Julian Castro Asks Why Bernie Sanders is So Eager to Write a Check for 'Medicare for All,' but Not Reparations
Let them fucking choke on their money and bring everything crashing down. It'll make the executions sweeter.
This spic will definitely win. Yang had a shot, but we probably sabotaged his chances with Antifa and shitskins by memeing him.
Cool. Let's work on Castro next.
Yang was my first choice due to his insane policies. But Castro is a close second because he is a spic.
I'd vote for either one tbh
Where are you idiots coming from?
Yes. Why the fuck would I want the democratic party "led" by a White person? If I could replace every White democrat with a nigger or a spic, I'd do so in a heartbeat.
Seriously, give me one reason why the democratic party should have even ONE White person?
If they never wake up they didn't deserve to be saved in the first place then
This is a shop, I can tell by all the screen tearing during the screenshot.
He wasn't even polling at 1% you effeminate drama queen.
Eat shit and die nigger
Why should any political party in a white nation be led by anyone by a white person? For lulz? For accelerationism to the destruction of the entire nation? The first thing that will happen during civil war 2.0 is borders become undefended and we get invade from all foreign hordes. Not just civilians, but legit world powers in a mad grab for land and control in the power vacuum.
Sure you might be well prepared for DOTR, but let me know well you fare against actual armies who will throw ROE out the window because Team America isn't around to enforce repercussions on behalf of limpdick NATO.
Fuck muttmerica.
90% of Slaves were owned by Jews, who's decedents are easily traceable in the USA to this day, including of course their vast wealth.
40% of the "1%" are Jews, and 80% of the .001% will be Jews.
98% of Jews are on record as saying "Blacks should be slavery gibs today".
Seems simple enough, when to we get started?
Jews are eager and able to claim Gibs from Germans, even if all the original parties long since dead.
No user, the irish are niggers only as far as it can be used to attack whites in general. Not to actually benefit from anything.
I love it when the golem turns on the jew.
this bucket of crabs on the dem side is entertaining, only thing that blow out my sides is if hillary runs again
You answer your own question. Though I will state something that slipped past you; America is not a nation. America is just a state. In order to become a nation, we must destroy the (((state.)))
Now give me one reason why the Democratic party should be "headed" by White men.
Cool. I'll take those odds! A 50/50 chance at survival is far superior to the 100% certainty of White Genocide under the current System.
Hot Digity dang! Bring it the fuck on!
Also, Russia is not going to be invading the USA. That's a boomer meme. I actually laugh whenever some aging fool like you brings that up. Don't talk about things you have never even thought deeply about.
Spitballing here, but what if this whole reparations thing is a front for invasive geneological research on black people? I don’t really have any idea why someone would care for that data enough to lie at large scale, but “descendants of former slaves” twigged me this time. Not all black people are descendants of former slaves - and for that matter, I’m pretty sure only American enslavement matters, since otherwise the feudal era wasn’t that long ago in evolutionary time.
Go back far enough and almost everyone is slave-descended. Maybe literally everyone.
Also, the “anti”semitic schtick is kind of comical sometimes. Gene therapy transfer population, right here, basically begging for it. If the Jews are ubermensch, become the ubermensch.
Chinks, niggers, spics, and kikes are Trump's opposition. Lmao.
1776-1865 (enforced) = 89 years
154 years NOT a Slave.
154-89 = 65 They owe us at this point.
$100 in 1865 is equivalent in purchasing power to $1,472.44 in 2016, a difference of $1,372.44 over 151 years.
60 hour work week.
wow, when you put it like that we should just let the democrats ethnically replace all European-Americans. At least if we are gone America will still be stable and a relevant military force in the world. (Killyourself)
Hmmmm, interesting. Could also be to get more people go take DNA tests for database purposes
nice priorities, fuck being replaced in our own countries if it allows (it doesn't) US Hegemony to survive
Maybe the Sanders family has some history with the atlantic slave trade.
I know nigs are stupid, really, really stupid, but well, hmm, yeah, they might fall for it. It's wrong to underestimate their stupidity. I could see Onigger supporting Castro to get reparations for the niggers that the nigger president didn't get them.
Lets make sure castro all the rest of the marranos pay through the nose
Kill yourself shill.
Pay debts