How does it feel to be the last non-Marxist generation on Earth, Zig Forums?
In all seriousness, we are genuinely fucking doomed. Kids today are fully brainwashed. They will never break away from our enemies, ever.
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My point was that "Gen Zyklon" was a myth. At least half of all zoomers are literal marxists.
This includes shitskins and spics. Of course with their increasing birthrates, no shit the non-white kids would be fucking stupid.
It's not a very good point.
There is no such thing as a white zoomer. (((They))) won.
Can't get much dumber than the present crop of American "conservatives" who have laid waste to the West and commodified every aspect of our lives.
Gen z is the anti racist kind of socialist user. However I believe most men are inherently racist and are easily deprogrammed from a belief in racial equality and fag acceptance, so all hope is not lost.
They can't possibly be any more "anti-racist" than the system of American capitalism which endeavors at all times in all places to exterminate the European.
And they will stay that way for life.
You've never met a zoomer. You will never deprogram them. You should not deprogram them. The truth physically hurts them.
Basically, it's over. This is going to be a painful 10,000 years.
For who? You stupid morons who clapped like train seals over yellow cake uranium that didn't exist and championed Boris Yeltsin?
For all of us. Non-Marxist thought will be bred out of existence, leading to a kike-controlled far-left dystopia that will last for the rest of human existence.
what? there won't be a European left on the planet by the turn of the century
Shut the fuck up, Mordecai.
Exactly! We fucking lost. The kikes won. The only thing we can do now is take it like anal, or suicide.
Socialist economically, because they see what (((capitalism))) looks like. When you will spew "shut up and work like good goys you are".
more than half young Americans are shitskins
The whole Gen Z meme is pushed by 12 year olds and oldfags who hate their kids and want the next generation to be as degenerate and worthless as them
God damn that bastard really was the most evil fucker of all time
You're right about one thing and that is that marxist dictatorships are the natural governmental state of brown peasants.
The point that is usually made in these kinds of articles is that they are socialist in reaction to the pillaging of society by the boomers, such as through using (((central banks))) to print money and bid up asset prices outside of the reach of the newer generations just so the boomers can have another few holidays before they croak. This is blatantly unfair. Hence the subscription to socialism.
Of course gen Z et al. will get screwed over by this as well. The answer is a targeted reign of terror targeting only those who have made this country into the shithole it is today.
are you capable of logic
Just wait until the resources run out. Then the spirit will reawaken. The endless money supply that provides this comfy lifestyle is coming to an end real soon. Then giving half of your shit away to some nog doesn't seem so based.
Go back to /v/.
Preselected or not, kids today are still brainwashed. You can't do a thing about it.
Yes. They saw how socialism benefited the boomers and now they want a slice. Monkey see, monkey do. Notice how I'm not saying that they are capable of logic.
>"Gen Zyklon" was a myth
Of course. The 'racism' of gen z is driven more by the desire to get rid of competition, selfishness, etc rather than any racial pride/ faustian spirit.
Except quite the opposite is true. So I really don't give a fuck about your poll.
SO kids who've been indoctrinated to love socialism support it?
And hitler converted diehard communists to national socialism, your point?
Nigger, what do you think NATIONAL SOCIALISM is?
t. Strasser
Jews have shit. Whites are new niggers.
You really think a bunch of half-breed mutt degenerates who are all growing up in single-parent homes have any relation to Hitler or National Socialism? You children are even dumber then I thought
No Strasserite here, fag. Uncle Adi is my guide.
There's still a lot of white zoomers out there like me.
Zoomer here, you all are too blackpilled although the opposition should never be underestimated. the majority of my generation are soft, very soft, and it will make hard change easier.
pretty fucking good, fapping when I want , playing vidya when I want , fucking grub hub taco bell at 1:20 am when I want.
I really dont understand how the world can be going to strait shit when we have everything at our fingertips
we have actually created heaven on earth, eveyone just needs to chill and order a hot chetto gordita(tm)
Hopefully atleast Zoomers don't end up being worse than Millennial Fags and Boomers.
The blackpill is the best pill.
or you could just have fun
Fucking based, national socialism here we come.
> (((Fun))) … waste moar Shekels, goyim
If you use a disc of EM-modulated hemispheric casimir plates can you create patterns of positive and negative energy density which impart motion upon the disc by creating an interior spatial warping?
I mean, the answer is probably no, but I guess what I’m really trying to convey is that civilization isn’t doomed.
Indeed. Why is it so hard for Zig Forums to accept this?
Zero sure as fuck isn't "a whole lot".
Zoomers are brainwashed, and will never break out of their conditioning. End of story.
Change is literally impossible when it comes to the eternal zoomer.
Holy fuck, this! Honestly, there is no reason to hope anymore. We all lost. It's all fucking over.
Do you mean that Gen Z is redpilled, or that Gen Z is degenerate?
For a person willing to give up on the future, you sure are trying too hard to (((convince))) Zig Forums that all is doomed?
Leave this place if you can't handle reality and survive.
>thinking that National Socialism is synonymous with (((socialism)))
lurk more
It is my observation that people slightly younger than me are more open to the idea that Hitler may have been right than people slightly older than me, and especially more so than my parents' generation. I regularly hear, at weed-smoking gatherings, people who are employed and work hard say that Israel is a shady country, and seem to view Israel as an enemy of sorts. Such sentiment is unheard of in older generations, except for one very redpilled individual I know.
Do not listen to blackpiller, whether they are shills or well-meaning fools!
Read "The Lightning and the Sun" by Savitri Devi. It it a fantastic read.
Gen Z are doing less sex and less drugs as well. Moreover when you take in to consideration this figure you have to remember just how little white people in this country are reproducing when compared to the hordes of illegal/legal turd world citizens being imported. The good thing is that conservative whites have a pretty god damn good fertility rate, that of double the average libtard, it's very probable the other half are the whiter mutts and white kids who have not been brainwashed.
All is not lost, but conflict is indeed looming over the horizon.
false hope posting mutt gifs, typical lack of awareness.
The recent attacks against cannabis seem like bigotry of the same sort involved in trying to abuse normal people into racists.
Learn to give up hatred. Cannabis makes people more peaceful. If you can’t persuade open-minded pacifists, who can you persuade? Learn to out away the rhetorical sledgehammer and make valid person-to-person connections.
As an early zoomer I will proudly lead any mid to late zoomer who wishes to join the ranks of the death squad.
Hail victor!
Fun as in death squad hunting niggers kind of fun.
The opposite. Way opposite. This generation is the most degenerate of all generations. (I'm a zoomer)
You have never seen a zoomer.
This. Zoomers will cause societal collapse and we can do nothing about it.
Cannabis propagates weakness and vices among men. Have fun when half the society has their dopamine receptors burnt.
Weakness and vices - you mean people are being strong enough to do their own thing without concern for your fisticles? Le gasp!
Realistically I highly doubt it. Our technology has advance way too far. But if it does happen, Good. Because as a fascist, we will be there to pick up the pieces.
One confirmed (((Blackpiller))) : 24adfb (9 posts already) basically saying..
Try harder. Faggots
And no I'm not archiving this shit, too lazy and am studying for a test.
Cannabis producers, aswell as useful idiots like you. Will be hung on the highest lamp posts should we fascists ever take power.
All one has to do to break free of cannabis is to stop for four days and eat some magic mushrooms. Problem solved :)
While I acknowledge that being high is not the way nature intended the brain to function, there is nothing wrong with a special treat every so often. Cannabis itself can not turn someone into an addict. The future cannabis addict finds cannabis. Same as with any other "drug."
Oh and apparently we millennials are also much more prude than the previous gens.
Lol, what? That's not the blackpill, if you're truly blackpilled you would no longer be interested in women.
Socialism always collapses. We know that now. Its no longer the new cool thing to try out,please just fucking stop.
I'm against cmmunism
(((Right-wingers))) on suicide watch.
You dumb nigger.
Kill yourself demoralization shill.
Yup, this is a shill thread.
Okay retard.
I M A G I N E proclaiming to be remoteley redpilled and labeling yourself anywhere near (((right wing))). The (((right wing))) is strictly capitalistic from the left and right spectrum that we are familiar with and everyone uses.
Who in their right mind would still think that capitalism is a "good and efficient system" when it promotes the free movement of labour and the exploitation of workers for the goal of capital gain. Who dares to call himself a "Nationalist" but is a proponent for the vampire-like draining of the population's lifeblood? It baffles me deeply that you fucking cringelords are still raving on about your coca cola right wing death squads meme.
Take the real REDpill comrades. Break the conditioning and stop believing the molyjew and alex jones lies that equate socialism to welfare states. Try to learn from every source, READ what Marx has to say before being in full opposition to anything that isn't "muh free market".
Marx had a few things to say about the rich jews in power, that resemble those im power today, but you wont read into that because its "evil postmodernist antiamerican hurr durr etc etc". I'm not a marxist by any means, but this profound mental retardation coming from Zig Forums is really starting to bug me.
Lets see all you """"""National Socialists"""""" kvetch at this post.
third position lol
No. Any drugs. Anything that harms the human soul should be avoided. Its propogaters killed.
Early zoomer here - heil brüder!
No, he's right - nowhere near as much sex nor drugs as millenials.
Surprise, half of Gen z are niggers.
It always annoys me how IDIOTS who have not read anything about the Third Reich post as if they know anything. Read Mein Kampf or at least Hitler's Revolution, you absolute cretin.
A Britstain definitely posted this. White Americans are just as white now as white Europeans from 1500. Meanwhile, "mixed race is the fastest growing demographic in the UK"
Neck yourself, (((NazBol))) nigger.
Get a load of this absolute retard
Shocker user. You must be some sort of philosopher.
I'm a millennial from the mid 90s and when I was 14 all my peers would do back in middle school when they were not at school was smoke weed, take designer drugs and have sex left and right, or all at the same time. Nowadays I see teenagers twerk and dryhump at the public transportation when the tram car is empty enough. It only seems like they're having less sex because there's an underclass that isn't having any while others live the Brazzers life.
not for long you retarded shill
Hey Amerimutt you do realise that Mixed Race is also the fastest growing demographic in America since Spics are mixed
Look you're right in terms of right wing being kiked but here is the thing
Marxist Socialism does not work for one simple reason, it pushes everyone to the lowest common denominator
If you were skilled in your craft you were rarely rewarded, and that said skilled are worth as much to the small ruling elite All Marxist socialism operate with a small elite, even if it's a LARPy AI situation, you can't avoid it even in Anarachism as some downie who can't work which is also the case in Capitalism where its about consuming for the sake of it so some kike who never worked a day in his life can fuck the working class
National Socialism worked because people were worth equivalent to what their skills were, no one was in a place they shouldn't of been
Apart from the marx shit you have described National Socialist economics fairly well, as far as you have gone, bugman. Your marxist dislike of money even when earned is incorrect but apart from that i give you 6/10.
Have some Nazi Sozi Goebbels you enthusiastic gobbler of circumcised dicks.
Goebbels was as far left as you'd find any Hitlerite. Strasserism >>>>> Hitlerism.
Key difference: White genetics went INTO them. Not the other way around.
The same can't be said for you.
I would exchange kikes and their central bank for Natsoc.
Only a kike would object.
>>>> Hitlerism.
Fuck off, kike.