On Brendon Tarrant: the Christchurch Shooter

Brendon did not target innocents. He didn't attack teenagers at a pop concert or families enjoying a night out on a public promenade. He struck a highly effective blow against part of the political machine that is still actively engaged in attacking his people and attempting to eradicate them. If you don't believe violence is a legitimate way of resisting invasion, if you don't think that making war on those making war on you is permissible, that's your prerogative, but your opinion is both ahistorical and irrelevant.

The fact is that Brendon Tarrant not only gave up his freedom to strike back at the invaders who are actively seeking to destroy your nation and your people, but he did so alone, and in the full knowledge that he would be hated for it by many of the very people he sought to save.

You may recall that someone once said something about the quality of the love that such a self-sacrifice requires. Can you honestly say that it was nothing but simple hatred that inspired him?

Those who are not religious cannot fathom that kind of love, which is why they simply deem him mad, and a monster, and try to avoid thinking about the future. I don't expect you to simply accept my perspective, but it might give you some food for further thought. While he may have done a "terrible thing", it is far more terrible that he was put into a position where he felt the need to do it in the first place.

In any event, should the West, and Oz, survive the ongoing clash of civilizations, Brendon will be considered its first hero. And if it does not, well, then Brendon will be regarded in much the same way that Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, and P.G.T. Beauregard are presently regarded in New Orleans, America, as an evil monster who was "on the wrong side of humanity."

At the end of the day, he was simply practising politics by other means in a world where democracy is only a one-way train ride to hell and we are in a state of war by all definitions. If every man had his dedication and determination, we'd be living in a much better place. And for that alone, I salute him.

Attached: TheHeroWeDontDeserve.webm (1280x720, 13.34M)

Other urls found in this thread:

media.8ch.net/file_store/54f2c833440fc3a8abb1a1272ef93d335ef7e136deb32cc45fcc655aed82af9c.mp4/ChristChurch Massacre.mp4

ok cia


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The tripfag Moody from >>>/4chon/ is from new zealand and did the shooting.


dont forget to bodybag the responding zogbots

do you think he broke the high score?

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glownigger shooting blanks at shitty crisis actors.


I think you dropped your jitterbug

oh shut the fuck up

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Nope. He's up there though. Looked like all shots were center of mass.

An Aussie's last shitpost against America

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Link here
Or since it's already posted invidio.us/watch?v=ks_6m4WvtwM


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Lol muslim.

Probably not, Breivik's IQ was far higher and he was much more autistic about preperation and execution, but Brenton's is pretty respectable. He definitely put the burgers to shame.

Where were you when the saxon began to hate?

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I hope that the government shuts down so that you feds would have to eat ramen noodles.

LOL NZ TV still doesn't know the names of any suspects or even if anyone died.

Nothing of value was lost.

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No, but he might beat a haji mass shooter high score, like Omar Mateen the slayer of queers.

Other locals joining in on the fun

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27 so far, I think there was 2 shooters though?

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media.8ch.net/file_store/54f2c833440fc3a8abb1a1272ef93d335ef7e136deb32cc45fcc655aed82af9c.mp4/ChristChurch Massacre.mp4

There's no way this is real.
No one screams, yells, pants, or makes any audible noise after or while being shot.
Also at the end the 2 corners of the room.
The piles of "bodies" and he shoots them?
If they eneded to be shot they were alive if they were alive why were they already dead in corners? That would take an hour to drag bodies to corners like that.

And the vid that stourts out with a headshot the blood travels WAY TOO far in a perfect pattern of chevrons, not a splatter.

It was an effort post.

RWDS is becoming reality. Literal Einsatzgruppen cleansing NZ as we speak

ABOUT NZ SHOOTING: You don't know who I am and I don't give a shit if you believe me or not, you dumb faggots. But let me tell you, some the rats who encouraged these two autsitic wannabe vikings to do this have been identified and many more will be. Be prepared, you sad pathetic losers

It looks real to me. He's a retard though, going after innocents. The guy at the door (I forget what they're called) even says, "Hello brother" to him. Sad.

even though I can see how he got to this, he has achieved nothing. these kind of events don't slow them from coming to our countries, sadly politics is the only viable way to make a more permanent change. accelerationism only works when the other side does it, it pushes the people in the middle closer to our side, but when randoms do this even after we tell glow in the dark niggers to stop inciting violence, not only do the centrists move further left but those who kinda agreed with us (the ones who agree but aren't totally invested/radical), are also pushed left. also even if we forgot about the negative effects it has on our movement in reality, it also puts 8ch in the spotlight making us more known to normalfags, for quite a while almost nobody outside of those who came during the great exodus from 4chan or the fags who chose to stay with m00t knew about this site, now I see normalfags on twitter mentioning us, the news has us mentioned in a lot of articles, etc.

outside of the memes this can make, this is ultimately detrimental.

huge load of bullshit.

Happy hunting Brent.

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Shooter comes in from the wrong direction
fake and gay

There is no such thing as an innocent invader.

i used to play an asian mmo with the shooter his scrn name is nel


This will probably be the final nail in the coffin for 8 pol. Enjoy your shitposting while you can, because it will be a lot less fun after this place turns into 4 chan 2.0. Now everyone will know about this place because of this idiots actions. I can see it now, nothing but one line OPs, no real content or ideas being shared, only interracial porn and dubs posts.

Fog of war. He got in the car so fast reports were still coming in from the first place when he arrived at the second place.

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lol, okay fag. so what.

Breivik got seventy-seven and he did it alone. This guy had a partner and had significantly less.

Gosh, I'm glad I have this vpn.

You keep saying that, but I see no reason to believe it. Nor to care, really.

hope this is real.

May as well put the others up to for all the normalfags that will swarm this board.

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They are trying to censor the videos.

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What do you mean wrong direction retard
These are shooters #2 and #3
Livestreamer was #1


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come at me niggers

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It's as simple as this: anti-White actions result in pro-White reactions.


this place has been shit for months if not years anyway i hope more people post here then kill their enemies

wouldnt trust those numbers so soon, wait it out and we'll know for sure

why did he listen to gay ass polka music before doing the shooting? is he that much of an incel he doesnt know good music


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It's ran its course anyways. What more are you going to learn sticking around here?

And doing it across threads too.

So much IP hopping.

',:^) because if you weren't you'd totally get v& for shitposting right?

Oy vey goyim stop fighting back!

Reminder that a kiwi did more than what milliions of amerimutts did in decades.
Just hand your gun in, you fat fucks wont do anything with it anyway.

If you actually watched any combat footage, murders, and torturings then you would know that unless you shoot the head or lungs you're not going to have blood splurt out like in the movies, retard.

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I've learned you hop IPs like a fucking louse my man.


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There is still no political solution.
Brenton Tarrant understood this.

the NZ police are fucking spastic and running around in circles.
they got the guy.
just take photos, load the bodies in body bags, and get on with it.
It's fucking Thursday M8

They aren't innocents. These are the exact kind of people who occupied and oppressed the outer territories of the Ottoman Empire and they intend to do the same here.

I no way believe he only killed 27, with how thorough he was doing the video.


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Meanwhile they don't shoot shit and this guy just went more 1776 than they could ever hope to be while being full 1488. Someone one up him in America.

You have a very low IQ.

That was a different mosque, who knows if they coordinated or people decided that now was the time for New Zealand to rise up.

A true Aussie to the end

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You don't get to bring friends.

Spoken like a true cuck. Go and read multiple books on war theory and history then come back. We are in a state of war by military and historical standards and men like Brendon are the few people that recognise that and they are reacting reasonably. If you put his actions in the context of Rome or Sparta, they are perfectly natural and normal, but you fail to see this because you have been brainwashed into pacifism.

There is no such thing as an innocent invader.

Reminder that the governments of Europe happily accepted the Muslims. Don't forget to show EU leaders a magazine full of love. Finally, the Christian and Jewish leaders happily welcomed the Muslims with open arms. Don't forget to show a barrel load of love to the churches and synagogues.

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I’m not gonna believe until I see it, but if it’s true I can’t believe I witnessed the day Breivik was dethroned

We'll see. That guy wasn't a journo, he was the leader of some mudshit organization and said that the leader of the first responders at the scene estimated at least a hundred dead. That could be "casualties", though.

God bless you, Brendon. /ourcrusader/

It's Friday my dude. It's dinner time, we gotta stop for maccas.

He did the right thing. Killing the enemy is always the right thing to do.


Have you ever considered we're living in an age of decline and people are just doing crazy shit without any kike involvement? Every time a European person goes on a rampage to match the dozens of subhuman rampages that go unpunished Zig Forums erupts in speculations on some yid plots.
The jews don't need false flags in this day and age, look at all the shit they get away with on normal days.
Just calm down and hope this kind of thing normalizes instead of falling for Shlomo's "THIS IS HUGE NEWS" trick.

Higher than yours Schlomo!
At least when I multi-IP shitpost, its not so fucking obvious I'm some hack in service to (((corporate capitalism))). ;D

Yeah, he attacked white people. What a hero.

Just a reminder that an attack on white people's image is a direct assault on white people.


I haven't been banned for years. My shitposting is jannie approved.



Did this guy go after shit skins or what? Did he get a high score?

Mother of God.

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See, that's why it helps to be a Christian.

Us Jesus lovers at least have pews to duck and hide under.

Poor muzzies never had a chance.

I think the moment it struck me just how out of touch and fucking retarded all these neo-nazi neckbeards on Zig Forums are, was when they call him a hero and shut anyone down for saying he's not.

Yeah faggot. There is nothing heroic about shooting a bunch of weaponless, non-threatening people who didn't see you coming, and then running away like a pussy when the cops come a-calling. He's a pussy, but hey, maybe he'll redeem himself if he's gonna hide out. Maybe he'll shot himself. I mean, how fucking socially autistic people DO exist on this board? Nothing about this is innately heroic, hence why everyone finds ISIS repulsive, but only the ISIS dumbass thought that made them look good, he's just a psychopath.

And were is ISIS now? Oh right, losing and getting tortured by Kurds and Assad soldiers.

Yes and yes.

reply to obvious bait. If this guy actually lurks in here he would've mentioned the Jews in his manifesto more, rather than saying he isn't anti-semitic
more like a direct attack on this platform and guilt by association tactic

When you have a VPN, the 'jannies' no longer matter.

They were (((invited))) in.

even if that was true hes taking out traitors. so whats the problem?


I would not be at all surprised if he did. Man had skills.