Saying "Keep NYC Trash Free"
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you need to lurk for 2 years and then try again.
Christina Ramelli
[email protected]
(212) 832-7605, Ext. 1621
Fuck off.
Let's keep our board trash free
its anti drumpfcuck
It very clearly shows a white man and white woman. There is no doubt what the message is.
fuck you chink
No, you leave.
the other symbols are generally associated with white stereotypes
stop arguing in bad faith
You're not even trying.
those other symbols are associated with maga garbage
Please dont dox this guy and ruin his life!
This Trump's immigration policy is far more anti white than some stupid picture.
No, that's how niggers and gooks shitting up our land see us.
The picture is Trump's immigration policy. Now more Tseng cunts can arrive in our country and tell us what to do for their dog-eating, kiked masters.
They're paid to shill the talking point that it's just political and not racial for deescalation purposes. It cannot be clearer what this fucking chink meant with these signs.
This shit is the result of Trump's policies and all those before him.
Double dubs knows. His other clip art ooze chinky faggot as well.
well it would have to be for your reality to not fall apart. god forbid we all unite against the jews. youd rather take their place.
Now, how can I bother this whore without it being linked back to me? I have Jewoogle voice but its linked to my number.
So murder him.
With a knife while wearing gloves.
How about plaster the whites over with some happy merchants, so it would be "Keep the NYC Trash Free" + lehappymerchant.bmp and then highlight how the establishment suddenly turns against the posters. Kinda like the IOTBW campaign.
Looking at the two images posted here I assumed they were made by oneofus. I figured the message was:
see how the left hates and wants to eliminate you and all you hold dear
But I guess I'm seeing everything thru They Live shades. How does a normie see this I can't even relate any more
1) This is a year old.
2) MAGA deserves the rope
Laughable, user, can't wait til based China replaces you as a world power
why do you try so hard to convince one another that other goyim are your enemy?
this is so easy to take advantage of
you can just stick a merchant nose, a david star, and a kike hat to these
The problem with the chink isn't that he wants UBI, it's that hes a supports a gun ban, hate speech laws, feminism… etc
This chink Tseng is clearly married the white woman as a tool / human shield to get his propaganda cartoons going though public spaces. I would not be surprised if he were a sleeper politicial agent from CPC/CCP.
Shut up yellow nigger.
I hope someone brings suit against the city. Sage for a shit bread and old news.
It's white hate, shitskin.
The problem is he isn't fucking WHITE and has no place in this country. Go back to fucking bugland.
You fuck off. You're ruining this board.
Just like Trump.
Whatcha up to, user?
Idea: Use his wife as poster setup with the same messege. Print multiples and post it them where ever area you reside.
Get to work anons!
He is chink like Yang, therefore Yang is BADDD!!!
ZORRO/BANDITO Robin, What a fucking Racist Winston Tseng is.
my sides…
It promotes "Trump is ebil alt-right" narrative and according to media his supporters are also "ebil alt-right" whites. If you see legit anti-Trump threads on Zig Forums it doesn't mean that media has changed its rhetoric too. On the contrary, they need everyone to believe their narrative otherwise his supporters he stubbed won't vote him again.
Also fuck chinks and fuck you americans for saving those insects, I hope the next Sino-Japanese war will be the last for chinks.
No they aren't, magakikes firmly sided with antifa during the confederate flag and statues debacle.
is that a quapa?
This is why there should be a blanket ban on corporate propaganda in the public domain.