IRL and it shuts up these arrogant freaks like magic.


we do it because it works and because the situation forces us to, we can always revert afterwards.

the last thing is to not be afraid to use violence if we can do it without damaging the reputation of the ourselves or the right in general, in all other cases it should be avoided, but swinging a fist into a face is another kind of statement, it has an effect that words and other forms of action simply lack, violence causes the sowing of chaos, with no solid proof of who did it, and no track record of right wing violence, the result will be a dangerous enemy with an identity not even the recipient of the attack can be sure of.
Now, once you make the commitment to hit, you do NOT stick around or take accountability, you get the fuck out of there, and never get yourself fingered for the attack, this is difficult to do, and so violence must be used as a rarely played trump card.

Lay down and die instead?

Fuck 0FF with this ‘let’s all become lefty’ bullshit!

Fuck whites.


bdsmovement.net/ ..

Yes Shlomo, that's the only other option. You have to become a degenerate, dishonest, cowardly, sniveling piece of shit in order to beat degenerate, dishonest, cowardly, sniveling pieces of shit.

Yes, OP.

Entryism to subvert the left, especially because it is fracturing and they're creating an opportunity for us.

Third Positionism because we reject cuckservatism and lolbertarianism and neoliberalism. A healthy community and planet is what matters, more than economic concerns.

Don't worry about the shills. They really, really want to keep us compartmentalized in our corner of the internet, being as weird and unfriendly as possible.

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That only works if we kill them all. Stop trying to "win a game" and start killing leftists and jews. The enemy must be killed. Not just defeated.

unfortunately, that is indeed the case

No it is not you worthless fucking retard. You fight lies with truth, not lies. You fight cowardice with valor, not cowardice. If you present the world with two sets of worthless retarded lying shits, they won't know or care which "wins". If you present them with a set of worthless retarded lying shits, and a set of upstanding, honest people telling the truth, they will pick the truth.

truth only works if it is heard, the left works by blocking out truth, so you are fighting with useless weapons.
If the masses of lemmings that dictate public consensus would simply pick the upright guy who speaks the painful truth, we would not be where we are right now, as it is, we are shunned, no one listens to us, instead they are led by those cowards who tell them far more palatable lies.
besides, we aren't honest, we know that the average guy sees blacks who acts very pleasant towards them, they don't all look like niggers, I just spent my lunch talking to an arab, and he was very cordial towards me during that time, we refuse to acknowledge the experiences everyone has had with non-whites, and so appear to present some psychotic fantasy world when perceived by the normals we seek to won over.
what they will know is who wins, npcs have little regard for truth, when two groups clash, they follow the stronger of the two, the one that dominates the exchange, and this has been the leftists because we play by rules they ignore.
they may be weaker people, but because they have abandoned the rules of the game, and because we remain bound by them, we appear to have been dominated by these insipid little shits.
we lack all power of force, we can't simply go out and shoot or stab these fuckers, we have to play the game their way, or we lose, the only other option here is not at all.
honor before reason is pride before the fall.
stop trying to be good to these bastards, stop acting like you respect them, you don't see anything there to respect, and they won't ever reward the favor.
the crowd lacks the ability to see the difference in nobility as well, your impotent displays of honor are lost on them, they see weakness in what you put up with from the opposition, not strength.
those are the people we need, stop killing your own cause.

How do you fucking idiots dress yourselves? They "block out the truth" by controlling the media. The solution is not to abandon truth, how fuck retarded can you possibly be? The solution is to bypass the media. The only reason the media would allow your lies to be heard is if it benefited them.
Being honest is not being good to "these bastards" you braindead sack of shit. It is being good to ourselves. It is fighting for our cause, instead of being so fucking stupid that you fight for your enemy because you are too god damn dumb to figure out they are your enemy, not facts.

By pass the media, huh? and how do you suggest we go about it, go ahead, tell me, and remember to be as vague as possible or else you might give away the fact that you have no fucking clue what you are talking about.

IRL meetings?
there was a bitchute link in one of my posts, did you watch that video? that's how meetings in real life go, and they aren't even ours, we will never hold IRL meetings because we're so gosh darn scared of each other and the FBI to try.
write a book? who's gonna publish it?
posters? they only work if they get exposure, and the media is no longer giving them publicity.
social media? youtube? everyone here hates e-celebs too much in order to start any sort of social media personality for ourselves.

so what is is there? this place?
now who's being retarded?
not enough people come to this site, and most people would not be willing to come here due to the notoriety it gained during the 2016 election, people know this place but also know to avoid it, and they will because they're well-programmed lemmings.
no, it's not being good to ourselves, it's giving ourselves a handicap and making us look weak for being dominated by weaklings, the left has used underhanded tactics for so long that the public has long since lost the ability to perceive fair or noble conduct, they see one side being made into the other side's bitch, and since the winner tells us they are the good guys, everyone is cheering for them, we need to win first, and restore honor afterwords.
your conduct was created in a time where no one had to deal with the shit we're now dealing with, you are as delusional as the ancap who thinks their model of society can function in a multiracial environment.

as for fighting the enemy, we are both talking about how to do that, you want to continue down the path of loss, and I want to try to find another way to win this fight. we are both fighting for the same cause, to the very iota of the details: we both want to save the white race from extinction, create a homeland where whites have uncontested sovereignty, and propel the race to everlasting greatness thereafter. so don't give me this shit about a lack of commitment, it's you who fails to see the need to do what it takes to succeed in what needs to be done.
lemmings don't care about truth, to them, truth is malleable and is created by the trusted authorities that the left controls, I'm suggesting that we jam the signals before trying anything else, make it impossible for their preachers to preach, make them look bad to shake the faith, confuse the message and divide the church against each other.
you have no plan, you have no explanation for why your approach has been unsuccessful, and you cannot explain why the opposition has succeeded despite lacking all the things you deem essential for victory.
stop idealizing the people of today, see what they are, what they have become, they aren't the people of the past, society has changed, and society has changed them also, the people of the past for whom your virtues have value are long dead, they can come back, but you need to be willing to sacrifice your pride in order to crate a world where that can happen.

Did you notice how nothing in your huge rambling mess of retarded shit addressed the point? If you can't get truth to people because the media is controlled, how will you get lies to them, and what possible benefit would it be if you could?

You. Can't.

If you try, they'll simply have everyone involved murdered. Good things don't happen.

I'm not for getting lies to the people, I'm for sabotaging the ability for the enemy to tell lies to them, disrupt their meetings, turn them against each other, generally make things difficult for them.
it does take considerable skill to convince people of something, it takes considerably less to be an annoyance that drowns out the persuasion efforts of the other.
trolling, harassment, undermining, etc.
this is not about public outreach, it's about handicapping the enemy.

You. Can't.

You're a fucking genius!

what exactly are our options here, then?
I've already laid out how limited we are as far as getting our message out.
You know damn well that we lack the numbers, trust, and coordination to engage in any form of illegal activity, especially force.
I've laid out other options in other threads I've made, and they get shot down or ignored by dumbasses like you.
So now I'm suggesting that we go back to the old /b/tard shit that shut down scientology, and start causing mischief as a means of shutting down the enemy's ability to communicate effectively.
But you don't like it and try to shout me down, because you can't stand the idea of Zig Forums becoming effective, I'd call you a jew or a shill, but there are a thousand things you could be, and the most likely answer is that you are just a spiteful shit.
Tell me what your ideas are, and try to be as clear about your ideas as I've been about my own, cause all I got is you failing to understand what I've written (or purposely misrepresenting it), and delivering vague non-ideas in the form of platitudes about values that clearly o not apply to this current struggle.

why are you so dishonest? is it because you are simply stupid and doing this by accident? how do you possibly benefit from doing what you are doing? if you get nothing out of this, you have wasted your time, and you could be getting paid more elsewhere for doing something that would fulfill your need for purpose far better than this.

I agree with the OP in ideological principle but the only problem is I am a white nationalist. Anything I say or argue will ultimately fall outside of any forum or websites terms of service and simply be filtered banned or censored.
Leftists can argue economics all day without bans. They can also virtue signal. I can’t argue in favor of my race but that’s evil I guess

Right wing neoliberal think tanks are behind the push for immigration you fuckwit… You are being played to hate a group that isnt even real. None of those "leftists" have read any literature

Really cool forum of critical thought

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Scientology got pulled apart by a combination of investigation and sincere interpersonal caring. When I bitch about the left being a cult, anyone who responds by writing off leftists is acting self-fulfilling. I never ditched the left; I got loyalty-purged for being inadequately fearful and scared of outgroups, and not consenting to an environment of mandatory distrust.

Let’s talk right-leftism more seriously for a few sentences. I think I know why Trump would be interested in fighting HIV, and why everyone who dislikes the heavy foot of government ought to. The reason is that diseases are an achingly sincere trust gap wherever they operate. The long-term goals of sincere conservatives do not involve fear-based, disease-ridden, or government-controlled communities. Fighting diseases - anyone’s diseases - demonstrates sincerity towards everyone who really understands the work you’re doing.

Reasonable people disagree about the rationality of government spending towards structural interventions in healthcare, but disease interventions are temporary. They’re five to thirty years of temporary, but that still fits into common time conceptions. Disease fights are expensive, but hospitals have to be maintained forever, whereas diseases can be conquered.

You are not left or right - you are a moron. go read some books

Cancer might be an eternal war. Some cancers are so cured you pop a few pills and get over them, or get a surgical intervention that almost never fails. More cancers join the ranks of the cured over time as research proceeds. Yet every time we cure a kind of cancer, two more kinds pop up! It’s a worthy fight, but cancer is just not one disease. There’s a whole lot of kinds of cancer.

HIV is vastly closer to being a single disease. Maybe it is just one thing. I’m not a doctor, I don’t know. We get rid of HIV, we get rid of an ever-reopening wound in society’s capacity for trust. Unlike most government spending, disease fights actually dwindle. They close. They free the taxpayer and the public alike.

Diseases that can be vaccinated against are disease fights, too. If we clear those, society’s trust increases. New vaccines are new opportunities for campaigns that actually don’t last forever, that leave society more peaceably able for people to live in community with each other.

Someday there might not even be flus and colds.

Thanks, actual leftist. I know you’re lying in support of my cause to make disagreeing with me look like something only people who project stupidity would do.

I just wanted to mention that I hate do-nothing faggots like yourself. Everyone who uses the same tactics as the enemy forces the enemy to name and condemn their own tactics to name and condemn you. Such things put pressure on an enemy, and kikes plans will be ruined by others kiking them.

Preferably kill yourself moralfag.

The right's biggest problem is that it plays by its own rules while leftists behave like sociopaths and actually win. Average right-wingers seem unaware that power is basically sociopathy.