Theresa May’s Brexit deal suffers second crushing defeat in UK Parliament
Theresa May’s Brexit deal suffers second crushing defeat in UK Parliament
So where do we stand? What possible (((loopholes))) could May and/or the EU still use try to weasel their way out of a proper formal Brexit?
inb4 May loses bill protecting niggers like they're an endangered species.
There's another vote coming up.
Today's vote was for the Method of Brexit, a book by Theresa May.
The next vote will be to ask if there even will be a method to Brexit or if they are just going to cut slingload and say fuck it we're out.
They are doing this shit backwards - kind of like faggots.
Basically, if they vote "no" next time, that's it. They're done with the EU.
Here's to hoping things go well for the Britfags.
Also, good to see sanity continue going viral despite whatever the hell Mueller found on Trump.
The only thing that has me confused is that so many MPs have voted against May over and over again. I find it near impossible to believe that they are all secretly on our side and want a 'no deal' aka hard brexit, but that is clearly what the result is going to be.
All I can think is that they are really deluded enough to believe that they can have another referendum to stay in the EU, but they must realise that there is no way that can happen. Things are either going to peacefully go the best way for Britain with a no deal, or else they're going to force civil unrest by attempting to block democracy. I was certain that upon realising there were no other options that they would all side with what-ever treacherous deal May could come up with, but they have voted down every single one and this thing today was supposed to be the very last offer to be presented.
I cannot understand the angle that these MPs are trying to play, but from Zig Forums's perspective things really could not go any better than they are right now. Rule Britannia!
A hard Brexit is the best option, this is good.
Could someone post a glossary for an ignorant Amerilard?
What exactly is a "Deal Brexit"? Is it a trade deal, or some kind of quasi-euro membership with oversight from Brussels?
What are the penalties and deadlines?
It's possible that they are serving their own interests to remain as MPs. Any MP that votes against a hard brexit risks being outed at the next election. It's truly bizarre to see nobs like Boris Johnson and Jacob Rees Mogg getting cheered on by working class whites
A Brexit 'deal' means that we would be partially staying in the EU or at least keeping some of their laws. It is generally accepted that if we have a deal we also have to pay them an extra £40billion (as if we haven't paid enough…) and this would be for a free trade deal.
A free trade deal with the EU historically meant that each European nation is not allowed to produce certain items, or at the least would have a cap limiting how much they are allowed to produce; essentially forcing each nation to trade with the others, whilst simultaneously hurting any who were in the non-'chosen' industry for their nation. This is basically a terrible deal for any individual nation as it limits what your own people are allowed to do and stops them from becoming as prosperous as they need to be; whilst also forcing them to be dependent on others which could be perceived as a security risk.
Anyway, a lot of people want a 'free trade deal' because 'free trade' sounds better than 'you must pay taxes'; but in reality being forced to pay taxes and not having laws that limit our own ability to manufacture would mean that we could have an industrial boom as people start producing all those limited and forbidden items here once more. Tariffs would raise prices of foreign goods which would encourage people to buy local, further enriching our own nation.
It's only seen as a bad thing because some cunts don't want to pay an extra 20 pence for their strawberries in Winter.
The most common complaint from young people is >muh travel. The difference between entering a country as an EU citizen and as an American citizen is that the American needs to wait an extra 4 seconds to have their visa stamped (and I can confirm this as I traveled all around Europe as a British national with an American girlfriend, the only difference was that they didn't stamp my passport but did stamp hers, making it a maximum of a few seconds more than it is for us now). All the supposed 'pros' of a deal are bullshit and exist solely because of the ignorance of the masses.
Uhh, I meant to say 'tariffs' not taxes. Its 4am please forgive my typos.
How many votes do you britards need to tell the EU to fuck off?
I have been hearing about this shit for what feels like a hundred god damn years, are you fuckers finally leaving, for real this time?
The deadline is the end of March. Supposedly this was the last possible deal that was voted down today. Tomorrow they are voting on whether or not to accept a 'no deal'. Presumably if they vote that down it means they are denying the people democracy and stopping Brexit, or else we will actually be leaving after that.
Either way things should get more exciting very soon. It's either the beginning of the end for the EU, or the start of a civil war in the UK.
Calm down. The EU rules over a continent of gelded faggots who won't revolt while the barbarians are eating their children alive. The UK is especially bad for this, as the grooming gangs have shown. There's a teeming current of revolt under the surface, which is why Her Majesty's Security Services keep sending Tommy Robinson to the Ministry of Love. If Britain was going to shed blood, however, I have to believe it would have been after news broke about the 1,400 girls of Rotherham.
I think it is as simple as the overwhelming majority of MPs REALLY not wanting to leave. Leaving the franchise model and going sovereign will genuinely make their jobs significantly harder; for a political class born and bred into a system on practical autopilot it is clearly a terrifying prospect. So they have gone catatonic.
It isn’t an optimal strategy. I think it’s possible that it isn’t a strategy at all. Like a rabbit in the headlights they may get lucky and the car will stop in time with a second “referendum” or they might get hit with a no deal and for the first time in their lives have to engage in meaningful work.
Just so you are aware, there are retaliatory attacks all across Europe all the time. We have a media black out on pretty much everything that shows Nationalists doing anything in real life. I could cite you a lot of different things, but one of the most undeniable was the 'Football Lad's Alliance' march through London where over 70,000 people brought the traffic to a standstill. There was no mention of it in any news paper or any news network. The same is true of countless other events, and has been true for decades. It's why we can be near enough certain that characters like Farage are on 'their' side.
I think I agree with you, but they could essentially have kept everything they want with some of May's deals already, which they voted down. On the one hand I think they must simply be pushing for a 'full remain', but that is so much riskier than one of the many 'soft brexits' that May has offered up already. They are taking a huge and unnecessary risk by doing this; but whatever, 'never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake' and all that, and its too late for them to stop anyway.
Good to hear it. But then I looked up the FLA:
Glad they're anti-extremist. I was worried for a moment they were going to name the City of London Jews who got England into this mess, or even overthrow the monarchy for claiming descent from Mohammed.
Push relentlessly for abandoning EU completely. Prepare a Yellow Vest-like move if you don't achieve it.
i think it's seen as bad because the internationalists don't like nationalism and they want the entire world to be one shopping mall
nature can go fuck itself
Yeah I'm not advertising them as a nationalist beacon of hope, but that march through London was a huge event captured on camera by thousands of people, both those attending and people in their cars/offices. The fact that there was no mention of it in any newspaper or site just shows how anything even vaguely 'nationalist' is entirely hidden from us.
If something as relatively tame and as large as that march can be ignored by the media, then you can be assured that anything more significant or on a smaller scale will be hidden too. There have been all sorts of other events all over Europe from the burning down of refugee housing to people throwing grenades through kebab-shop windows. You aren't going to hear about it unless someone who was actually there decides to come on a site like this to tell you it happened though.
The fact that these people can't just fucking eat what fruit is in season, and not need to import cherries from Spain or Chile or whatever is saddening. Honestly, it's kind of fun to eat what's in season, since you're always eating something different… instead of relying on your "favorite fruit".
Also Americans, why aren't you eating pawpaw, it's indigenous to the US, cheap to grow and harvest and the fruit is delicious… tastes like a banana/pineapple with custard.
All of them want to remain, but half of them want to say "we're leaving the EU (but we'll still give them money and follow all their rules)" and the other half want to say "fuck you we're staying".
under rated brit post.
Should't "fuck it we're out" have been done 2 years ago? They could have given students and workers a grace period to finish their terms. For manufacturing regulations, you declare you'll mirror EU ones for say 10 years. You deport all the refugees and tell any complainers to go fuck themselves.
There, I solved your Brexit problem.
Our Brexit problem is that the majority of the population supports your idea and our politicians are working as hard as they can to stop it happening and make it seem like it's impossible.
>So where do we stand? What possible (((loopholes))) could May and/or the EU still use try to weasel their way out of a proper formal Brexit?
There will be a 2nd referendum with the options "Remain in the EU" or "Sign the Withdrawal Agreement" presented after a short Article 50 extension in a few weeks.
They will not allow a no-deal brexit. Mps will vote on this today. If its rejected you can expect the above to happen.
Wrong pic ffs
March comes before May.
So bongs are fucked and cucked as usual?
No deal is probably better than anything these slimy kikes could ever negotiate. And how could they negotiate? They're supposed to represent the British people - they're most hated enemies in the world as MP's. Anyone who supported Brexit knows that the UK is going to go through an economic hardship (and it's seeming very likely that that's already happening and that it was already inevitable Brexit or no Brexit) - I say go no deal, go through the hardest period of their history since the end of WW2 and either the UK will collapse under it's own Niggardry and never rise a more - or the strong will rise from the turmoil. There is no other future for the UK either way - it's either become a Polish labour camp full of Paki niggers - or have to go through 15 years of hardship but come out with a Nation at the end of it. To all of my Bongistanis - god bless and good luck from across the pond!
kind of like building a border wall, eh? Amazing how hard simple things can be.
At least for now this seems unlikely. The UK is doing better than the rest of Europe, especially the Euro Zone countries. Germany isn't far off recession. It seems strange that this is how it is. It would make more sense if the UK economy crashed as punishment for Brexit, while the economies of the those still in the EU thrived. It would certainly fit their narrative. Perhaps it's because the economy is the only thing keeping this country from descending into civil unrest and it benefits them more to keep the population fed and in work.
You really think ZOG would allow this?
They'd sooner declare martial law and start mass arresting anti-EU, anti-immigration dissenters.
Britain is already a hellhole, why not go full Soviet Socialist Republic?
This one, it just happened.
I hope the cunt will understand now
Should be that way. I think (hope) that most business already have their backup plans made already.
Why the fuck is this May cunt still in power?
I've not really been paying attention since the brexit vote, could some user tell me what is about to happen?
These fucking (((creatures))) have to be stopped.
You present a fair assessment of the situation although I think that the potential mid term economic ramifications could be a benefit rather than a hindrance to the majority of the nation. GDP is a disingenuous way to measure quality of life, Britain enjoys high GDP but the quality of life for the average Brit is lower than in a lot of “developing” nations.
For my generation Britain is like being stuck in the lobby of an expensive hotel. Hotel management tells us how lucky we are to be in this hotel instead of one the cheaper ones down the street. It’s true there are better services at this hotel but they are only available to guests and we can’t afford a room. If the economy crashes the hotel might have to drop a few services, the pool will be closed and the restaurants menu will won’t be as fancy but the cost of a room might finally drop low enough for us to become actual residents.
Rolling for divine punishment on the (((anglos))).
Pay for 1945, scum.
>Okay, I guess (((we'll))) let you do that
>Just as soon as (((we))) all agree on how you're still in the EU
I am interested in how the Brexit affects the global banking system. I don't know how it will affect it, but I'm sure it will be detrimental to the global banking system.
Brexit won't happen now unless the politicians swing
and they might
Hope you're include all of western Europe and America in that punishment. Remember without you yanks we'd be speaking German right now you faggot fucking burger eating kikes.
If they never reach a deal then they never leave the EU.
The vote turned DOWN the (((Brexit + deal))).
Forever until it goes in favor of staying.
Also someone needs to post the page with all the EU election results that were just either flat out ignored or forced to revote until it was in favor of the EU.
I don't see how the UK won't be better off with a hard brexit
it's the European Union that needs to either figure out a less tyrannical and weird system, and pay to fix it or disband. It is what it is.
I wouldn't be too worried about the financial insitutions leaving either because it's not like you can't just keep all the rules that made it attractive to be there previously anyway, and then of course, people are going to want to bank or invest with you. This whole thing seems like such a beat up, the EU is the one that should be worrying, not the UK.
We're willing to work forever for you goy, are you daring to question our work ethic or something ya schmuck?
They voted YES to rule out leaving without a deal.
>There could be a short extension - (((or a much longer one))) - depending on whether MPs backed her withdrawal deal "in the coming days", said the prime minister.
At the very least this whole thing is ammunition against Democracy for when arguing with Normans. It's proof that our votes aren't counted - just the oligarchies. It's not a "Democratic" system if the State just gets to keep re-voting until they get their intended results and this is the exact kind of shit the EU is falling apart over.
Dear UK,
Please leave the (((European Union))) without any deal and serve as a fine example to us all.
Sincerely, France.
it's possible these policiticans are simply going to respect the vote of the people in the end
they may have voted 'no' to a hard brexit, but ideologically it can still be sound because the people already voted and it's not their place to influence any deal on the spirit of that vote
Obviously the real test is whether they just keep voting against doing anything except leaving properly
Of course as well while you have all this going on there's the rest of Europe and Europeans with their own views about the European Union
The same thing happened to Ireland, and they just kept rescheduling more votes until they (((chose))) to remain.
user please don't make me laugh, I almost spat out my tea.
I agree given the choice the commons would opt to remain in limbo indefinitely but it isn’t in their power to do so. The EU must agree to terms of an extension and the EU appears to want the matter settled, preferably in a manner that doesn’t weaken it’s image but settled all the same.
MPs have one more chance to engage in hung denial via a short extension but they will have to make a move after this. Could be a second “referendum” or could be a “deal”.
The fact the vote was even put forward in the first place is an indication that something is going on in the UK.
Maybe someone higher up has been bothered by the smoke and rather put out the fire instead of letting it grow until it burns his ass
Why are women so fucking stupid? Like holy goddamn.
Probably just an embarrassing miscalculation. They were really confident that they'd wilfully vote for their chains.
It was an over confident miscalculation, this whole affair is the byproduct of a move to settle a domestic political matter (namely UKIP eating into Conservatives vote share). It backfired spectacularly.
Dave gave us the vote to score points with the members of their base who were rapidly turning toward UKIP. No one considered that Leave might actually win it.
They are "smart" when kept pregnant and in the kitchen. That's their domain.
God damn I love these. Savage, but true.
I may be naive on this but I honestly think it was a massive miscalculation but also referencing myself , maybe they wanted either Brexit to happen or this whole fiasco? Because if they control the votes.. Could they have controlled this? Paranoia is one hell of a drug guys but fuck.
These turn of events are not at all surprising. They were always going to fuck with us. May "negotiated" a bad deal, people were unhappy and would rather have no deal. MPs voted down no deal so we must get a deal, so she has to renegotiate to get a new deal that will also be poor. Repeat negotiations for years so the demographics still flip to brown, so the fatigue sets in and then they will call it a day and we stay.
It gets you. Brexit may have been a pressure valve, like Trump. While a great first step, Brexit would have seen us fucked with immigration. Instead of a lot of Europeans and non-whites coming in, it would be almost all non-white immigration.
Pretty sure thats not how it works.
There was no good move. It's much easier to pave the way for Nationalism in the UK by leaving, so that is just slightly better. No British political party is any good though, not even one. Even under the conservatives, the country is being niggered while LGBTQ nonsense is peddled to 5 year olds and deeply ingrained in school curriculums.
what year was that supposed to be? I have seen other estimates that had Estado Novo era portugal set to deliver 200,000 reservists.
Based cauliflower
Is this whole Brexit Bullshit going to be the same as Trump building a Wall?
Because if it is, We aren't getting a Wall and the UK is not getting a Brexit.
It's all a tease to keep the "conservatives" in line and eagerly awaiting - - nothing
Of course Trump will sweep in and cut a massive trade deal with the UK after Hard Brexit. Giving the finger to the EU is something he really likes to do.
Oh, no. The right pic. The right one more than you know.
Because she makes the best faces.
This image was made by a Jew from Boston. No fucking way can you imagine the population of Phoenix migrating anywhere because it hasn't rained in a decade and the cactus is on fire. Those beef jerky niggers would camp on Venus if it had salsa.
Also of note: The changes in Africa are positive (yay solar power!) while all the white countries are reduced to goat farming like the Arabs or some shit.
Based Siberia though. Might actually win a game of Risk for once.
Because its all show anyway and shes doing what they all planned anyway.
Anyone in on this? A news site in my country reported that a no deal brexit has been voted down, with 312 votes against it, and 308 votes for it.
The non-whites will come in a non-brexited UK anyway because the EU has stated explicitly it wants to import Africa. Once inside, there's little stopping them migrating because of (((muh free movement))).
I really don't like the EU but watching this shit country getting fucking is great. Britain deserves it. They now reap what they sowed.
getting fucked*
Any European whose ancestors stood with Axis and does not feel ashamed will live forever more. Amerimutts included. Too bad most of them would rather drill nazi this nazi that to ignore the current problems.
A little bit. Remember that kikes don't do wealth "hoarding" anymore. They PRINT money now. The real wealth for them are the billions of subhumans who believe in a system running on infinite fiat debt born out of speculation.
This makes no sense. There should have been a second referendum last year. Bums in Turkey should be invading now. WTF.
There's an argument to be made for that being the best case scenario. When it becomes apparent that the 'system' is never going to give us what we want, it forces us to take a different course of action. The masses have been placated by thinking that they were in charge, that it was the democratic will of their fellows that their nations should end up the way they are today; we of course know all about the jews and traitors and bankers working together, but the common man is or at least was still deluded enough to believe in democracy.
Them proving beyond a doubt that we do not have democracy might be the best possible thing for a nationalist reconquista.
Whites behind the POC shitskins… unbelievable.
Don't worry I doubt they'll start mass arresting anyone soon, the far easier means of control is to just print more NEET bucks so Tommy can buy more Warhammer gear.
democracy was a mistake
Now would be the time to hit the streets and put the pressure on. Starting it after the fact seems counterproductive.
May pledged to honor their decision, but I'm of the understanding that it's not binding and she could proceed without a "deal" if she wanted to.
But muh Prince and his divorcee bi-racial Princess will raise future royal spawn gender-neutral…
Wedding cost a staggering £32million
Taxpayers footed the bill for £30million on security measures.
"Expected to provide a £500m boost to Britain’s economy, thanks to tourism and merchandise."
Bread and Circuses. UK just like France.
Meanwhile; one pic related