Obama DOJ Ordered FBI Not to Prosecute Hillary Clinton
>— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) March 13, 2019
The last part "could not sustain a charge" gets me. Does that mean they don't have enough evidence or did they mean too much pressure?
Obama DOJ Ordered FBI Not to Prosecute Hillary Clinton
>— John Ratcliffe (@RepRatcliffe) March 13, 2019
The last part "could not sustain a charge" gets me. Does that mean they don't have enough evidence or did they mean too much pressure?
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yawwnn who cares…
killary is old news, meanwhile trump revealed himself to be the biggest kosher bitch of the jews to ever exist
No one cares, trump never locked her up. They are all part of this scam.
Well, your posting here does care.
Nigger, this is about Hillary not your another "drumpf" obsession which you larp everywhere around like some autistic faggot.
stay mad 4d chesscuck
Holy shit, that's just sad.
1f6cc2 needs to have his boss beat some competence into his dumb mongrel ass or stop paying him, possibly both. It's sad that ZOG has to sink to this.
Reminder these two id's 1f6cc2 and f17977 is same person with two browsers. I will not be surprised if it is a mod
wew, you truly are that lonely, aren't you.
Shariablue at its worst.
This user is paid to post here and allowed to continue posting.
Hey, that's a new one.
Your crude MS paint drawings say more than facts and logic ever could.
Now that we know that Obama ordered the FBI not to investigate or do anything to harm hillary, does this mean trump can lock her up now?
Pretty much. Apparently some still do it for free.
This is a genuinely new tactic.
It all ends of what the person wants to talk and what he wants to avoid in specific threads.
Commencing leftygoon triggering.
Who edited these? what the fuck?
Also can we lock her up now?
The American public are a bunch of dipshits who don't give a fuck. We have been a tyrannical banana republic for years. This was common sense, along with King niggers spying on Trump. No one cares. Jew media will do there thing, and Americans will go on being debt serfs just trying to get laid off tinder.
Or maybe… just maybe theres more than one person who thinks you are a moron.
The most hilarious part is the fact that you continue thinking that this is a good idea.
blah blah blah
I think he's probably a genuine kike to be this low-functioning. Probably shouldn't have been the product of a thousand years of inbreeding, but hey.
Considering who is currently staffing the FBI and DoJ? Never ever.
So what's stopping it now?
Most of the DoJ is still loyal to Obama.
When Obama took over from Bush, most of the Bush era staff resigned. Because they didnt want to cause a conflict of opinions between left and right wing that might hurt the country.
When Trump took over from Obama, most of the Obama staff clung on for dear life. Because they wanted to cause a conflict of opinions that would hurt the country.
Agreed. This level of cognitive dissonance is past the average liberal's run off the mill amygdala damage and well into neuropathology.
Trump is owned by jews and has no intention of doing anything he campaigned to do. You fucking dumbass.
No, they're all loyal to jews. The president has no power.
So why haven't they been fired?
Who's going to do the firing?
You have to prove wrongdoing beyond doubt to fire someone.
Two FBI agents who were at the center of the leaks about the fake pee dossier scandal were fired. But when they wanted to look at the text messages that the FBI angents sent toi other agents, the FBI accidentally deleted them all.
Okay. Then why don't they just kill them? Don't seem to have much problem killing Palestinian protestors or little kids in Yemen.
Because of your reductive topic dilution, thats why.
Theres a huge difference between killing a public servant with close ties to previous presidents, and some braindead palestinian kid whose parents care so little about their wellbeing they send them to protest on a military defended border.
I'm just saying it looks really strange. They have zero problem killing all of these other people to get their way.
Jew confirmed.
Conflating Obama's administration killing kids in Yeme with Trump's administration is even stranger.
Good ol' ad hominem, bonus points for jargon out of place and without context two shekels have been deposited to your account
This whole train of logic is weird.
It reminds me of that Kashogi guy.
We were all supposed to spend hours hysterically weeping about the tragic loss of some dude we have never heard of. Even though sand niggers die every day in the mudslime world. Life is cheap over there.
It's really not strange. There is this constant drumbeat narrative from trump supporters that the corruption in unbearable, unfathomable, that Obama tried to coup him, that criminal is an arch villain criminal and Obama wouldn't prosecute her. It's made to be end of the republic stuff, really dangerous. Yet nothing gets done apart from dropping more bombs in Syria and more money to israel. And then Hillary's crimes get dragged out in the media when convenient to be used as a prop.
On the one hand you are right that the lack of progress on the wall and the hillary investigation actually helps Trump in future. Because hes one of the few politicians pushing for those things despite most of the population wanting them.
But he did pull all the troops out of Syria after bombing the empty airfield.
Id say that one was a win for common sense.
You kept using 'they' and mentioned killing kids in Yemen. If you can give an example of Trump's administration doing that you can't then one can only deduce you're referring to Obama's administration.
Its okay, just admit you're not from around here. Your 'can't razzle with dazzle so baffle with bullshit' approach isn't that bad, though.
Only half your post is true. What a shame.
This is just blatant shilling at this point.
I think you might have confused me with someone else.
I was agreeing with you that the guys logic was weird.
Im not sure how that counts as shilling.
Its just one of those coutner intuitive things in politics.
Yeah, but is trump going to do anything about it? It's been 2 years and he hasn't done shit
I dont think its technically leddit spacing to put a space between a quote and a reply.
Leddit spacing is where you use spacing between each of your own sentences.
And after double checking IDs I was right. You were criticizing the logic of the guy who was replying to me. I was merely agreeing with you that its bizarre to equate Obama killing kids in Yemen with killing members of the deep state.
It is. Glad you finally got around to checking IDs. Tell your coworkers, it'll help speed up singling your kind out :^)
Do you even have a single fact to back that up?
This is really low-effort faggotry.
I know you're above using Google image, but now you're just mimicking attachments - the next step to mimicking post format and style. I know you just learned IDs because you're not from here but with a bit of luck and patience - you'll see where that's bough up earlier ITT. Bless your heart for trying so hard.
Shall we have a war about who likes Trump the best?
Protip: I always win.
If you don't use that info to incite people to kill the Clintons, it is useless.
Violence is the solution to all problems.
It will be a one sided war if you dont try.
I dont want that.
What was the topic again?
Oh sweetie, your spam and butthurt shows the weakness of your posts.
Probably about as butthurt as you liberals got when Trump:
the list goes on and on
Does this image make you cry?
Piss your pants?
Maybe shit and cum?
oops forgot the image
I bet Manafort wishes his last name was Clinton. It is surprising that all the other underlings, like Stone, Bannon, and even ZOGnald Jr., haven't fucked off to parts unknown; I certainly wouldn't stick around waiting for more Fed/Jew York indictments to become unsealed. As soon as they commissioned Mueller it would've been fucking 'wheels up'.
Shillary moved a lot of her money to Dubai already.They have a sweet 0% tax rate in Dubai
She will be warned ahead of time and escape there if they go after her.
Why would the ZOG arrest the ZOG?
What organic and reasonable posts you've made ITT. Bonus points for spam, not making any sesse, and throwing around jargon devoid of context. the reply to the TORpedo in the hopes of fitting in was a nice touch
I hope your shift manager is taking notes so your coworkers don't make the same mistakes. Don't you shills ever update the playbook?
I forgot my image in my excitement.
I posted it in the following post.
Am I correct in presuming that image makes you very butthurt indeed?
Guaranteed. must be nice
It will be interesting to see what, if anything, Jew York does to the (((Kushners))).
Scroll up shill-kun I posted about this earlier. Do you even read the thread before posting?
The topic is the fact that Hillary is a criminal.
Lol, how embarrasing
Actually it was an image.
Check it out:
Funny how a simple Jpeg can make you incredibly butthurt because It shows how your precious Hillary lost so badly.
What was it CNN told you? 97% chance for Hillary?
Calm down, chaim. You've beeb posting nonsense, spamming, and derailing. Project any harder and you'll call me by your full name.
That's nice. Now tell us something Zig Forums doesn't already know.
You're quite welcome. It was no effort for me to explain that to you and id be happy to do so again next time.
I dont really mind if people think im not from here. Ive never really been one of those people who puts too much emphasis on what strangers on the internet think of me.
The drastic shift in the tone and cadence of your posts seems awfully Ashkenazi. Considering their predisposition to mental illness, it helps explain most if not all of your posts.
None of my posts mentioned 'thank you' lol wow take your meds rabbi. How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
I presumed you were thanking me for identifying the attachment as a jpeg when you mistakenly thought it was a webm.
PS I havent bothered to check IDs so maybe that was someone else.
forgot pic
I could just as easily argue that your endorsement of Hillary undermines all the effort you have put in to trying to fit in.
K-k-k-k-kike breaker!