Imkampfy was not ousted from 8/pol/ moderation
Codemonkey pulled the wool over your eyes
This board is fully funded by Trump aligned SuperPACs
The mods are BOUGHT & PAID for with Kushnerbux
Imkampfy was not ousted from 8/pol/ moderation
Codemonkey pulled the wool over your eyes
This board is fully funded by Trump aligned SuperPACs
The mods are BOUGHT & PAID for with Kushnerbux
Kampfy was temporarily removed, but given the board back 2 - 3 months ago. He's been the one behind the rampant weekend shitposting.
What a shocker. Considering how shilled this place is it makes sense.
90% of the anti Trump threads get deleted outright. These are just the ones they couldn't delete fast enough and got too much exposure so they just anchored/locked them.
I've yet to see an actual anti-trump thread that isn't a 4cuck shitpost. Tons of the same warped face thumbnails. Low quality bait OPs. One sentence. Etc.
Which anti-trump threads are being deleted that you consider valuable?
So, do the moderation team just have no backbone, or was the game rigged from the start?
Turks are Untermenschen.
trump says he could be the pm of france and germany, he brags about literally everything. not even mentioning the 'source' there is propagandistic islamic tabloid-tier 'news'.
oh, and for the last one, that is patently false and had every right to be shitted on. the money he wants to use is basically an emergency fund that the army itself can't use unless actively ordered to. it's not criticism that got you banned, it's the blatant lying. i hope they ban you for ban evading.
This isn’t the site’s actual censorship pattern. It’s truth-hostile, often without regard as to whether the truth helps or hurts Trump, and all evidence that fascism is weak or rare in reality (it’s both) gets censored too.
Either crash the site with no survivors, or shut the fuck up and take the roachdick.
Imkikey took over as board owner right before Trump began his election run. Just a few months prior. I think you know what I'm implying.
So whites are supposed to be upset a nigger got banned for spamming the board with anti-trump threads?
Stay in you containment area, faggot. Here, have some poverty food.
I actually have a lot of fun “threadsniping”.
There’s three kinds of threadsniping:
1) Organic snipe: make a post that ends all activity on a thread so it goes abruptly from active to falling off the board. Weak, because it relies on audience unwillingness rather than intervention, but it’s real. I don’t track these. Like anchoring the threas from the userbase.
2) Anchor snipe: Make a post that causes a moderator to anchor a thread. Mid-rank, because thread anchoring is an ambiguous event, but still fun.
3) Disintegration sniping: Make a post that causes a thread to cease existing right after or even right before you post your content. This is the best threadsnipe - put down content so forbidden an attempt is made to keep it out of the archive.
Good snipes tend to be inconvenient truths (ie, not bigotry) presented calmly (ie, not written the way people write when they expect their work to be attributed to their hated enemies).
Mods are always faggots. But if it were the turkroach, you would know, because half of the shit you post would be worldfiltered.
being worked on
Trump is a Zionist puppet and he has no place on this board. Neither do you.
reported for meta
local rule #2 - this thread isn't about politics or even board culture
please stop shitting up the board with your endless Trump threads, this isn't 4chang
Nobody gives a fuck. Blow your kike owned brains out, maganigger.
Nah he’s right.
Btw that is the crassest possibke way to be pro-Trump, and it doesn’t really work. Pacifism is entry stakes for civilization. One of the big instability factors with nations is the way non-pacifistic scum tends to accumulate at both tips of society despite the bulk of peaceful people throughout the middle. As above, so below, but there are more than two real points.
I'm getting real sick of seeing trump and anti-trump threads being spammed in the catalogue.
Feel free to fuck off.
just report them
Nah schlomo. Not going to leave because you're shitting up the board.
Isn't going to happen.
I'm not superman.
Are you the mod/board owner? If you want help, I would be willing to volunteer. I've got the time.
nope, I own /genesis/ though
Also, if it was Imfaggy at the helm, I also would have been banned for this post. Adnt the reality is I see trump get critisized here far more often than praised these days. If your threads keep getting deleted, maybe it's because their amateurish style and newfag formatting is offensive to our shitposting sensibilities?
Mods are still fags though
I took over /eye/, I don't promote it. I just use it to dump archives.
I remember Genesis and Phil Collins, it was big when I was growing up.
luckily since trump fucked us so hard, every thread about him becomes an anti-trump thread regardless
Worry about your own board. Fuck off back to the_donald.
Step 1: Spam Zig Forums with drumpfposts
Step 2: Get banned for being a spamnigger
Step 3: Screenshot ban
Step 4: Use screenshot of ban as proof that that ZOMG TRUMP RUNZ DIS BOARDS MUH FELLOW HUWITEZ!!!!1!
Get comfortable, because this nigger-tier faggotry is here until 2020
The only anons still supporting the orange jewish stooge are boomers that stuck around from the qlarp. Everyone else has moved past Trump and recognizes he was a pressure release valve and objectively bad for whites.
You mean like this idiot?
Remember, Zig Forums is not your personal assassin squad.
At least try to hide your Shariablue status, goon.
They are not "anons". Q-Boomers don't post here. These are shills, just listen to them.
I think that mods keep themselves back until the next elections
But posters get banned for "politically correct" opinions. Mods direct all Yang related information to another "Yang is a shill thread"
No Jews Died in the camps, No Germans died in combat, No Ukrainians died in the Holodomor. I read Mein Kampf. I now want to kill all the Jews, but the Actual followers on Mein Kampf didn't kill any Jews.
Didn't that thread have over 700 replies too?
No, 117 replies, which is quite a lot.
Oh than it was the thread about Trump hemorrhaging supporters I was thinking about that they outright deleted because word came down from Kushner to shut it down.
What a faggot mod
Nice try kike
Murder your Jewish children
You will not win this meme war
Trump's 2016 supporters will now actively work against him thanks to you and his Jewish behavior
Trump may not be officially a jew, but he ensured that his descendants have jewish blood mixed within them and once he did this he proceeded to work towards kike goals both within america and outside of it.
He is the very definition of golem, not even a shabbos goy would be such a willing tool.
This board actually went downhill fast since imkampfy was delet. Him banning every other thread at least stopped this place from being 4chan tier orange man vs anti-orange man 24/7.
I figured this would happen. They were probably hoping everyone was going to get back on the Trump train organically but after SOTU and CPAC speeches they knew that was never going to happen and they would need to go into full crackdown mode
That being said, it is clear that recently shilling campaigns coming from both sides are plaguing the site. i guess in a way this is bound to happen within any modern politics discussion space.
Sage all Cointelpro threads.
Filter the tor ID in every thread
Which five eyes are you working for?
yeah no shit
Kampfy is shit, but let's pretend most of the shitposting isn't the result of massive jewish activity directed at this board. Stop deflecting from the real issues.
> polvol2 was the first to go, not because he was openly banning all criticism of (((christianity))), and not because he was gloating he made CM a fool over a proposed religious rule (favoring christianity), but because he got caught spamming and unbanning his IP
> CM makes all of the logs hide moderator names, defeating the purpose of the logs
CM thinks all of us are idiots. He obviously brought back whatever mods he liked and polvol2 taught us he uses them like useful idiots even if they don't respect them. Think about it.
He was alerted to every activity that polvol2 made but weeks past and it was only after he was caught unbanning himself that he was removed. Removing the names means that Zig Forums can't moderate the mods. CM wants this place to be friendly to every shill group with rules that permit jewish influence such as forbidding mods from banning jews that promote jewry. A post promoting jews, and any form of jewry, is as allowed as naming them.
This board is a slow boil. Without rules and mods that protect what's Zig Forums at its core, Zig Forums will continue to stagnate because it has to constantly deal with what should be easily preventable.
NPC spotted.
Getting close to 2020 season. Gotta start shilling for ZionDon again.
fuck off
You don't even know what that means.