The more you allow the actions of the shooter to divide your communities and nations, the more you are giving into the shooter's demands. stay safe, love your families and your neighbors, and don't allow people to divide you along these lines.
The more you allow the actions of the shooter to divide your communities and nations...
Other urls found in this thread:
go back to watching cuckporn, faggot
Fuck off kike. I hope more follow in his footsteps!
This thread is dogshit and yet the mods leave it up.
You just know they're watching the board like a hawk right now too.
Who is divided? Brenton Tarrant is a god damned hero!
Tommy Robinstein CO tactics to take the heat off the kike. Israel needs the goyim to hate mudslimes more than jews to ensure it's survival.
When the shooter and I have nearly identical taste in music and ridiculous tac gear. Though I like to think I spent more on my car.
Feels pretty good, man.
At least some people know how to sage, lol. Seriously, I do hope that people are giving more thought into moving past issues without radicalization. I know you're out there, and that you're reading. Just keep doing it right.
Go back to where you came from faggot. A nation is bound in the blood not some shopping mall you pick and choose to which you belong.
Good shit OP. Stay safe, fuck the psycopaths who want to murder innocents, nazi or muslim.
My nation is a divided piece of shit, populated by embarrassing postmodern people, and i have no interest in uniting with my fellow countryxirs
Nations are united by values you inbred cunt.
who is this cute anime girl that I want to fuck?
Eco! Orale
Nations are defined by blood. The word 'nation' comes from the Latin word 'nation' which means 'race, kindred, people'. It's impossible for people of different races to belong to the same nation, no matter how many times kikes like (You) try to butcher the word.
Go back to where you came from you redditnigger. You obviously just got off the boat from whatever shit site you frequent after hearing about the shooting; fuck off and go back.
Sage for doublepost, the Latin word is 'natio'.
You are right. National Socialists and muslim nationalists have a lot in common.
Time to leave conflict behind and kill kikes.
Posting in still-historic thread. Note the new memes.
It's just like that kike with the face surgery (to look white) who killed all those children in Norway… immidiately after Norway was NOT going to sell their oil to Israel.
Now we have multiple shooters a (((lone gunman))) that decides to frame all whites… immediately after Israel decides to genocide Palestinians (many are either white or Christian).
Chairman Mao from GJ-bu.
My friend wants a link to the shooting stream vid, does anyone have a link?
I think this link still works.
Remember that nothing can ruin the plans of the shooter like continuing to be civil and not fall into factionalized political debates. Be ready to compromise, and remember that sometimes it's best to turn the other cheek.
Read the thread, nigger.
Link doesn't work
Working fine for me.
We will kill you all. Remember the "soon" part? It has begun. Every single jew, liberal and mudslime will be killed.
There are already many mobilizing right now to do more. You won't ever be safe again. The bullets will fly through your heads. And you won't even know when it will happen. But it will. And even faster now.
have fun larping the day of the rope in your mom's basement
The user you're replying to is probably some media stooge trying to shut down this site.
I hope you two are having some good foreskin breakfast this fine morning
so-called "civic" so-called "nationalism"
kys kike
good stuff
Brought us all together here he's a true Aussie legend. Up there with Ned Kelly
Barbarians like you are a threat to society. You just want to kill everyone that isn't like you. You don't have morals. You don't have ethics. The whole damn world is "kill or be be killed, other people be damned." Dying to protect my people from your derangement would be the greatest honor.
It's insane to see these wignat people are completely serious. You spend years thinking it's all fun and games, but the humor was completely lost on these people. Everyone is so ideological now, maybe this is a consequence of having no national identity.
(((your people)))
I'd rather literally sell myself to your boogeyman (((Jew))) than you.
The absolute state of Christ cucks
But doing what you suggest means uniting with the Jew, so no. Let the divisions continue!
Smart people go back to being super racist, including against the Jews allowing these dumpster fires to happen in the first place.