So at least we on here know the Chinese are frauds, they hack and steal all of their technology from whites since they have zero creativity.
Yet the media is even claiming now that China has nearly 3x the amount of patents in 5G technology than the USA and are far ahead.
Yet I call BS, first of all we Americans know they can't invent shit. Even if we don't have the patents ourselves they likely stole that tech from us and we just didn't patent it yet. Secondly Huawei is a thief of intellectual property (intellectual = white thoughts). They steal our intellectualism and try to copy it.
It's really annoying as Germany are trying to refuse to ban Huawei and German shills did some fake investigation where they claim they can't find evidence of any of this from Huawei. So we had to threaten the Germans recently that we will put sanctions on them, since these shills just won't listen.
Of course America can't provide evidence for the things Huawei did and what they stole from us, after all it's likely top secret. But all of the west should trust us and boycott them as we are telling the truth and everyone knows deep down that there is no way the Chinese brain could invent things, it always has to be stolen from white minds (who have the ability to invent etc).
We're going to detonate a nuclear bomb at the Three Gouges Dam user. Get your coat.
Christopher Ross
QTDDTOT, but you already know that.
Jose Mitchell
Brayden Thomas
jews, everyone.
Christian Morales
That dam wall tech is also stolen from whites I bet, it looks pretty advanced. Nuking that won't ruin all of them though, it will create quite a flood and maybe only kill 5-10 million Chinese.
That isn't a solution, it's also not an option to nuke them as they do have some nukes also and Russia also has nukes and both will launch them at us.
We need to keep trying to economically isolate China and keep making the west turn against China and boycott them. If we can economically isolate them enough then they will collapse.
Elijah Phillips
And finally for the fucking gooks that are likely here in support of sprechen sie dindu 六四天安门事件 1989年天安门广场大屠杀 1989年天安門廣場大屠殺 (ノ-_-)ノ~┻┻
Jonathan Gonzalez
There is no such thing as chink tech, we all know they had to have stolen that fancy shit off us. There is no way they developed it, they are literally rice niggers. Get real.
Cooper Nguyen
I think we're well past the point where everything China does is accomplished through subversion, black market purchase, and espionage. They've gotten to a point where they can do most of this stuff themselves. Whatever "West" you think you're defending, it isn't really made up of the people who came from a core civilization bloc of the Old World. Rather it is primarily made up of people who never achieved the level of development the Old World did [sub-Saharans and Meso-Americans], with a new ruling class primarily dominated by second-rate Old World civilizations and hanger ons [Jews and Hindus].
There are little to no Greco-Romans, Germanics, Ottomans, etc. in the US. It's wall to wall niggers.
I know the Chinese can create things we already taught them how to make or things they stole from us, I am well aware of that. But to learn new things and make new things they need to hack white countries to steal the ideas.
Basically if you magically isolated Asians to themselves they stagnate and can't develop things on their own. Only whites show this capability. Asians are basically just like human calculators, lol.
Aaron Stewart
"I'm so tired of (insert name)" KILL THEM you idiot. Nothing can be solved by peaceful means. Kill them, or they win.
Eli Cook
KEEP OUT CHINKS 动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
Leo Hernandez
Oooo. Another blog-post about China. 中国共产党的死亡 中华民国万岁 (Death to the Chinese Communist Party Long Live the Republic of China)
Larp-idy-larp Larp-idy-larp-idy-larp-idy-larp Larping in the day and larping at night Nothing is to larpy for us larpers to write
Hudson Martinez
There has to be a method, you can't just attack. Those traitorous Russians side with them, and the Europeans are sketchy motherfuckers who may not help us out if things turn sour.
This is why we have to make sure Europeans know it's a better future for all of us if we can make China collapse, Europe needs to boycott Chinese products. And while America does this at the same time then China will collapse.
At which point if we wanted to, we could physically invade and there wouldn't be much of a risk.
Ayden Hall
Chinks are literally jews, or jews are literally chinks. jews are a stateless group from North-western China. They're not semites, they're pharisees.
They can have 5g, and 4g, and 3g. sage for double post
Grayson Ward
And who is responsible for that? There was a window to forge a very different path in the early 90s. The "West" chose to loot, pilfer, and laugh at Russian misery. That's because most of Europe is still overwhelmingly WHITE and they don't really understand why some nigger country across the ocean that didn't leave when the USSR collapsed is constantly agitating against their most reliable supplier of energy.
Tyler Allen
China isn't a problem. They are the alternative solution to nigger problem, if whites fail.
Evan Rogers
We have to fix ourselves first. The current focus in America isn't on creating new technology, building up the finest people, or focusing on education. It's globohomo: The homogenized corporate culture of mud race faggotry. The remaining white males that exist are being shut out of university positions so some nigger can ook about slavery and intersectional feminism and anti-whiteness. White women receive 24/7 whore training from social media and early access to porn, where even young teens receive validation for posting photos of their ass for strangers. The average white 16 year old boy no longer dreams about colonizing the stars (and all the math/physics he's going to need), if he's not contemplating a sex change, he's dreaming about what he can sell to donate for some pro-nigger cause to give him some increase social capital.
It's very depressing.
Jason Fisher
Number of patents doesn’t mean much. It’s probably just Chinese fucking other bugs over as fast as they can. Nothing new is ever going to come from the bugs. So they can make a modification in two bolts patent it and appear to have more patents than whites.
Noah Smith
They are the total opposite, chinks have total flat faces and globular brain shape. Jews have huge long noses (the longest of any group) and have long skulls with oval shaped brains.
Jews also tend to be hairy fucks also, chinks nowhere near as hairy.
Xavier Diaz
Notice how those so called "inventions" all predate the modern era? And most of us know that ancient white races actually built ancient China.
Jaxon Price
Europe falls if China rises, they would be committing suicide.
Yes if this keeps up we'll all be eating sweat and sour dog fried in gutter oil before to long.
Things from China worth keeping: Kung Fu Industrialization Jack Ma
Camden Morgan
They don't kill niggers, they in fact go to Africa and help the niggers. Then even invite them to go to China to college things there and teach them. It's ridiculous.
Only Arabs and whites had the right idea about blacks, enslave them.
Jose Martin
Trump is already making us great again, so don't worry. We have this under control.
Xavier Anderson
Basically this, the Asians steal a white invention and do some meaningless mod like change the colour or put some extra screws in it and then claim it's their patent. Stupid insectoid retards, they don't even have souls.
If someone breeds with an Asian, your children may not even end up having souls or truly being alive.
Andrew Lee
They displace them in their industries, build their own cities and use their excess males to breed the local wombs, take their resources and ignore the local ecosystems to the best of their ability. Niggers will starve in their own countries whilst the Chinese population rises. Retarded shill. President of Angola already asked for whiteys to come back because the Chinese don't have the pretense that niggers are human; they don't build schools or infra for the locals.
Jace Sanchez
That image is scary and how it is, we are white and the rest of the world are basically niggers. It's scary that the lights will go out on this earth if we die out and the planet itself will then die out also.
Anthony Ross
Great. So they aren't literally exactly the same. jews are from the orient. jews are from nowhere near the middle east. jews aren't semites. jews are phaisees.
Fixed that for you user.
Benjamin Brown
If you truly do believe that, you deserve extinction.
Ayden Bell
Kung Fu doesn't even work, it's a fake martial art. lol It works in movies, that's about it.
Industrialisation is a western invention, not Chinese.
Jaxson Ross
Far too human for that.
David Morgan
I am serious when I say the entire planet is subhuman and parasitic on our culture. Look at (I am not kidding here) EVERYTHING in their culture from manufacturing, textiles, all of the industrial revolution, food and food production, entertainment and fiance, literally EVERY FUCKING THING THAT CONSTITUTES ‘their culture’ to the clothes on their back, bicycles, vehicles, airplanes, roads, legal systems, EVERYTHING they have is rooted in our inventions and our culture and our technology. THEY ARE NOTHING…SUBHUMAN FILTH WHICH CAN ONLY FUCK AND POLLUTE. THEY NEED TO BE EXTERMINATED.
Ryan Wright
Dude, we didn't build schools for niggers. Be literally invaded and put those subhumans on plantations. The Chinese though build shit in their countries and try to advance them, I don't see a point in it though. What purpose is there in trying to help niggers? We don't need anymore niggers.
The nigger population in Kenya has increased a lot since the Chinese started doing joint ventures there.
A 1200-1500yr difference. It's almost like these "inventions" were introduced to the Chinee and not invented by them. How could they not work to prfect or improve them if they were the creators ?
Blake Turner
I agree 100%, very good comment. The list of Chinese inventions is literally fake, while invented in China once in ancient times it was actually a country in ancient times run by white kingdoms.
Once the oriental Asian evolved later the country turned to shit forever, just a bunch of human calculators with no critical thinking.
Eli Scott
Their children are lost as animals forever. They end their line as God’s and begin it as subhuman or animals.
Jason Turner
Fun fact. So during the Bronze Age the Chinese were master bronze smiths. Better even than us in producing huge stuff. And recently a Chinese farmer unearthed the largest solid bronze caldron(?) ever produced in the period. It was beautiful with ornate carvings and sacred symbols. Wanna know what he did with it? Take a guess first. He used it as a container to store pig feed yeah. Didn't even use it for storing clothing or just for showing off. It's as if he consciously thought; "Hmmm. What's the dumbest thing I could do with this fantastic artifact?"
Jayden Cooper
Found a chink
Joshua Bailey
Sorry, user THERE IS NO jEW DNA There is only the dna of small-brained, race-mixed, in-bred, afro-asiatic foreskin lickers; their dna says they are Asian + African + Persian + European
David Baker
rofl You're a dumbass. DNA doesn't show where one is from. DNA can link to a people that are "known" to be from an area. But DNA doesn't say "I'M FROM AFRICA"
Owen Morris
:) mongrels
Ethan Phillips
That's because ancient Chinese were actually whites, after they became mongoloids and lost all of their abilities and then became retards.
Ryder Murphy
African DNA is 80% chimpanzee allele match. So in that instance their DNA does actually say “I’m a nigger from Africa.”
Jordan Jenkins
Go tell the ancestry tests and Israel there is no Jewish DNA. Even Ashkenazi Jews in Europe have a middle eastern component which clusters with middle eastern Jews.
If you can't spot a Jew from a normal European I feel bad for you. lol
Blake Watson
Substantiate your claim.
No, all humans are 98% chimp allele match. Yourself included.
Robert Brooks
Cooper Rivera
Yep, Aryan culture covered the entire planet. Men started fucking subhuman women and made mongrel half humans. Those are all of the races of the planet who have lost their status as Gods by mingling their DNA with animals. All people who mongrels are animals who have lost their status as Gods.
Camden Barnes
Actually it does honey, DNA tells you where you are from. We find mutations within populations and also compare this to older populations.
Groups develop within different regions after migrating there, not all groups just migrate everywhere. There is a region and area they migrate to, we can trace this and map a pathway.
For example we can find Australian Aboriginal DNA and we know they descend from an Australoid people. We then find unique mutations within Australian Aboriginals that came about within Australia, at that point you can call them an ethnicity etc as they have become unique as a group. We know their closest relatives are the Papua New Guinea native people of course and they did once come from Africa along the bottom of Asia.
Jews on the other hand are a western Asians peoples, they are Semitic. They have huge nasal development to the point of comedy sometimes.
Brayden Torres
Substantiate your claim. All humans are animals by definition anyway, including yourself. I doubt you even know what the term means.
Andrew Gray
That is true, ancient Chinese were whites. Ancient Japanese like the Jomon were whites and even the ancient Aztec and Inca were actually whites. It has been know for some time that Genghis Khan was also white.
Over time though the more animalistic races mixed out the white world builders, and the only proper whites that exist are in Europe.
Cameron Lee
Nope the did a study on it which was suppressed with a vengeance and all the power of the globalists. We aren’t even the same species as subhumans. Also, there is a huge difference between DNA Similarities and allele match. Don’t confuse them. Niggers are a 80% pattern (allele) match to chimps. They aren’t HUMAN.