A coal burner gives birth to an abomination
France is really becoming a third-world country populated by horrible dysgenics hybrids
A coal burner gives birth to an abomination
France is really becoming a third-world country populated by horrible dysgenics hybrids
Kalergi's children……….. dios mio
Shes 16, were are the parents?
I blame jews for this.
They won't stop until it's sub 80
Haha at least they're not speaking german amirite!
Anyone got the ww2 propaganda where a french couple are in a zoo?
Also what was that goebbels quote that german propaganda has to show the french as a niggerized people?
Planet of the apes is no longer a movie. We fucking live on it.
it's ww1 propaganda (truly prophetic)
La France, ladies and gentlemen… 56% years of history!
Aaaannd the orc leaves her to make her a single mother in 3 2 1…
(not gonna heil to snakes)
This is a nonsense slide shill thread. While the race mixing angle is right, the abomination stuff is total nonsense. All these pics are deliberately taken in awkward positions. There is nothing to discus here other than how much of a faggot OP actually is.
Sure, there's some cherrypicking for comic value. But there's no denying the orc and its offspring are fugly. Just watch the original video.
I bet he'll become a BASED trump voter fellow MIGApede!
jewish fuck
France has been lost a long time ago
Nah, she got BROWNED. Just look at that brown turd…. LOOK AT IT! The brown genetic failure is still inferior to the white woman.
Every BLACKED / BROWNED white person is a loss.
OP is a literal Kalergi's child.
Remember these videos anytime the JIDF tries to tell you that Muslims (Not Sikhs, Muslims) are "bro-tier"
This fucking kike deserves to be murdered behind a shed
As an indigenous Frenchman it's truly the most painful thing to have to live through. My nation is dead. 1500 years to end up humiliatingly subservient to Germany and filled to the brim with shitskins, run into the ground by Jews.
Nice, blunt gardening tools would do the trick. Slow and painful.
Correction; All of europe has been lost long time ago.
White people simply have no will to live, and thus no right to.
100%. Most do not care.
I love your panic. Keep posting.
Proving my point, shills.
It's just another race mixing crime. Why is this on Zig Forums ?
Thing is both are destroying their bloodlines and races (not that they were pure before). This is a crime against nature, and with it an attack on all of mankind, because this mutt kid is inferior to both his parents, will have to struggle with a split heritage, and won't have an identity on it's own. And the jews are creating hundreds of millions of these freaks, who will become weaker and sicker, while the cultural history of the human races will die out around them. In the end it will be a race on who succumbs first, birth defect mutts or inbred jews? The last kike alive will properly look like Kuato from Total Recall, gazing over the desert planet and while sobbing "I win"
Neither black nor white will accept this "thing" as their own kin, just as neither a lobster nor a fish will accept a shrimp as their own.
Leviticus 11:9-12
No, prove him wrong.
Don't mind me.. just fumigating this thread.
You have to do more than post epic nsdap Germany photos, nigger.
Yep, that's the natural outcome for mutts, but this thread is baiting with shitty pics and calling mutts abominations doesn't help proving any points. It's hyperbole. A waste of time. Wake me up when she's in the news for getting her shit kicked in, being murdered, or killing her child when she's in her 30s and nobody wants to be around her.
We’re too late in the tech curve for this to matter. Even catastrophic dysgenic effects will be fixable in the near future.
I wonder how many fathers you could find here that would allow this. Age matters. Your justified hatred should not obscure the love for your people. You say do more, yet ask me to overlook negligence when it comes to parental duties. Schizo kike.
Bullshit. Blood and race are not just things you can freely manipulate without consequences. Even if they ever achieve to just breed a clean race with strong blood, the genetic and historical upbringing is missing. Stuff like cognitive dissonance, morality, empathy etc. are created through the heritage. If you breed them out of the box, they will be empty shells, anti-natural, and only useful as slaves of indoctrination. They could never achieve a free will, only a fake configuration.
It's always the ugly fucks who become the coal burners/Oil diggers.
I've seen an albino nigger in Nice. With the rest of family, probably 8 nogs.
What matters is our democracy.
Because there was no real man around to make an honest, healthy mother out of her.
Reminder that shills will tell you that miscegenation is incredibly rare and should never be addressed in memes. When someone proposed an OP to tell black women they were being discarded for white mixed marriages, the opposition was total. Same thing when someone suggested to praise miscegenation as the offspring is always smarter than the nigger parent.
Le shit-colored skin bastard.
Sure thing fag.
Stop insulting his heritage.
See, if you had posted these pics I wouldn't argue against it. OP pics are hyperbolic nonsense. Here have a little Katie Price from before she ruined her life…
Nothing short of violence will make it stop. Without violence, all is lost.
With violence, innocents get hurt, and you can never take it back.
What do?
It all comes down to commitment. The Jews are committed. Are we?
I'm 99.9% certain macron wants to be spit-roasted by nigs. The look in his eyes isn't that of compassion, its lust.
That ain't gonna cut it, son.
Nature doesn't gaf about humans in particular, much less who they fuck and make babies with. Chances are we'll never make it off this rock anyway. And that's fine, after all our entire purpose was just to make plastic anyway.
It got so much worse after that.
Here have some uncensored horror tits instead.
Looks like they used makeup to hide her implant scars.
Don't go down that road, kid…
What a STUPID looking fake boob job…she looks like a fucking dairy cow and not in a good way.
I think the fact she had a shitty doctor do it is as bad as having the need for a boob job itself.
This makes me feel like this anons pic related
This. LOL
How can one woman be so smug?
For you guys. Please don't fuck animals.
Didn't intend to.
Women must be replaced by artificial wombs, and be completely eliminated, along with race-mixed abominations.
I'd rather have fembots.
nah, only the west, south and north have been badly damaged.
nations like hungary, poland, estonia resist.
Why the fuck are Amerifats so obsessed with fantasies of White European women willingly breeding with swarthy non-whites?
Reported for jewish hoaxes.
*slap slap, slap slap*
The couple of the right got both their genetics improved through that kid too.
Reported for jewish hoaxes.
w/e. doesn't change the fact america is 56% white
With the amount of diseases the Jews have spread in Africa, this was inevitable.
Brenton had the right idea tbh, read through his manifesto yet?
This will be all of Europe's future
Its horrible jesus christ
Fuck off.
it's always the white trash to which that girl belongs that goes 56%
Niggers are not human beings
Hold on, the toilets of Jewish France will push back as rarely. The meme becomes reality.
Looks just like her, in a perfect society ugly bitches liek this would be executed. What white men would actually fuck that thing?
Wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemies or the ugliest motherfucker in the world.
the mofo really looks sinok kek
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