I am an Individual

I have tried to join Nationalist groups and Alt-Right groups, but no one is serious about anything. Even though the wignats were right about Trump and about organizing into networks, people were too fucking stupid and instead listened to literal shills like Anglin and Weev, and now everything is done. Most all groups are disbanded and the ones that are left are completely ineffective.

No one is getting pro-White legislation passed, or becoming so dominant in an area they don't need legislation to get their way.

These fucking weak ass children in the Alt-Right must have no sense of actual consequences (like women) and now, instead of getting back together and forming groups that can provide for one another, instead, these idiots choose the memes and the lulz over anything that will actually help us, and now they are literally pushing for an anti-White gun-grabbing chink because they believe that he will give them a measly $1,000, the same way these simps believed Trump would build them a wall. They still refuse to accept the obvious truth: There is no political solution. The federal government is an apparatus jews use to enslave us with the help of their White and brown sycophants. There is nothing to vote for, and you don't matter to them, and you never did and never will.

There will be no revolution, because people would rather just shitpost and meme while taking catastrophic losses to spics, muslims, kikes, white NPC's and whatever other anal discharge currently resides in America.

The guns will be taken away slowly, with White Nationalists saying shit like, "guy was a wignat, fuck him, he shouldn't have guns." and "lol, based storm troopers bro! right wing fashy goys lol"

As much time, effort and money as I have wasted "for my people" whatever the fuck that was ever supposed to mean, nothing has moved forward. Maybe some Whites are getting more racist, but at no benefit whatsoever. Now they are simply more likely to get fired, beaten, humiliated, and then jailed by a White cop.

No one is serious, this country is the laughing stock of the planet, the world will cheer our demise, so I will return to Individualism, because there is no other option. Fuck Juden peterson, but it's not currently optional for Whites to form groups. For some reason White people (including Nationalists, just don't care about one another, they don't fight for one another, they don't pool money together to form advocacy groups, etc etc etc there is no team work whatsoever.

Most Whites (outside of our little echo chambers) hate us more than anything else, and would cheer as we are jailed just like they cheered when White judge Richard Moore jailed all the White men in Charlottesville.

That was the revolution. There will be nothing else. Tell yourself you'll do something, but time will pass, and you won't do shit. Those who do you will shit talk the same way an actual kike would shit talk them. If you're a White American reading this, your ancestors are disappointed in you.

Fuck this gay earth. This is hell and there is no solution except death. Pol also completely contributes to this apathy by encouraging nothing but POSTS TO CHUCKLE AT.

Fuck it

inb4 not your blog, defeatist, cry moar, shill etc. nah, there's just no salvation currently.

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Then stop whining and start your own group you nigger

The current zeitgeist is controlled by the opinions of women and kikes, amplified through media and propped up by white knights and simps trying to fit in all for a chance at a little taste of acceptance and pussy. Nothing will change until women are put back into their place, and kikes start dropping like flies. This will not happen until creature comforts are taken away either by deed or circumstance. There has to be some kind of systemic economic collapse or natural disaster that causes a reset. People are too comfortable, and bread and circuses keep them from caring. The only thing we can do as far as I can tell is to network in small groups and prepare ourselves at the most local and regional levels. We'll need an infrastructure of sorts for when the shit hits the fan. Otherwise it will be a slow racemixed collapse, Brazil 2.0. If even one domino in Europe can get knocked over though, it could cause a chain reaction. Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Britain, Italy, one of them must reach a tipping point to embolden the others. That's one way we could avoid just waiting. But there has to be a first mover.

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This. Provided that OP has any leadership ability at all he should start his own group and have the ability right from the beginning as party founder to filter out feds, Jews, wreckers and various traditional dysgenic white nationalists (i.e. the so-called "1.0" crowd)

Broaden your list of allies.

Well said. This should be taken as axiomatic for any discussion on Zig Forums. Vote cucks need to leave.

Voting is only worth it if you're voting for a candidate that is 100% pro-white and on our side. Otherwise it's a complete waste of time. Even Hitler ran in elections. All tactics should be open to use depending on the circumstances

The awakening isn't immediate for everyone you retard, but you're probably a shill anyway.

Which will never be the case when jews control the electoral process at every level.

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Every NatSoc group you know will be called jewish.

You should have know the US was done from the start. The movements were always populated by children playing at politics and boastful cowards. Either resign yourself to quite resentment or move to Europe.

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*Move to Asia or South America



You can actually separate yourself from the mongrels with not all that much money in those places. Where as the US and EU are using social programs to move non whites into all areas of there countries

qtard calls someone a retard lol

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You know, I dislike lulzy memers too, but if they’re funnelling into the right wing groups that’s pleasing to hear. Those people are dreary to try to work with; they demand too much conformity, and do not respect more peaceful persuasion or disagreement.

OP, you logically can’t be both bigoted and individualist, so I infer you’re lying. The misogynistic crack was obviously not how real people who care about consequences talk, too; anti-women attitudes are anti-natal attitudes which natalists are to be abused into adopting by people who do not adequately trust in the rationality of strangers.

This times 6 million. Being pro-white has cost me a lot and giving me nothing. Why save those that want to die? The big joke is everyone knows whites are the weakest already. No one needs to destroy whites, they’ll happily do it themselves. And the suicide rates back me up

Unlike the Weimar republic food and other services are cheap and widely available and since all the banks of the world are now completely controlled by ((them)) they can keep creating artificial money and artificial conflicts to keep us all entertained, feed, and porn to keep the incels from shooting up their business's, you're basically living in 1984. People work by way of incentives, do you expect whites with families and jobs to give up everything they have so they can hide out in the woods with you and for what? To help out the struggling white working class that is too educated but underskilled to be used for harsh labour unlike Mexicans and other low paid immigrants? Most whites that I see still own business or are in high positions of power, they own most of the real estate, and they bang young asians chicks after their wife divorces them for half their shit. As a race you've given up on your culture, morals, and our most holy catholic church (unlike the muslims, jews that you still see being born in droves) in the pursuit of so called "individualism." Even if you managed to start a revolution and replace the current government with the fourth Reich you'll still be left with the same problem of "white greed." Most of Hitlers advisors, scientist, and generals betrayed him because he only counted on their word and love for the German people to see him through and he paid for it with his life. The much more intelligent kikes have always used secret societies to establish social hierarchies that rewarded the most sociopathic, homosexual, shameless, back stabbing, no good, atheist pieces of goddamn dog shit cock sucking mother fucking faggots that will do anything and everything for the jewish state in exchange for allowing themselves to be blackmailed with child sacrifice or sex cults that you keep seeing on T.V. Even if we managed to get enough people on here and half chan to organize I would bet my fucking soul OP that if a kike offered you a million bucks to sell us all out you would do it at the drop of a hat so don't think for a single goddamn minute that you're better than anyone else you underage peasant. The kikes see us as cattle to be used for their goals and you know what man, they might actually be right.

National Socialism is anti-White anyway.
Don't believe me? Try talking about Poland's right to exist.

Wow what an original zinger!

A love of virtue and the belief in inherent possibility of goodness and forgiveness in all could unite.
Just because mongolian quilt knitting boards are full of crap doesnt mean much. Its nature of the beast to be full of crap

Never mind the defeat, never mind the ridicule, up again, old heart, up again.

It is true, whites are being beaten because the Jew is right about some things.Consensus fear is being exploited and exterminating the maladaptive survival instinct. A pricked pride is hurt by how a little gratitude could make us great.

White privilege is white fraternity.

Where the Jew is right, let us be true, for where he is, we must do.

Some men think they are empowered if their brave will will kill,
but they are still weak willed cowards, if they will not join hands and heal.

This place does serve as some tenacious support albeit a demoralization chamber in a world attempting to isolate us here.

Shut it yid.

You are correct that there will be no revolution. The only possible revolution would have to come from the military.

The below perspective will be both freeing for you as well as discouraging. Try to see it as half glass full because it allows you to concentrate on your own life instead of worrying about advancing a group that would be doomed to wheel spinning or failure:

What most Whites do not get is that it is entirely pointless to try to start a movement without a firm and powerful underlying community culture. Its like trying to make a race car go without gas.

That community culture, with starts with the strong family (this is where concentrating on you comes in) is the only thing that can politically support an ethnic movement.

Right now, that community culture is being eroded; not built up. We need to start it, somehow, before we ever talk about an effective political movement (unless a militarized movement were to take hold at the direction of an elected leader with legal power to mobilize the military on our behalf).

The type of community that we need needs to be competitively as strong as that of Orthodox Jews. That's the only hope. That type of community is where Jewish power comes from. The Amish are another good example. However, they likely have only survived by agreeing to cloister themselves from significant political participation and be pacifists. And therefore they are no threat to Jews.

So, obviously we aren't doing all of that in this generation or even the next. But starting a productive, strong, close functional family is the absolute first step in that process.

I was gonna put this on the first topic, but it hit 750.
More damage than good comes from this. This is either false flag or suicide. If this guy wanted to help, he should have been targeting a synagogue and thinning out the 2% of Jews that have caused his ills in every western nation. Without them, we wouldn't even have mosques or desert people. He gets even stupider by shooting his own window out and driving around with meme songs. Nothing good came from this and it will just be used to fuel the sympathy of nonwhites and attack whites as gunmen.
The only real pointer that comes from this is saying this is the result of Australia's parliament all voting that it's not okay to be white, as they did a few months ago. I don't blame the guy, but his execution was sloppy and he targeted random bottomfeeder arabs instead of the kikes who have caused all this to begin with.
This thread is reeking of fedposting too, so it's probably gonna be packaged altogether and used for the narrative. Nothing good really comes from this.

You shouldn't join any white advocacy group in general. They attract feds, fags, retards, nihilists, and losers.

If you want a good right-wing group, you should be Catholic or Orthodox. None of this gay LARP shit that turns you into a piece of hateful piece of shit that burns bridges and ruins your life.

wrong. talk to more white people
you mean the people you saw on some kike news source?

wrong thread

Based anime chinkposters save the day again!

Join the army then.
Start talking.

You'll find people.
To me this is the only way to do this. Unless caesar arrives from heaven, we need to be active and talk to people. Engage.

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12 hours later…

life comes at you fast

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I changed my political views over time (and looking back, I had no idea what the fuck I was parroting, because it didn't really matter to me). For a while, I memed on Zig Forums like others would, because it was catchy in some ways: as soon as I saw certain keywords or ideas, the "go back to your containment board, Zig Forums" meme would automatically pop in my head, mostly because these keywords and concepts didn't mean a thing to me back.
Once I replied to a guy and he grasped the occasion to ask me what I thought replacement migration meant. And I had no fucking idea, because I didn't care. Why would I? So instead of arguing, I looked it up. Ever since, I've been browsing this board sporadically over the past few years out of curiosity.
I've been talking (IRL) with people I never thought would align with that mindset, only to realize that they too had at least some confuse ideas of what was going on. It's easy to reject and meme on something you're completely unaware of and ignore it altogether; but when you take the time to explain things, no going full-blow red-pilling, you can get the little gears in their brain to turn.
It's like teaching your kid to ride a bike. You push them a little in the back and then you let them pedal. The hardest part is getting them on the seat - they are confused already, so don't scare them on top of that. Every now and then, they fall for stupid shit, but it doesn't take too long to put them back on track.

True. But why do they cling on a political solution?


Also this.

cool story bro
lemme guess, you think everyone should be like your fgt Israel love Brenton Tarrant and play into the Jew's hands right?
Nice try Shlomo.

I am very sorry brother, this is when you are supposed to realize that there will not always be someone to make things right and just in this world. There will not always be someone to ensure there is running water, there will not always be someone to make a way to turn on the lights, there will not always be someone to ensure there is enough food to eat. This is what it is to be a man. We are supposed to look at this and think we are supposed to provide for ourselves and the others around us. Because we realize we have depended on someone to do that our whole lives. Now, it simply will not be, if we do not do our part to make our nations great. Obviously, I am not suggesting violence. I am trying to just say this because it must be said to all men. Orwell said that one of our first duties to the next generation is to state the obvious.

Sorry, but you will have to be the leader of those who cannot discipline themselves enough to keep the lights on, the crops growing, the water clean and running, and the roads paved.

The problem is that anyone of any quality realizes the hopelessness of the situation and retreats into themselves.
The bottomfeeders then start groups and announce themselves as the figureheads of the movement and they become our representatives.

What is needed are men who understand the situation, can view it objectively, understand the big picture problems and how monumental the problem is… and act anyways. 10 men of quality leading 100 men would have accomplished more than the great undifferentiated mass of drooling retards that was user. Anonymity and leaderless org works great for organizing a few dozen people and is catastrophic in organizing anything larger. We refused leadership and let the lowest among us and our enemies take over.
The problem was that you didn't do more, because I suspect it would have made a difference.

read siege tbh

thousands of groups? millions of members?

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Rock on. There’s a more right “right” than this.

bang bang cchrch 2