I have tried to join Nationalist groups and Alt-Right groups, but no one is serious about anything. Even though the wignats were right about Trump and about organizing into networks, people were too fucking stupid and instead listened to literal shills like Anglin and Weev, and now everything is done. Most all groups are disbanded and the ones that are left are completely ineffective.
No one is getting pro-White legislation passed, or becoming so dominant in an area they don't need legislation to get their way.
These fucking weak ass children in the Alt-Right must have no sense of actual consequences (like women) and now, instead of getting back together and forming groups that can provide for one another, instead, these idiots choose the memes and the lulz over anything that will actually help us, and now they are literally pushing for an anti-White gun-grabbing chink because they believe that he will give them a measly $1,000, the same way these simps believed Trump would build them a wall. They still refuse to accept the obvious truth: There is no political solution. The federal government is an apparatus jews use to enslave us with the help of their White and brown sycophants. There is nothing to vote for, and you don't matter to them, and you never did and never will.
There will be no revolution, because people would rather just shitpost and meme while taking catastrophic losses to spics, muslims, kikes, white NPC's and whatever other anal discharge currently resides in America.
The guns will be taken away slowly, with White Nationalists saying shit like, "guy was a wignat, fuck him, he shouldn't have guns." and "lol, based storm troopers bro! right wing fashy goys lol"
As much time, effort and money as I have wasted "for my people" whatever the fuck that was ever supposed to mean, nothing has moved forward. Maybe some Whites are getting more racist, but at no benefit whatsoever. Now they are simply more likely to get fired, beaten, humiliated, and then jailed by a White cop.
No one is serious, this country is the laughing stock of the planet, the world will cheer our demise, so I will return to Individualism, because there is no other option. Fuck Juden peterson, but it's not currently optional for Whites to form groups. For some reason White people (including Nationalists, just don't care about one another, they don't fight for one another, they don't pool money together to form advocacy groups, etc etc etc there is no team work whatsoever.
Most Whites (outside of our little echo chambers) hate us more than anything else, and would cheer as we are jailed just like they cheered when White judge Richard Moore jailed all the White men in Charlottesville.
That was the revolution. There will be nothing else. Tell yourself you'll do something, but time will pass, and you won't do shit. Those who do you will shit talk the same way an actual kike would shit talk them. If you're a White American reading this, your ancestors are disappointed in you.
Fuck this gay earth. This is hell and there is no solution except death. Pol also completely contributes to this apathy by encouraging nothing but POSTS TO CHUCKLE AT.
Fuck it
inb4 not your blog, defeatist, cry moar, shill etc. nah, there's just no salvation currently.