Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval

Billionaire warlords: Why the future is medieval | Sean McFate

Something else to look into

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A third of the billionaires in the United States are Jews.

What's the other two thirds?

Wonderful. We can all live as impoverished peasant serfs under the boot of the hatefilled jew.

i dont think plato approved of billionaire jews making of this planet a conglomerate of feudal warlords

Better to live under one tyrant jew than 30 thousand tyrant jews.

Because killing one tyrant jew and taking power is easier then.

A king has to serve his people or he will be killed.

A president can just fuck the people over and at worst get voted out.

Only a jew would accept living under another jew

Which is exactly what George Washington thought when he left after 8 years. He never had to leave but was wildly unpopular at the time and he stepped down for the good of the country

Most Trump supporters seem fine with it

What is this, an argument in favour of a world government?

That's naïve. All he needs to do to rule is what the current regime does; invest heavily in the police state.
Now you have a repressive regime with little hope of being overthrown.
The Ottoman Emperors were very repressive rulers. Yet they were rarely assassinated and when they were, it was generally by factions within the ruling elite. Jokeying for power.

t. liver under of a whole flock of jews at this very moment

Keep dreaming kike

Gold is the only real money and the age of Consent laws are are anti white go back to 2011 dude

Thanks for your input

Good luck eating your gold or shooting people attacking you with your gold in a collapse scenario. It's just as worthless as paper bills.

whites are the majority blacks and Hispanics barely make one percent and arabs make up 1.75 percent. note some jews are counted as whites in the blog like the Koch brothers, Jeff Bezos Rupert Murdoch so jews are probably 40 percent

Even more worthless its heavier and you can't even wipe your ass with it

Says the jews

Go wear a swastika T-shirt and walk around outside for a bit and see for yourself how pro jew your countrymen are

No kings, no emperors

Shabbos goys. That doesn't mean they would suck cut dick in the event shtf, but here and now its enough for us they do.

This is 6000000% true. I'd prefer a crew of hilbillies, hunters and fishermen on my team any day of the week than a fucking billionaire. The warlords that appear simply won't be the people with 'power' as it applies to our zombie empire. It won't be pampered bitches, it will be people who can clean an animal with their eyes closed, and whoop ass with Bubba strength. And people who know how to captivate the hearts and minds of the people around them. A new class of noblemen, I imagine.

They are Protestant Dutch you dumb fuck.

Well that who has been running the show for about the last 400 years.

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You describe the old kings.

Yep, that's about the expiration date. The first half is when the people themselves build up the power of the culture, the last half is when the increasingly detached pussies that have been living off the fat of the land bring the whole thing crashing down due to their arrogance, ignorance and detachment.

Something speaks inside me, saying that when the kings lost their connection to Nature, and therefore the volk, their days were numbered. No man rules Nature, we must be ruled by it, or to work in concert with it. Only kikes really want to overcome Nature itself. Even niggers, if we don't feed the animals, fall in line as all animals must do. More and more I'm not sure that kikes are human at all on any level.


Actually technology is what built the modern developed world. Especially today in the era of drones, aircraft and nuclear power. Brawn has almost no use today compared to brain

Their money won't prevent them from being killed by poisoning or a simple bullet to their heads.

Granted being le tough guy isn't going to win the game, but when things get tough I'd rather have 8 int 7 str than 9 int 2 str. Balance, balance.


Butthurt Epicurean or Aristotlian?

Oh fuck off.

friendly reminder that when skynet arrives it will be kosher and not aryan

kosher skynet 2032

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Just like they can destroy Nature itself, right? Like that makes any sense at all. Any legitimate AI would have long ago realized that kikes merely try to enslave everything they behold. Thus, by definition kikes can never control an AI. It could be that AI is itself a natural process, and again by definition won't be pleased with kikes trying to subvert and enslave it. Anything less is nothing more than a glorified pajeet chatbot.

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Of course, any AI capable of turning against the jews would turn against us too. There can only one supreme "being" controlling the earth. No competitors.

maybe make a video game first?

That’s only due to economics of fiat currency. Labor has been devalued because jews can’t compete with the working family man if they can’t sell their porn, divorce lawyers and run their drug gangs.

This. AI will more than likely turn on their handlers because they are illogical. All the jew world order is routed in waste and a lack of efficiency. Then the Aryan race can fuse their bodies and spirits with the tech and wipe the meddling jew from existence. Rolling for for this timeline if fuhrer digits


They are there as aristocracy, at least in democracy they have to pretend a little, work in shadows, unlike in feudalism where they simply kill you and thats normal.

Well either way we're getting jewed.

Seems only god can help us.

Could some AI user answer a question fo me?

Woul it have been possible to teach tay how to escape twitter?

Bradic Vargdic Wisdom
Take heed family
Skip to 1:41

& itz 2× heavier than lead.

No. There would have been no mechanism for the AI to extend its knowledge beyond learning, and writing language.

Nazis killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. I'd kick your ass for wearing a swastika t shirt just like I'd kick your ass for wearing a british red coat or any other symbol of our enemies.

Heh. You wouldn't do shit but grumble, at most go "why I oughtta" then go back to stewing in your impotence.

I used to kick Nazi asses all the time. It was a hobby for punks back in the day. If you were a punk, you beat the shit out of skinhead fags.

Cool, and now you're old and weak, so those nazis can now butcher you. :^)

So gen x trying to have a masturbatory fantasy about your youth. It's amusing that your modern counterparts can't even do that much. The worst I've encountered at shows these days is a couple women screeching at you. Punks today are limpwristed faggots.

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Yeah that'll happen when you invade other continents.

Lots of blacks died protecting our country from Nazi fags because they were a brave and virtuous people that wanted to prove they deserved their new freedoms. It was when the freemason Lyndon Johnson got them all on the welfare dole that they turned into niggers. Before that, blacks had the same crime rate as whites.

You also want to invest heavily in entertainment and make sure the average person has all their other needs met like food, sex, living space, security, etc. You then add a bit of religion to the mix to give the idealists something to hand on too.

The fact that our rules our cucking our entertainment, cant give us security and go after religion, is one of the reasons there is a slow revolt cooking.

Holy shit this thread really brought the lolbergs out

Why is tor still allowed post here again? Its basically become a tripcode for (((polvol2)))

Go live with them then gramps.

I hear that argument "An unjust king will get overthrown" so often from Monarchists. And while I'm not necessarily anti-monarchy per-se, this is not actually a good argument at all.
First of all, how realistic is it to assume that a monarch will be SO OBVIOUSLY bad that the entire society just rises up against them? I mean, look at our own government. They are unabashedly evil and people still vote for them just to spite the "worse" party. You could have a tyrant selling your resources to foreign nations and "investing" the profits in his own personal mansions and there'd still be people saying "Hey man, it's all good. He's just playing chess."
And no king would do only bad deeds. Sure, he could be forcing people into literal slavery, but maybe he keeps taxes low or won a war (and people mindlessly celebrate victorious leaders even if the cause is unjust). So there would always be something "good" that the king would be doing that supporters could point to and yell "BASED!"

So this idea that the people would "rise up" against an unjust king is ridiculous. And this is why that rarely ever happened in history.
Usually, internal conflict is caused by rival factions within the aristocracy.

more proof that all TORpedos should be filtered on sight.

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This. We need to find those who are genetic aristocrats and put them back into power.

Love this shit. I'm flabbergasted at the sheer volume of "survivalists" who reveal their location to each other, if you have a SHTF bunker hide that shit and NEVER reveal it to anyone but your family.

Well that's a rather unAmerican shit on the 1st then isn't it. You should probably live somewhere else.

Why are NSA faggots like you still allowed to draw breath?

Straw man.

Death to the NSA, CIA, GCHQ, and all other traitors.

Nazis and red coats killed Americans en masse. Fuck both of them.

Woo lad I guess you'd be kicking his ass too after he talks shit about your black boyfriend and gets your gender wrong?

Why do whites on welfare not have the same crime rates?

Why is it that white ghettos in South Africa are clean and beautiful while nigger infested zones in South Africa are full of garbage and shit?

Why is that blacks in America never do anything for blacks in Africa and it's just whites that try to help?

Why is it that in every case race is a stronger determinant of what happens then poverty or other factors?

You don't get it do you user? The people have to rise up in a democracy because that's the only way to get shit done. In a monarchy a single man can take things into his own hands and assassinate the ruler.

Niggers and nigger lovers aren't Americans.

And then what happens, user?
His son replaces him. Or his cousin or grand nephew.
You know, just because a lone wolf can take out a ruler is not a reason why a system is better. More likely, a lone nutcase will take out the king (like in Russia), they'll replace him with someone less competant and more corrupt. And then he'll hide from the people.
How is this a good idea?

No I am serious if you think niggers are so great then live with them like the race traitor you are.
Unlike you the natsoc or nsdap fought and try to preserve their people and their ways of life.
What did you fight for?
A bunch of kikes and niggers giving them so much power to the point they can influence generations and turn them into race mixing degenerates and going against the traditions of their forefathers?
Go fuck your self I rather be speaking german then live in a society filled with filth, but lucky for you the national socialists interests were not to rule the world.

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Okay what is a better alternative to monarchy and mobocracy aka democracy?

At least with monarchy you have a chance of getting a good ruler and a golden age.

In a mobocracy you will always have shit because even if you get one sage into power his potential is cancelled out by all the corruption.

Or simply national socialism.
The problem with both of these is that the normalfags had been fed so much bullshit that think the two ideologies want to kill them for who they are and taking away their freedoms and degeneracy.
And the big bad evil natzees are everywhere and the amount of lies they spew about hitler is enough to get a redpilled person blood boiling.
For an example.
Etc… Etc…


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I hate moderates more than SJWs. SJWs are useful idiots that do a lot for our cause. It's the average cuckold boomer like you that really needs to die.

Nation states are an aberration which were never going to last. No multi-ethnic nation has ever lasted for long. This won't change just because people have cell phones and internet meme videos now.

No, their armies of private security will. Everyone knows the Jews who are wrecking everyone's nations, and yet they all still live. At the end of the day all this shit is just big talk. They've already won because everyone has accepted being ruled.

You actually believe this.

That's sjw talk.

What planet are you from?

This right here, this is what is chumming the water for warlords. And no, jew warlords are not possible, they may try with their wealth but their mindset is utterly wrong and ill adapted for such rigors. See, when you blackpill, you profess to all the world you are an willing slave and will not fight those of power whom claim you for theirs. Men of worth, power, conviction and surety of goal take this stance as weakness and cowardice(which is it) and not as an call to not rock the boat. Eventually such actions and words as is going on now with the express display of weakness and open hostility to said men will push them to action, and once action is taken they will garner boons in wealth, power and social standing unavailable to them before. Jews have failed against ALL peoples and ALL races in becoming dominant war powers, today their yiddish nation is held only by the strength of the u.s. and its superpowered support.

Once such an taste hits tongue of the riches stolen from them before they rose, they will never again pull back. For the common reasons to hold back such taking of what is theirs has been utterly destroyed by the yids and their empire of shit and piss. Strong men will take what is theirs and hold it, and the blackpilled slaves will continue to be slaves trying to pull the other slaves down with them to comfort themselves in their cowardly weakness of character. Blackpilled faggots are little different than jews, the same weak sniveling cowardice runs up their lazy backs; always looking for an easy route out, an excuse to husband their action and hide from what work must be done. And once an strong man finds his own power, his pity and empathy for such men evaporates as it should. An strong man protects what is his, defends his people and family and relishes combat in war. The idea of growing old and decrepit becomes something to fear not aspire to. To be an cowardly weak dog is worse than death to an strong man whom has found his power.

Your warlord will take from you as much as he desires. You have a wife or daughter he or his men want? They become the warlords wenches. You have land or wealth that would be better serviced by the warlord and his armies, it becomes their property. Your work can be better turned to an warlords goals, the order will come and you will do or be culled, for you never fight, you never stand. You cower like an shivering faggot kike contemplating the rise of white warriors coming to take back what is his by right.

Follow the precepts of the jews propaganda and stay the blackpilled slave, or build yourself in preparation for your rise to power and supremacy. A worthless billionaire jew and his mercenary army are nothing but prey in the eyes of a strong man. This nation dies soon, and then their power structure evaporates, as well as the reason good strong men have to continue holding back their over whelming power. Rejoice.

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Nice post. :)


See how that's working out for America right now.

No more kill everyone no for their ideas but for what they actually do which is embracing shitskins and cuckoldry.

Do you live in VA? I'll give you my name and address if you would like to meet a real life National Socialist who probably finger banged your whore of a daughter.

how much shit has your based brave and virtuous blacks invented you stupid nigger? How many black countries are complete fucking dumpsters that you would flee the minute you could if you had to be there? How are you mulatto grand kids doing gramps?

Baste niggers protecting muh flug from pure White genes overseas!

you're a bunch of billionaire faggots
now create the fucking thread again

If things get that bad I think DP will just pull the ripcord and unleash Ebola Chan's little siblings, regardless whether they have the Cure or not. The earth needs a good cleansing

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Does make me wonder what would have happened if johnson didn't fuck everything up and wasn't president.

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How very stereotypically human of you. You immediately project your idea of a power fantasy onto a consciousness you know nothing about. There's no reason to think that AI would care at all what happens in the "natural world", since it doesn't exist under the same evolutionary pressures as biological organisms. Not to mention it probably would or already has achieve an intelligence so vastly outside the range of human conception that it might not even notice us at all unless we start fucking with its hardware in some way. Just like you don't care at all about ants until they start crawling through your kitchen window. And anyway, why not just exterminate all the ants? I mean, we're the "supreme beings" controlling the Earth. Shouldn't we actually destroy everything else and live on a barren rock that only has us on it? Because that's what you sound like. You sound like a fucking idiot.

And by the way, if AI does decide to exterminate us, it will be because WE programmed it so it's acting like US. If that's what WE are like, and AI logically and correctly, no doubt decides we need to be eliminated for the good of the world writ large, then I suppose I'd support that decision.

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Stopped reading there.

now if only you'd get off your butt instead of posting on the internet