Is porn making young men impotent?
by Amy Fleming, The Gaurdian
Mon 11 Mar 2019
Is porn making young men impotent?
by Amy Fleming, The Gaurdian
Mon 11 Mar 2019
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it isn't porn, it's that men are fatter then ever, which cranks up their estrogen levels. If you're obese your almost a woman you have so much estrogen running through you
Yes. It also takes away from any need to conquer or have conquest. Why should you make any effort towards anything when all that you need is already available to you (assuming you are of the mind that your genetic imperative is what causes you to desire success and advancement). Once you have something for no effort whatsoever you have no need to struggle to get anything. It is basically the same thing as if you preferred to just stuff a hose into your stomach so that you wouldn't 'be bothered' with eating anymore…so passe. It is bodily and mental abuse that leads to degeneracy [DE GENE] so it is robbing you of any chance or hope that you will ever reproduce.
This. Work out and fuck bitches. Impregnate and run.
3D women will never be worth it.
Nobody wants your nigger skanks…we don't even want to look at them. That is why everyone requests that chimpanzee niggers be spoilered.
The Goyim Do Love Watching Superior Black Males Bang Their Wives Oy Vey
Go tell that to strongmen, you cocksucking twink.
Let me fap to my lolis. Jesus why can't you people just let me do what I want to do?
Latent gayness, an inability to stop thinking about our cocks and what we're doing with them.
I dunno, I've seen some fat dudes be pretty tough. Hopefully, Enclomiphene Citrate proves successful in whatever clinical trials it still has to go through, and the testosterone and fertility can be raised in the West.
Fix the marriage laws and take women's rights away. The birth rate will drastically increase, I promise you.
Just subsidize marriage and birth, promote interest-free loans, and you pay that loan back either less or not at all depending on how many children you have.
Don't make too much sense. This board only blames men, not a system or women.
This (((board))) does no such thing…all it ever does is rip into Whites like BOTH of you are doing, fucking kikes.
When parts of Aus tried this, it just caused a hapa boom.
I respect your opinion. Let me ask this: how will you implement your changes in women's rights?
You're not even trying.
Shame race mixing. Aren't the Australia population generally a politically incorrect one? Certainly the government isn't, but no ZOG on Earth actually represents its people, so that's besides the point.
Are you gay? No it doesn't.
Porn is bad but also you have to keep your balls cold. Wear wider pants
implies he has a lot of muscle since fat does nothing to help with lifting heavy weights, how many strongman are OBESE you dumb nigger? If he is actually competitive he is going to also be on roids and an estrogen blocker
REMOVE FUCKING ZOG and SUBHUMANS…everything goes back to normal between the sexes. It is pretty simple.
This might be the best weapon. Has it reversed a hapa trend anywhere before? If so, we can copy it.
And how will you do that?
Obviously porn is bad and you should stop watching it. The end. Nothing good comes of it.
Porn fucks up your dopamine response relative to arousal. Chronic masturbation fucks up your androgen sensitivity and other hormones like prolactin, making you act like a bitch.
Don't watch porn, don't edge, and don't masturbate. Lots of ancient texts (Chinese, for example) say that masturbation wastes a sort of essence contained in the semen, as your body has to chronically remake it, damaging your health.
Masturbation in moderation is acceptable. The problem is that many do it for pleasure, when it should be done only for a release of the build up of semen in your body. I think its acceptable to do it up to once per week.
My opinion is that if jews own it and push it, avoid it at all costs - no scientific studies required.
Legal marriage and most electronics would fall under this umbrella.
Full retard has a containment board.
>>>Zig Forums
Can't get a 3d girl
SHOW EUROPEANS THE NARRATIVE…and a few other things, presents for my enemies.
Would prefer that you were using that sperm to fertilize White (assuming that you are White) women…but I guess…
Masturbation is a natural act IMO, again the problem is that we live in a sexually warped society.
Add on the fact that there is a complete testosterone crisis among men. You realize that the CDC had to lower acceptable T levels or else they would have to declare a national epidemic?
They are poisoning us in our foods. I know it. I just do. The ED is not just porn, its also the toxic food they feed us, it is killing our hormones. Men should have x3, x4 the amount of testosterone they have right now.
If men had healthy levels of testosterone I am convinced we would have already had a revolution by now.
directly related
Brainwashed soyboy "men" are also a big part of the problem.
Jews really talk like this gentlemen
yes this is anti-semetic
People won't let me have sex with farm animals and that is because they are trying to stimulate me to eat more food and watch more porn. Their policy is diversionary and they are threatening to punish me for having sex with animals as a form of "aversion therapy." They use the threats to make me associate animal sex with punishment trying to turn me off from animals and make animals less sexy. However if I'm not having sex with animals then expect me to seek extrinsic rewards elsewhere, like from porn, drugs, eating food, and basically ruining my life because they wouldn't allow me the intrinsic reward of having sex with animals.
Porn and coerced consunptiom is clearly exploitation and torture no different than the methods of shock therapy.
And you know whats terrifying? No one is fucking talking about it. NO ONE is talking about the testosterone crisis. And this is across all races, not just White men, this is affecting EVERYONE.
Its fucking huge. I think there has been like a 25% drop or something massive since 1985. Its huge. And they are padding the numbers. The testosterone crisis is a big deal and everyone is mostly silent.
Me too user…it is the saddest thing to watch us slaughtered and have no real recourse…and of course the artificially castrated/chemically castrated men can't do anything about it.
Get on TRT. I don't know what's causing the problem, but I got hit with it too. Feel great on 140mg/week. Increased muscle mass, intelligence, great stamina. Yeah, I have to poke myself with a needle, but you do get over it. Wasn't fat, never big on porn, ate clean, lifted and did cardio, still had low T.
Get tested anons.
Nope. Its not that either. Its jacking off multiple times per day everyday. The balls and brain aren't made for that. Its probably not even the dopamine sensitivity thing that the Your Brain on Porn niggers go on about. Its the large prolactin release multiple times per day. Prolactin is not meant to be high chronically and will fuck up the function of the testes and the entire metabolism of the body if it is always high. That's why some nofap fags don't notice any improvement even after months of nofap. They fapped themselves into hyperprolactin and hypogonadism. Their best bet is probably dopamine agonist drugs or T therapy to fix the damage they've done to themselves if eating lots of red meat and lifting does nothing for them. Porn is gay, but the most destructive thing to a man's body and mind is wanking multiple times per day chronically.
nah, masturbation is natural and needed or you're body will just do it for you eventually while your asleep, being obese is not however, and does lower T and increase estrogen
They have no value to me, my hand is smarter than them and better looking.
Everyday and multiple times per day is not natural. That's when biological damage to a man is done. Maybe once a week. The balls don't have infinite resources. The need time to recover and if its forced to perform beyond its capacity the pituitary gland freaks out and raises prolactin chronically. The idea that a man can just ejaculate as much as he wants without consequences is a very Jewish idea, that goes against common sense and every ancient piece of advice for men.
Isn't that around the same time white women lost their collective minds? Turns out women made themselves unfuckable.
Oh yes, I agree - you're not supposed to be doing it every day, multiple times per day. It needs to be done in moderation. If you completely stop masturbation, you're body will do it for you.
I actually wanked myself off to the point where I damaged my penis. Like when I got erections, my penis hurt. I had to stop masturbating for a few months. So I know exactly what you are talking about. Even now around 5 years later my body never fully recovered. Scary stuff. My urologist had no clue what I was talking about either. Modern "medicine" is a joke, totally clueless. Our medical system is only good at emergency and major interventions, not good at the life/holistic stuff, where it really matters.
I would stick to once per week for most men. I find at least for me, it takes about a week before I start getting strong erections. Even then, I don't get the urge to actually masturbate until 2-3 weeks in. Thats for me, personally.
UK is using this as an except to begin implementing INTERNET LICENSES now to view online porn. Yup.
You're not a strong man, you're just a fatass.
Fuck off nigger.
yes. /thread
Directionless porn certainly is damaging to the psyche. I have lost count of incidents with some animated hentai that is, for instance, a story about a guy falling in love with, banging and marrying the young lady landlord of the apartment building. However, I also see the sex scenes spliced out of the whole show/narrative and sold to a normalfag audience on some youporn site as just some two random strangers hooking up and fucking just because. It fucking disgusts me.
Why would they want to ruin a great thing for them?
All sexual deviants (whores, pedos, fags, trannies, cucks, fetishists) are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure. This includes exposure to (((media))) which is absolutely riddled with degeneracy.
Porn is (((psychological warfare))). The purpose of porn is to rewire your instinct to reproduce into degenerate lust. It creates a society that abuses their bodies for dopamine hits. It make society addicted to deviancy. You stop caring about your people and the future, and your family. It causes people to develop an irrational attachment to defending abnormal and destructive behaviors, because it has been associated with the dopamine hits that they get from the porn they see.
Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is. It is all-consuming and DESTROYS those who are exposed to it. All higher pursuits are overshadowed by it. Why do anything else when it doesn't give as big of a dopamine hit?
Every time you masturbate to pornography you are receiving a dopamine reward (your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. Continuing to do this causes you to become numbed to the high, causing you to need ever-increasingly deviant and extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time. The slippery slope is real.
All faggots, 'asexuals', trannies, and pedophiles are completely controlled by porn. When 'normal' material no longer gives the same high they look for more extreme filth.
Unsurprisingly the porn industry is completely jewish run.
tl;dr: Sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction. Chasing after dopamine hits with (((porn))) leaves you as a porn-addicted tranny/fag/cuck/pedophile.
Opinion discarded.
they are
Absolutely, yes. And this impotence runs much deeper than merely dick function.
What counts as "ED"? More like redefining the terms to exaggerate the problem.
A lot more anecdotal.
Thank you.
That's not ED like your grandpa has, that's just jerking off a lot. I guess a headline of "Compulsive porn use makes it hard for you to get it up for real girls" isn't as attention grabbing. It's more of a bad habit, not a physical ailment.
That's all they let us do is watch porn. They won't let me have sex with real farm animals without punishment, it's like they want to tease me and lure in me so their misguided law enforcement people can fuck up my life. They are trappers and torturers. People who push porn are pigs.
The ones who use steroids? The same steroids that shrink your nuts and basically cause your body to stop producing natural testosterone?
OP is 100% correct. I'll be honest with you about the depths of my shame because this is anonymous.
I started with softcore lingerie ads like most kids. But as the internet became available I moved from softcore to hardcore. Then to crazier stuff like hentai and traps. Then to illegal stuff like /zoo/ /SS/ and /Loli/.
It has made it harder to perform with my wife. If I hold off porn and fapping for at least 3 days I get rock hard though. I'm doing my best to quit now.
I masturbate/use mostly still image furry porn every other day, and immediately the day after not doing so I feel as invigourated as if I hadn't. Even on the day I already did, if I were to have any actual intimacy, I'd shoot up like a leprechaun on viagra. Not that I know where to meet any attractive women anyway, even though my friends say I am as well.
inb4 the cucks of christ tell me to stop and go to church to find a fugly divorcing bitch that loves subhumans
I dunno, I used to watch a lot of porn and still got it up just fine when I was with my gf, although it was better when I at least a few days off from watching it.
Seriously though, don't blackpill on women. Your whole bloodline will die if you do.
TRT has a host of issues, anytime you start artificially providing your body with what it should be producing naturally (melatonin, testosterone, serotonin) it causes your natural process for production slow down or shut off as it self regulates to the new normal.
This was my first thought exactly
So there we have it. Women have been actively complicit in creating this mess. Kikes sold it to them? OK. Gas the kikes. But this entire experiment of allowing women to vote is and has always been a disaster. If/when we come out the other side of this mess it MUST BE explicitly codified into law that women never again are alowed the privilege of directing national policy.
Good, you have no business being here, >>>/cuckchan/ is that way
There's probably some underlying biological fail-safe that triggers ED to prevent overpopulation; I don't think your lizard brain realizes that you're just nutting into your crusty old sock 5x a day.
Certainly nothing worse than being low T. I don't know why anything medical on here is "the medical jew". No one wants you to have T, they would much rather give you fent or other addictive shit. When you are low T, you are docile and controllable.
Not like they would ever know anyway. That and you're right, but I'm just having a hard time finding any women I see attractive anymore (they're mostly subs and middle aged ogresses) I can't seems to find any women in their 20s like me
It's a combination of several factors. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, shitty diets, obesity, and the easy availability of superstimuli all contribute.
cut off the drug supply: ban the porn
Can't tell if you're a fucking kike, a nigger, or just a faggot that is obsessed with porn. For a moment I actually thought I clicked on half chan.
Killing the porn industry hurts the kikes, rather it's true or not destroying the industry is beneficial to us.
Stop looking at porn you degenerate faggot, get marry and have a lot of kids.
Good luck.
What's /SS/ user? I've seen weebs posting it and talking about it with some gook tune called Hunter cross hunter. My kid watches that show, should I keep him from watching this stuff?
I figured it was okay because I watched Toonami and Dragon Ball Z as a kid and it didn't fuck me up, there was some good lessons in that show from what I remember like fighting for what is right and they turned into Aryans when they got mad.
im pretty sure these young men are very fertile , there is no way that these two events could occur simultaneously
1)men are impotent
2) the are impotent because of over use of porn
fucking normies are not ready
/ss/ refers to Straight Shota, in my experience typically a young boy with an older woman. The reverse of loli stuff basically.
Try harder, shill-kun. You're really bad at this.
The problem is that it cant be helped. There are testosterone suppresants in our food, in the plastics, in shampoo, etc…they are all over the place. Its literally unavoidable.
Down a bottle of fisetin. The whole bottle, in one or two sittings. I am neither lying nor trying to get you killed: take your BMI times fifty in milligrams per dose. Do it two days in a row. This isn’t toxic, AFAIK, but it’s way more than the supplement bottle will tell you to use.
If you’re impotent and fat this should help at any age.
The wall is meant to make the defense of poor people look bad so employers can abuse isolated and powerless immigrants under new future “inclusive” leadership. Making “Joe Nationalist” hate foreigners is psychological abuse, no less and no more. It’s all a ploy by incompetent leaders who hate the public too much to tolerate being economical enough to defend the public’s prosperity.
Culture is the endeavor to take hateful people and liars out of power, but it must not be forgotten that modern America is intolerant of culture.
I’ve destroyed three threads so far by posting this, hah. Two evaporations and an anchor. Thread-sniping is good clean fun.
Give men a reason to start a family and you'll see a difference. Giving women rights took the incentive away
lol. Last I checked, relationships aren't even really a thing in HunterXHunter. I stopped reading it somewhere around the "Cell" arc (it felt as if the interesting stuff regarding the abilities/nen was disappearing). Of course, there is the undertone that Hisoka (the clown faggot) is a gay pedophile. Of course, Gon doesn't reciprocate or potentially even see it in that way. He at most sees him as someone to surpass.
Of course, faggots love their "fanfic"/"fanart". It doesn't help that the artist is good at drawing in a feminine manner. Regardless, that would fall under shota, not straight shota.
tl;dr race mix to have better power potential. However, I'm glad they kept that purebloods don't lose their strength unlike the non-pures who lose it overtime. Nevertheless, it felt seemed to promote race mixing.
In my eyes, ss is for those who are enamored with the idea of being pampered/spoiled by a woman. This is of course assuming none of the (too) femdom shit.
Don't listen to TRT niggers, they are simply trying to enslave you and make you depend on (((doctor))) for your weekly man-vial. every single one of them acts the exact same way. Makes you wonder what else they're putting in those T vials. It's like they get brainwashed as their hypothalmus shuts down and eventually dissolves and turn into robotic preaching faggots intent on getting everyone they know to go on TRT so they'll have company in their misery. When they inevitably lose access to their synthetic T they turn into eunuchs and turn into suicide statistics after they realize part of their brain has been dissolved.
Another dynamic at play is that you need two of three things to get and maintain an erection:
2)Sexual Stimulation (visual, mechanical)
Test is mandatory. So you need test + one of the other two.
In my experience, oxytocin erections are much stronger than stimulation erections. I can be thinking about somebody I'm romantically interested in, then boom, instant hard on, so hard you get a little worried your dick will burst from so much blood. It's like you feel on an instinctual level that this person is right for you, and your dick belongs inside her.
With porn / visual stimulation, erections start much weaker and need time to build up. Nice tits, nice body shape, ok, that will get you going. But the erection strength will only match that of the oxytocin erection near the very end, if ever.
So what I'm saying is that, on top of all the effects like desensitization via porn, obesity, and drop in testosterone, men may also be less likely to have a love interest since there are so many hambeasts, sluts, and otherwise unfeminine women today. You won't be popping spontaneous boners thinking about that girl you like when there is no such girl.
You'd be shaming straight white men that are already sensitive towards messages being yelled at them from the outside. Just letting you know. I support it, but no white man seems willing to shame another white man for it.
Don't kid yourself by trying to medicalize it. You do it for pleasure, and I for one think folks should be allowed to manhandle their meat how they want. At the very least, try out not doing it for a while. If it's a willpower thing, you might very well try harder. Others don't like it's a major issue, and since we aren't planning on being married for a few years, it doesn't concern us.
This is literally a blatant lie. You have not read the Talmud or any Jewish wisdom literature, so you don't know this, but in fact Judaism is among the most anti-sex religions in the world. They believed that wet dreams were sinful events caused by an impure mind during sleep, and that they were fathering a demon child with a succubus. The sons weren't allowed to attend the fathers funeral in one Ashkenazi rite because it was believed that their demonic half-brothers would attack them at the funeral to get the human brothers' inheritance. Christianity got a lot of this crazy shit too—one of the Church Fathers castrated himself so he wouldn't be 'led astray'. Can you imagine castrating yourself to stay chaste? This attitude also lead to the widespread acceptability of genital mutilation in Anglosaxon countries during the 20th century.
I have to say that young men are probably not so impotent as the alarmist lyingpress wants to make it out to be. Maybe ladies could try being sexy every one in a while? Women these days are rough to look at.
take this good sir
Reminder niggers are making videos fetishizing white genocide and xhamster is okay with it, which is actually a crime.
And yea the actual video is full of niggerdicks so unless youre a closeted faggot Id avoid watching it.