Anti japanese thread
Anti feminism thread
Yang gang thread…..
Were actually spammed by shill teams of a jewish group called
"Jewish Independent Online Propaganda Brigade"
targeting several internet platforms such as Twitter, Reddit and of course the Chans.
Kikes brfo
Other urls found in this thread:
B-but where's the source?
It's leaked documents about internet astroturfing operations, you certainly won't see any official sources confirming this
But the fact that the points/tasks cohencide with the general shilling on the board the past days, and that Zig Forums is generally a thorn in the jew's side adds credibility to this.
Also we can see what OpSec measures they have put in place to secure their chain of command. As we can see in picrel, they used a method called "Steganography".
So basically hidden text in seemingly inconnuous image files or printed photos which are then scanned, which can be decrypted by computer programs to make the message visible
This has nothing to do with switching the words individually for every recepicient to catch eventual leakers (which they likely have done here too regardless)
Why anti japanese and pro yang shilling ?
Even if true,
Go back to your hugbox, you deformed abomination.
Probably because since trump hipe train completely died the last week and was imposible to mantain the fiction cianiggers needed to ryse a fake candidate and pretend there is a polical solution so we waste our energies instead of redirecting our energies to a valid alteranative
Why yang?
Because he have zero chance of winning
Why a chink?
Pol is already multiracial and spamming this thread will acceletate the process expulsingthe few oldfags that still are here , destroying the entire essence of pol.
Also they could make people invested in the elections again only throw the race of participants and even if pol dont believe in ((( democracy))) certainly care too much about race to not be dragged into this circus
The real question is how long the average people will pretend to believe in the system or be blue pilled?
Boy, I sure am glad that the kike in charge of the site added a report limit. Sure do love spam all over the board.
It was a photoshoped pic that got posted here last night but based on your filenames I'm guessing you just saw it on 4chan
Japan is a model of what europeans think they the west should be so hating each other to not bring japan as a succesfull alternative is one
The other is isolating whites even further
Both the Europeans and Japanese are occupied by the US government. That pic was probably made by some over sensitive weeb who has never been to Japan
This is far more disgusting than "let's kill all goyim".
Reported for yet more spam.
I have noticed too that every time japan is posted in a good light 5 min next there is ridiculous japan hate thread .
So even if this document are false he is absolutely on point
I thought the idea was to get liberals to vote yang. I can't believe they actually thought it was going to work.
How did you get this paper? It just seems too convenient.
A well known german hacker in gab leaked them
Proof of this?
There is not source and where this came from and it looks fake as fuck. They spell color with both the or and ur ending as well certain things like "operation glow" being make it rather obvious
Our goal is to degrade every race to lowest common denominator and rule over the ashes of them
Traducted for you guys
Stegranography used to prevent leaking would have an embedded serial-number type thing which would be able to instantly identify the leaker. Each individual would receive their own stenographic serial, probably generated by computer.
Also this is like the 12th fucking yang thread, just make a general you faggots.
If what I just said is true, it could be that the leaker used photoshop in an attempt to remove the stenography
Hohoho you have been exposed kike
Cry more j*w rat