Why you should stop posting here

The realm of peaceful (((politics))) has been completely lost. It was lost 90 years ago. Things will only get worse over time.

Instead of a genuinely pro-white candidate, they offer Zognald Trumplesteinblatt, Yang, Bernie, AOC, or perhaps soon Biden.
These garbage subhumans never actually cared about us, except in the context of preventing our genuine revolt.
Those internationalist rats want to keep us brainwashed, watching circuses, eating bread, because we are keeping this country alive.
So they offer us vague promises, wear masks of sympathy, because we have been unquestioning for so, so long.
Instead of contemplating, being swept up in a crowd was easier.

Many, even the majority of us here really thought things would be different after 2016. The thought of a genuine anti-establishment Presidency was comforting, lulling us into a stupor.
One by one the "establishment" Republicans ceded ground to Donald Trump.
Rather than researching Trump's background and circumstances surrounding his campaign, everywhere it was an enforced flurry of "God Emperor Trump… Awooo….. MAGA……. No stopping the Trump train….. Dirty Hillary…… Eight more years…….."
under Kampfy's watchful eye.
Only a minority stood up, and took bans.
The masses, what Jews call cattle, went along with the mainstream media's narrative.

Trump was a 2nd Hitler. A far right, anti immigrant extremist. An isolationist. The supposedly redpilled Zig Forums believed them.
The minority who didn't, were too weak and couldn't convince the others.
We are living in an era of manufactured grassroots controlled opposition. Most "right wing" websites are controlled, and those who know this are an amazingly tiny minority.

I don't know why I bother anymore. The Yang VS Trump dichotomy is already being constructed through mass paid shilling. A majority here will buy it without question. Only 0.1% of America will know the truth. Or less. In a few months large scale banning is going to start, and we will be silenced again. Prepare for the end.

==This is a message for the dozen remaining non-brainwashed anons. Escape while you still can.
Most here have been lost.==

Attached: 1552037429318.png (1390x836, 248.36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Most here have been lost.==





Black pilll

Black Pilling







Project Anathema


Reseinst Reset The Time Has No Gon Forever

Attached: MAGA.jpg (416x416, 20.24K)


Get the real truth anons, learn about how Trump has fought for us against the sharekike shills:
Once again, fuck this faggot OP

If you ever thought this you're a retard. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of how deep kike control runs knew that there was 0 possibility of an election candidate being anti-ZOG. That just isn't how things work.

This. They are already getting the chans involved in faggy political squabbles. Kikes know is all they have to do is present the retards with team A and team B and they'll fight over the two kike puppets until they're red in the face.

Kys magapede. Democracy is a lie and Trump is a kike puppet.

Yang is not even a thing, ignore the forced memes.

Attached: 3bfa221e21f413b51414156af02c884218612f88bfcd77e617451cf739066af0.jpg (478x480 28.15 KB, 545.12K)

Escape while you still can.
The situation is getting worse every day.
CIA has untethered a quantum computer AI on clearnet. 50% of all activity, everywhere is AI.

I wished I listened. I was so hopeful, because of this shit I've been nearly blackpilled. Nearly full of rage, doesn't help this board has become complete garbage.

Promises kept.
Art of Deal.

back to /q/The_ZOGnald

SUPPORT YANG OR TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Why does everyone on here have reddit spacing lol.

MOSSAD can control our minds.
JIDF is inside us.
CIA is here to stay.
I'm inside your mind.
Hello shill

Fuck off Todd is /ourguy/ he will pay more.
Yang is a stingy 1000 dorra chink.

Attached: Toddsama.jpg (585x611, 81.12K)

If you read this, you are Jewish.
Reading this instantly transports you into another dimension.
Fuck off kikes.

Oy vey! Don't believe OP's drivel! Make (((America))) Great Again!

Attached: 1pu9jd.jpg (640x450 19.95 KB, 74.44K)

You mean MIGA my goy

Reminder that imkikey was removed for doing what the current mods are now doing, but are apparently allowed to do. Zig Forums is dead.

I made arguments, and what goal posts did a shift? Votekikes are actually retarded.

kikey wasn't a truejew, just a Shabbos goy

How did you escape maximum security prison?
I hinted, this is all a simulation. We have drugged you up. Waking up in 1 hour.

Call me when the current mods start doing pic related

Attached: list of word filters.png (296x1652, 21.91K)

Stay in your containment zone, Mac.


I agree.
Shills,larpers, occultists should gtfo.
                ,,  -―…、…―-      .. ― --、               /            ヽ  /      \       / ⌒ ヽ,, /              ̄ ● 〃 ―――-ミ     /   …-●               |   /●--       \    /⌒     ●    |  .ハ  |    :| :|     ';   /       /    /|  レ|  :!ハ  ナナメ_/|    !           ヽ   /      :/ /    | |__イ .!_ハ|  |__/  ≠=-!   :|           ハ  /        .i   .|_ノ  ≠=-      ハ_ノ}ハ   ./            /  !        ハ   〈 〃 ハ_ノ}      弋゚.ツ {_ハ          /  |          !ハ__;.!i .弋゚ツ        xxx./   |i   ヽ     ノ  |ヽ         /ハ ハ xxx     '      ∠__r.――――l^γ^r^!―──┐  八 \!        ハ___';     , ⌒ヽ    /|       し'し' し'      .     | /          ノ\     `---'   ,ノ  !                    V\      /     =-  __  イ    |  You're a faggot        \  Λ/         |    .!ミ==..|   Desu~         )ノ     ____ ノ77ン     ~〉////!                             r^ヽ\////{     //////|                             |  \\//|―――///////!  

I think the whole YangBuck thing is fucking hilarious. I mean, think about it, the White middle class is the only productive class in the USA any longer and he is promising to take money out of their pocket and unfairly distribute it to the subhuman filth (and fucking 'white' middle class on this board loves it; guaranteed to cause inflation by the exact percent that they are given in BRIBE YANGBUCKS TO BETRAY THEIR RACE)…

Attached: RAINBOW NIGGERS.jpg (1024x683, 85.97K)

You are an enemy of Zig Forums.

I don't think that was ever in question.

They already ban you for saying the word shill.

Muh Zig Forums
REEEEEEEEE screeches the kike…

You just said shill, I just said shill. I guess we will just have to wait and see

You had one job.

hello OP

Attached: op_is_a_faggot.png (469x625, 354.55K)

Why are these posts allowed to stay here? They literally contribute to nothing. It's borderline spam. God damn.
This so hard.

I don't know, having word filters isn't quite as bad as allowing spam and nonstop shitposting.

The proper term is astroturf opposition.

Attached: muh yangbuck2 copy.jpg (690x518, 172.47K)

Shiell. Go Home Shill.

I'm from Reddit.

Fuck off gook.

MKULTRA noises

Attached: 1548000159552.jpg (1038x480, 521.16K)

There was literally nothing wrong with the wordfilters, not until the paragraph long replacements for Twitter and reddit AMD wordfiltering "nigger".

I suck cock

Attached: yang.jpg (1200x800, 776.05K)

Literally 95% of the posts in this thread could be filtered and nothing of value would be lost. Get your shit together Zig Forums

You are a problem. I will find you and sell your organs.

>>>/reddit/ you edgy faggot

That's literally such an Israeli thing to say.

Attached: JEHUDA HISS.JPG (800x551, 40.6K)

I'm literally Ashkenazi. You lost. Mods here are weak minded.

Thanks for proving my point

Including this one…GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER Zig Forums

You miserable fucks who've been paid to post here. I pitty you.

made me laugh/10. Have a great week, Mr. Ashkenazi not everyone hates you as much as you might think, we are just trying to find a path to our own freedom

Fuck off back to theDonald and cuckservative twitter boomer fuck.

Yes they do. Kikes hate everyone who isn't a kike, so it is only natural to hate them in return and want them all dead. The only people here that don't hate kikes are other kikes and golems without a soul.

We have a Jewish guest, and all you guys can think of is being mean. Now that's just sad.

Attached: sad6.png (1600x1163, 3.22M)

Get a load of this rulecuck

I'm onto you pedo/faggots!

Attached: starwars kitten.jpg (645x645, 46.29K)

Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-03-11-at-8.24.27-AM.png (914x608, 969.5K)

Shouldn't that say Make America Chink Again?

VAT, moron.

Definitely go to neinchan.com/pol/

Want me to tell you how I know you never were from here in the first place?
               _  -─‐- _                 ,...:':::::::::::::::::::/::ヽへヽ.              , '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヘ::::::::ヽヽ           /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ムレi:::::::::::::ハ             '::::/:::::::::::/!:::::/l::::/  l:::::l:::::::::ハ          |:l::l:::::::i-/┼-' .l:/-─-|::小l:::::::::i          |:l::l::::/.l/ l:/  l!    l::N/::::::::::l          |:l::l:/ l'_l'    __ l/ l::::i::::::::|            i::l::ハ丁i苅j     丁苅丁|::::ト、:::|           /イ:::::}. 弋ソ     弋ソ ノ |:::ル }:::|            /' |::i:::{ ''''   '      ''' j::リノ:::::l              |::l:::::>、   r─‐┐  , ィ:j:::::::::::li    _____ _   |:ハ::::::::|:> - ーェァr≦::::j::小:::l::小  r‐と{ { {/┴‐┐|l i:::i::レ'´ ̄l,イヽ_/`ヽ:i::/i:::::l:::iハ  l' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ヽ_ レl:::ト、    TT     〃ヽl:::l::l ヾ、  |  Get    トイ\ V! }   /::l    〃   V小   ヽ  |        |__,ィ }  /   l:::::|  /      V小  |  Out    |  ヽレヘ.   l::::::|    i     〉:ハ  |        l      i  l::::::l   l___, ィ:|:::::iハ  |  Jew   |      l  ヽ:/    l   l::i:::::| ヾ、  l_____.|      l          /l   l::i::::|  ヽ                j           l   l:l::::|               /         |   l:l::::|

Good goyim

Attached: 1505585465592.jpg (1069x671, 184.68K)



And then we shall see once more how the bread is truly buttered.

Reminder: The moderation staff was purged and replaced in late November 2018 and the board log went "hidden".

looks like the fellow trump supporters here are still fighting off the shills. It's amazing how chaotic this place has become in the past weeks. The shills come in tides usually when there is an announcement or a happening. literally any old fag from cuckchan's Zig Forums or newly angered white men who happened along here in 2013/14 can tell a shill from a person who's been here for a while.

Trump's no angel, but he's the only person who's been fighting against globalism, one such instance being the renegotiation of NAFTA, which the shills seem to ignore.

clever you use this phrase which originated from CPAC, an already monstrous swamp which has fuckall to do with Trump's accomplishments, including avoiding all out war in Syria.

clearly, you're ignoring the fact that the majority of american jews shilled hard against Trump and voted en masse for hillary. prove that they didn't, mr. shill


Blackpill is best pill. Blackpill is the only pill.
This thread is the wake up call that made many realize that it is all over. We lost. (((They))) won eternally. We have nothing. We are nothing.
Suicide is the only escape from this hell. We have no more hope of victory, and nothing to live for. We fucking surrender.

We should have listened
We should have fucking listened
Life is eternal suffering. This is our punishment from the jewish Gods for fighting back. It's all over.

Imagine using a forced meme

You jerk off to these pics stormfart?

lmfao shill harder shlomo
i have my dignity which is more than you will ever have
my ancestors smile upon me
death before dishonor

i stopped posting here after trump won and this board became mason central. now i only mock the idiots on gookchan and their demise as usa is fucking toast and one step from getting nuked, together with it's bestest buddy, israel.
i do read some shit thread now and then but for real news, voat is my main source. this place is a dead as every other chan and what remains of the (((west))) in general.
rip you satanic shithole societeee.

18887890942 Make scammers great again

There are no neutral places to put forth authentic White Nationalism on the internet. All places are controlled by agents of the ZOG, including this one. The only thing that really matters is how much authentic content they will let out there.
In that sense, /po/ isn't a place of refuge, but an ideological battleground, between the forces of revolutionary White Nationalism and the ZOG. Make no mistake, ZOG-shills will say nearly anything and everything to fool people, and they have nothing but contempt for the masses of the White Nation. Their true ideology is almost always based in Christfaggot nonsense, and posting here just proves (in their own mind) have degenerate and evil your average white person is, so they have no qualms about doing anything and everything to our people in order to better serve Kikes.
There are fault lines though, and they can be identified. ZOG-shills won't say good things about Hezbollah, whatever enemies the ZOG has will also be demonized (China, Russia, Iran, etc). The push the nigger-IQ shit harder than real White Nationalists, because they want people to feel sorry for niggers, and for people to accept the idea that since whites rule niggers in "America" (they don't), that it is natural that Kikes rule white people. All the biggest pushers of the nigger-IQ shit also believe the Ashkenazi (Euro) Jews have higher IQs than whites, and therefore deserve to rule them.

Attached: yangfishing1.jpg (1000x1668, 671.37K)

I think the truth is more insidious than any mentioned here. I think, thought I am not sure that multiple orgs and nations are battling it out here. Using all the ops tactics we know, and more. Everything seems to be an op of some sort, pro something, anti something, its just a all around mess!

The shills finally managed to talk like us, and act like us to a great degree. (they are finally becoming less shy to use our own language, like calling people nigger) What a glorious future awaits us here doesnt it? The only true enemy right now to all of these shill parties are people like us who state their ambiguity (and render doubt on most of them), making fun of these parties who think that yet again with their dollars they have infiltrated us! Hilarious! As you keep adapting, so are we.

This meme war is one of infiltration. Serious Psyops going on. This is going to be so much fun.

Attached: sharkpepe3.png (1000x2000, 1.21M)

You're taking this shit too seriously user. What do you think boards like this exist for? Shooting the shit with like-minded anons. If it evolves into something more than than then cool. Chances are though threads never go beyond bellyaching about current eventss and that's fine.

We shouldn't be arguing nit picks. They're both unacceptably bad. EVERY other board on the website is allowed to be what its users want it to be. ONLY Zig Forums is forbidden. This is unacceptable. We must physically do something to change this.

By importing spics, right?

I agree I just continue to come here out of a bad habit, and for entertainment / real doom porn… I really should try to kick the habit but the last X times I've failed nya~

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I like this word faglord.

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Before 2016, I was convinced that nothing would break the cycle of ZOG funding both sides of the debate between professional liars to serve as an illusion of choice. When Trump came along, I was skeptical, but hopeful. As time went on, I became more hopeful, and then the presidency started. I’m not going to say I’m unthankful for the “promises kept,” but we all know the issues we really wanted his support on.

This was never about Trump. That’s what the (((media))) has spent the last three years trying to convince everyone of. This has always been about us.

It should be obvious that if 2016 didn’t bring us change, no election under our current system will. We must start advocating for real change, in real life. Online activism has been just enough to make us feel like we’re doing something, but it’s obvious that it doesn’t hold a candle to getting out of our comfort zones and actually making shit happen.

This place can be excellent for discourse (when people are actually listening to you), and over the last several years, we’ve been fine-tuning our thoughts on the causes that unite us.

The trajectory of Western Civilization—as it currently stands—is one that SHOULD be demoralizing. How could our people, who have lifted the world from the muck into heights never thought imaginable, let grievance after grievance pile up and not have the willpower to defend our way of life from corruption and (((parasitism)))?

We’ve talked about revolution for so long, it’s about like crying wolf, at this point. I suppose the issue has always been that we’re so caught up with timing things for the right moment that we’ve never been confident about having a cause that would rally enough people to unite at once. If we focus instead on everything that has happened to us and everything we have lost for this clown world experiment, it starts becoming much more clear.

In the last few weeks, there has been a stirring in the masses. Trump’s announcements on wanting massive legal immigration and unwavering support for Israel has caused a 6-10% slide in his approval rating. That number, in relation to how many people voted for him, comes out to be 3.7 to 6.2 million people who find at least one of those two things to be detrimental to the US and not what they voted him in for.

1,000,000 men is more than enough to call “check” on (((Washington))) if they were organized. Hell, even 1,000 can do a lot. We don’t have to call for violence, but we sure as hell have the arms to back up our voices.

If we can each talk to just 10 people in real life, friends and family in our local communities, we can start making a tangible change that starts in our hometowns. I have a generic step-by-step that I’d prefer, but it’s not for everyone, so I’ll save it for those who are ready.

This is a good video to start the wakeup process against the (((conditioning)))

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Because you're 12 and belong on reddit.

Fuck off jewish shill

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (275x183 90.65 KB, 91.84K)

I think about starting parallel institutions.

The reason that akbars are so unpolicable is that they have all their own courts, laws, community watch to maintain the no go zones, for business with each other, etc.

Making the zog govt redundant helps kill it.

Hang yourself kike.

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==Hitler 'had Jewish and African roots', DNA
tests show==

Adolf Hitler is likely to have had Jewish and African roots, DNA tests have shown. Saliva samples taken from 39 relatives of the Nazi leader show he may have had biological links to the “subhuman” races that he tried to exterminate during the Holocaust.

Jean-Paul Mulders, a Belgian journalist, and Marc Vermeeren, a historian, tracked down the Fuhrer’s relatives, including an Austrian farmer who was his cousin, earlier this year.

A chromosome called Haplogroup E1b1b1 which showed up in their samples is rare in Western Europe and is most commonly found in the Berbers of Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia, as well as among Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews.

"One can from this postulate that Hitler was related to people whom he despised," Mr Mulders wrote in the Belgian magazine, Knack.

Haplogroup E1b1b1, which accounts for approximately 18 to 20 per cent of Ashkenazi and 8.6 per cent to 30 per cent of Sephardic Y-chromosomes, appears to be one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population.

Knack, which published the findings, says the DNA was tested under stringent laboratory conditions.

"This is a surprising result," said Ronny Decorte, a genetic specialist at the Catholic University of Leuven.

"The affair is fascinating if one compares it with the conception of the world of the Nazis, in which race and blood was central.

“Hitler's concern over his descent was not unjustified. He was apparently not "pure" or ‘Ayran’.”

It is not the first time that historians have suggested Hitler had Jewish ancestry.

His father, Alois, is thought to have been the illegitimate offspring of a maid called Maria Schickelgruber and a 19-year-old Jewish man called Frankenberger.

Adolf Hitler May Have 'Unwittingly Married A Jew' When He Wed Eva Braun

Adolf Hitler may have "unwittingly" married a Jewish woman when he wed his mistress, Eva Braun, hours before his death in 1945, at least according to a new documentary.

Braun is the focus of UK's Channel 4 documentary titled "Dead Famous DNA," in which DNA from the relics of famous historical figures is extracted and analyzed to help solve mysteries associated with them. A DNA analysis was conducted on hair samples from a brush monogrammed "E.B." that was found at the end of World War II at Hitler's Alpine residence by an American intelligence officer. The brush allegedly belonged to Braun and DNA analysis purportedly showed it "contained the hair of someone who could have had Jewish ancestry," specifically Ashkenazi Jew ancestry, according to Channel 4.


so hear something interesting, under yangs tax agenda 1% of all tax revenues will be allocated based off the preferences of the filers.

This information is collected off of the tax return.

Because revenues are going to be so significantly increased, if all nationalist pulled their votes together, we could conceivably fund a war against Israel.

Attached: tumblr_n120oy8R9c1qcm0m3o1_250.gif (245x170, 567.84K)

85 years, regulations on automatic weapons 1934, although some say that the communist takeover of america was completed by 1933

This place has been kiked beyond repair since 2016. At least over at cuckchan the faggotry can provide legit laughs every so often. Over here its pure zogged faggotry and humorless spergs/bots/glow niggers.

Settle down little Bennie, I will be caring when I pump my seed in your milk truck sister's womb.

Kikes are still harping on this meme on here?


I know why.

You stupid faggots still consider it an argument once your judeofaggotry is exposed