Dr E.Michael Jones on the Homosexual Network inside the Catholic Church, and on the Jewish MSM potrayal (trying to portray it as a pedophilia problem, instead of the homosexual problem that it really is, because homosexuality is wrong).
Do not get your education on this problem by the Jewish MSM.
Dr E.Michael Jones on the Homosexual Network inside the Catholic Church
just fuckin lol
It is of course. But more often than not, homosexuals are PDs (pederasts).
Good shit.
This. Pedophilia isn't such a widespread and common problem when homosexuality is denounced and treated as mental illness, and suppressed publicly. More broadly, though, it's a corruption problem. Men like Cupich, Dolan etc have no real supernatural faith, and they use their position to elevate others like themselves, and they all circle the wagons and protect their sacred cows and golden geese. Every single time, it's so predictable, and it's absurd that they're still getting away with it. They have the self-awareness and emotional intelligence of 13yo girls, and they need to hang for what they've done to Mother Church.
Don't even listen to most Catholic news sources. EWTN and NCR are corrupted, Relevant Radio is getting there too. Church Militant, Dr. Taylor Marshall and Remnant Magazine's YT channel are my current sources for Catholic news at the moment.
Reminder that there is a strong wing of Catholics, cardinals on down to lay people, working against the St. Gallen gay mafia that has ruled since Vatican II, pushing back against the (((internationalist))) takeover.
Whether you think Catholicism is dumb or not, you should support those within the Church trying to reverse the damage done by Francis of Rome and his predecessors and peers.
Good to see you have a brain after all. Have a bump, even if I hate EMJ. This was something he was neglecting to mention from the beginning, so I'll support shedding light on his statement.
Because they want to be the first in, the one that turned them, gave them aids, whatever their particular deviance is etc. The younger you go the more likely you are to succeed in fulfilling your need to abuse.
The reason it is more homosexual than pedophile in nature is because these priests have easy access to female minors, nunneries, childrens homes, hospitals etc, but more often than not, it's boys.
Well, that's how the reproduce…They recruit by sodomy, which is an act of supreme corruption and of Soul Killing.
Typical. Mental issues and damage are not some fake "soul fight" bullshit. Fuck off.
Take it to >>>Zig Forums nigger
Why, because it's too politically incorrect for your sensibility ?
Well it is mental disorder and physical torture, but it's also an attack on the soul of the person, destroying in from the inside.
I cannot stand Catholics, they'll see any nigger that preaches Jesus as a viable neighbor.
It was catholic organizations that spent the entire 8 years of the Obongo regime flooding formerly nice white parts of the country with stone-age shitskins for a bag of jew gold. Catholics are baby rapers and race traitors.
USA nuked the Catholic cities of Japan. You're essentially at war.
IT was best for Japan that those Abrahamites got vaporized. The only good outcome of the nukes tbh.
How ironic.
Let's average that to 50% then. Talk about a useless information. I fail to see how this is damning.
I thought Catholics weren't True Christians™ anyway. But the deal is it's a good thing for Japan that those subversive Abrahamites died instead of living on to destroy Japan from inside and turn it into Worst Korea 2.0.
It would be significantly disproportionate if 3% of the population committed 50% of all serial killings.
Well, maybe because not 50% of the population oare homosexuals, but only 1-2% are actual sodomite practicing homosexuals ?
Funny how those LARPagans claim to hate the Jews, and yet they think and have the same wicked values as them…
Brain farted. Of coursh. Same logic as for niggers and their over-representation in crimes.
I think an edit and a reminder of the percentage of gays in the population would make the point more obvious.
The Talmud hates on Jesus, not on his braindead "followers". Not once did I disparage Christ, only worms like you who give Him a bad name.
Yes, of course, Karl Marx the Jew REALLY just wanted to liberate the "braindead" Christians from their stupid Christ and their stupid fairy tales book, because "Religion is the Opium of the people" and we all know that the Jew really did it do save people from this evil Jesus guy.
And the Jewish Bolshevik Soviet Russia exterminating and starving to death of millions upon millions of christians really was just to liberate them from their stupid mystic book, and clearly not an act of deep hatred.
A 9 min video on this subject.
I said nothing of Marx or Communism. This was a conversation about the Talmud, and you bring up the Reds. Are you (((changing the subject)))?
And are you going to admit that Christians are the greatest anti-Christs in the world today, second only to Jews?
We are all in one in Christ when we welcome him in our heart as Christians. And that sees with all the murders and genocides of christians by Jews and you know it.
Jews never do this.
That is not relevant to the hatred of Christ as found in the Talmud.
Well exactly. And that's why the are Jews, because they reject Christ.
No, I'm saying that even conversos haven't converted and must be killed.
So is that mean anyone who rejects Jesus or Christianity is a jew?
Kikestian ecelebs belong on Zig Forums.
Prove it damages an imaginary thing.
Do you really think that the only reason anyone could possibly dislike Christianity is for "Talmudic" reasons?
Jesus boils in semen. Christians boil in feces.
That's the deal. Not that I care much, this Talmudic kvetching who probably considered Christianity not bolshevik enough.
What is your point user?
Yeah man, your chance to win $10,000,000 in the lottery is 50%: either you win or you don't.
The entire (((Catholic Church))) IS a homosexual network to begin with.
Give any reason you have for hating Christianity, and I guarantee it will either be a talmudism, or it will be some herpaderp attribute of Denominationalism that isn't found in the New Testament
Give up, rabbi, it's not working.
Hooktube is a glorified Youtube embed, they do not mirror. Google threatened them with legal action if they keep acting as a mirror service, to which Hooktube complied.
One from among my laundry list is that I find the entire premise of original sin to be reprehensible.
Kek, this is absurd.
You can go to YOutube and load the "USA" flag to avoid country based censorship but it shoudln't be that way.
Also Invidious doesn't mirror either as they too are an embedding service. If you don't want Google to leech data off of you then get uMatrix, uBlock Origin (with a shitload of filter lists) and a reliable VPN. Alternatively Noscript and Request Policy. Other shit to go with it is a given but that should be your starting position.
try harder yeshuan! the list is endless and based on aryan principles that predate your pathetic jewish cult