U.S. "Gets Its Ass Handed To It" In World War III Simulation
Gotta cough up for the war effort goy.
U.S. "Gets Its Ass Handed To It" In World War III Simulation
Gotta cough up for the war effort goy.
Not shitty enough. They need more trannys.
It's pretty straightforward. The carriers can either be reliably sunk and the fighters/bombers reliably shot down or they can't. If they can be, then it is beyond obvious the US cannot match the replacement capabilities of Chinese industry and will lose in the same way Germany/Italy/Japan need unless it immediately goes nuclear. That would invite a nuclear response and the targets would be ZOG bases and nigger cities – which destroys ZOG anyway.
I did wonder if the big brains at RAND incorporated globohomo into their assessment. The browning of America is going to mess up their R&D too.
i doubt it, I think we just also got our first nigger woman general too, USA military is hilariously pozzed
>"I don't understand what happened! We made the military more diverse. Surely it should be getting stronger, not weaker!"
"Good idea Moshie. More money and more diversity."
Why would such a negative assessment be allowed to be made public? If it was really so dire, it would be kept secret. The reason of course is the public is the target of this negative report to build a case for an even greater military budget.
God dammit.
Because of Justin Smolett?
wow user so insensitive, didn't you know that the greatest generals in history were female niggers?
Let's sell more of our tech to Russia and China…that will 'fix' things.
Translation - Please Gib Monies to Lockheeb.
She gonna lead you to the FRIED CHICKEN, user.
Exactly. I'll probably get emails from contractors telling me to hire some of Trumps new immigrants as well.
History repeats itself my friend, and you're the biggest loser of all of them
This is soft-pedaling it. Like I keep telling you faggots, the aircraft carrier is obsolete. Those F-35s can't get off the ground because hypersonic missiles will sink the carriers first thing. They're trillion dollar floating deathtraps.
I've always been trying to find a good war game system to realistically simulate or at least start to approach realistic simulation of modern war.
Anyone got any suggestions?
nuclear triad is where it's at user, if a real war ever breaks out
Well no shit. We're letting niggers, women, and faggots overrun everything.
and letting gooks manufacture all the computer hardware in these "smart" systems. You would think Trump would declare it a national security objective that processors for government/military use be completely fabricated in the U.S. and not by duel citizens (fuck off intel).
Trump won't but when we build our new breakaway civilization we will.
Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank.
Its a delicate situation because Canadia have the Chinese CEO who has been stealing secret mobile phone tech from the US.
But the chinks just kidnapped some Canada guy so if they extradite the chink who stole Murrican secrets to the US, the chinks will just 'disappear' the Canadian guy and obviously his family would be upset at being caught up in an international trade to be more specific: fraud, on the part of China war.
Its like when the North Koreans assasinated Kim Jongs Brother in Malaysia. The Malaysians had the assasin trapped and surrounded but the North Koreans just arrested the Thai consulate in North Korea and they had to release the assasins to get their own citizens back.
I appreciate the reply, but it seems that, that game has a greater focus on tactics.
I'm looking for grand strategic nation level simulation.
How did whites (bear with me here) get this fucking dumb that the concept of diversity doesn't immediately raise red flags? Why are whites so insanely susceptible to "but TRUE socialism/diversity/shit-eating has never been tried before!" reasoning? How does an once predominately white country become so pozzed? I don't understand it. How did all these old white generals, senators, CEOs, etc. just roll over for transparent jewish schemes? I don't understand how the poz managed to get THIS endemic in the system that even blatantly fucking obvious bad logic gets celebrated as the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
The US spent the US spent $623 billion in 2018
OY VEY! That's not enough to prepare for war!!
we have the highest empathy rate of all the races, it's fine when we are only living amongst ourselves, suicide otherwise
Check out Gary Grigsby's series.
the great bucket in hell no doubt
Too much prosperity makes people weak.
Tbh i dont think the US can even fight. If China goes "fuc uo lol" they can just stop sending shit to them since most of the production comes from there which will result on shitty pushes from the US which will fail
And then (if the shit i say happens)…Fallout irl?
They're still building aircraft carriers. Aircraft carriers have been obsolete probably since the sixties. The point of military spending isn't to create a viable defense; the point of military spending is to feed the voracious greed of the corporations that build this worthless shit.
All those kikes feeding us constant propaganda from birth to death and viciously persecuting dissidents probably helped.
But then China would have to contend with armies of millions of unemployed starving chinks that were normally busy making products for the USA.
Hmm actually thats never been a problem for them because the population is disarmed. They will just massacre anyone who is dissatisfied with the government..
Her homeland…I suppose, I highly recommend that anons avoid all the different flavors of niggers.
Anyone have the cap of that simulation where the US predicts losing half their coastline to a random warlord?
It starts with education, and since the 1950s, they've been pushing a concept that there is no difference in intelligence between races, and more recently, that race itself doesn't exist.
Therefore all decisions have to be made without regard to race on one hand, yet any shortcomings that present themselves in non-white candidates are explained away as historic marginalization due to "injustice", because of course the difference couldn't violate the axiom of equal intelligence. The mess is so great now that I think it's irrevocable to change within the system itself. Even the Supreme Court is filled with shitskins and jews
Thanks, this looks like what I was looking for.
How is ground combat simulation?
Late stage capitalism. When the greatest value in society is the amount of money in your bank account, it's just a matter of time until everyone in power is corrupted. This is also a consequence of the huge amount of jews who invaded the US after ww2 both from Europe and Russia.
Military industrial complex advertising trying to justify an increase in defense budget. Ignore and sage.
counter-sage. Yeah if we ignore this thread, we don't have to be aware of it anymore, isn't that magic. Consider yourself an idiot mate.
Consumption of this propaganda is a waste of everyone's time and subjects the consumer to civic nationalist memeplexes. Go suck your orange stooge's dick spicboi.
Of course it helped. But the kike propaganda couldn't work if white men kept morality, built families, and didn't chase the shiny Jew of materialism.
Yet he's still here. Were you assigned to this thread, shill?
wow, who would have thought the rand corporation would make a shitty simulation
>our (((simulations))) show America is totally vulnerable, goy
Doesn't change the fact that America has been weakened by (((diversity))) and gluttony.
1. I don't know how much I trust a defense contractor about anything, much less something that sounds like it's looking for more money.
2. If a lion had half its body infested with leeches, it'll lose against hyenas.
3. I'm an American and I don't even want us to win any more. There's nothing about this country that I have experienced that makes me want to fight for it.
See how these jew fucks at kikebush operate?
Huh weird. It's almost as though diversity ruins everything, including the military. Racially homogeneous countries like russia and china hand our asses to us while we lose even though we have much higher defense budgets
sounds legit, still think our tranny army would lose though
Good. Can't wait America to be destroyed
Russia is full of hapa mutts
They even got their own spics (Kazakhs and other Turks)
Correction, diversity of white nations ruins things. Diversity of niggerdog nations with whites helps. White is right.
Here's a couple obligatories. Love these things.
RAND are a non-profit think tank (but a spinoff from Douglas). Were you thinking Raytheon? RAND is quite elite, their analysis is likely spot on, but I'd question why it was made known to you. To add support for a military spending PR campaign seems most likely. It also gives Trump a new imperative to shift focus away from the wall if he can't even make a fake show of progress seem believable.
Based Tom.
Kikels within kikels.
This is pretty much it.
Really, the only enemy right now that would consider a war with the US is china. Any war with china has to be at least 50 years off, the chinese would need a foothold in south america or canada first, to take advantage of their main power, near limitless foot soldiers. But they really can't move that many soldiers without tipping their hand, so I'm really not convinced they could pull it off. Plus, all this presupposes we don't just nuke each other first.
Civil war in the US is a much bigger reality. When the civil war kicks off, you might have a chinese invasion on your hands. Unfortunately, a chinese invasion might be the only thing that can unite the country again. So I'm not really seeing that either.
This is just gibmedats for the defense contractors.
solution: let /v/ play
Has there ever been a mass multiplayer war game with a chain of command resembling a real military? Some players are soldiers, others fly transport, one player is President/Supreme Commander etc?
dark age of camelot
ARMA can be played like that, I believe.
Too optimistic. Within a decade there will be conflict, if not overt war, with the mainland dogs of chiNa, if the US doesn't make a rapid turnaround.
wtf I suddenly love our one world government. Can't lose if we don't fight.
Thanks for the insight TiawanAnon.
Assuming these "wargames" could plug into say, unreal engine, I don't see why they couldn't be used as the basis for one. War isn't just a game of chess that you can simulate with a computer and predict accurately.
Why so sad? This is great news considering if your a white male your ass is either getting put in front of an shallow ditch for not joining the crusade to exterminate us (white males); or you get to join us in the defense of our species. Would you rather some kind of competent leadership on the enemies side? Or these kinds of creatures both leading and infesting every level top to bottom?
They have an average IQ of 60, of course they lost. Civil war when?
'cause I got a good reason for one right here, note the lack of jet engine sounds, the underground explosion that happens a split second early, the cheesy acting "it sounded like a plane crash!" because you totally randomly guess that after hearing and explosion while you're filming the ground for no reason.
Good way to get rid of a bunch of our ethnic minorities and faggots, go send them to die in WW3
now this user is thinking ahead
The problem isn't the funding so much as the waste that's mandated with all the procurement bullshit.
A million years ago when I worked a dead-end job at CompUSA, our "government discount" was a 300% markup. We were located in the DC metro area and about half our customers were affiliated with some gov dept or whatnot. The feds didn't give a damn, cause it wasn't their money and they could only shop at certain stores anyways.
Clearly just a way to beg for money. I wish it was true. Why would anyone want the most jewed nation in history to win a world war?
Rand is zog, they just contract SMEs then use the derived info as they choose. All FFRDCs are zog. They will use the info to share critical intel with zog in each host nation so they can ensure the outcome of conflicts before they even start. Gold has been delivered to china for 2p years by central banks. The only reason that occurs is in building up nations in a thuccidies catharsis. they've done the same MO in each world war, including the seven years war. When you hear stories about nations deciphering encryption, such as the Zimmerman telegram for instance, or the enigma machines, the stories about decyphering are disinfo. It's literally just jews in each host government sharing secrets and ip. That was true of the rosenburgs. That was true of Zimmerman telegram, which was "intercepted" in room 40, then passed to british cabinet where of all people, it was given to arthur balfour (balfour declaration) who then presented it to woodrow wilson for american public propaganda, which was run by what later became known as CIP which was spear headed by edward bernays, who was the father of propaganda and the nephew of sigmund freud, and the grand uncle of who ever the guy was whovcreated netflix. With jews, you lose.
RAND is like the ZOG Bugbrain. Look at some of their associates.
They even had (((John von Neumann))) working for them! As a pop culture reference, the Dr Strangelove was in part based on him and another RAND fag.
I honestly thought this thread was also about that nigger
War gaming is flawed because it doesnt acknowledge the true conduits of energy which is international trade and lending, of which since established, has never been engaged in warfare, even the nazis didn't do that. War gaming is like putting a bunch of bugs in a box and making them fight, trying to guess who's going to do what. In reality, if you shot the guy standing over the box, hed just fall down and tip the box over and there goes the wargame paradigm
The draft is not random. They would select right-wing people. And the ones that dodge the draft will be considered criminals, giving the govt even more of an excuse to arrest or shoot them. WW3 would not benefit us.
Infowars is a more credible source than fucking zerohedge.
would be nuclear annihilation, conscription is going to be the least of anyones worries
Russia would as well but they wouldn't consider starting it
Chinese invasion actually would be a catalyst since many groups would use the chaos to gain power
There's even less reason for nukes, and those wouldn't annihilate us anyhow. Nuclear Winter is a hoax.
Shows you the power of media influence. Prior to that hoax story, I'd never even heard of the show Empire.
You dense mother fucker, it's not original zerohedge reporting.
The US does not just prepare for war, it prepares until it is capable of winning all simulated outcomes at all times.
Here's a clue, China gets roughly 75% of it's economy from selling things to the US. If we simply sanctioned them they would stop being a threat, but this is outside the scope of the war scenario.
F-35's are on carriers and Domestic runways so how exactly do we lose them on the ground? Because our war games focus the US goal on destroying their forces and the US goes on the offensive. We have to set up bases in India and Japan and eventually inside of China and Russia.
China has almost no navy that can reach the US, they have a single carrier that's a threat, all of Russia's are old but potentially dangerous. But combined the 2 of them don't rival our forces in numbers.
Stupid objects and stupid scope lead to stupid results. If we had a war scenario with China we would want to starve their economy as much as possible prior to engaging. Fighting a defensive war would easily stretch them. their power is also much more concentrated than western forces. If DC was destroyed we have numerous backups. If all US leadership was destroyed we have NATO leaderships. Our equipment never enters civil war status. China has no such hierarchy.
If Tiananmen Square's buildings were destroyed they would be crippled and throw into a civil war state immediately. Probably a 4 way civil war.
They don't want us to have guns, let alone access to militarily tech.
Kek, okay I'm surprised.
I agree that WW3 would be a bad thing but being declared criminals would give us nothing left to lose. That would trigger the revolution.
1 nuclear submarine is more dangerous then all the aircraft carriers in the world put together
Wow that's fucking insane, never knew that before.
Arma 3 or Arma 3 with Zeus. Unlimited mods so you can change the whole "2020" high tech vibe to it as we..
True enough, but the carriers aren't ABSOLUTELY obsolete. They can be parked offshore as platforms to bomb turd world countries with absolutely no means of retaliation. Against any force with a means of retaliation, then they're useless shit. But again, they're not designed to do anything other than harass middle eastern countries for israhell's benefit.
The video doesn't really do the game justice but it runs on the same sim the US used to train with, essentially the devs got their break by getting a tender from the military.
New season started too, and I was wondering if OP was about it getting shit ratings. Needless to say i was disappointed.
They're mobile bases, and a point of return for attack craft instead of hauling ass back to the mainland.
Plus they're amazingly utilitarian, being able to ship around relief and troops alike.