CIA Niggers Responsible for Attack on North Korea Embassy in Spain

CIA Niggers Responsible for Attack on North Korea Embassy in Spain, Breaking In w/ Masks, Tied-Up and Beat Embassy Workers

At least two of the 10 perpetrators, who broke into the embassy, have been identified and are connected with the Central Intelligence Agency, El Pais reported Wednesday. While the US spies have already denied their involvement, they were quite “unconvincing,” government sources told the newspaper.

The bizarre – and movie-like – incident occurred on February 22, when a group of men attacked the North Korea's mission to Spain, located in Madrid. The attackers restrained and gagged the staff and then rummaged through the embassy for some four hours, stealing computers and other electronic devices.


Terry A. Davis reportedly said from the grave, "Trump won't get rid of the CIA Niggers, you gotta run them over in your car: it's the only way."

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The CIA did nothing wrong. Delete this thread.

You serious believe for real?
Posting license revoked.


It's more believable than not. Total CIA move.


This is exactly what I thought…MOSSAD…not CIA but fuck it they are interchangeable at this point.

Smooth. American ZOG is becoming more and more like their nigger pets.

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(((CIA))) is the general audiences version. Whatever happens on the global stage, you can bet there's an international nose nearby.

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OK just for laughs lets get this straight. CIA/MOSSAD attacks the North Korean embassy on the 22nd of February. And then president Trump goes to meet KJU in Vietnam on the 25th of February. The meeting goes 'poorly' Trump leaves early everyone on the Trump team is humiliated and disappointed and now North Korea making war moves at South Korea…anons, anything else to add?

It certainly seems like a 3rd party that wished to (((disrupt))) the summit talks.

They didn't rape anyone but I doubt they found the collateral that they were looking for either…who the fuck robs a place and spends HOURS looking around it?


Kim wasn't on the ballot.

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CIA always hires local guys, so it mightve been one glowing gook and a hired posse of mobsters for plausible deniability.

That's such a well captioned image.

Kill yourself glownigger piece of shit

(trip checked)
You'd think they'd have just come in as the cleaning staff… these retards cannot into espionage anymore.

There is an article up at Unz Report detailing that the Trump administration was making all kinds of additional demands on the North Koreans without providing anything reciprocal in return.

No counter argument? And you just remove posting privileges? That makes you look really bad. It makes you glow.

I like the fact that the mods are off sniffing bread or whatever…
Huh, which ballot?

Archive link?
His sister was on the ballot, but not Kim. The Party appears unhappy with him. I'm concerned this bitch is one of those kooky cultists.

Holy crap…you mean the insane 'destroy all males bitches'? WHOA I wonder if she is the one who wears the pants in that family and that is why they wanted the biochem. He would have coughed up the nukes NO PROBLEM but everyone knows that biochem is WHERE IT IS AT nowadays. And since she wears the pants it was a total, no go…holy moley…NK must have and arranged the biochem that would destroy all men on Earth.

That is pretty fucked up. LOL…a whole planet of women only (for a little while)

Because they don't really have to. It's the arrogance that comes with (perceived) absolute power.

I bet I could synthesize VVX , just sayin

Hmmm…and then? Not sure that would really help. I am sure that it is not HIV related biochem because there has been too much R&D on that one…Ebola related I could understand but it would have to spread like WILDFIRE and have a long incubation period so that no one would even know they were sick and then blam!!! smackdown in a few hours time…I am thinking about what I would target if I wanted (I don't) a female only world. I was baffled why that guy was so confident in the last meeting…I wonder if it is not JUST males and if it was targeting all Europeans/non-Koreans as well?

You should show the world your titties then fuck off

Is this some kind of double and triple agent shit?
we dont need the cia sabotaging trump, or any eleted official on the process of peace talks or diplomacyto not support him any more, why the fuck would these dumbass cia niggers do this?

So when will they kill the spies? If not, why not?

This. False flag gone wrong stinks of kike hubris

This article is so painfully, obviously stacked up against Trump in irrational ways that I struggle to imagine any path to redemption for the author, (((Mr. Whitney)))[yet another faggot who is part of the revolutionary jew's avant garde]. NK peace negotiation is the one area that Trump has proven to be making progress in. More than anybody else in any other state or time. This faggot (((author))) makes the case that Trump is the bad actor in a sea of well intentioned dictators yet completely ignores the fact that a totalitarian and unstable NK is the most stabilizing scenario for an ascendant China or Russia. Lil Kim can be the eternal fall-guy if we allow it. "Peace" in the region removes one more excuse for the bad behavior of all involved. No more proxy aggression.

This (((faggot))) is writing against the neutralization of a layer of deception for his homeland's enemies. He should literally be taken out back and Ol' Yeller'ed yesterday.

The hubris and lack of connection to the good and the rational is so astounding that it hurts. These "people"… these "people".

The level of over the top, treason level subversion going on in this article is so fucking high here that I suspect that this faggot is compromised beyond the imagination of a normal human being. Vote for an excavation if any possessed of shovels are willing to dig.

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Yeah I got your shovels pal

All of Mike Whitney's articles for Unz are archived on the site, so feel free to sift through them if you want a bigger picture of what he puts out. Also
Don't parrot boilerplate democracy agitprop here. We don't fall for it nor agree with it.

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I despise democracy but respect the rule of (human) law. Monarchy is not totalitarian. A monarch is a sovereign which guides according to reality, not according to his own whim (tyrant &c).

The one point that I wish this board understood (and I may make OP re: this) is that natural law, alone, sucks big league and positive/human/whatever law is critical despite how far it can be (and currently is) abused by morons who feel like they somehow have something to gain by living morally and spiritually bankrupt lives of stealing from and destroying their own extended family.

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North Korea isn't NatSoc


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Oh wow, extraordinary claims with no concrete evidence to back them up. How shocking. Let's see how faggy this OP really is:
Russian State Media, biased as hell
Fox news is owned by News Corp. A majority jew owned corp founded by a christian zionist

Honest spy work, hah!

The thing I liked about Snowden is he was disloyal enough to reveal lawless conduct to tge world. America just isn’t a loyalist nation; good Americans should be solid conduits to the world.

Best Korea an Based Iran are not "ebul dictatorships". That's ZOGbabble.

Disloyalists ruin the shit of organizations that violate the rights of others and operate above the law - but a well-run country does not need organizations above the law.

So if it wasn't the CIA, then who broke into Best Korea's embassy? Elaborate.


Kill yourself. Not wanting ZOG wars doesn't mean sucking off subhumans.

How much does Kim pay you to fellate his shithole, user?

Someone here isnt redpilled.


Mossad is ghey.