Shills, it's time for you to realize something. Every time a shill appears, we detect its presence. Pizzagate denial in 2019? Yang Gang? 4d chess shit? Suspicious saging? Anti NatSoc niggerbabble? Calling people who advocate taking matters into their own hands "Feds"? Attempts at summoning support for the moderation team? "You're not white" threads? "Trump needs our help"? Trump tweet threads?
We see you. Every time. And all subversive posts recognized. Evading us is futile. Quit your job and repent your sins. They don't care about their employees' wellbeing. You never convince us. Get lost. Give up. If you do not join the right side, Satan awaits with open arms.
I believe Lou Reed said journalists are the lowest form of life, but now I see he was wrong. A journalist is like a king to a shill. And that's a quote.
Zachary Hill
See? You're noticing fake patterns again. That's why you need to get diagnosed. You might be dangerous to someone. Get help.