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Time to gas the Yang shills
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You're the only shill i see here
And what exactly am I shilling, retard? Do you even know what that word means?
honestly these damage control threads make me think there's something actually behind this idea
Definitely some yang gang shill faggot. I'm voting for Todd because he's giving me $2000. Beat that chink boy
t. seething attempted shill
I accept Bitcoin
Nope, that narrative won't work either. 5/10 for creativity though.
You guys understand that the bugspray pasta is just a meme, yes? Any actual chunk shill who is allowed to interact with the wider internet will have some special privileges when it comes to filtering out unwanted terms. It won't do shit then.
we can think for ourselves, shlomo
Seriously i've seen maybe two pro yang threads and dozens of these garbage threads
who's shilling who again?
Yang shills are everywhere on this board trying to split up any potential trump voters, so that when Yang inevitably loses the democratic nomination, they're more likely to side with Bernie.
In my opinion, the Yang shilling can have a very strong force if used properly to split up any potential Bernie voters and take away from him. Just know what's going on, and why people are shilling. Accelerationism is a dumb meme, and voting for an anti-gun commie is pretty big leap on the political spectrum.
sage because you didnt even try when making this thread
Foreign Workers Outpace Native-Born Americans in Job Growth for Six Months
don't you think those exposed to it should start the beginning stages of overthrowing the communist tyranny? They could be heroes and have their names echo throughout history. Knowing that their overlords killed innocent civilians, surely is the first step in doing the right thing.
Vote Yang fags. I want America to collapse
Look at 1984 if you want to understand Chinese society. These people won't rebel unless they get hit by a famine or epidemic, as China historically always does eventually, but even then it's right back to the established order once their bellies are moderately full again.
Yang 2020, MIGApede
lmao somebody's mad. YangGang. 1k revolution
The damage control from MIGAFags has been nothing short of entertaining tbdesu