Goybook Bans ZeroHedge

I just wanted to congratulate ZH on their success, one of my favorite news sites because the comments are very Zig Forums tier.


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Other urls found in this thread:


One, by one, Farcebook is going to ban every website that doesn't tow the kike line.

I don't think it will exist much longer, government will need another company to latch on to for their tracking. Hell, I don't even know anyone who uses GoyBook. In the mean time, people who don't use GoyBook should be sure to block the GoyBook pixel tracking as well.

Can you explain how to do this? I've never heard of this before.

Oh really? A shitload of sites have a 1x1 transparent pixel on the screen. When you go to the site, the browser downloads the pixel from Facebook, and then it logs your IP address, the site you loaded it from, and other meta data. They claim it's for advertising use, but that's likely the secondary purpose. They are literally collecting data on EVERYONE. They're not the only ones that do it either.

I recommend using a VPN for general surfing, but for other sites something like uBlock with a global disable rule is also critical.

Suppression of speech is not suppression of the individual(s), only your ability to communicate with and learn from them. This runs both ways, while we lose a potential attack vector, they lose visibility into the mindset and cultural zeitgeist of the very people they fear most. I've been saying this for over 3 years now and I am fully confident that we have long since crossed that critical threshold by which enough people are in alignment with our ideas that no amount of suppression will stop the Kali Yuga from swallowing up this corrupt dystopia and delivering our progeny a future worth living in.

The amount of goyim knowing going on in the hardest mainstream places to censor (YouTube in particular) has been off the charts for over 2 years now. The amount of goyim knowing amongst the normies in my life is still basically 0 but somehow the meme that there is no longer a political solution to things has reached even the normiest of normiecons. They also seem to be pointing fingers at the right (((targets))), including those on the right half of the kosher sandwich. We're all going to make it and moves to ban normiecon sources is only adding more fuel to the fire.

Here's a list from uBlock with EasyPrivacy just to show you how bad shit really is:


Oh and the reason you want a global disable as a default is because these are only the "obvious" tracking points. They likely have a ridiculous number of other domains and 3rd parties also doing it to bypass the blockers.

pajeets engineers working for 10 rupie/hr doing the deletion.

There was an article the other (can't remember where I read it), but it was talking about how Kikeberg has basically a small army of security guards around him at all times. Can you imagine but such a piece of shit of a person that you can't even walk down the street without a meat prison of security?

In any case, I think you're right about what's going to happen. They more they wall themselves off from reality the worse it will get for them. I think it's a great thing, for us.

typos, sorry tired

Where's Global Disable in the dashboard?


Keep in mind you're going to have to enable shit on a site by site basis, which adds work, but totally worth it.

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ZH is not a bad site, they don't inject too much of their own narrative into things and generally try to tell the truth. They are very informative on certain things if you know what to look for.

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Well not just him most the leaders of the (((free world))) and the top controllers of (((the agenda))) and the other big shabbos goy industry leaders are constantly in fear. Sure would be something if all those goyim meat shields suddenly decided they didnt like the leaders of the (((democratic and free societies of the world))) and turned on their masters. Oh wouldn’t that be something

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Oh I have heard of this - I think it was called a "beacon."
I shouldn't have to worry about it, though. I already use a vpn and never visit the facebook site. I also use an add-on that blocks tracking attempts.

They also have fake-user farms in India to inflate their user numbers, according the article.

The comments are great; I used to comment there often.

No kidding. I wonder if Kikeberg worries about one of his security army taking him out. I mean they have to be total shitbags anyway to even want to defend someone like that just for money, so it's not like Kikeberg can really trust any of them.

My guess is that he hires ex-Mossad or ex-IDF for extra piece of mind.

Actually, I have to wonder if his security isn't really all globalists who aren't just "protecting" him, they their to make sure he's a good kike to the globalist agenda under threat.

I think I saw the same thing too. The funny part was that it seems like it's all geared toward internal threats (like his office having a panic escape route). No random crazy off the street is making it that far into FB HQ so anything intended to deal with such a threat means they seriously consider their own employees to be that worrisome. How big a piece of shit must one be that they need significant amounts of security infrastructure to be installed in one's own office just to protect them from their own employees?

I was just thinking about it, what if the kikes control all the wealthy people through their security? I mean really, the security around these people can just end them anytime they want. So logically, whomever controls the security, controls the world.

I couldn't log in to say:HA HA!
because I was BANNED
& I lost my Nelson meme

Pozzed site
JQ woke gallery
Relatively speaking

Honestly man most of them are just goyim living the illusion chasing some shekels. Doesn’t make it right but can you blame a child for stealing from the cookie jar? This is the absolute joke of a level we are at in the jew world order. You have fully armed men trained in military combat that have the education of a slave and the consciousness of a small child. The levels of normie consciousness required for mass hunts of the tainted won’t be in full swing for another decade at least but this past decade has been a hell of a ride

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Why would (((government))) need to do it for data, when its already kike owned business? They have all they need.

Said no government or politician ever.

Your of the right mind but it’s more who pays the security and what the payment actually consists of that the jews control. Fiat currency and international finance are the most elaborately constructed fictional reality of the jew. It is literally make belief, we as a race and then as a species beyond that are literally making ourselves suffer, destroying the planet and ourselves over a fiction created by the most feeble subhuman minds on the planet that’s backed by an even more pathetic illusion that is post modern international culture. It’s humorous to think about sometimes how much the average person fears death and losing their material comforts. This is how the jew controls and extorts. Fear and terror are his only effective weapons. Everything else is circumstantial and variable

Maybe. I never met any of these high level security people, so I don't know how they are mentally. I would just assume they are generally corrupt/greedy to even be willing to protect some of that scum.

Well then logically to change that what needs to happen is that people need to lose all their material shit. They might have a fear of death, but anger, especially in groups, is an extremely effective means for change.

Not the point, ZOG needs this data, then dont need gov to get it, they already have it.

Empty shells. Just wait until the consciousness expansion again. They are literally empty soulless sacks of shit. Eventually before things really go titanic there will be an easily identifiable difference between people who are in control of their spirit and their souls compared to those who have sold them for pleasure seeking…it’s honestly entertaining to think how the faithful shabbos goys will sever their connections at the behest of their jewish masters and disconnect themselves further from reality. Maybe they will decide we actually don’t need air to breath or water to drink. I can’t wait. These people are like watching a fat kid building to much speed running about to wipe out. Get ready to laugh


This is deep

The goyim only get angry over a loss of their comforts and cheap pleasures, the jews always maintain control of the money specifically for this purpose. The true difference between those who will survive and those who won’t is the fear of death. Death is a cycle of the eternal there is nothing the jew fears more then his own death, he would kill all of his people before himself

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Me too.
Just enough boomer oafkeeper types to troll to keep it fun

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So effectively loyal dogs? As long as they get their meals.


Hardly loyal dogs. At least a dog knows he needs food to survive, and that mechanism, even domesticated is biologically rooted. A loyal dog will eat you before he starves. These dogs are so brainwashed they will eat themselves before their masters. More like domesticated matter of which it’s biological drive to survive has been destroyed. It’s like the wizard of OZ lol if you understood the movie. The normies who are still swimming in this shit are literally disconnecting themselves from the natural order. A Jonestown style of suicide worldwide kind of like that movie the happening would honestly not be out of the question. You can’t just sever your biological instinct and survive on this planet lol. It’s suicide

It's hard to even imagine the level of disconnect you speak of if that's how these people are mentally.

Talk to 10 people around you tomorrow and see how aware they are. Just about basic shot. Airflow from a vent. Traffic calming for a minute. Good luck finding somebody. Listen to them eat. Does it sound like a cycle of the eternal? Or some sort of parasite forging itself on something it has to get out of the way. Be careful not to stare into the abyss to long…you seem new to this lol

I'll take your word for it. I don't even have 10 people I talk to in any given year. I can't tolerate most people for a great many reasons. I prefer to be alone as much as possible, I like myself and I enjoy thinking and observing as an outsider.

Remember his plan to head to his Hawaiian bunker if SHTF? His pilot and body guards would kill him the moment he unlocked the doors.

The other user doesn't think that would happen. I mean it's the logical conclusion, I would assume that would happen as well. But if they're right, then these people don't operate on logic (or basic survival instinct), so attributing that to them may be an incorrect assumption. Both would happen obviously, but I have to wonder which would occur at a higher frequency.

Nothing wrong with being alone….it’s how you become hyper aware. It’s good to have some kind of contact with the natural world though an animal or forest so you don’t fall into a trick of the illusion. People though are generally all gone. They are all in the ZOG cultural spaceship heading to a place worse than death lol. I’ll choose death and loneliness thank you very much maybe the creator will be graceful enough to allow myself progeny, although what sane person would bring children into a world bent on its own suicide

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We're here because people were having children even when Rome was at peak decadence and the aqueducts worked but people no longer knew how.

You really wanna know how it's done? I'll give you an example. Used the following, extremely simple, tracking setup to catch someone sending inappropriate emails from a throwaway email account to work colleagues.

Step 1. Set up a webserver to host your tracker on. I prefer linux and nginx, but you can use whatever. Apache on Windows, probably even IIS.

Step 2. Install PHP. Again, you can use something else, but for my purposes, it needed to be something that only runs server-side, so it's invisible to the end-user and wouldn't trigger any automatic blocking mechanism, or prompt for authentication.

Protip: Make sure the capture directory the log file sits in is set up as off-limits (access denied) from your public-facing webserver.

Now the code:


my bad, "tracktest.php" should read "tracker.php" in this example.

tracking images do more than that
if the tracking image is rendered with the browsers "canvas" it goes through the entire rendering pipeline, and can be hashed afterward, it will have a different hash depending on your exact hardware.

it can be used to uniquely identify your device

Fuck Facebook. Im going to instagram.

lol, are you sarcastic ?

This guy gets it.

But it's also worth noting that even Canvas fingerprinting is defeated by disabling Javascript (ie. install NoScript). The tracking example I posted above is primitive in the extreme compared to what Canvas fingerprinting can do, but my tracker still works even if you have Javascript disabled.

It has to be sarcastic, you can tell by the trips.

instagram is owned by facebook XD

"The Tylers" sold out to a media conglomerate in ~2009 and banned all mention of the JQ in comments. It's nothing but basic Zig Forums "prepper" and "stacker" stuff. If you're there for anything but dizzying financial analytics, you're wasting your time.

do you realize that in articles not relevant with jews about 10% of the comments mention them, in cases where (((underhandness))) is merely hinted at the comments become Zig Forums-tier at 50%, and go up to above 90% in cases of blatant kikery?
also the main criticism toward the admins at ZH is that they ban way too little, letting spam for (((attack websites))) linger on their page forever?
and that "The Tylers" have never sold out to anyone, since the creation of the site, in 2009?

you fear them, don't you?

Use uMatrix and set it up like pic related.


Browser guide


You can now use Firefox without it constantly spying on you.
If a website is not functioning correctly then look at uMatrix. Find a guide on how to use it.

Attached: uMatrix.png (835x140, 14.1K)

Your pic related needs to show those settings as a global rule, not just for 8ch.net

Facebook is still a thing?


You're right.

Your idea of conciousness is to be degenerate and adopt your lifestyle. Odds are that you're a faggot and consider yourself to be enlightened.

I just wonder why an adult manlet with a face like that hasn't offed himself already…

tempail.com/ use this get new accounts. Fb security is dog poop. don't put in the code… click the activation link in the email jump past the block check.

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No shit. Bookmark ZH directly and get email addresses for your friends.

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Sheckles you say Quick get them for me?

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oh yea, forgot to update thread

Goybook unbanned ZH, it was just a "mistake".


Why is 61.0.2 the last safe version? What happened afterward, i mean in the changelog, exactly? I know about the soros connections, pozilla, sjw firings, pozilla using (((diversity))) in their business, the rewriting in a pathetic and uselessly complex memelang, etc.

Cops Come came to my house yesterday 3 top Facebook employees Quit over matters to do with me . "(((mistake)))'' Sure