More and more I think that even if we win and return to prior white nationalist governments then we'd just be buying time before a future generation gets to prosperous and comfortable and becomes even bigger faggots than today's faggots. Niggers and Jews are just symptoms of our own weakness they only enjoy places of privilege because the white man got way to comfortable and become adverse to struggle. We're completely fucked long term unless we solve this problem. Honestly the only culture that exists today that I think even has a half a chance of breaking the cycle is ours. Our culture promotes argumentativeness and open confrontation instead of social consensus and agreeableness like normalfag culture. Honestly regardless of how comfortable things get I really can't imagine a future were user's don't call each other faggots, tell each other to kill themselves, and post gore.
Through the endless struggle that our hurtbox is eternally engaged in we learned to think for ourselves and collectively as a culture. Unless a future civilization has an element of enteral struggle our people will always become weak and easily subverted. If we're going to create a society that lasts beyond a couple generations we're going to need to make our culture the culture.
I agree. We need to establish an order of anons which rule will rule over the broader society and protects it from Jewish influence. It must be a Fascistic military order which focuses turning normal white men into something close to ubermench. In keeping with our anonymous traditions, all members must wear an expressionless white metal mask for the duration of their service. It would be kind of like the Overseers in Dishonored.
It is the Kikes but they're only winning because we've grown weak and complacent in the comfortable society that we've built.
If you want to change anything first you have to take responsibility for changing things.
Landon Diaz
No we need to make the vast majority popular culture derived from grassroots anonymous discussion. The entirety of society must be immersed and honed by the hurtbox.
Jackson Myers
damn whitoids
Charles Diaz
I understand your populist viewpoint, but it is belief in the wisdom of the common man which brought us Democracy. The Jew slave Winston Churchill was right when he said "the best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter." The masses do not know what is good for them. Why would anyone expect them to? Perhaps the hard times which will follow ZOG society collapse will teach them some truth, but ultimately we need a new nobility, a new SS, a benevolent elite which will not give Jewish subversives the ability to mobilize the masses. That elite might as well be us.
Christopher Phillips
Just accept that blackpillfag was, indeed, right all along.
Alexander Edwards
How would you propose to do that? The only thing I can think of so far is 1- dropping red pills to the masses so that can become woke and break their mental conditioning and shamming degenerates for being weak, 2- anons continue to SIG so they themselves can achieve their own internal struggle so they won't fall back to social consensus, agreeableness, and becoming weak, and 3- raise your own and future generations of white children to not become like the normalfag culture of today by instilling traditional values and not spoiling them with resources they didn't earn themselves.
My view is that the core idea of Democracy the idea that the people control the nation has never been realized because the elite have always controlled the populace via social engineering. Now more than any time in history. The people have never once in history been allowed to freely converse and think together without restriction. The only place where that has ever happened has been on imageboards. And we're the result. The core expression of humanity.
Nathaniel Watson
A future where everyone doesn't call it each faggots sounds fucking bleak.
Also I have no idea what this red user meme is all about other than shitposting on Zig Forums.
Logan Foster
I agree with you. However, I still don't think mass democracy can work, at least for now. Anyone can come to Zig Forums and yet no everyone is a Zig Forumsack, the problem is threefold. They are infected with meme pathogens, bound by social conformity, or their identity prevents them form accepting the truth. Hence, our self-evident truths will never convince some people. That leaves violence and oppression as the only solution to them, doing this needs a cohesive and competent elite. Many of the genocidal posters here would like to believe that we can just kill all the non-Aryans and survive on our own. This is short-sighted, why? The coming diversity wars will likely kill a similar proportion of the population as the black death. Meaning that; in spite of automation and robotization this new nobility may have to rule over masses of sub-humans like our ancestors did in India. I think these mass sub-human work forces will be necessary to support a war economy. Perhaps we can have democracy among the nobility, but if I am right and we have to rule over sub-humans, mass democracy is out of the question.
Isaiah Cooper
No Democracy but if you control the culture you ultimately control policy regardless of the Government for the most part.
Isaac Anderson
Well, why don't we compromise and say we need an elite that can control the culture. Like what Kikes do to us presently.
Juan Martinez
Unsustainable, we need our culture to be inherently anti-fragile so that regardless of who Jews who for power society can't be subverted.
I prefer an independent state for anons so we never have to deal with normalfags for the rest our lives.
Luke Stewart
user, do you know why there are no niggers in The Jetsons? Because it's the future. There is no future in ruling over masses of ignorant people. If a people can't govern themselves and live prosperously they have no reason for existing.
Also the historical narrative of the Indo-Aryan conquest may not valid being as there were not enough Aryans conquer India. Instead I suggest that the Vedic Aryan culture was the indigenous culture to North India, then other people moved in. The Aryans were respected for their culture and the new comers may have actually just decided to assimilate the existing Aryan culture. Just something to think about.
Can you expound upon this idea of anti-fragile culture? It sounds great, but I am not sure how it would work in practice.
Again, I agree and disagree with you. I may hate normal fags, but there are not enough of us to establish a geo-politically viable state. That is why must we must learn to rule over normal fags, and maybe even sub-humans, like the kikes do.
Adam Parker
Unless you are purposing we have some secret society of a state.
Jace King
Well done on discovering what Christians already knew.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
How do you purpose we get to this niggless future? This future without ignorant masses?
Evan Baker
>More and more I think that even if we win and return to prior white nationalist governments then we'd just be buying time before a future generation gets to prosperous and comfortable and becomes even bigger faggots than today's faggots.
There's millions of us and you acquire nuclear weapons you really don't need a large military to secure independence.
Asher Perry
A secret society made up of a group that's brought together by a system that's based on complete freedom of information is contradictory.
Carson Reed
Something that is anti-fragile is something that becomes stronger and more robust the more shit it has to deal with.
John Morgan
Aryan is a slur. Bigotry is dumb. If you want to crawl up the ass of strangers and pretend they’re your puppets, go be a celebrity. There’s no way to puppeteer a pig menthos.
Juan Sanchez
This is moving backwards. Every region that has become monotheistic has also become basically despotic empire. Seems also a lot of revolutions have been inspired by inciting revolution in the prole class. Why not just not have a prole class. I know it sounds kinda fucked up but how about a society with no shitbags.
Best bet. Buy an island. Develop it. Buy another island. Start looking at pooling resources and having an offworld colony. This will be a reality within 100 years if the shitskins and (((communists))) don't take over.
Lincoln Russell
Not in a society which is trying to censor and destroy us it's not.
Give me an example.
Okay, do you want to move to the Northern Western U.S.A and take over nuclear silos when ZOG begins to collapse? Pic related.
Creating a breakaway civilization is not easy and we do not have time to do it. The war is already upon us.
I mean it's impossible for us to form a secret society. We're a fundamentally different culture and people than anything that has ever existed in the history of humanity. We can't win by using their tactics, we have to use tactics that are exclusively ours.
And our biggest strength is that we're impossible to destroy, thus we can act as openly and outrageously as we want without fearing any effective reprisal.
Mason Thomas
So what are you going to do if ZOG shuts down Imageboards and decides were enough of threat to warrant killing us?
Brandon Hernandez
Jews are constantly the only element that has demonstrated they will do what they can to form corruption in a white nation. After eliminating the jews, whites will enter a new age of enlightenment. Whites will possess thousands of years of prior history to point to and to review the lesson taught by having to deal with jews - with corruption.
In other words, future generations will constantly be wary to the threat of corruption. Whereas before, there was no instance to the point to, because the threat of the jews was not realized. In all irony, eliminating the jews and hanging their memory as a lesson to point back to, will be the greatest symbol for unifying whites and preventing corruption.
Robert Brown
We can just make a distributed imageboard that's impossible to take down, we already have ZeroChan as a prototpye and i'm sure a functional alternative would quickly be created. And for the Government to start killing us they'd have go for all of us at once because unlike every other group to ever exist we have no leaders and completely lack a leadership structure. Thus they can't attack us covertly.
The problem is that there's millions of us and if the Government started killing millions of civilians everybody would know and it would 100% be an instantaneous civil war.
Bentley Perez
Basically I would argue that right this very moment we're more dug in and embedded in society than Jews could ever hope to be.
Dominic Thompson
First of all, I don't think there are millions of us. Even if there are millions of us, there are millions more people who support (((them))).
I don't see why this would cause a civil war, ZOG killed countless millions of Germans and most normal fags still think it was justified. So I don't see why killing millions of EBIL INTERNET NAZIS would arose public sympathy.
Nolan Hughes
Check the Zig Forums transparency report there's millions on Zig Forums alone. Not to mention the behemoth that is Halfchan. You're a bit to blackpilled m8. Because there's a huge difference between a military engagement where the only media that exists is Jew owned radio and television and the modern world with the internet.
Not to mention that they'd have to round up a kill a people who are very largely spread out over the entire country. Everyone would notice.
Brody Johnson
-Kill all the enemies. Every single one of them. Every other race genocided. -Make the world literally ours. Only the white race existing. -Never tolerate anyone living too much comfortably. -After that, kill all that spot the slightest signs of laziness, complacency, or any ideas that align with the decadence promoted by jews, marxists, communists, liberals, women, etc. -Enslave or kill the weak. Only the strong must be allowed to live well, or to live at all.
Noah Jackson
If they only killed a few of us at a time, how would we even know?
Kevin Rogers
We wouldn't know but that wouldn't accomplish shit because again there's millions of us.
Brandon Ortiz
I don't think I am blackpilled. I think you are gravely underestimating our enemy and that is big mistake.
i can't find anything that shows that yang wont give money to isreal. so these pictures should show yang with the same jew shit as trump.
Connor Smith
You’re replying to someone stupid enough to equate color with intelligence, but unusually enough they do have a point: I believe there’s someday going to be gene therapies for ignorant mass conditions of every color. Even the empathy deficits that make people violate privacy will someday be curable.
Colton Kelly
Adrian Brooks
Aiden Watson
Adrian Evans
Kill yourself kike. Commonspic tried this shit too.