So Yang is blowing up the internet with promising everyone a thousandbux. Some memefags love him; some memefags hate him; but every last memefag is arguing about him. What's made him dominate the national conversation with nothing more than a Joe Rogan appearance and mumblings about NEETbux? Are you for or against his candidacy? Make sure to direct all your screaming into the unfeeling Abyss here, where everyone is unwelcome!
Other urls found in this thread:
have a couple redpills and dont forget to sage
Trump on steroids! Vote Patrick Little 2020!
At least archive and copypasta the OP and OP images you fucking yang gang kike negroid kys faggot
Old OP:
Yang Gang Exposed
Centralizing the infographics into one thread.
Who are these faggots?
A bunch of inorganic forced memes appeared almost overnight and suddenly flooded every nationalist space on the internet. The memes are more or less a re-hash of the astroturfed Trump memes that plagued this board from 2016-7. Dogshit and reddit-tier
Who is Yang?
Some gook democrat who mentioned white people in one interview, addressed automation and a problem, and said that he will give Americans $1000 per month UBI. He's also a gun grabber, philosemite, faggot lover and all of the other stuff that every (((politician))) is.
This part is important:
In 2018, Yang explained that by giving Americans $1000 per month, he could "alleviate stress levels" and "prevent lashing out" and the spread of "hateful messages and ideas"
So how does this translate to whites?
They're stressed about being genocided by kikes. What is lashing out? Resisting genocide. What are "hateful messages and ideas"? Spreading awareness of white genocide.
Discord shilling
There is an organized, co-ordinated shill campaign coming out of discord and elsewhere aiming to hit major "right wing" (perceived MAGApede) and nationalist areas of the internet, capitalizing on hatred people have for Blumpf due to his betrayals which were entirely predictable to everyone but the lowest IQ NPCs
RadicalMedia LLC
Yangs Chief of Staff, Carly, belongs to this international, highly acclaimed marketing and publicity company with offices in Shanghai and other places across the globe. She manages the campaign, Discord shills claim there's no affiliation between Radicalmedia and Yang Gang, yet also state that any criticism of Yang Gang should be directed to Carly of Radicalmedia.She's also a feminist and a zionist, but what else could one expect?
One thing is certain: the shilling is obviously an organized operation. Are they paid? Any suspicious connections?
Disclaimer: fuck Trump, fuck voting, fuck the democrats and republicans and fuck democracy. White revolution is the only solution.
Is Patrick Little going to run as a Democrat or try to primary Trump? He'd probably be better off trying for the DNC ticket because in spite of all the affected kvetching it seems unlikely that Trump would lose a primary (R).
#yangbang the world into true submission.
Long live the untermenschen. All glory to the expansion and eventual collapse of the hordes of useless, uninteresting, sinful plebs. It isn't their fault that high corruption subsidized them into fruitless and painful existence, and the bill of sale for their pain is hereby assigned to those who took it upon themselves to farm human misery and degeneracy as if they were carrots and potatoes.
Trump failed spectacularly so many people that used to meme for trump nigger have realized the country isn't salvageable, but it is in fact in whites best interest to try and put a bullet into the zombie republic's head so maybe something can rise from the ashes. The neetbux is as good as 'build the wall' for meme fuel. and it helps he isn't blatently as anti-white or Israels bitch boy as Trump
ang called whites future serial killers
only shitposters who aren't serious and lazy neets support yang.
If you're not a future serial killer why the fuck are you here?
I'd like to know the address of his supporters
How is that any different than Trump?
if he had a Jewish daughter or grand kids, I couldn't imagine the hate he would get here
Update to future serial killers narrative
Yang says:
Most likely there won't be a primary in the first place. Trump's last campaign and the "opposition" to it were a total work, just like in professional wrestling.
Nobody gives a fuck about Trump you niggerfaggot go back to your Discord server.
If I wanted a chink to give me my own money back, I would take it out of your mother's purse after I kick her out of bed.
like pottery
Sure sounds like you do
Whites have all the guns…
Does he have any idea what kind of door he is opening with a statement like this?
kys discord faggots