None of you fucking get it

This shit is fucking autistic.
Do you want to know why Trump cucked on Daca?
On Syria?
On Israel?
Why he's acting like a fucking blue pilled jew bitch cocksucker?
Because he is exactly what he said he was
a civic nationalist
Doesn't change the fact that his positions on trade arent right
or isolationism
or even his retoric on immigration
Israel cocksucker or not he's stumbled the rebulican party into the right direction
A direction that has led many conservative youth (myself included) into these circles where ethno nationlism and ((((the real problems)))) are discussed
but thats not good enough for you faggots
oh no
instead of continuing down this path of transforming one of the two major political parties in the most powerful country in the world into euro nationalist party you want to support a fucking A-Rab bitch because she made john mccain's daughter cry and vote for a literally anti white hawain cunt who wants to make reperations legal
fuck you nigggers
and fuck accelerationism

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Other urls found in this thread:


"Ethno-nationalism" is a redundant term invented by jews. "Nationalism" alone suffices.

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You're dumb.

Because Israel is our greatest ally! MAGA!

sage this bullshit thread

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The White Race is doomed

Too bad so many mutts created the need for more concise wording.
For the best tbh

As of 2020 many of us are NO SHOW.

Keep up your bullshit spamming of this board and some of us out of spite will actively work against Trump come 2020

"Nationalism" was a term created by communist frenchmen along their black frenchmen during the (((French revolution))) to tell people that loyalties are not to a king but to the land you happen to born in.

Some of us?
Fuck that orange jew and his pissrsaeli pals

I didn't know that the Q-tard-redditors were allowed to post new threads here

Yes, Nazifags should openly support Trump's opposition candidate!

No, it isn't for the best, you fucking retard. The only reason the poorly educated "ethno-nationalists" of today label themselves such is because the kikes perverted our language. Our shit schools fail to teach Latin because the spics and niggers can't into learning and the whites are raised by single moms who don't have the slightest clue about the importance of education because everything works out just fine for those on the gibs dole. The very fact that nobody knows what "nation" means these days is evidence that the kikes have their tendrils so deeply rooted into our national psyche that we are basically dead. The eternal outsider benefits from the host's lack of self awareness.

and ALLLL that shit goes away if the kikes are able to crown their first jew king and have him censor the fuck out of the internet for "bigots"

Civic nats fucked that up but yeah strictly speaking

fair enough

unironically kike shill

No, no it is not


Yes if one thing fucking scares me its a kike shill telling me not to do something or else he'll vote for another kike in 2020
shivering in my jack boots juden

True but sort of irrellivent today
Franco self defined as a nationalist and worked his whole life to protect and eventually put the monarch back on the throne

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Nationalism is fairly stupid. Ethno-nationalism is not. To have pride in your people is much better than having pride in your nation. Unless they coincide and your nation is filled with your people.

You're a fucking retard, too. See if you have enough smarts to suss out the root of the world "national" and figure out what it has in common with "nativity" and "pre-natal" and "nascent".

I swear that Zig Forums must be mostly niggers considering it's inability to stop posting idiotic bullshit and read a fucking book every now and then.

That's the point nigger. Nations should only have one race. Everyone else is a tourist or temporary visitor that has to go home.

I didnt know they allowed people under 18 on the internet

jesus christ what the fuck has this board turned into

I dont know man uniting the race that fled the caucoids under one banner might be the only way we ever actually get anything done
its the only way we ever defeated the sand niggers or the huns
and ill bet its the only way we will ever defeat the jew
Also we arent fucking dead dude
fuck that black pilled faggotry



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kek true

to setlle this
vid related

youre confused about accelerationism. the lobotomized retards here think that accelerating the push into communism is how you bring the zog down. the acceleration i am thinking of involves murdering communists and zogbots to bring the zog down.

know the difference because the first one is direct from langley and their play for this election cycle




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Hell yes. I should learn Latin

Fair enough dude
im with you on this
but if this is what "accelerationism" is then you fuckers need to make alot more and better threads explaining this
Id suggest we start with the holly wood pedophiles lol

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Cute kid. Has some fair points…is she ready to fight to the death to preserve her homeland?

Let me ask you something my dude
when the jews started taking over our countries
do you think anyone was working for their interests?
You think any major politicians were working to give them power?
Think whites were bending over backwards to give them power?
No of course not
Because whites were in power and jews were not and the only way jews ever gained power was by working together through nepotism, manipulation and geopolitical planning to get themselves into the seats of power to dippose whites
and that, with the roles reversed, is what we must do now
thats what meme magic is
thats what "the great meme war" was
It was whites for the first time in decades looking out for their own race and working together to further there interests
something jews have been doing for centuries and something that they are scared shitless at whites doing
which is why the kikes in silicon valley are trying the censor the internet
because with enough time and planning
whites can do exactly what the jews did and turn BOTH political parties into our bitch
and there are alot more of us then there are of them.

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Horse shit he's Israel first.

"Sodomite policing" sounds like a good thing (thwarting their agenda or straight up disinviting them to our society). Donny wishes to be a Sodomite ambassador.

E. Michael Jones makes a compelling argument that the jews have been in a state of constant revolution ever since they literally murdered the personification of rationality and consciousness (rebellion against the logos/rationality/christ) and thus, ever since the enlightenment killed the power of religion, have been behind secular revolutions e.g. Bolsheviks, 'civil rights', 'fag rights'.



None of Trump's positions on trade or isolationism are right. There is a massive power gap between what his ACTUAL policies are and what his shills – like you – try to market his policies as.


Israel is, and always will be, our. greatest. ally.

Your call what you think bro
here is her current channel
most of the videos about race and shit have been deleted though

This. Americans are actually retarded.

Eat a bag of dicks you filthy fucking communist

Look mother fucker if you have points show them
but untill then
the 25 percent tarriff on steal is not fake
the 10 percent tarriff on alluminum is not fake
the billions of dollars of tarriffs on chinease imports are not fake
and the 60,000 manufacturing jobs created under him are not fake
you done like him?
I dont like him sucking jew dick either
but you DO NOT get to come on this board and lie about ANYTHING or call me a liar without proof because if this board can still do one thing by god
its call someone out on their lack of evidence
so please
nut up or shut up
show me what you fuckin got

Comintator of the month ladies and gentlemen

Accelerationism is life.

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shit - either did I


direct from langley with the no content coming at ya

Even Ann Coulter is saying she's going to go to work for AOC so she can slap some big punitive taxes on the Wall Street slime.

Isolationism protectionism and hard line immigration policy are all nationalist ideas that he put in his retoric
ideas that NO other political leader has mentioned since pat buchanan
and ideas that led me (and alot of other people on this board i suspect) to ethno nationalism and the JQ
Think what you like of him but he opened the fucking door for us as much as we opened the door for him
and if pol lets this go
if pol lets the republican party go back to being neo conservative jew bitches and doesnt take hold of this moment and movement by the hairs and rides it as far a it can fucking go
then this board is impotent and cucked and dead
and the black pillers are fucking right
but only because of their own faggotry


Trump opposes cultural marxism. He opposes illegal immigration. He opposes big government getting involved in the lives of individuals. He supports us keeping our guns.


oh damn
great comeback kid
hope you didnt break your nigger IQ on that one

Ann Coulter fucks niggers
what the fuck kind of cuck do you have to be to take anything she says seriously?

Attached: anncoulterjimmiewalker.jpg (531x350, 36.75K)

im not new dude
i know

fucking fbi niggers

I mean dude sure he beats the alternative but he did the fucking bump stock ban and the antisemtism bill
lets not slobber on his nob shall we?


I saw it briefly then it done got 404'd.


When is god going to come and get his defective fucking 'wife' and take that bitch home to hell?


Tariffs? Block the importation period. Nationalize the production and literally draft unemployed people to fill the positions, providing them with free housing in the needed areas seized directly from rentier bank stock. There is ZERO reason to accommodate the industries that deliberately deindustrialized the country in the first place nor give them any incentive or inducement to participate in the reindustrialization. They did it once, they will do it again.

Kill yourself Trump is a kike and he is DONE


They are the reason Whites can no longer be tribal and network anymore. Nothing but endless misery.

They dox Whites as "Nazis", "Racists", etc. everytime Whites engage in anything political in their defense.
Serving our enemies who are exterminating us.

Swastikas and larping are literally more important to these low brow misfits than survival of Whites…..

I learned Latin in grade school. I highly recommend it…lots of secrets hidden in plain sight.

Is that why we gave 43 billion to Israel?

Lies. There is no growth and for what there is it's non-White. It's also not manufacturing in the first place you retarded nigger. Walmart e-stores and Amazon e-stores don't manufacture.
Kill yourself. Whites are on the verge of being demographically replaced. February had the HIGHEST IMMIGRATION IN US HISTORY

Fuck off you sniveling worm. If you're merely an idiot then please correct yourself. I suspect kike.

Maybe it's why we dump tens of thousands of niggerspic ZOGbots in Poland and point missiles at White Russia. Or why we threatened Germany, France, and Denmark with sanctions and violence over buying Russian gas. Or why we delivered hundreds of billions of dollars of heavy weapons to Saudi Arabia to bomb old people and little kids in Yemen.

I think you're mistaking the insurgent shill force for real Zig Forumstards. They are pushing the accelerationist, vote for a communist bullshit here.
Remember there's one thing that unites all shills, and it's the easiest way to determine it. They all have trump derangement syndrome in one form or another. They can't help themselves. The entire universe revolved around trump to them

If you want an anti-trump circle jerk thread so much why don't you fags just go to Reddit?

Does the user who posted the HAPPENING thread link here have screencaps of that thread before the kike mods deleted everything?

Mods who are going to delete this: hell is real and is waiting for you. You are disrespecting the logos in a place that is literally 100% devoted to words and symbols.

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maybe because they're paid to be here?

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Based, redpilled and gif for you

First off
she does fuck niggers
look it up
the coal burner doesnt even try to hide it
(she also fucked ((((bill maher))) btw)
Second off i never have nor will support "iron ann"
Because she is a filthy nigger fucking degenerate
If trump is "done" then why the fuck are you still bitching about him
If you actually gave a damn about the movement you'd be making threads spreading the ideas that NEED to be spread
not complaining about me not wanting this fucking board to support a litteral fucking jew in 2020 who WILL open the fucking borders wider then they already are and se if he cant makes white a minority before the 20s are out

Jesus christ you kikes love to spam

My god you faggots dont get it
Before 2016 I and a thousand other poor young cock suckers raised by boomers, was a neocon
i supported israel
believed in the whole deus vult bullshit
and thought if blacks would just accept individual liberty detriot would be a paradise
You know who changed that?
Whos campaign brought me to pol?
Donald Trump
This IS our link with the mainstream world
and if you all let this die
then you arent purists or warriors or eliete
your fucking pussies who are letting your race die thats it

I will believe you when you do
When you show me how every fucking economic analitical system IN THE WORLD is wrong about the 60 thousand manufacturing jobs that WERE created under trump
whether or not your black pilled ass believes it
then i will take you seriously
but untill then
you are a child and need to be treated as such

The day i give a damn what you think of me is the day i put a shot gun in my mouth and pull the trigger



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Fuck yourself faggot
if you are an accelerationist you are a traitor
and if we win by some merricle INSPITE of your ass you will be hung with the coal burners and lobbiests of the world

Whites either die-off slowly under the Right or we use the Left and force whites to fight their replacement. Accelerationism is the winning strategy and in time I'm taking power. When it all works out you'll see and join the new party. Nazbols get the rope tho.

Can someone honestly help this fucker

also if kike mods are actually deleting threads please if you are reading this kindly go fuck yourselves you fbi paid niggers

You may not "care" about what your betters think of you, but if this is the case you don't deserve to be anywhere above the bottom of a given hierarchy. I have explained to you that your use of the terms of "our" enemy is a mistake and yet you persist. I have explained this at a level comprehensible to a child of 8. If you are truly unable to gather the information up and integrate it then that's fine, you get to be a janitor or a crosswalk attendant in the reich.

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most of us get it. its angry livid kikeposters that make you think otherwise

Why are White so fucking suicidal that they want to fuck chimpanzees…nothing 'good' is going to come of fucking animals. I swear I will never understand this fetish…unless she is MKUltra or something and just programmed to fuck niggers or something.

No faggot
whites either survive long enough to redpill themselves or they get swamped completely and get fucking genocided
unless south africa looks like a workable model to you then accelerationism is bullshit

Faggot if had nickel for every faggot who called himself "superior" online then id have one more
I highly doubt that any person who has engaged me this much online has anything of value you to say and i suspect your next response will validate this
but for what its worth
just please please for the love of god dont be so fucking dull as to try to get a "zinger" off on me pathetically proving that you care what i think

Women would fuck sloths if they thought their genes were superior
the fact that ineracial sex is a thing is a comintary on the effeminate nature forced on western men more then anything else

gee, I wonder who could be behind this thread

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Has this happening in America? Or is the brainwashing to strong for majority of whites to wake up on their own?

We mainly supported Trump because we thought it was funny. Obviously the president isn't good for much, besides being a vehicle for farming normie tears.

Attached: trump-pepe.jpg (1366x1024, 91.93K)

Go on, then. Keep using "ethno-nationalism". Keep using the jew term that destroys the significance of the use of the term "nation" in our historical documents. Good job, you.

I'm not nitpicking for no reason. The kikes pervert language because it is so subtle and slow yet SO important. You are fine with abandoning the word "nation" because "ethno-nation" is more clear somehow, but this is a mistake. First, it is stupid and redundant. Second, and critical, it allows the kikes to change the past. If you give up defense of the meaning of the word "nation" then the kikes are allowed to travel back in time and scribble "mutt" in place of "nation" throughout all of history.

Defend nation.

Do you understand?

If you object to this without a genius level argument you are preordained as a filthy kike, because the above is plain and clear to those with honesty in their blood.

Report: Trump Says He Would Have 98 Percent Support as Israeli Prime Minister Candidate

Days after calling the Democratic Party 'anti-Jewish' and 'anti-Israel,' Axios reports that Trump told Republican donors in an off-the-record gathering that the Israeli public would widely support him

WASHINGTON - President Trump told top Republican donors that if he ran for Prime Minister of Israel he would get 98 percent in the polls, according to a report published on Sunday. Axios journalist Jonathan Swan wrote that Trump made the unusual comment during an off-the-record gathering of the Republican National Committee in Florida. Trump, according to the report, also repeated his new attack line that uses Israel and anti-Semitism in order to criticize the Democratic party.

"Trump said if he could run to be prime minister of Israel, he'd be at 98% in the polls, according to three sources who were there," Swan wrote. Trump has proved widely popular in Israel, but not at a level close to the number he reportedly mentioned. Several public opinion polls from the past two years have shown that approximately two-thirds of Israelis have a favorable view of him.

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ETHNOGLOBALISM is the only answer.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Just say "nation-earth" instead. It has the advantage of maintaining consistency with the historical documents which mention "nations".

I think you're confused about the meaning of my statement. I think Trump should not be re-elected.

you got me

Teens and preteens are getting redpilled fast which is happening quicker every day with the internet basically raising the youth for better and for worse
the only thing that can fuck this up is the internet being cucked
which the jews are doing their damnest to do

kek works in mysterious ways

Look man all memes aside i dont disagree with you but the fact of the matter is that nationalism, since the birth of cucked civic nationalism has taken multiple meanings.
If you want to reclaim the word thats great
but if you do that you need to make youtube videos and threads about it
Until its common parely again we are going to have to use ethno nationalist to difference ourselves from r the donald civic maga pedes


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We have Muslims and leftists shilling the board to try to push us towards supporting them. It wouldn't surprise me if some of the accelerationists were leftists. They can drop a few Schlomo cartoons and HH a few times to fit in, and the anons who say "wait a minute…" will be accused of being outsiders.

Attached: shills.png (1030x2109, 640.26K)

teens and preteends can't vote. i guess we should just give the ZOG Emperor 4 more years to sell America to Israel. Makes no sense.

Go ahead and try to do something about it. Watch what happens.

Samson Looms.

None of that is good enough. Nobody is getting redpilled. There is only Eternal Misery.

user, I understand your rage, but do consider the following:

Te posters who keep pushing the extreme shit are not legitimate posters. Actual anons knew at the time the election was in full-steam, that Trump was merely a step in the right direction. No one expected him to go 1488 on the kikes. But it helped that the Leftist-driven media painted him as being Hitler. Long-term effects of this were things like white people ACTUALLY standing up against the multi-cult bullshit. Slowly, even the most normie of normies, is waking up to the ideas that being white is actually okay. It empowered people to stand up and defend their own skin. There isn't really anything wrong with being a civnat. Right now, whites need allies to push back against the kikes and their attempts on browning the entire planet. Ten years ago, NOBODY would speak out against immigration. No one. Now? You see it everywhere. So no, legit anons knew what they were getting with Trump. It's only kikes who are pushing the purity-spiraling at a time when it's least intelligent to implement.

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You can't fix it back. Damage is permanent. Once something is ruined, it cannot be saved.

They'res actually a thread on lefty pol about raiding other boards
faggots are probably still doing that shit now

No but they will
and they CAN hold a rifle
Yeah makes much more sense to vote for a communist jewish faggot or a hawain black lives matter cunt
You know someone who will give us even less time to wake up our race
but dont worry im sure all the shit they do will wake them up
just like ineracial marriage did
or gay marriage
or the 65 immigration act
or 9/11
or anoy of the other ways that the jews have worked to destroy us over the last 100 years TOTTALLY woke up the white race in america
face it faggot
the only chance we have is redpilling zoomers
and every cuckold accelerationist who shit posts about bringing more niggers to rape their mothers and sisters turns them the fuck off

kek the actual black piller

If you object to purity spiraling, it is because you are an impure soul or a TRSodomite. Why do you object to purity?

illegal shitskins vote and you think anyone can't.


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(Waste of Trips)
There is nobody who is redpilled. They are all cucks. They love the POZ because there is nothing on our side to enjoy. It's all hollow and struggle.

and what has trump done about it? he's letting in more illegals. gtfo