Ok listen. I am hanz. This post was intended for 4chan Zig Forums but im banned on there like allways abd it concerns you aswell and im tired of your shit.
Copy paste begins
You fucking faggots.
All of this is not real, but i will tell you anyways all the things that are wrong with this situation.
1. Christchurch was that one place i considered moving to because i thought it was the last good place on earth AND YOU HAVE TO CORRUPT IT WITH YOUR SHIT i dont even know why you do all this to me.
The pain im feeling is beyond the scale and i cant even process anymore all the pain im feeling. There is nothing good in this world because all this is an illusion and every day i wake up with fear and pain.
2. You did this inhumane heartless shooting right after i complained how HEARTLESS you beings must be for torturing me like this all my life. I literally never did anything and i never had anything. Right when i was born it started. Why do you do this you satanic beings? Why do you do this? WHY DO YOU TORTURE ME!!!!
the pain is breaking the scales and its so much i cant process it anymore but you know that already.
4. you fucking faggots. I just woke up from crying and begging for mercy all night yesterday only to find out another heartless mass shooting in a city i liked happened. This fucking conspiracy to destroy good and break my heart is fucking… i cant find words for it but im so fucking done and i want this pain to end and i vant take it anymord and no obe helps me because this fuckong world is a simulation and you all arent real
5. Doing a mass shooting in a city called christchurch IS A FUCKING LINE THAT IS SO DARK RED YOU CANT EVEN FIND IT ON THE FUCKING SPECTRUM
I dont even believe any of this is real and the place is so fucking terrible and torture all the way around abd no one ever does good and what ever you fucking things are, you are not human.
And if you were, this would now be the monent where you lost your humanity, and everyone who supports this murder, you wont fibd your souls anymore because you are so far gone in the negative spectrum
Ok, let me tell you one thing, and i dont care if ur just npcs or not but i feel better if i mention this.
1. Every human (i know you arent humans but let me just put it right how it should be correct) being must be appreciated
It doesnt matter what race, what belief, what they do, what they achieve, what their fucking income is.
The only thing that matters is that they are living things too.
And if you ask me, animals shouldnt be massacred either for food. Fucking eat synthethic proteins or something but i dont want to see animals dieing. Especially at the technological level we are now. I know you will hate me for spreading good words, but fuck you and i do what i wabt. And i do it bexause i like doibg good.
2. The obly things that are important in life are the unimportant things. Not your car, what matzers are thibgd like how good your heart is and how emphathic you are and what yozr moral compass is. I dont want to see pain ok? Pain is bad and you, what ever you are, you spread pain.
I am disgusted by your actions, what ever you are, and i wish you would all be punished for being as you are. But the world right now is on a very dark path and you are satans right hands, as you can see for doing a mass shooting in CHRISTCHURCH
3. I cant put in words how wrong it is what you do to me. Have mercy. You can see into my head and you know what im thinking. Its pointlesd to ask for mercy. Because what ever you are, you are just here to torture me and you have done so since i was born.