Immigrants could be the answer to Japan’s population crisis, but is it ready?
"Oy Gevault, you Nazi Samurai people must take these tired, hungry, yearning masses of Africans and Arabs into your ethnostate to abolish racism!"
Immigrants could be the answer to Japan’s population crisis, but is it ready?
"Oy Gevault, you Nazi Samurai people must take these tired, hungry, yearning masses of Africans and Arabs into your ethnostate to abolish racism!"
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Kike-free first post.
cumskins in Japan are the most degenerate bastards, indians are the most peaceful over there.
Japanese should kick out you cumskin snakes first.
OP is a faggot but this is a pretty important issue
way to miss the point entirely, street-shitter.
I know weebs need the fucking gas chamber
Wrong you stupid islamist. Indians are rapists in Japan
t. angry nip
Youre trying this again, huh?
If your jizz is the color of human flesh, you should probably go to a doctor, or at least kill yourself before the cancer does.
they should probably kick out everybody honestly, I know not all agree with me but I actually care about other nations if they prove themselves somehow, not as much as my own but some, and japan has, I wish the best for the japanese people until it conflicts with what is best for my own people
keeping immigrants around, even white ones, isnt whats best for them or for us
Japan is an overpopulated island.
Their population decline would lead to cheaper housing and higher wages, but big corporations would make less money so suddenly it's a "crisis". Makes me sick.
in the grand scheme you are correct, but having a lot less kids then you have old people is bad because there is no-one around for the old people, in the short term
if you want to depopulate without a collapse then you should taper down and not have huge dropoffs
Quartz sounds like a fancy, business journal. But trust me, It's just generalized clickbait like all the others. Use the web-archive
They know about this and a few years back the government plan was to let the population slide slowly back to around 100 million and stabilize.
Guess that's not happening anymore.
Get gassed weeb
The gas chamber never existed kike
Actually White ZOGbots rape Japanese women. US Military is hated in Japan.
Nope. I served there user. It's actually americmutt wiggers, and sadly, we have a LOT of them who are sent to Okinawa. Most are white trash (wignat) scum who walk around with diamond earrings and speak like niggers. I'm 100% serious. They catch a felony case and to avoid prison join the service.
Yes niggers do it too but they do it anywhere.
This thread went to shit fast, as usual. God damn this board needs help. You crossposting faggots don't help either.
Not only just take they are constantly getting drunk and running over children because they forget which side of the road to drive on.
Okay now that ended with Vietnam War dude
How anyone ever fell for this utter tripe is beyond me.
The whole reason the US is even occupying them is because of stupid white people
Looks like the kikes are preparing the Japs for their (((enrichment)))
Of everyone here you're the biggest sucker of Jew cock!
Japan lost. They will become Africa very soon. Nothing good will ever happen to us, ever.
Holohoax and decades of relentless propaganda bamboozled them. People are brainwashed from the ages from before they can even speak.
why is it called a population crisis? if anyone is having a crisis it's india or china. we can't feed all these people, kill em all
I never believed otherwise. A kike controlled military can't be good and not corrupted.
I don't know the source of these images or if they're true or not, still interesting.
Yes, and? More cities ready for a glassing when they are full with untermenschen… No one cares.
Posted the wrong pic.
Are you fucking retarded? Of course they’re not true. This is suicidal insanity.
Japan is very mountainous, the habitable areas are mostly full with a few rural areas.
You are one dumb motherfucker. Find a noose and hang yourself you fucking hook nosed kike. Better yet let me do it for you, I'll relish the act of squeezing the life from your frail, putrid figure.
You misspelled niggers user Niggers are who raped japanese women, not whites.
White Americans raped Japanese women and Japanese men rapped Dutch women. Soldiers rape people you stupid weeb
Fuck japs. Those cunts have had a free ride on the white man's back on behalf of the kike since they fucking lost WWII. They deserve their fate.
Yep, I only pop in here about once a week now and every time it's the same bullshit. Between that and everything else being total shit, I'm getting real fucking blackpilled.
What the fuck are you huffing? It's common practice for Japanese to work themselves to death and they've been balls-to-the-wall productive to the point of aforementioned death since the war ended.
Gentile fish?
I assume he's talking about all the post war aid the US tax payers coughed up for them compared to Germany and Italy
It wasn't the free-ride he wants to portray it as. If you know your geography, Japan is right next door to Communist China, and the US wanted a puppet state in the region for strategic purposes - and rebuilding Japan post-war into the envisioned puppet state required resources. The Japanese were not given work breaks or foodstamps and section 8 like American niggers are, and in fact worked hard to establish some semblance of self-sufficiency (Read the story of Momofuku Ando and how he invented instant ramen to provide a more traditional food than the bread America was shipping in)
Additional thoughts
also kikes:
global warming fake and gay
I'd help make a hapa army.
It wasn't rape when the whites did it. They crave the white cock.
How about instead of niggers I just find myself a white weeaboo waifu and we head down there and become a mailman and a maid? I feel like Japan is a more redeemable nation than Canada at this point. We could have white children and I could get my wife into cuckquea fetishism so she wants to watch me have protected sex with a Japanese girl whenever she is pregnant.
brown goblin gets 1 less year….hmmm
Certainly, culturally Japan is the best nation on Earth at this point. Now racially I still prefer say, pure Swedes, but memes are clearly more important than genes as proven by Sweden's decent into auto-genocide nya~
Disingenious trash, subsaharan africa´s population is way larger than could be without western aid. Just the population of Nigeria is greater than any european country.
A meme, Japan is the size of California. The problem with Japan is not that of population, it's the fact that they live such a healthy lifestyle their old people are reaching well into the late to mid 80s way too much. This along with social security programs have been taking a toll on the populace as well. Japan is quite literally being held back by it's own equivalent of the boomer population. IMHO young japs should just let the social security programs crash, WITH NO SURVIVORS, and of course kick out their kike-like economists. These are parasites like any other who think perpetual economic growth is totally nothing more but a shitty meme that treats a country's people as money printing machines.
I've noticed this, but quite frankly a lot of economists out there are fucking whacked in the head and kiked up.
ironic shitposting is free speech
Immigrants are as good as natives. If they’re better, genemod the natives; if they’re worse, genemod the immigrants.
Just like the Chinese, the japs were permitted to steal and copy technology and destroyed many American and European industries through flooding.
In Australia, the ZOG forbid any POW from speaking to the media about the savage mistreatment they received at the hands of japs for many years after returning.
They are disgusting fucking bug people who have been protected when they should have been destroyed.
And protecting japs because muh china is bullshit because Mao was an agent of the kikes and again, it was the kikes who allowed them to join the WTO.
Stupid marxist meme. The world is better with more intelligent nips. That goes for their country, too. More nips make all of them live better lives.
any weeb girl that's a at least a 6/10 is going to be massive slut or a tranny or more than likely both
When japs talk about immigration, they're not anxious to let niggers or sandniggers in. They're not like us. Asians are far more sensible. Their immigrants are highly skilled Chinese and south-east Asians in low enough numbers to be assimilated.
Have you ever been there? The foot traffic in the urban areas is almost unbearable. 30 million people living in one city is not normal.
You do know that there's plenty of countryside in japan, right? Inhabitants of Tokyo and similar cities in the country choose to live in those place.
Yeah its still an over populated country my dude. Stop listening to Alex Jones
All those millions don't mind living in the metropolises. I'm saying that they have the choice to move to the countryside or to smaller towns, and they choose to not do this.
You sound like a twitter commie.
It may have been a show, but the powers that be still had to put on an act. And Japan didn't steal half the tech you're claiming they did. In fact, they've produced their own innovation that dwarfs many others in the decades after the war.
If you had some knowledge of the area that are showed, you will soon realize that the black area are either desert and/or mountainous…
If you actually looked at the relaxed foreign worker laws, you'd notice they come with a lot of fine print like a hard limit of stay, and not allowing any relatives to be brought over.
>the kikes are preparing the Japs for their (((enrichment)))
Seriously, nigger?
Hey now, we need open borders and multiculturalism in Israel.
Those images are completely retarded, just like you faggot.
You forgot 'my dude'. Work on your j-dar.
Asshole, that is exactly the way it works with every country they try to destroy.
First laws you can agree with, then a little more, then a little more, then a little more.
like a frog in a pot of cold water over a low-setting burner, eventually that water is going to boil.
first it's foreign workers, we had that in the USA circa 1980, then it's going to escalate in exactly the same way it did with the united states.
if japan gives them an inch now, they will take a damn mile later, an they will get there by way of inches.
Robot assistants. They don't even have to move, they can just be stations installed in the home.
A robot to wipe your ass and help you off the shitter.
A robot to help you with your shoes and socks.
An electric wheelchair.
And lots and lots of engineering jobs for young people. Come on Japan this should be easy.
Japan will become Africa. Japan will die out and never come back. This is something we all agree upon.
Absolute fucking denial. Nips are literally advocating for open borders now.
The fact that they don't even try with their disinfo these days is sad. Folks on this board sometimes act like the adversary only push one narrative, and this is false. They push other ones too. Alex Jonestown is perfected 'conspiracy' genre disinfo. This sort of stuff has always been around, but the Internet has made ignorance no excuse.
retards know nothing of Chinese history for some reason. Pol surprises me because people here tend to know about politics. China is the least kiked country in the world because they make kike infiltration impossible. No jewgle, faceberg, jew news media companies, NGOs. All attempts to overthrow the communist party with jew color revolutions: tibet, Xinjiang, taiananmen square, etc all failed.
Korea and Japan are both halfway ZOG.
Don't do it Japan.
Either GTFO Chaim, or stop mindlessly parroting the MSM 'narrative' numbnuts. Very shit OP btw, lurk for two years before posting here again.
White people are the goodiest of jewish golems out there, if it weren't for you faggots israel wouldn't even exist and jews wouldn't have chosen you faggots as their host for a 1000th time. The other races don't give a fuck and are not paranoid about jews. Hitler tried to save you faggots but you even killed him lel.
True, and so we will have to do the best we can to rectify our mistake.
Thank you, this is hard to admit but if jews had to rely on blacks or asians for society, they would not exist.
If Japan falls the last ethnostate will be North Korea. In the prior years i have respected NK more and more. It's the only country that has succesfully held off the jew by complete isolation.
After that happened the Navy shut down the ability for Marines and Sailors to leave Okinawa while stationed there for years. Those two shit heads where discharged within days(that is completely unheard of for legal reasons), and t hey where basically sent on a one way ticket directly into the worst prison the Navy was able to get them into as civilians. Not sure what happened to them after.
As a massive weeb faggot that literally believes the Nips are the last bastion of civilization, this new law saddens me greatly.
HOWEVER, it isn't going to stop me from taking full advantage of it in a year or two and go be a wageslave over there.
Better me than some muzzie rapist. I won't even attempt to seduce their women because, although I find them extremely attractive, the whole "keep the elves pure" thing is more important in my books.
As long as they give me my daily rice, sake and mango allowance, and I get to spend a few hours by the ocean every week I'll be glad. Better me than a shitskin/nigger.
Sayonara burgers! Enjoy societal collapse while I hone my skills of bowing and writing haikus.
I too find that NK's culture is retained. The only problem though is that Kim treats his citizens like shit.
Pour a ramune out for me, you massive otaku faggot :^)
The so called services are full of jews. There is a misconception that jews don't join services I've noticed and the truth is just the opposite. Cops too.
Those pics hare hyper comfy.
You do realize women can still have sex while pregnant, right? Missionary is out (bad for pregnant women to lie on their backs in general, blocks blood vessels) but other than that she's still good to go.
Or is it just…
I don't see why liking manga would make them more promiscous. Perhaps that correlates with certain types (hentai?) but an entire medium? The question is: can I tolerate a slutty past if it means sharing a common interest? I'm sure some mormon/amish qt raised in isolation could POSSIBLY be purer (or maybe her pastor/dad fucks her, I still dunno) but I think I'd feel distant from her mindset.
women get sore swollen joints when pregnant, doggy style or cowgirl would probably hurt their knees
also mentally, wouldn't you picture the growing fetus inside her getting jiggled around with every thrust of your cock? Not sure if I could stay hard for that. Guys who can are either superior at compartmentalizing or have some kind of pseudo-nepiophilic fetish.
The answer should be obvious you fucking autist: There are much, much fewer female fans of anime and manga than there are male. This is especially true outside Japan. The whole medium tends to cater towards male desires in general
Therefore, due to the small numbers and inherent western degeneracy, even a solid six is hard to come by in the pool of disgusting landwhale lard.
Therefore, the vast numbers of males who are also usually retarded and autistic will glorify these rare unicorn sluts because they share interests.
Therefore, the lone 6/10 will receive an insane amount of attention from many neckbeard casual faggots and she will give in to her natural instincts of being a freeloading slut by fooling them into giving her their neetbux so she can send them gross pictures of her terrible cosplay as Mikasa from Attack On Titan or something equally as gay. It's gaymurr_gurl symptom 2.0.
I shouldn't have to explain this to you. Any woman that figures out she has something that will put her in demand with a certain target audience will most likely give up her dignity amd use it to her advantage.