Honest but delusional woman fucks Trudeau with the SNC-Lavalin scandal

Scandal in a nut-sac:

SNC-Lavalin had hoped that its fraud and corruption charges could be resolved with what's known as a deferred prosecution agreement (DPA), which would spare the company a trial and possible criminal conviction

This is what got the US banks out of trouble when the Subprime mortgage crisis in 2008

It's basically a get out of jail card for corporations.

You pay a fine and say your sorry, get a wrist slap and play fair, wait a few years and it's business as usual.

What the Canadian corporation, SNC-Lavalin, did wasn't as nearly bad as what the US banks did.

SNC-Lavalin bribed middle eastern politicians to get contracts there.

This is established practice.

Trudeau, in choosing his cabinet, decided to virtue signal in high mode and chose a 1st nations female lawyer, Jody Wilson-Raybould, as his Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada.

A position for which she had little experience.

When SNC-Lavalin got it's hand caught in the cookie jar with the bribes, she was asked to give the wrist slap of a fine, not the 10 yr ban on SNC-Lavalin being able to bid on anymore gov, contracts.

This was a good thing for the Canadian economy.

She decided to play Ms Jody Wilson-Raybould(Smith) goes to Ottawa, and say no, bad corporation has to be punished, even if it hurts 1000's of people associated with SNC-Lavalin, who did no wrong.

She was demoted for this decision.

Shit hit the fan

Attached: b4.png (1000x750, 1000.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Oy vey, I am so surprised.

Attached: 4d10c2cd58709185dfc761d25b509a19cf603a78f3b7735c531fedd648f73631.jpg (850x400, 38.77K)

This is the most Canadian thread I may have ever read

Attached: jewshrug.png (556x377, 56.99K)

This explained it better than all those big news articles

The mentally challenged thank you OP

you left out the second part leafanon. Is this why you speed in the US when you visit to spend your monies on our goods.

Leafanon here
I am banned from The US for Joking about asƽassiոaτɪng ɑ ᑌᏚ seπat०ᴦ on codemonkey's board.

I was drunk and clicked the wrong firefox proxy setting

I clicked use system instead of manual…in my defense(besides being drunk), I as switching back and forth about 10xs in 10 min

This is how russian email hacker Guccifer 2.0

got discovered

It's always the stupid things

Attached: Capture.JPG (1043x540, 57.57K)

asƽassiոaτɪng ɑ ᑌᏚ seπat०ᴦ

Confuse advertisers and government surveillance with lookalike letters


Yes, this site is monitored and I got a visit from the local anti-terrorist cops.
Very embarrassing
Any text you enter is run through a filter that the US feds have set up, then they go to Watkins and get your IP.

i shidded and farded

Fuck holy written by someone who english not first?

Unless you're Kenneth "Smiley" Schueler, I doubt it. Lying Larpnigger.

Why would I lie?

codemonkey put the warning banner up not to bareback shortly after I posted and I'm assuming that he was contacted by the feds because of sunshine

So a corrupt subsidized company is good for the Canadian economy, not just good for that individual company? Fuck yourself. Not being able to bid on contracts is only a punishment as they know other Canadian companies can bid on it and get it.
If you're implying this is a frivolous charge and a french named company doesn't have further domestic bribery scandals that's next tier denial.

It's the middle east that's corrupt.

If a company doesn't bribe on that area, it''s automatically at a great disadvantage.

In Canada, corporations don't bribe for domestic contracts, because it civilization

In the US(and Canada to a lesser degree), if a corp ants influence, they hire a lobbyist to influence senators.

Mostly above board

The female justice minister should have known this.

And conservative opposition leader, Scheer is all holier than thou saying Trudeau is dirty, when he would have done the exact same thing, as would any USA Politician with any experience in the mid-east.

Jeeze, look at the shit that US politicians let the Saudis get away with for american companies to earn in defence contracts.

Sacrificing a large group of mindless NPCs for the benefit of a human being is always a good thing. The mindless masses must be completely exterminated.

Who the fuck cares about what a bunch of savages believe is right. Fuck them and fuck Saudi blood money. Fuck the Saudi's in general.
Justin 'the pedo lover' Trudeau should dance on coals for being such a globalist cocksucker.

Wasn't like $30k given to Gadaffi's son for huWhite girl hookers as a trade for a contract or something?

This is why we used to conquer and colonize their shitholes.

SNC has an almost entirely foreign workforce and has been shrinking its Canadian workforce for years. Not prosecuting it just lines the pockets of jews and muslims, I wonder why so many are so quick to protect Trudeau?

Females are not confusing. Females are confused and therefore confuse men upon observation.

Jodi Wilson-Raybould is essentially the Canadian equivalent of what Ilhan Omar is for America right now. I love those brown bitches and what they're doing to the left.

Trudeau is in so many scandals right now. He's a rapist, he's a corporatist, he's a corrupt big oil retard that hides behind virtue signaling, etc. His father resigned in disgrace, it's best he does too.

Wilson Raybould is a native nigger
Her IQ is negative twelve
OP is a kike

Brown bitches have IQ negative fifteen
Ilhan Omar is a retard and no friend of White people
Fuck you kike