BETO the house on this faggot

We're reaching levels of faggotry that shouldn't be possible


Some of the lowlights:

>“The government at all levels is overly represented by white men,” he says. “That’s part of the problem, and I’m a white man. So if I were to run, I think it’s just so important that those who would comprise my team looked like this country. If I were to run, if I were to win, that my administration looks like this country. It’s the only way I know to meet that challenge.
(don't read it)

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Other urls found in this thread: Psychedelic Warlord&categories=general&language=en-US

This is how the kikes retain their investment in Trump. Stack the opposition with freaks and retards on the fringe that most people won't vote for. There is even a jew (Starbucks CEO Schultz) running as a leftist independent who'll split the vote even more. Trump doesn't even need to finish the wall to be voted in again.

Trump is a USASOC agent of chaos.

O'Rourke is a deep cover CIA officer.

Hey wow, it's Bobby Kennedy! he's back!

All the aged boomers are having a rectal orgasm over this Kennedy double bringing back their glorious sixties.

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That's exactly what the jew faggot Matt Drudge said, he's quite obsessed with Beto.

He should be. He could be the next president and that would be an unmitigated disaster, pace accelerationist shill faggot assholes.

let the who is more cool race begin…

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oh another druggie hippie loser from the left

Let’s just replace all the white people. Other races won’t give up racial organization, but soon various therapies will make proper colorshifts possible. More perfect infiltration will scrub down the appearances and have an end at last to racial psychosis. The liars who guard sociopaths in exchange for sharing pig menthos with them will at last be healable.

The mutable race will prove superior, you fanatic aryan trash. Your pigments will vanish, and the brightest among you will learn to taste the rainbow.


discord gg

You're probably right. Skateboarding is a solid hueristic for degeneracy. You literally never see any upstanding and normal person who skateboards. The only exception that comes to mind is Rodney Mullen who practically invented modern skateboarding, but he's actually autistic so he can't be classified as normal. He's not a degenerate though.

Don't call him Beto you goddamn retard, that's only marketing to appease latinos.

look how cool and hip I am young people

Go do a couple turns on a legit halfpipe faggot, then I'll be impressed

This is the 46th president of the United States, who will be inaugurated January 20, 2021. I've been saying it since before Trump was elected. "They're going to pick a young spic to run against Trump to show the era of "old white guys" is over."

So, basically: "Vote for me – I'm the American Justin Trudeau"?

HA HA fuck this guy, my sides!

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One letter away from Beta.
Let's meme it:

Beta O'Rourke

I hope he skateboards onto stage like a retard.

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You're a fucking moron.


Your next president. Have fun burgers was nice knowing you.

Nope. It'll be Michael Obama. If they have wised up they'll stick (((Bernie))) in the VP slot.

One is not like the other.

He would be better off if he gotcha dumb nigger

Can you even logic.


Nah. I move on to him once I am finished destroying Chang2020.

The funniest part about that completely random video was the literal embodiment of the "Hey there, fellow kids" meme.

Fuck off jew. Skateboarding is the only sport that is illegal. It is because it is the most European thing ever. No druggies are actual skaters. They are just druggies.
Surfing on the shit concrete the jews pave. What a life.

Yeah, he definitely is familiar with the taste of heroin and benis. It will be fun to watch him get #metoo'd by a faggot dope whore.

Just like Trudeau, he has a nice white family yet he cucks for globohomo. There are probably one or two nigger rants in the past of both of these two, I doubt they even believe what they say.
>Photos by (((Annie Leibovitz)))


I actually prefer him to the yellow yang gangbang, this guy will talk about loving shitskins while working to abort them.

About a year or two ago there were a lot of articles in the press about the CIA slipping in 40 or 50 candidates into various US elections. Somebody above already insinuated that Beto is one of them. There's something about this guy…I can see him getting in by spouting a slightly pasturized version of AOC's diatribes and then just running a rainbow coalition that somehow always does exactly what the Koch Brothers and Bechtel and Raytheon want for the USA.

Wouldn't it be easier just to keep Trump though? Since nothing he is doing is any different from the Bush and Obama puppets. Or maybe they were hoping Trump would motivate his base to knock out Iran, and he failed to do so. The people that do the fighting sure as hell aren't going to be spurred into action by Beta O'Rourke though, or any of the current leftists.

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Skateparks is where the counter culture for young folks. When I was young it was full of degenerates because being a left wing degenerate was the counter culture. We are the counter culture now. I wouldn't be surprised if you could find one or two people at a skate park who have kinda fashy opinions.

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Yang won't poll higher than 10% and everything before it is meaningless. Your yellow jew will be ridiculed by kike media as they prop up either Biden or Kamala. Bernie will absorb the Yang retards and he will just get cucked out of his primaries win again.

You can see just by his cuck skull and body shape that he's going to be another Jeb! among dozens of similarly far-left literalwhos and opportunists.

Really, Beta Beto is still trying?

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Sorry for low quality image, but drudge scrubbed his twitter. This is how he was talking about Beto during the Cruz race. I guess drudge wants a Beto blow job [THE TEETH]. I suspect Beto will be given a massive push by the establishment. They seemingly want a candidate who spouts the anti-white rhetoric, but isn't actually a low IQ nigger.

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Is Beto any worse than Trump? Does he have a Bibi backed Kushner lurking in the background? So far Trump has lied and just done everything Beto is talking about anyways. Hey I mean if you're going to screw me over at least be honest about it. If niggers and spics hear about the $1,000/mo, I don't see how they'd turn that down though. They live in the moment, and a legal $1,000/mo will be the best thing that ever happened to them.

… so I don't see how he appeals more than Yang.

I need to change my registration to democrat so I can pull the lever for beto. Operation Chaos 2020.

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Here's my analysis from a Brit who has no business telling you yanks how to vote, but will do so anyways. Niggers don't vote unless you physically bus them to a polling station. Niggers do not follow politics, so they will never even hear about Yang. Niggers are not a factor in any election, unless you are talking razor thin margins, and some billionaire wants to fund the cost of shipping niggers into some tightly contested races. What's the point of spending money on a marketing campaign for people that are functionally illiterate?

Spics matter a bit more, but they're never going to pick a chink over one of their own, even if he's a pretend latino. To be honest, no one really likes Asians enough to want to see them as president. Most people find them to be quite alien and frankly annoying.

Beto will be the nominee, he's fresh and Burn victims will never forgive him for what he did to the party at the DNC.

Same except replace white with Jewish.

poo in loo

Not a Yang supporter or whatever, and your analysis is mostly on, but we may see an unusually fractured Democratic primary this time around. I don't think anyone is going to hit it out of the park, like Trump did in 2016.

For example, if Biden enters the race, blacks may be torn between him and Harris and Warren and Sanders. It won't be like 2016 where Hillary basically had the black vote, which is arguably how Bernie lost the nomination.

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One thing we might see, btw, is a backlash from non-black Hispanic voters against reparations for blacks. That will hurt Harris and Warren considerably.

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We need to stop calling this faggot cuck "Beto" and start calling him "Beta".

Take that wanna-be spic nickname and subvert the fuck out of it to show everybody that what a sad faggot he is.

It must feel terrible to be a mongrel.

Enjoyed the gif and comment. Ty

Wow it's a mystery - people never read the fine print when they sign up for shit these days, and the US data protection and marketing laws don't stop this sort of thing.

Anyway, don't see Beta O'Rourke as a big deal - he's not really any worse than any other dem, he just seems to have a personality and a background that's less boring than most politicians. He won't have any more of a chance of pulling together the current mess of elected Democrats than Pelosi does, so I still think they're screwed for 2020.

Or just run with his own bullshit and call him "Beto Pancho", which he can't really complain about. "Beto" is a nickname for "Robert" and "Pancho" is a nickname for "Francis". Don't ask me where the spics get those, but they do. This clown's real name is "Robert Francis O'Rourke".
We could do some ridicule here. "Beto Pancho" reminds of the infamous bandit Pancho Villa and wasn't "O'Rourke" the name of a character that was basically the devil in some recent capeshit movie?

Not like he'll have a chance once we get #ItsHerTurn and #TheFutureIsFemale trending to push a demand that the Democrat nominee be a woman every election until America gets its first female president. There even seem to be rumblings along those lines already. We could really fuck them over here. Either they bow and select a female nominee or they fight the "Internet Trolls" and slap the feminists in the face while doing it. Either way, we fracture the fuck out of their base and tee up for four more years of anti-Trump salt mining.

Not that Trump has really done anything for us so far, but be realistic here. Do you really think the Democrats will run a less-kosher candidate? Really?
Simply having Trump in the White House makes our enemies go crazier every day. If we can get Orange Man re-elected, we might be able to drive the useful idiots to mass suicide, leaving Schlomo out in the open with no one to hide behind.

(((vanity fair)))

Or "Peto". Or "Pedo". Or "Schlomo"

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Beto was a member of the hacker group The Cult of the Dead Cow. This poem is obviously in reference to that.

People keep complaining that "he was a former hacker zomg" and that he wrote edgy fiction saying "He wrote child-rape stories" which he obviously wrote to be edgy, as many people did in the early communal internet. One of my favorites is this gem:

I do not know his policies but it seems that people's primary argument against him are these points

He is a far-left shill for international jewry. That is the primary argument against him.

FYI, his handle in the Cult of the Dead Cow was Psychadellic Warlord and you can find some of his publishings via this Psychedelic Warlord&categories=general&language=en-US

I wish I could join that internet instead of this horseshit.

Beto was a "hacker" about as much as Al Gore invented the internet.
cDc was complete bullshit larping.

This dude a'int right.

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rob the type of nigga that works at a skate shop when he can't even ollie.

how doyoudofellowkids.jpg

I can't find this on Wanna help me look?

Full version

Tucker Carlson has been going HAM on Beta calling him a stoned 10th grader and reading his shitty cow-loving poetry from his time as the hacker known as Psychedelic Warlord.

What the fuck he can't even ollie?

Yeah I was thinking Joe Biden was actually a thread if he picked Beto as VP. But no longer. This guy is actually clinically retarded. And Biden isn't winning with some far leftist YAQ QWN as VP. Game over, Trump 2020.
