Many people on Zig Forums are aware of the Jewish involvement in communism. However, when the topic of Freemasonry comes up, there is very little evidence dropped against them. There are a couple of reasons why this might be. The first is simply that people simply haven't studied them as much, and do not know anything substantially incriminating. Or, perhaps, they are against the Freemasons for religious regions. Another is that anti-masonry is taken as a given. If Hitler and so many other influential people on the Far-Right and Third-Position were anti-mason then we should just take their word on it. There also seems to be a consensus on Zig Forums that they might as well be banned. Whatever the case, I would like to provide you some evidence of the Freemasons's involvement in communism. I will use quotes from Marx, Engels, and Trotsky - the most authoritative figures in communism. I will also provide supplemental information from Wikipedia. Not because Wikipedia is trustworthy, but because it is untrustworthy and heavily censored. If something politically incorrect survives on Wikipedia then it must have undeniable historical validity.
Freemasonry and Communism
Other urls found in this thread:
The first quote I'd like to give is from Engels in his text called "On The History of the Communist League". In this text he explictly mentions the role of secret societies in the French Revolution
This "League of the Just" was founded in the image of the Carbonari, which we shall get into soon.
From Wikipedia
Leon Trotsky has some things to say about the Carbonari too
Our next quote comes from a collaborative work by Marx and Engels.
This Cercle Social was Masonic
Here's some bonus facts. Did you know that the Masonic Jacobins who led the French Revolution also tries doing the same thing here in America?
One last thing. Did you know that the United States was once so opposed to Freemasons that we had an entire political party, with considerable influence, devoted to it.
Excellent thread OP, exposing the right hand of the international Jewry is always good. Notice how they don't even react to any attacks against them anymore, but once their golden goose is mentioned, the defenders of Zion jump from the shadows.
Bumping high quality content
odd I happened across this post. I had just watched part 2 of "The Edge of Wonder" youtube channel where they went way in depth on how Communism was started and how it spread. Extremely well researched and enlightening. Highly recommend you check them out!!
Freemasonry and Judaism by Vicomte Leon de Poncins (1930)
Thanks for the bump. I posted it on 4/pol/ too, and got two shitpost replies before the thread archived.
Isn't Leon de Poncins the guy who worked with Evola to write a book against Freemasonry? I think I have that in my book folder.
Reap what you sow.
eh-em, Fidel Castro
eh-em, José Martí
Check out the youtube channel "Edge of Wonder" They have some recent and older videos on these topics.
looks like freemasons are some kind of recruitment camp for highprofile people..
Just a cohencidence, goy. Move away.
dude you are such a miserable looser, go to complain about the Jews to your mama, and stop putting yourself ashamed in public
Sure thing, Srul'.
Is Freemasonry a homosexual cult?
Letters on the Masonic Institution, by John Quincy Adams
My stance on this grave issue is that there was this jewish pact called The Mysterious Force. ←- JEWgle that :)
It was created by Herod Agrippa and 8 other jews to obliterate a nascent religious movement, then called Christianity.
This group featured a secret lodge, boaz and joachim, degrees, hand signs and anything that still exsists in (((Masonry))).
That links to Giuseppe Mazzini and Giuseppe Garibaldi, the mind and the arm. Mazzini was into The Palladian Rite or Palladism ←- JEWgle taht :)
Pike and Mazzini created this superlodge to control worldwide masonry (the links with B'nai B'rith aren't clear). While Garibaldi - the hero fo the two worlds - is well known in Italy and South America, the role of Mazzini is hidden behind some mysterious curtain. Mazzini was totally Anti-Catholic and his idea of an unified Italy had the only mean of subjugating the Vatican State.
Hope it helps.
Images related are good.
Hmmm interesting…
In what way? Dudes with a big coat doesn't mean much, and everyone knows Kalergi was a kike.